Research Design An Analysis Of Code-Mixing In Magazine “Chic”


3.1 Research Design

Spolsky 1998:14, says “Sociolinguists believe that the study of language must go beyond the sentences that are the principal focus of descriptive and theoretical linguistics. It must go beyond language and bring in social context. It must deal with the ‘real’ texts that make up human communication and the social situations in which they are used. The focus of attention shifts from sentence to the act of communication”. This thesis will be done by applying the qualitative method of case study. In this study, the approach is taken through a qualitative approach. This mean that the data collected is not the form of numbers but the data come from the text interviews, field notes, personal documents, and other official documents. The goal of this qualitative study is to describe the empirical reality behind the phenomenon in depth, and completely. Therefore the use of a qualitative method in this research is to match the empirical reality of the prevailing theory using descriptive methods. Furchan, 1992:22 says, “Metode Kualitatif adalah prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif: Ucapan atau tulisan dan prilaku yang dapat diamati dari orang-orang subjek itu sendiri. It means that, qualitative method is the research procedure that is produce descriptive data. The utterance or writing and the behavior that can observed from it subject. Nasution 1988:5, “Penelitian kualitatif pada hakekatnya ialah mengamati orang dalam lingkungan hidupnya, berinteraksi dengan mereka, berusaha memahami bahasa dan tafsiran mereka tentang dunia sekitarnya.. It means that, the qualitative researcher admitted that there is the world out of themselves and they don’t known that world completely. so, willi nilly, they must see that world from their sight. To do a research of language, the researcher can use some method. For example yield research, library research, or experimental research. The research that write in this thesis tell about the language used by the writers of the short story in “CHIC”. So, related with the topic that researched about code-mixing which is write in the short story of that magazine. As explain before, that if the researcher collect the data from informan, then it be the source of data, it can categorize that research in to the yield research. In this situation, the researcher collect the data from that magazine. Therefore, can be said that the data take from the written data. As the theory of research that if the data take from the written source, the research is categorize to library research. The step that done by the researcher namely, collected the magazine that tell in the title and background. After the magazine collected, the researcher take the linguistics data which contains code-mixing. After the data collected, so the researcher tabulated it as the kinds of mixing words, phrases, and clauses. After finished, it can to be analyzed.

3.2 Data and Data Source