Data Analysis Technique RESEARCH METHODOLOGY while the class more or less similar situation. The researcher also took video record in classroom observation to attain the validation of findings in classroom observation.

H. Research Stages

This research is conducted paternally as the following stages: 1 Preliminary Research As the aim to clear up the exposure to English related to this research, the researcher started this study by conducting preliminary research since March 25 th – Apr 17 th . This preliminary research gave the information to the researcher about Amount of English that the members’ get in the process of learning at SHTC. By this step, the researcher could also make sure and understand the real phenomenon about Exposure to English at SHTCf. 2 Designing Investigation In this designing investigation, the researcher identify exposure to English in the form of observation checklist and supported by the field note. In investigating learning system applied at SHTC, the researcher designed in the type of interview and observation adapted from the theories. Hence realizing the learning system was finished by using interview guide. 3 Implementing Investigation In this stage, the researcher started to observe language exposure through observation checklist and field note. And the, the researcher observed learning system through observation checklist and interview. In the end, the researcher did an interview to the members by using interview guide to explore members’ learning experience. 4 Analyzing data The following step is analyzing the data. After getting the data from some instruments, the researcher precisely analyzed the data in order to get the answer of research questions as stated above 5 Concluding data In order to get result of the research, the researcher concluded the findings. The conclusion of this study become the final result of this study. 44


This chapter focuses on the data findings and discussion of the research. This will be the main point of the research as the chapter becomes the result of all research process.

A. Research Findings

The researcher has conducted the research from 28 th August to 30 th October and obtained the data from the technique mentioned in chapter III. They are an interview, observation, and documentation. To gain the aims of this research, the researcher has analyzed the data were collected methodically. In this step, the data was interpreted in order to obtain the significant result of the research. Then, the researcher reported the data based on particular research questions: 1 what kind of exposure do the members get at SHTC, 2 How are the systems at SHTC to provide exposure to English, and 3 What are the members’ learning experiences at SHTC. Showing the result of this study, those findings are categorized based on the research question of the study. 45 Exposure to English the Members Get at SHTC In this study, the research only focuses on formal exposure which is related to all English t hat the members’ get at SHTC. Based on observation, the researcher tabulated the data of exposure to English which were obtained from observation checklist and field note see appendix 1 and 2 which were related to the time consuming in exposing with English language. At the following, the researcher presents the data by using percentage to make the readers easier in interpreting the chart below. Notes: E1 : Listening to the class presentation E2 : Sharing ideas with classmates E3 : Giving oral presentation E4 : Talking to the instructor when asking a questions Chart 4.1 Formal Exposure to English However as seen in chart 4.1 there are 4 categories of activities which were 100 occurred at SHTC. The categories of the activities give the opportunity to the member to expose with English. Those formal exposures include listening to the class presentation, sharing ideas with 20 40 60 80 100 E1 E2 E3 E4 100 12 100 25