Requests Speech Features of Gossip among Female Characters in Gossip Girl

in Blair’s party. Serena’s mother does know that Blair has party that night. By giving this information, her mother knows that Serena went to Blair’s party. 4: 34 Blair Cedric? Your brothers name? Jenny No, that was his Cabbage Patch Kid. My brothers name is Dan. Actually, you might know him. He, uhm, he went out with Serena last night. Blair That was your brother? So does that mean youre friends with Serena now? Jenny I mean, I dont have a problem with her but if someone did havea problem with her I wouldnt have a problem with that either. No. 19EP2S23P47-P48 Datum 4: 34 shows that the function of gossip that occurs is to provide information. W hile Jenny played Blair’s doll, she told Blair that her brother’s name was Dan, not Cedric. Moreover, she added that Blair met her brother in the party last night and he was the man who came with Serena in that party. However, Blair, who was in a problem with Serena, responded from the information given by Jenny that Jenny was the friend of Serena. Jenny did not accept that responds and told Blair that their problem is not hers. Thus, she did not have any problem with Serena or Blair.

4: 35 Blair Do you remember when Dad gave me my first Yale

sweatshirt? I dont think any piece of clothing has ever fit me more perfect, not to mention how adorable I found that bulldog. Remember when I asked you if I could get a bulldog? Good call by the way saying no, and now the big day is finally here. Soon Nate and I will be at college, him going down to Yale, me going up to Dartmouth. Dad flying in for the Princeton game, you like watching me grow up , don’t you? [The camera turns and we see that she has been talking to Dorota this whole time. Dorota turns to Blair with a breakfast tray.] Dorota Eat up Miss Blair. Your mom would want you to have a good breakfast. No. 22EP3S08P69 The function of gossip in datum 4: 35 is to provide information. Blair provides information to Dorota about her stories. Blair began with her story about her father who gave her the first Yale sweatshirt that was very perfect for her. Then, she also mentioned about the bulldog. She did not forget about Nate, her boyfriend who would be at Yale university, and her plan to Dartmouth university. The last, she also told her about her father who was flying in for the Princeton game. Thus, those stories make the function of gossip as to provide information clearly shown.

b. To give entertainment

This function comes fourth in the rank with occurrences of four times out of 45 data. It means that the percentage is 8.89 of 100. To give entertainment becomes one of the functions of gossip because it is fun and enjoyable to deliver gossip. Moreover, it also becomes source of pleasure. It provides distraction and relief from monotonous and routine tasks. The description of this function of gossip is presented below. 4: 36 Jenny Wow, Blair, its beautiful. I mean... you look beautiful. Blair Its average. And besides, Stella McCartneys a much better version of Bergdorfs. Jenny Mmm... Ive been meaning to go by Bergdorfs. No. 16 EP2S23P47 Datum 4: 36 presents the example of the function of gossip as to give entertainment. Talking about beautiful dress gives entertainment for them. The female characters of Gossip Girl Season 1 in this datum was Jenny and Blair who