RESEARCH METHOD LLOVE AND Love And Hope Reflected In Gayle Forman’s If I Stay Novel (2009):An Individual Psychological Approach.



3.1 Finding

They are six kinds of personality in If I Stay novel based on Adler fictional finalism, striving for succes or superiority, inferiority feeling, style of life, social interest, and creative self. The discussion below will show it. The Final goal is reflected in main character in If I Stay novel Mia who was born from musician’s family. But, she chooses as a Cellist. Hearing that, her parents are laughing. Because her father is ex-drummer of Nasty Bruises Band and he did not had a basic cellist. Finally , Mia’s parents give her permission to play a Cello and her father gives her a new Cello. Her parents gave a private teacher to teach her, professor Christie is her private teacher. She is very lucky because her parents really love her. Mia : Monologue When I announced to Mom and Dad that I was going to become a cellist, the both burst out laughing. They apologized about it later, claiming that the image of print-size me with such a hulk- ing instrument between my spindly legs had made them crack up. If I Stay script, 22 th page, 2 th paragraph Mia : Monologue but in my family, playing music was still more important than the type of music you played, so when after a few months it became clear that my love for the cello was no passing crush, my parents rented me one so I could practice at home. 5 If I Stay script, 23 th page, 2 th paragraph In the middle of her struggling to be a cellist, before she will perform her play, she feels scared. She is going to be back of stage so other people search her, but her father can find her. She talks to her father that she feels nervous. Her father always supports her to play cello on the stage. Her parents are preparing something to her. Dad : You okay, Mia Oh-My-Uh? Mia : bow her head Dad : What’s Up? Mia : I can’t do it. Dad : Well, that would be a shame. I’ve got a dandy of a recital present for you. Better than flowers. Mia : Give it to someone else. I can’t go out there. I’m not like you or Mom or even Teddy. Dad : It’s true. When Teddy gave his first harp concert, he was cool as cucumber. Such a prodigy. Mia : she laughed through her tears Dad : You know that I used to get the most ferocious jitters before a show. Mia : You’re just saying that. Dad : No, I’m not. It was a god-awful. Mia : So, what did you do? Mom : He got wasted. Mia : But seriously, how do you get over the jitters? Dad : You don’t. You just hang in there.