Jessie resolves the intrapersonal conflicts

39 he shouted, furious pp.333-334. Jessie begs and cries. She tries to give the explanation but Mr. Martin does not want to hear any words from Jessie. She pleaded, she begged, she cried, she tried to reason with him, but all in vain. He was in no mood to listen. He wanted her out and he wanted her out that day. ‘ I can’t go just like that,’ she said, the tears pouring down her face. My furniture- p.334. Mr. Martin does not want to know. He insists her to go right away. Mr. Martin is ve ry angry knowing that Jessie’s husband is a deserter. ‘If you can’t get it shifted today, leave it. Whoever I let come in will be some poor cow whose home’s been blown apart. She can use your things. Now pack your bags and get out. If you’re still here tomorrow I’ll paint things on the window you’ll be ashamed to see p.334’ Jessie feels very sad. She has no place again to stay. After her mother throws her, now her landlord does the same thing. She feels that everyone hate her and nobody help her. The conflicts from people around her makes Jessie stressed and disappointed. Moreover, Tom does not want to responsible for his fault. Jessie has to accept the fact that her social environment mocks her.

4.4 Jessie resolves the intrapersonal conflicts

Every conflict must have the solution, but it depends on the person itself whether they want to resolve the conflict or not. According to Kestner and Ray 2002: 60-63, behaviors in dealing with conflict are derived from innate tendencies and life lessons. By resolving the conflict, we can get the valuable life lesson. There are eight styles of conflict management such as avoidance, accommodation, passivity, compromise, aggression, assertion, collaboration and 40 problem solving. Each style has its own weakness and strengths. People can choose which style of conflict- management that they want to take. In this discussion, Jessie uses different styles for her conflict. Her intrapersonal conflict is when she must let her husband go to war or not she uses collaboration style. She uses collaboration style when she tries to resolve her jealousy to other woman who has a job and fun times.

4.4.1 Jessie let her husband go to war

Concerning that the country is at war with German, Jessie supports her husband to fight against German even tough deep inside her heart she cannot let her husband go to war. Jessie can let her feeling away, she motivates Tom to go to war and fight with other men. ‘No, but you’ave to go for the same reason as every other man. If you don’t go out there and stops Hitler, He’ll take this country and who knows what kind of a life we’ll be facing. This is a free country, Tom. Fight to keep it that way. For Billy, if not for us. Think of his future and our grandchildren p.20.’ Jessie uses collaboration style to resolve her inner conflict, she does not want to be selfish, and she wants to be cooperative. Collaboration style needs an assertive and cooperative attitude so all the parties can agree. She believes that the war will be over soon and she can get together again with Tom and their baby.

4.4.2 Jessie ignores her jealousy

Jessie realizes that now she is a married woman, she must be responsible to her husband and child. She does not want her jealousy controls her feeling. 41 Jessie has a lot of activities and family who encourage her. If Jessie feels lonely she can go to her mother’s house. ‘I don’t sit in all the time. Once we’ve finished this bit of lunch I’ve got every intention of going out for a walk p.32.’ ‘Yep. And then on to visit Mum and Stephen. It’s better than sitting in all day p.32.’ Jessie uses collaboration conflict- management style to resolve her lonely feeling. Jessie can enjoy her role as a wife and mother. Jessie regards that her jealousy is not necessary. The important thing is that she has to look after Billy as good as possible. Jessie tries to compromise with her lonely feeling. She overcomes her lonely feeling by doing positive thing. She visits her family if she feels lonely. 4.5 Jessie resolves the interpersonal conflict 4.5.1 Jessie moves to Kent