Subordination Gender Discrimination In Gracie Movie

30 in Gracie movie. From this method the writers expects the result of the analysis more accurate.

1. Gender Discrimination In Gracie Movie

Gender discrimination is unfair action to certain creature that caused certain creature subordinate or got injustice. Actually gender differences - Masculine and Feminine -is not a problem during gender differences not bring gender discrimination. Commonly the victim that is caused gender differences is feminine; because feminine is considered as second creature after men and server of men they often got injustice from gender differences. In Gracie movie, Gracie as a central woman character experienced various kinds of gender discrimination, it makes her subordinate and marginalize. In this movie the writer wants to show the actions that are classified as gender discrimination.

a. Subordination

Gracie is one of the films which tell about women oppression and gender inequalities caused by gender differences. Gracie as a major female character in this movie experienced various kind of discriminations. One of gender discrimination is caused by negative stereotype that labeled to feminine; in society gender perspective can create subordination to woman. For example gender perspective that women are weak, emotional, and irrational put women in lower position than men. It means woman position is not considered important thing. 31 As the explanation in theoretical framework that subordination is an attitude, action, or society’s opinion to women where they put women lower than men. It means every women’s words and actions are not considered as important thing although they have done the right thing. These assumptions try to limit and eliminate woman’s action in many areas. In Gracie movie, Gracie as major female character subordinates when she follows football tryout. Gracie experienced subordination from her coach Colasanti, coach Colasanti placed her in junior varsity where this placed only for junior player. Coach Colasanti ever said if anyone can make a score in tryout, he or she can play in his team, but his promise not happened to Gracie whereas Gracie has made a score in tryout. Look at the figures and conversation below: Figure 12 Asking about the status Colasanti : I know what you’re gonna say. Gracie : I’m good enough. Colasanti : that’s why your name’s on the board. Gracie : yeah where? Colasanti : junior varsity. Gracie : junior varsity Colasanti : if you’re gonna be the first girl on my team then you got to be better than good.and you got to act like you deserve to be there. Gracie : I do deserve it. Colasanti : I don’t see it. 32 The pictures and dialogues above describe that Gracie subordinates from the main team. In tryout Colasanti said, if anybody can make a score they will play in the main team but, in fact it do not happen to Gracie, whereas in tryout Gracie made a score. Colasanti’s action to Gracie tries to eliminate her from the main team and it happens because gender differences. Although Gracie has done the right thing Colasanti sees that Gracie does nothing. Colasanti’s word junior varsity shows that he tries to put Gracie in the lowest place.

b. Stereotype In theoretical framework, stereotype is a mark or a label to certain group