Coordinating Conjunction + Subject + Predicate + Object

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language in other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object it also can include adverb and conjunction. It is a simple sentence because it contains one full subject this, predicate may prove, object to be the revelation to the science of economics of and can be include adverb of manner well and adverb of time the present crisis. 27. Coordinating Conjunction + Subject + Predicate + Object Or we could look Coor. Conj. S P to an established international institution to lead the way O infinitival clause Feb. 10 th , par. 30 The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language in other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object it also can include adverb and conjunction. It is a simple sentence because it contains one full subject we, predicate could look, object to an established international institution to lead the way and can be include coordinating conjunction or. Or is that the world will begin Coor. Conj. S P Universitas Sumatera Utara to see the problems as well as the promises in Obama’s overture to the Muslim world O infinitival clause Feb. 11 th , par. 6 The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language in other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object it also can include adverb and conjunction. It is a simple sentence because it contains one full subject is that the world, predicate will begin, object to see the problems as well as the promises in Obama’s overture to the Muslim world and can be include coordinating conjunction or. So what can be done to extricate the US from ‘the fiscal policy trap’ Coor. Conj. S P O Feb. 14 th , par. 21 The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language in other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object it also can include adverb and conjunction. It is a simple sentence because it contains one full subject what can be done, predicate to extricate, object the US from ‘the fiscal policy trap’ and can be include coordinating conjunction so. Universitas Sumatera Utara 28. Subject + Predicate + Subordinating Conjunction + Object