Business Segment Transaksi dan Saldo dengan Pihak Berelasi Transactions and Balances with Related Parties

PT IMPACK PRATAMA INDUSTRI Tbk DAN ENTITAS ANAK CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN Lanjutan Per 30 September 2016 Tidak Diaudit dan 31 Desember 2015 Diaudit serta Untuk Periode 9 Bulan yang Berakhir pada 30 September 2016 Tidak Diaudit dan 2015 Tidak Diaudit Dalam Rupiah Penuh PT IMPACK PRATAMA INDUSTRI Tbk AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Continued As of September 30, 2016 Unaudited and December 31, 2015 Audited For the 9 Month Periods Ended September 30, 2016 Unaudited and 2015 Unaudited In Full Rupiah 120 Rp Rp Jumlah Aset Total Assets Manufaktur Manufacturing Dalam Negeri 1.392.241.762.435 56,71 56,34 Domestic Luar Negeri 48.354.916.867 1,97 51.799.828.932 2,34 Overseas Distribusi Distribution Dalam Negeri 310.925.858.128 12,67 255.681.964.656 11,55 Domestic Luar Negeri 3,55 89.819.927.494 4,06 Overseas Real Estate 616.135.633.772 25,10 569.024.791.905 25,71 Real estate 2.454.828.190.437 100,00 2.213.508.385.541 100,00 Eliminasi 617.294.932.750 538.275.700.384 Elimitation Jumlah 1.837.533.257.687 1.675.232.685.157 Total Jumlah Liabilitas Total Liabilities Manufaktur Manufacturing Dalam Negeri 548.485.068.731 55,04 449.392.086.312 52,46 Domestic Luar Negeri 66.475.980.850 6,67 68.640.313.764 8,01 Overseas Distribusi Distribution Dalam Negeri 235.107.536.725 23,59 174.872.936.290 20,41 Domestic Luar Negeri 31.495.451.528 3,16 32.232.378.148 3,76 Overseas Real Estate 114.957.836.398 11,54 131.553.536.667 15,36 Real estate 996.521.874.232 100,00 856.691.251.181 100,00 Eliminasi 349.634.752.748 278.338.520.975 Elimitation Jumlah 646.887.121.484 578.352.730.206 Total 30 September 2016 31 Desember 2015 September 30, 2016 December 31, 2015 Laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain konsolidasian Consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income Manufaktur Distribusi Real Estate Eliminasi Konsolidasian Manufacture Distribution Real Estate Elimination Consolidation Penjualan 711.543.779.265 486.182.733.540 126.344.368.319 475.543.494.064 848.527.387.060 Sales Beban Pokok Penjualan 521.810.642.284 427.143.174.019 51.412.677.072 462.350.854.866 538.015.638.509 Cost Of Goods Sold Laba Bruto 189.733.136.981 59.039.559.521 74.931.691.247 13.192.639.198 310.511.748.551 Gross Profit Beban Lain-lain - Neto 91.922.695.948 61.523.608.203 27.595.169.588 2.499.638.592 178.541.835.147 Other Expenses - Net Laba Sebelum Pajak 97.810.441.033 2.484.048.682 47.336.521.659 10.693.000.606 131.969.913.404 Profit Before Income Beban Pajak Penghasilan 26.009.626.860 138.447.712 78.247.740 -- 25.949.426.888 Income Tax Expense Laba Tahun Berjalan 71.800.814.173 2.345.600.970 10.693.000.606 106.020.486.516 Profit for The Year Pendapatan Komprehensif Other Comprehensive Lain 14.447.485.849 4.558.087.632 1.551.766.500 -- 20.557.339.981 Income Total Laba Komprehensif Total Comprehensive Income Tahun Berjalan 57.353.328.324 6.903.688.602 45.706.507.419 10.693.000.606 85.463.146.535 for The Year Kepentingan Non Pengendali 32.625.252 4.991.245 22.419.510.620 -- 22.447.144.627 Non-Controlling Interests Laba Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan Comprehensive Income for yang Diatribusikan Kepada Pemilik the Current Year Attributable Entitas Induk 57.320.703.072 6.898.697.357 23.286.996.799 10.693.000.606 to Owners of the Parent 30 September 2016 September 30, 2016