A Brief Description of Characters in Gayle Forman’s novel just one day







REG.NO. 112202026






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I, M. REZKI SIREGAR, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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The title of this paper is “A Brief Description of Characters in Gayle Forman’s novel just one day” discuss about the main characters which exist in the novel. Those main characters have kind of different characteristics and also have different behavior. The library research is used that is by reading some books that relevant to this title or as a source to get some information that can support this title and also by searching on internet. From the description, there are three main characters in the novel. They are Allyson Healey, Melanie and Willem. Allyson Healey is a good girl and she is very obedient to her parents. Melanie is an arrogant girl in her campus and also she is clever to tell lies in front of her friend. Willem is a blond man from Netherlands who likes to adventure and also he’s



Kertas karya yang berjudul “A Brief Description of Chracters in Gayle Forman’s novel just one day” ini membahas tentang tokoh-tokoh utama yang terdapat di dalam novel tersebut. Tokoh-tokoh utama tersebut memiliki ciri-ciri yang berbeda dan memiliki sifat yang berbeda juga. Dalam penyusunan kertas karya ini digunakan dengan metode penelitian kepustakaan yakni (library research)

dengan membaca beberapa buku yang berhubungan dengan judul ini dan sebagai sumber untuk mendapatkan beberapa informasi yang bisa mendukung judul ini juga penelusuran dari internet. Ada tiga tokoh dalam novel ini. Mereka adalah Allyson Healey, Melanie dan Willem. Allyson healey adalah anak yang baik dan penurut terhadap orangtuanya. Melanie adalah perempuan yang sangat sombong di kampusnya dan juga pandai berbohong di depan teman-temannya. Willem adalah seorang lelaki pirang asal Belanda yang suka berpetualang dan juga orang yang baik.



Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim, first of all, I would like to thank and praise to The Almighty Allah SWT, for blessing and giving health, strength and ease to accomplish this paper as one of the requirements to get the Diploma III Certificate from English Study Program Faculty of Cultural Study, University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, appreciation and thanks to my lovely parents, Panjang Siregar and Ratna Erli Pane S.Pd. Thank you for all your support, advice, prayers, and loves. I present this paper for you.

I would like to thank Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. as the head of Diploma-III English Study Program, who gives me a lot of knowledge.

I would like to thank Drs. Umar Mono, Dip.Tran., M.Hum. as my supervisor. Thank you for the valuable time in giving me the correction and constructive critics in completing this paper. You are my inspiration.

I would like to thank Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. as the Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to thank for all lecturer in Diploma-III English Study Program for giving me valuable knowledge.

I would like to thank my best friends in SOLIDAS Rumada Pane, Rocky Simanjuntak, Eka Wardhana, Febrilatussakdiyah Hrp, Tri Suci Ratnasari, Shintya Wulandari and Aviandani Aulia Nst for your support, care and other things that help me to complete this paper. Thank you for the nice friendship


I would like to thank to my juniors in SOLIDAS 2013, Vivi, Dinda, Maria, Vio, and Marys for nice friendship during my last year in University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to thank to all my friends in SOLIDAS 2011 and alumnus in SOLIDAS for your kindness to me, I’m going to miss you all.

Medan, July 2014 The writer

M.Rezki Siregar Reg.No.112202026






ABSTRAK……….. iv



1. INTRIDUCTION 1.1 Background of the study………... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study……….... 3

1.3 Scope of the Study……… 3

1.4 Purpose of the Study………. 3

1.5 Method of the Study ………….……… 3

1.6 Reason for Choosing the Topic………….……… 3


2.2 Plot………….……….………... 5

2.3 Character……… 6

2.3.1 Major and Minor Character………….……… 7 Major Character………….……….. 8 Minor Character………….……….. 8

2.3.2 Protagonist and Antagonist………….……… 8 Protagonist ………...……….... 9 Antagonist……… 9

2.3.3 Round and Flat Character……… 10 Round Character……….……….. 10 Flat Character…………..………. 11

2.4 Theme……… 11

2.5 Setting……….………... 13

3. THE DESCRIPTION OF THE CHARACTERS 3.1 Allyson Healey…………..………..……….. 16

3.2 Melanie………..……… 20



4.1 Conclusions………... 24 4.2 Suggestions……… 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY……….……….. 26 APPENDICES

A. Biography of Gayle Forman’s………..……… 27

B. Summary of the Novel………..……… 30 




The title of this paper is “A Brief Description of Characters in Gayle Forman’s novel just one day” discuss about the main characters which exist in the novel. Those main characters have kind of different characteristics and also have different behavior. The library research is used that is by reading some books that relevant to this title or as a source to get some information that can support this title and also by searching on internet. From the description, there are three main characters in the novel. They are Allyson Healey, Melanie and Willem. Allyson Healey is a good girl and she is very obedient to her parents. Melanie is an arrogant girl in her campus and also she is clever to tell lies in front of her friend. Willem is a blond man from Netherlands who likes to adventure and also he’s



Kertas karya yang berjudul “A Brief Description of Chracters in Gayle Forman’s novel just one day” ini membahas tentang tokoh-tokoh utama yang terdapat di dalam novel tersebut. Tokoh-tokoh utama tersebut memiliki ciri-ciri yang berbeda dan memiliki sifat yang berbeda juga. Dalam penyusunan kertas karya ini digunakan dengan metode penelitian kepustakaan yakni (library research)

dengan membaca beberapa buku yang berhubungan dengan judul ini dan sebagai sumber untuk mendapatkan beberapa informasi yang bisa mendukung judul ini juga penelusuran dari internet. Ada tiga tokoh dalam novel ini. Mereka adalah Allyson Healey, Melanie dan Willem. Allyson healey adalah anak yang baik dan penurut terhadap orangtuanya. Melanie adalah perempuan yang sangat sombong di kampusnya dan juga pandai berbohong di depan teman-temannya. Willem adalah seorang lelaki pirang asal Belanda yang suka berpetualang dan juga orang yang baik.



1.1. Background of Study

Literature is a body of written and valued as works of art. Literature may be classified according to a variety of systems, including language, national origin, historical period, genre and subject matter. Rees (1997:9) says that Literature is writing which express and communicates through feelings and attitude towards life.

Roberts and Jacobs in book Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing (1995:2) Literature arerefers to compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas. Before the invention of writing, literary works, were necessarily spoken or sung and were detained only as long as living people performed them. Literature may be classified into four categories or genres: (1) prose fiction, (2) poetry, (3) drama, and (4) nonfiction prose. From the various types of imaginative literature, my choose falls on nonfiction prose, exactly on novel, which is a nonfiction prose narrative of considerable length and complexity, portraying characters and presenting an organized sequence of events and scenes.

Peck and Coyle (19884:102) say, “The novel reflects a move away from an essentially religious view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday experience. Most novels are concerned with ordinary people and their problems in the societies in which they find themselves”. Rees (1973:106) says, “Novel is an immensely challenging task, as used in a broad sense, the term


nonfictional prose literature here designates writing intended to instruct, to persuade, to convert or to convey experience.

Novel is human literature creations. Novel does not, however, present a documentary picture of life. Kennedy (1991:203) says that novel is a book length story in prose, whose author try to create sense while we read, we experience actual life. The novel is a picture of real life and manner time when it was written. Some of them are fiction (unreal) and some of nonfiction (real). In nonfiction novel, the author’s present actual people and events. In fiction novel, the readers will know about characters are categorized as a main character and peripheral characters. Character makes the story become real and interesting. We can understand about the way of story in a novel. Without character, the novel is nothing. The readers can get meaning and many messages of life from the character in a story. To understand a novel, we must be able to know the elements of prose, such as setting, plot, theme, characterization etc. And we need the ability to identify the element of novel if we want to analyze a novel.

The writer chooses “Just One Day” novel written by Gayle Forman in 2013 because the Writer is interested in that. She is one of wonderful author of the

New York Times bestsellers If I Stay and Where She Went. Most people in all over the world have read it, or heard a radio version of it. The author is really creative in composing the novel so that messages of the story can be sent to the readers. This novel tells about love, friendship and the travel. The writer would like to describe The Characters in Gayle Forman Novel: Just One Day, because the writer really interested in this novel.


1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the analysis, the problem of the study may be recognized as follows, how are the characters depicted in the novel?

1.3 The scope of Writing

There are many aspects can be discussed in this novel, nevertheless the writer is focus on The Main Characters in Just One Day by Gayle Forman. Based on the problem, this study is focused on the main characters in the novel.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

In this paper, the purpose of the study is to describe about the Character depicted in the Gayle Forman’s novel “Just One Day”.

1.5 Method of the Study

In this paper, the writer uses the work of the library method. Wellek and Warren (1994:24) which is the approach taken the data from text itself and also use library method (Library Research ) that is by collecting data from books in the library and also search the information from internet, such as data are collected, sorted, and summarized.

1.6 Reason for Choosing the Topic

The writer has chosen Gayle Forman’s novel Just One Day as the subject of this paper, because the writer is interested in the main characters in this novel, especially the main character of Allyson Healey who is interested in character.



Review of Related Literature

2.1 Novel

Novel is a narrative text which tells about human of life. A novel is literary work has been appreciated by many people because it entertains and teaches. Entertaining means, it gives feeling to the readers and teaching means it has some values to imitate by the readers.

Rees (1973:106) says that novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length in which characters and actions representative of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity. In other words a novel is a story longer, more realistic and more complicated. The novel is now the most widely read of all kinds of literature, and one is surprised to find (as its name suggest) that it is fairly new.

Peck and Coyle (1984:102) say that the novel reflects a move away from an essentially religious view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday experience. Most novels are concerned with ordinary people and their problems in the societies in which they find themselves. In fact, novels tend to tell the same few stories time and time again. Novelist frequently focuses on the tensions between individuals and the society in which they live, presenting characters that are at odds with that society. Novels, however, are long works with a great amount of detail on every page. They thus present all the complicating facts that need to be taken into account before we can reach any sort of judgment. The effect of this detail is that we come recognize the complex reality of a character or event in the story. As readers, our real interest lies in the


complications the novelist creates within the familiar pattern of characters at odds with their society that enable us to gain a vivid sense of what is like for particular individuals to be caught in certain events. A productive critical method for achieving a sense of a novel’s complexity is to look closely at sense which you found interesting or memorable, seeing how to details create a vivid and distinctive impression of an individual and society conflict. The novelist an tell a more adventurous story which clearly goes beyond everyday experience.

2.2 Plot

Plot is what the character(s) did, said, and thought. It is the Action Proper given unity by the Enveloping Action, the Universal Action, and the Archetypal Action. As Aristotle said, what gives a story unity is not as the masses believe that it is about one person but that it is about one action. Plot, or storyline, is often listed as one of the fundamental elements of fiction. It is the rendering and ordering of the events and actions of a story. On a micro level, plot consists of action and reaction, also referred to as stimulus and response. On a macro level, plot has a beginning, middle, and an ending. Plot is often depicted as an arc with a zigzag line to represent the rise and fall of action. Plot also has a mid-level structure: scene and summary.

Roberts and Jacobs (1995:88) say that plot is stories are made up mostly of actions or incidents that follow each other sequentially. Finding a sequential or narrative order, however, is only the first step toward the more important consideration. The plot, or the controls governing the development of the actions.


In a well done story, all the actions or incidents, speeches, thoughts and observations are linked together to make up an entirety, sometimes called an organic unity. The essence of this unity is the development and resolution of a conflict-or conflicts-in which the protagonist, or central character, is engaged. The pattern in which the protagonist meets and resolves the conflict is called the plot, which has been compared to the story’s map, scheme, or blueprint. The plot is based on the interactions of causes and effects as they develop sequentially or chronologically. That is, the story actions follow one another in time as the protagonist meets and tries to overcome the forces of opposition. Plot is a literary term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence, through cause and effect, how the reader views the story, or simply by coincidence. A plot "insures that you get your character from point A to point Z" according to author Jenna Blum. One is generally interested in how well this pattern of events accomplishes some artistic or emotional effect. An intricate, complicated plot is called an imbroglio, but even the simplest statements of plot may include multiple inferences, as in traditional ballads.

2.3 Character

Roberts and Jacobs (1995:4) say that character may be defined as a verbal representation of a human being. Through action. Speech, description, and commentary, author portray characters who is worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate. In a story emphasizing a major character, you may expect that each action or


speech, no matter how small, is part of a total presentation of that complex combination of both the inner and outer self that constitutes a human being. Types of character are round characters and flat characters. The round characters usually the main figure in a story profits from experience and undergoes a change or alteration, which may be shown in an action or actions, the realization of the new strength and therefore the affirmation of previous decisions, the acceptance of a new condition, or the discovery of unrecognized truths. The flat character does not grow. They remain the same because they may be stupid or intensive or lacking in knowledge or insight. They end where they begin and are static not dynamic. But flat characters are not therefore worthless, for they usually highlight the development of the round characters.

Peck and Coyle (1984:105) say that character is the people in a novel are referred to as character. We assess them on them on the basis of what the author tells us about them and on the basis of what they do say. The characters are part of a border pattern: they are members of society, and the author’s distinctive view how people related to society will be reflected in the presentation of every character.

2.3.1 Major Character and Minor Character

There is a character which is grouped as important and forward continuously that is thought to determine the large part of story, and on the other hand there is character which is only put forward one several times in story and perhaps it is relatively in short portion of story. The character mentioned first is the major and the second is minor character.

(21) Major Character

We usually face several that are appeared in story. Nevertheless, each character has different role. Based on the role and level of importance, there are essential characters being appeared continuously and it is called major character. A major character is a character that is emphasized to tell the story. The major character always appears in most of the story, either as subject or as object. This character decides the development of the plot and story. A major character is also a complex one, and some adjectives will be needed to describe it. Therefore, it takes the important role in a story. Minor Character

On the other hand, there are characters that appear once or sometimes, and maybe relatively in short portion, it is call minor character. Different from the major character, minor characters take a small role in a story. It only appears when there is direct or indirect parallelism with the major character in the story. 2.3.2 Protagonist and Antagonist

From the function of performance character, it can be distinguished to protagonist character and antagonist character. When read a novel, the readers always identify themselves with the certain character. Give sympathy or empathy; sometimes involve themselves emotionally with the character.

(22) Protagonist

Protagonist is a character who is loved by the audience. He or she likes a hero and the audience always gives sympathy emphasis. The term “hero” does not mean someone who is brave or noble, heroes’ maybe good or evil, low or highborn.

Altenbern and Lewis (Nurgiyantoro, 1998:170) say that Protagonist is character who is admired by the readers or watchers, popularly or she called as a hero because he or she always does ideal role and follows the rules and values in society.

A protagonist is the main character in the story. The protagonist presents something that is adjusted with our perception and expectation and that is why we will recognize him or her because he or she has similarity with us. In short words, everything felt, thought and done by the character represents us. The self-identification toward the character is an empathy given by the readers or watchers. A fiction must have a conflict and a pressure had by the protagonist. Antagonist

Antagonist is a character that always makes a conflict. The antagonist can be said as opposite of the protagonist directly or indirectly. But the conflict which is always had by the protagonist is not only caused by the antagonist. It can be caused by the other factors outside someone individually, such as disasters, accidents, neighborhood and the others higher power. The cause of conflict that is not made by a character is called antagonist force.


Foster (1990:101) says that an antagonist is the character who opposes to the protagonist; the person that helps cause conflict for the protagonist. The protagonist may be another person, an animal, the environment, and the self-internal.

2.3.3 Round and Flat Character

Two main categories of characters in literature are round and flat. Round characters in a story, play, or novel are simply characters that are most like real people and Flat character, one who can be fully described in a single sentence. Round Character

Round character is a character that shows many different facts; often presented in depth and with detail. The basic of trait of round character are that they recognized, change with, or adjust to circumstances.

Robert (2003:133) says that the round character “usually the main figure in a story” profits from experience and undergoes a change or alteration, which may be shown in an action or actions, the realization of new strength and therefore the affirmation of previous decisions, the acceptance of a new condition, or the discovery of unrecognized truths.

They usually play a major role in a story. Round characters are often called the hero or heroine. Many main characters are anything but heroic, however, and it is therefore preferable to use the more neutral word protagonist. The protagonist is central to the action, moves against an antagonist, and exhibits the ability to adapt to new circumstances. To the degree that around characters are


both individual and sometimes unpredictable, and because they undergo change or growth, they are dynamic. Flat character

Flat character is a character that usually has only one outstanding trait or feature. In contrast, flat characters do not grow. They remain the same because they may be stupid, insensitive, or lacking in knowledge or insight. They end where they begin and are static, not dynamic. However, flat characters are not therefore worthless, for they usually highlight the development of the round characters.

Sometimes flat characters are prominent in certain types of literature, such as cowboys, police, and detective stories, where the focus is less on character than performance. Such character might be lively engaging, even though they do not develop or change. They must be strong, tough, and clever enough to perform recurring tasks like solving a crime, overcoming a villain, or a finding a treasure. The term stock character refers to characters in these to the degree that stock characters have many common traits; they are representative of their class, or group. Such characters with variations in names, ages, and sexes, have been constant in literature since the ancient Greek.

2.4 Theme

Theme is what the author is trying to tell the reader. For example, the beliefs in the ultimate good in people or those things are not always what they seem. This is often referred to as the "moral of the story." Some fiction contains advanced themes like morality, or the value of life, whereas other stories have no


theme, or a very shallow one. Culler (1977:59) says that theme is something which becomes the authors thought. It means explain about view of life or the author’s image and how they consider the case. A novel has message and theme from the author to the readers.

To understand the theme requires a lot of guesswork by asking what a particular story is about, a question which usually leads to a great deal of speculation. The whole process should not course be a matter of hit or miss, unless we assume as at time we might that the author was confused by the creation.

It is important not to confuse a theme of a literary work with its subject. Subject is a topic which acts as a foundation for a literary work while a theme is an opinion expressed on the subject. For example, a writer may choose a subject of war for his story and the theme of a story may be writer’s personal opinion that war is a curse for humanity. Usually, it is up to the readers to explore a theme of a literary work by analyzing characters, plot and other literary devices.

A writer presents themes in a literary work through several ways. A writer may express a theme through the feelings of his main character about the subject he has chosen to write about. Similarly, themes are presented through thoughts and conversations of different characters. Moreover, the experiences of the main character in the course of a literary work give us an idea about its theme. Finally, the actions and events taking place in a narrative are consequential in determining its theme. Love and friendship are frequently occurring themes in literature. They


generate emotional twists and turns in a narrative and can lead to a variety of endings: happy, sad or bittersweet.

Theme is an element of a story that binds together various other essential elements of a narrative. It is a truth that exhibits universality and stands true for people of all cultures. Theme gives readers better understanding of the main character’s conflicts, experiences, discoveries and emotions as they are derived from them. Through themes, a writer tries to give his readers an insight into how the world works or how he or she views human life.

2.5 Setting

Roberts and Jacobs (1995:230) say that setting is the natural, manufactured, political, cultural, and temporal environment, including everything that characters know and own. Characters may be either helped or hurt by their surroundings, and they may fight about possession and goals. Further, as characters speak with each other, they reveal the degree to which they share the customs and ideas of their times.

Setting in literary work is important because it may stir the reader’s imagination as well as reveal the significance of the action. The element of setting can be differentiated into three principle element: setting of places, setting of time, and setting of society. Although each of these elements offer situations but actually they are close influence each other.

In works of narrative especially fictional, the literary element setting includes the historical moment in time and geographic location in which a story takes place, and helps initiate the main backdrop and mood for a story. Setting has


been referred to as story world or milieu to include a context (especially society) beyond the immediate surroundings of the story. Elements of setting may include culture, historical period, geography, and hour. Along with the plot, character, theme, and style, setting is considered one of the fundamental components of fiction.

  Setting is a critical component for assisting the story, as in man vs. nature or man vs. society stories. In some stories the setting becomes a character itself. The term "setting" is often used to refer to the social milieu in which the events of a novel occur. Novelist and novel-writing instructor Donna Levin has described how this social milieu shapes the characters’ values. For young readers in the US, the setting is often established as the "setting". As children advance, the elements of the story setting are expanded to include the passage of time which might be static in some stories or dynamic in others (e.g. changing seasons, day-and-night, etc.). The passage of time as an element of the setting helps direct the child's attention to recognize setting elements in more complex stories. Setting is another way of identifying where a story takes place.

Fictional locations are places that exist only in fiction and not in reality, such as the Negaverse, Planet X, or Skyrim. Writers may create and describe such places to serve as backdrop for their fictional works. Fictional locations are also created for use as settings in role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons. They may also be used for technical reasons in actual reality for use in the development of specifications, such as the fictional country of Bookland, which is used to allow EAN "country" codes 978 and 979 to be used for ISBN numbers


assigned to books, and code 977 to be assigned for use for ISSN numbers on magazines and other periodicals.

Fictional locations vary greatly in their size. Very small places like a single room are kept out of the umbrella of fictional locations by convention, as are most single buildings. A fictional location can be the size of a university (H.P. Lovecraft's Miskatonic University), a town (Stephen King's Salem's Lot), a county (Raintree Country), a state (Winnemac in various Sinclair Lewis stories), a large section of continent (as in north-western Middle-earth, which supposedly represents Europe), a whole planet (Anne McCaffrey's Pern), a whole galaxy (Isaac Asimov's Foundation books), even a multiverse (His Dark Materials). In a larger scale, occasionally the term alternate reality is used, but only if it is considered a variant of Earth rather than an original world. Austin Tappan Wright's Islandia has an invented continent, Karain, on our world.



3.1 Allyson Healey

Allyson is the main character in the novel. She is 18 years old. Allyson recently has completed her senior high school and continues her studying in medical major in Boston, USA. She lives in the dormitory. When she graduates from school, her parents gave her a gift that is Study Tour but she was reluctant to go. As written below,

“When my parents gave me this trip as a big high-school graduation present, I was a little reluctant to go. But Mom had reassured me that she’d done her research. Teen tours! Was very well regarded, noted for its high-quality educational component, as well as the care that was taken of its students. I would be well locked after. “You’ll never be alone,” my parents had promised me. And, of course, Melanie was coming too.” (Forman 2013:5)

Allyson is a good girl and very obedient to her parents. When some members of the tour took her to a night out to the local bars, Allyson refuses to follow them, although most of them are legally old enough to drink alcohol in Europe. As written as follow,

“I don’t go to the bars. I usually just go back to the hotel rooms Melanie and I share and watch TV. You can almost always find American movies, the same kinds of movies which, back at home, Melanie and I often watched together on weekends, in one of our rooms, with lots of popcorn. (Forman 2013:5)

While Allyson and Melanie walk around the town, they are visited by a man with blond hair and give them a brochure. The man says that they will play a drama near the canal not far from their hotel. And then they receive an invitation from the man. So they come and watch the whole drama until the end. The next day they get ready to station to London, they reach the station, then Allyson hears


the sound of his voice that is not far from her, after hearing the voice, Allyson instantly recognizes it, but Allyson is just relax when she sees him. It can be seen in the following statement,

“I should be surprised, but somehow, I’m not. I do have to bite my lip to keep from grinning.”(Forman 2013:20)

When they meet in the station and get acquainted, and it turns out his name is Willem. When Allyson is speaking, Willem notices, and then Willem says that she relates to Louise Brook because his hair model is very similar to Louise Brooks. As written below,

“No.” He peers at me with those eyes of his. They’d looked so dark yesterday, but now that I’m up close, I can see that they have all kinds of colors in them –gray, brown, even gold dancing in the darkness. Allyson said.” “You know who you look like? Louise Brooks.” “She was huge star in nineteen twenties. American amazing Actress. Willem said.”

Afterwards Willem calls her Lulu, which is shortened from the name of Louise Brook. When they arrive at the next station, the three of them feel down simultaneously, she has just finished the tour to the big Europe cities: Rome, Vienna, Budaphest and now back to London. Allyson feels upset for not going to Paris after Rome for several reasons. As written below,

“Oh, come on. You’re not still moping about that?” Melanie turns to Willem. “We were supposed to go to Paris after Rome, but the air traffic controllers went on strike and all the flights got cancelled, and it was too far to go to on the bus. She’s still bummed out about it” (Forman 2013:27)

Seeing the situation, Willem immediately invites Allyson to visit Paris for a day. Then Allyson is shocked when she hears Willem’s invitation to visit Paris. As written below,


“My heart starts doing the most ridiculous flippy things, but my ever-rational mind continues to click off all the reasons this won’t work.” “It’s totally crazy. I don’t even know him. And I could get caught. And how much of Paris can you see in just one day.”(Forman 2013:28)

  Finally they go to Paris. After an hour, they arrive in Paris. When exiting the station Allyson sees the entire of Paris. Allyson feels her happiness is in this city. Allyson is happy when she has arrived in Paris. It can be seen in the following statement,

“It’s official,” I declare. “I love Paris!” “It’s just become my favorite city in the whole world.” “I should add that there wasn’t much competition, seeing as I didn’t actually enjoy most of the places on the tour.” (Forman 2013:46)

  Soon she transforms into Lulu. Lulu is different with Allyson, who is always obedient according to her parents and also her friends. Lulu is not submissive girl and full rules. As written below,

"Lulu is not Allyson who lives in rooms without doors or windows." "Lulu is an adventurous girl who is free, brave, and free to do like the water flowing."

After that Willem takes her to his friend’s place. Willem finally meets his friend named Celine, they tell stories and they kiss the left cheek and right cheek kiss before parting and Lulu sees them kissing and it makes her jealous. As written as below,

“When they do that cheek-cheek-kiss-kiss thing, I feel so much of the excitement from earlier dwindle. (Forman 2013:57)

  When they are on the way, they meet with some skinhead who tries to disturb the two of them. Willem told Lulu to save themselves but Lulu does not want to leave Willem. Willem then takes blurry Lulu. The skinheads throw broken glass towards Lulu. Suddenly there is a red liquid that comes out of her neck that


turns out to be blood. Willem is angry because Lulu does not want to hear him. He told to Lulu, that Willem will return her to London. Lulu feels sad, when Willem says that he will send her back to England. As written below,

“Still, seeing this new Paris, it brings tears to my eyes that turn all the lights into a big red scar. I wipe my face with my dampening cardigan, my returned watch still grasped in my hand.”(Forman2013:113)

However, Lulu feels that she really falls in love with Willem, but Lulu still annoys with Willem behavior lately to her. As written below,

“Willem looks at me for a long moment. But he does oblige with a refill and then that lazy half smile. In one day, I’ve come to love that smile. And now I want to murder it.” (Forman 2013:117)

Allyson is curious to him. Why Willem want to invite Allyson to Paris just one day and what can be done in one day in Paris, Allyson is still confused and do not know anything about Willem. It can be seen in the statement below,

“What did you bring me here for?”“Because he never answered that.” “Never said why he asked me to come to Paris with him for the day.” (Forman 2013:119-120)

The next day, Lulu wakes up without any Willem on her side. Lulu is panic. Lulu is back to Allyson. Allyson is paranoid, panic, irregular, sad, and begins to lose direction. As written below,

“My hearts starts to pound. Panic is coming, breathless with fear. I hug my knees, shivering in the damp morning. My tears make me hard to see. I take some deep breaths, swallow my sobs.” “I’m too scared, too numb to be hurt. That will come later.” (Forman 2013:136)

But with the assistance from Ms. Foley, tour leader traveling around Europe yesterday, Allyson can get back to America safely.


3.2 Melanie

Melanie is a close friend of Allyson. She is 18 years old. Melanie is characterized by her blonde hair and her camisole. Melanie and Allyson have been best friends since the family moves to Allyson’s house in the summer before second grade elementary school. Just like Allyson, Melanie also continues her studies in New York.

Melanie has often spent time with Allyson, to the extent that they almost have a sign language or a private joke gaze. For Allyson, Melanie is a friend who captious and really like commenting on other people. As written below,

“Geez, the Brits do love to line up. Or queue. Or whatever. They should take a lesson from Italians, who just mob. Or maybe the Italians should take a lesson from the Brits.” (Forman)

While Melanie has a conversation with him, arrogantly Melanie says that she is more beautiful than other women on campus. As written below,

“No one at college will know that we were AP automatons. I mean, we’re too pretty to just be brainiacs, and at college, everyone will be smart. So we can be cool and smart. Those two things will no longer be mutually exclusive.”(Forman 2013:6)

Not only that. Melanie is also clever to tell lies in front of her friends, when she wants to watch Twelfth Night drama. Melanie tries to deceive tour guide by means pretending to be ill, so that Melanie does not watch the drama Hamlet that she has ever wanted to watch before. It can be seen in the following statement,

“Oh, yeah. I totally have heatstroke.” Melanie turns to Paula. “Paula, I’m feeling so dizzy.” “I think I might faint or something. I’m seeing black spots.” “Don’t pile it on,” Allyson said. “I feel like I’m going to


puke.” Melanie pushes on.”I would hate to do that inside the Swan Theater.”

Finally they are successful deceive her tour guide, and then they go to the drama place. Melanie and Allyson are successful go to a drama place and watch the drama until it is finished. After the drama is finished, Melanie invites Allyson to join the drama group, however Allyson rejects it. Melanie feels offend when Allyson disobeys. It can be seen in the following dialogue,

“Maybe we should go find them. Go hang out with them or something.”Melanie said. “I shake my head.”I doubt they want to hang out with stupid American teenagers.” Allyson said. “We’re not stupid, and most of them didn’t seem that much older than teenagers themselves.” Melanie said. “No, we should get back to the room.” Allyson said. “Why do you always do this?” Melanie said. “Do what?” Allyson said. “Say no to everything. It’s like you’re averse to adventure.” Melanie said. “I don’t always say no.” Allyson said. “Nine times out of ten. We’re about to start college. Let’s live a little.” (Forman 2013:15)

After returning to the U.S. for college, Melanie becomes the smartest student in the class by getting better grades than Allyson. As written below,

“Melanie got a three-point-eight,” Mom brags. “Yes Melanie genius and I am idiot.” Allyson said. Melanie looks wounded. “I go to the Gallatin School. Everyone gets A,” she says apologetically. (Forman 2013:174)


3.3 Willem

Willem is a blond man from the Netherlands. He is 20 years old whose height is 190 cm, weight 75 kg and has a scar on his leg. Willem is the actor in the drama Twelfth Night as Sebastian is on show at the State-upon-Avon in England.   At first Willem wants to return to his hometown in the Netherlands after traveling from the UK, but when he sees Allyson who wants to visit the city of Paris but she cannot because she does not have a timetable for her tour to Paris.  With good intentions finally Willem invites Allyson Healey to visit the city of Paris for one day only. It can be seen in the following dialogue,

“So go,” Willem said. “Go where?” Allyson said. “To Paris.” Willem said. “I can’t. It go canceled.” Allyson said. “So go now.” “The tour’s is over. And anyhow, they’re probably still striking.” “We can go by train. It takes two hours from London to Paris.” He looks at the big clock on the wall. “You could be in Paris by lunchtime. Willem said. “But, but, I don’t speak French.” Allyson said. “I know Paris.” Willem said.(Forman 2013: 28)

Actually Willem is a traveler who’s recently completed a traveling in the UK when Allyson tries to ask Willem, who he really is. It can be seen in the following dialogue,

“How long have you been traveling?” Allyson said. “Two years.” “You have the talent for traveling.” “Traveling is not something you’re good at. It’s something you do like breathing.” “You thought too hard. Same with travel. You can’t work too much at it, or it feels like work. You have to surrender yourself to the chaos. To the accidents.” Willem said.” (Forman 2013:47)

After that, Willem walks to the bar, where his friend works. They reach the bar. Willem then meets with Celine, Willem just wants to leave his luggage and then say goodbye to Celine. Allyson can say to Willem about Celine. Willem ever feels in love with Celine. It can be seen in the following dialogue,


“Well, how did you meet?” “I get it,” “You guys were an item,” Allyson said. “No, that’s not it.” “We just fell in love once,” Willem said. “Once?” “And now?” Allyson said. “We are good friends. As you saw,” Willem said. “So you’re not in love with her anymore?” Allyson said. “I never said I was in love with her,” Willem said. “You just said you fell in love with her once,” Allyson said. “And I did.” “There is a world of difference, Lulu, between falling in love and being in love.” “You have to fall in love, but falling in love isn’t the same as being in love,” Willem said. (Forman 2013:62)

Willem is angry with Allyson who wants to help fight the skinheads. Her neck is bleeding because the shards of glass bottles that are thrown by skinheads to Allyson. It can be seen in the following dialogue,

“They threw a broken bottle at you.” Willem’s voice is pure fury.” “It’s okay,” “I’m okay,” Allyson said. “What were you thinking?” Willem interrupt’s, his voice icy as a stranger’s. “They were going to hurt you,” Allyson said. (Forman 2013:110)

As Willem’s previous promise, they travel in Paris for just one day. But, after the sun comes from the east of Paris, Willem has gone away.



4.1 Conclusions

Novel is one of the literature creations that have realistic quality. Some novels are fictitious and some are based on true stories. In general, novel is the author’s conception about social sphere. Besides that, reading a novel is influential for the reader’s life, because we can understand as well as realize the real condition and life of the story in the novel.

Characters in a novel are the persons of presented in works of narrative who convey their personal qualities through dialogues and action by which the reader or audience understand their through, feelings, intentions, and motives.

Characters can affect the reader and give positive or negative impacts. They may learn and be better from the experience or may miss the point and be unchanged.

From the discussion in the previous chapter, the writer would like to conclude the description of the character in the novel just one day by Gayle Forman is only about the main character.

There are three main characters described in the novel. They are Allyson Healey, Melanie and Willem. Allyson Healey is a good girl and she is very obedient to her parents, Melanie is an arrogant girl in her campus and also she is clever to tell lies in front of her friend, Willem is a blond man from Netherlands who likes to adventure and also he’s a kind person.



At the end of this paper, the writer hopes that this paper will make the readers understand more about characters in just one day novel by Gayle Forman and will be interested in reading it.

This paper can give a clear explanation about characterization to the readers. This paper also can be used as guidance to the other students in describing novel, especially the main characters. The writer hopes that other students also can study other elements of literary works: Theme, Plot, Point of View, Setting, Language, Tone, Symbolism, and especially main characters of just one day novel.



Abrams, M.H.1981. A Glossary of Literary Term. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

Kennedy, William H. 1949. How to Analyze Fiction, London: Macmillan Education, Ltd.

Kennedy, X.J. 1991. Literature: An Introduction of Fiction, Poetry, and Drama.

New York: Harper Coolins Publishers Inc.

Levin, Donna (1992). Get That Novel Started. Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest Books.

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 1998. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi.

Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press.

Obstfeld, Raymond (2002). Fiction First Aid: Instant Remedies for Novels, Stories and Scripts. Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest Books

Peck John & Martin Coyle. 1984. How to Study Literature : Literature Terms and Criticism London : Macmillan Education Limited.

Roberts, V. Edgar and Henry E. Jacobs. 1995. An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey : Prentice – Hall, Inc.

Roes, R.J. 1973. English Literature: An Introduction for Foreign Readers.

London: Macmillan Press Limited.

Sembiring, Matius C.A, 2014. Kompilasi Bahan Kuliah.

Medan: Sumatera Utara University, Faculty of Culture Study.

Wellek and Warren. 1994. Literary Scholarship. Harcourt, Brace, and Company. London: Macmillan Education Limited.



Biography of the Author

Gayle Forman was born June 5, 1970 is an American young adult author. Forman began her career writing for Seventeen Magazine in which most of her articles focused on young people and social concerns. Later she became a freelance journalist for publications like Details Magazine, Jane Magazine, Glamour Magazine, The Nation, Elle Magazine, and Cosmopolitan Magazine. In 2002, she and her husband Nick took a trip around the world. From her journeys, she garnered a wealth of experiences and information which later served as a basis for her first book a travelogue You Can't Get There From Here: A Year On The Fringes Of A Shrinking World. In 2007 she published her first young adult novel


In 2009, Forman released If I Stay, about a 17 year old girl named Mia who has been involved in a tragic car accident. The novel follows Mia's experience as she lies in a coma fully aware of what is going on around her and everything her visitors say and do. Feeling the agony of loss of those closest to her yet aware of the abounding love of those that remain, she must make the choice to hang on or let go. Forman won the 2009 NAIBA Book of the Year Awards and is a 2010 Indie Choice Honor Award winner for If I Stay. The film adaptation of "If I Stay", starring Chloë Grace Moretz, is due to be released in the United States on August 22, 2014. The sequel to "If I Stay", titled "Where She Went", was released in 2011. Told from Adam's point of view, the novel is about Adam and Mia's relationship after the accident.

In January 2013, Forman released "Just One Day". The novel follows Allyson Healey, who, on the last day of a post-graduation European tour, meets a Dutch vagabond actor named Willem. In an uncharacteristic, spur-of-the moment decision, Allyson goes to Paris with Willem, which leads to "a day of risk and romance, liberation and intimacy: 24 hours that will transform Allyson’s life."[1] The sequel to "Just One Day", titled "Just One Year", was released in October 2013. The novel follows the same chronological path as Allyson's story, but told from the perspective of Willem. The final installment of Allyson and Willem's story, titled "Just One Night", is a 50-page novella that is due to be released in ebook format on May 29, 2014.


Forman's other notable literary awards include the British Fantasy Award (2010), an ALA/YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers (2010), South Carolina Book Award Nominee for Young Adult Book Award (2011), TAYSHAS High School Reading List (2010), Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Young Adult Fiction (2009), Milwaukee County Teen Book Award Nominee (2010).

Gayle resides in Brooklyn, New York with her husband, daughter, and adopted daughter. At the annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, Forman participated in panel discussions. She was on the panel “Young Adult Fiction: Teens and Turmoil” with Jandy Nelson, Cynthia Kadohata and moderator Sonya Sones during the 2010 event.


Summary of the Novel

Allyson Healey. As an initial overview, Allyson is the only child. Like most single-child, Her mother would be the one super-over-protective. Allyson Everything in life is scheduled, arranged, organized, and designed by Mom. Even for his ideals, must obey the wishes Allyson Mom. Rough terms, Allyson 'printed' Mom liking.

But, all the spins in the opposite direction since the chance meeting that occurred when Allyson was a tour around Europe. Allyson and Melanie, her best friend, got tickets for a tour around Europe from their parents as a high school graduation gift. And arrived in the last country of their tour, London, Allyson and Melanie met a handsome man who distributed flyers street performance. With a little courage and curiosity with a handsome man divider brochure earlier, Allyson and Melanie were forced to deceive their tour guide. The results of the deceptive Allyson and Melanie is not be watch Hamlet at the theater with the other tour members, but they explore London at night and watch the street theater performances.

Allyson stunned, fascinated, blushed, and touched with performances of Twelfth Night Shakespeare's work is performed by Gerillya Will, street theater group. Moreover the character Sebastian, a handsome man divider brochure. Allyson really enjoy theater performances and 'Sebastian'. At the end of the show, 'Sebastian' toss a coin to Allyson and welcomed him.


In the morning, before returning to America, Allyson met again with Willem at the train station. This is where it started blooming Allyson feelings. Sebastian or Willem, gave her a name Lulu taken from the name of the actress Louise Brooks who popularized the bob haircut, because Allyson also have the same hairstyle. And before their separation, Allyson will go back to America and Willem returned to the Netherlands, Willem invite Allyson for venturing to Paris. Allyson wanted to, because it's supposed to tour around Europe it took him to Paris, but for some reason, be no tour group finally to Paris.

Allyson has become Lulu. And Lulu is different from Allyson. Lulu is not submissive girl and full rules. Lulu is not Allyson who live in rooms without doors or windows. Lulu is a girl that free adventurous, brave, and be able to say 'yes'. Thanks to whom? Thanks to Willem! Willem introduced to Lulu many things during their trip to Paris. Starting from the works of Shakespeare, the canals in the Netherlands, to teach Lulu difference between being in love and falling in love.

Travelling in Paris for half a day with Willem really makes Lulu feel traveling tour in countries with a tour group not previously is nothing. The trip will only last for one day with Willem truly has carved many memories in the memory and hearts of Lulu. Accident-by accident they had together. And the first time, Allyson who has turned into Lulu The Brave feel the meaning of life, liberty, and true happiness with Willem, strangers who had met yesterday. Allyson can say honestly, openly, and what existence in the presence of Willem.


And such as appointments in the previous Willem, their adventures in Paris just one day. Just after the sun comes from the east of Paris, Willem has gone. Lulu back to Allyson. Allyson timid, orderly, and began to lose direction. Allyson was left in a poor state does not have the rest of the euro. And with a help of Ms. Foley, tour guide traveling around Europe yesterday, Allyson can get back to America safely.



Biography of the Author

Gayle Forman was born June 5, 1970 is an American young adult author. Forman began her career writing for Seventeen Magazine in which most of her articles focused on young people and social concerns. Later she became a freelance journalist for publications like Details Magazine, Jane Magazine, Glamour Magazine, The Nation, Elle Magazine, and Cosmopolitan Magazine. In 2002, she and her husband Nick took a trip around the world. From her journeys, she garnered a wealth of experiences and information which later served as a basis for her first book a travelogue You Can't Get There From Here: A Year On The Fringes Of A Shrinking World. In 2007 she published her first young adult novel Sisters in Sanity which she based on an article she had written for Seventeen.


In 2009, Forman released If I Stay, about a 17 year old girl named Mia who has been involved in a tragic car accident. The novel follows Mia's experience as she lies in a coma fully aware of what is going on around her and everything her visitors say and do. Feeling the agony of loss of those closest to her yet aware of the abounding love of those that remain, she must make the choice to hang on or let go. Forman won the 2009 NAIBA Book of the Year Awards and is a 2010 Indie Choice Honor Award winner for If I Stay. The film adaptation of "If I Stay", starring Chloë Grace Moretz, is due to be released in the United States on August 22, 2014. The sequel to "If I Stay", titled "Where She Went", was released in 2011. Told from Adam's point of view, the novel is about Adam and Mia's relationship after the accident.

In January 2013, Forman released "Just One Day". The novel follows Allyson Healey, who, on the last day of a post-graduation European tour, meets a Dutch vagabond actor named Willem. In an uncharacteristic, spur-of-the moment decision, Allyson goes to Paris with Willem, which leads to "a day of risk and romance, liberation and intimacy: 24 hours that will transform Allyson’s life."[1] The sequel to "Just One Day", titled "Just One Year", was released in October 2013. The novel follows the same chronological path as Allyson's story, but told from the perspective of Willem. The final installment of Allyson and Willem's story, titled "Just One Night", is a 50-page novella that is due to be released in ebook format on May 29, 2014.


Forman's other notable literary awards include the British Fantasy Award (2010), an ALA/YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers (2010), South Carolina Book Award Nominee for Young Adult Book Award (2011), TAYSHAS High School Reading List (2010), Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Young Adult Fiction (2009), Milwaukee County Teen Book Award Nominee (2010).

Gayle resides in Brooklyn, New York with her husband, daughter, and adopted daughter. At the annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, Forman participated in panel discussions. She was on the panel “Young Adult Fiction: Teens and Turmoil” with Jandy Nelson, Cynthia Kadohata and moderator Sonya Sones during the 2010 event.


Summary of the Novel

Allyson Healey. As an initial overview, Allyson is the only child. Like most single-child, Her mother would be the one super-over-protective. Allyson Everything in life is scheduled, arranged, organized, and designed by Mom. Even for his ideals, must obey the wishes Allyson Mom. Rough terms, Allyson 'printed' Mom liking.

But, all the spins in the opposite direction since the chance meeting that occurred when Allyson was a tour around Europe. Allyson and Melanie, her best friend, got tickets for a tour around Europe from their parents as a high school graduation gift. And arrived in the last country of their tour, London, Allyson and Melanie met a handsome man who distributed flyers street performance. With a little courage and curiosity with a handsome man divider brochure earlier, Allyson and Melanie were forced to deceive their tour guide. The results of the deceptive Allyson and Melanie is not be watch Hamlet at the theater with the other tour members, but they explore London at night and watch the street theater performances.

Allyson stunned, fascinated, blushed, and touched with performances of Twelfth Night Shakespeare's work is performed by Gerillya Will, street theater group. Moreover the character Sebastian, a handsome man divider brochure. Allyson really enjoy theater performances and 'Sebastian'. At the end of the show, 'Sebastian' toss a coin to Allyson and welcomed him.


In the morning, before returning to America, Allyson met again with Willem at the train station. This is where it started blooming Allyson feelings. Sebastian or Willem, gave her a name Lulu taken from the name of the actress Louise Brooks who popularized the bob haircut, because Allyson also have the same hairstyle. And before their separation, Allyson will go back to America and Willem returned to the Netherlands, Willem invite Allyson for venturing to Paris. Allyson wanted to, because it's supposed to tour around Europe it took him to Paris, but for some reason, be no tour group finally to Paris.

Allyson has become Lulu. And Lulu is different from Allyson. Lulu is not submissive girl and full rules. Lulu is not Allyson who live in rooms without doors or windows. Lulu is a girl that free adventurous, brave, and be able to say 'yes'. Thanks to whom? Thanks to Willem! Willem introduced to Lulu many things during their trip to Paris. Starting from the works of Shakespeare, the canals in the Netherlands, to teach Lulu difference between being in love and falling in love.

Travelling in Paris for half a day with Willem really makes Lulu feel traveling tour in countries with a tour group not previously is nothing. The trip will only last for one day with Willem truly has carved many memories in the memory and hearts of Lulu. Accident-by accident they had together. And the first time, Allyson who has turned into Lulu The Brave feel the meaning of life, liberty, and true happiness with Willem, strangers who had met yesterday. Allyson can say honestly, openly, and what existence in the presence of Willem.


And such as appointments in the previous Willem, their adventures in Paris just one day. Just after the sun comes from the east of Paris, Willem has gone. Lulu back to Allyson. Allyson timid, orderly, and began to lose direction. Allyson was left in a poor state does not have the rest of the euro. And with a help of Ms. Foley, tour guide traveling around Europe yesterday, Allyson can get back to America safely.