This chapter presents method of analysis such as; research findings and interpretation.

A. Research Finding

1. Data Description The short answer question tests were given to the students that consist of 20 quetions focusing on simple present tense. Simple present contiuous tense and simple past tense discussed the errors made by the second year students of SMP YAPERA An-Nurmaniyah Ciledug on Wednesday, March 26, 2014. These are the table of errors frequency and error percentage of simple present tense, simple present continuous tense and simple past tense. Table 4.1 Percentage of Errors in the Form of Simple Present Tense No Simple Present Tense Item Number Error Frequency Error Percentage 1 Using verb in the positive sentence 1 10 26.32 6 10 26.32 10 9 23.68 17 8 21.05 2 Using verb in the interogative sentence 13 0.00 15 1 2.63 Total 6 38 100 Average 22.62 The Table 4.1 shows the data of error frequency and error percentage as a result item in using simple present tense. From 6 item numbers, the writer 38 errors occured. So, the total of error percentage obtained from the 6 item numbers attain 135.71 with the average is 22.62. P = x 100 P = x 100 P = x 100 P = 22.62 Table 4.2 Percentage of Errors in the Form of Simple Present Continuous Tense No Simple Present Continuous Tense Item Number Error Frequency Error Percentage 1 Using verb in the positive sentence 2 1 4.00 8 7 28.00 11 1 4.00 2 Using verb in the negative sentence 4 2 8.00 12 10 40.00 18 4 16.00 3 Using verb in the positive sentence 16 0.00 Total 7 25 100 Average 12.76 The Table 4.2 shows the data of error frequency and error percentage as a result item in using simple present continuous tense. From 7 item numbers, the writer 25 errors occured. So, the total of error percentage obtained from the 7 item numbers attain 89.29 with the average is 12.76. P = x 100 P = x 100 P = x 100 P = 12.76 Table 4.3 Percentage of Errors in the Form of Simple Past Tense No Simple Past Tense Item Number Error Frequency Error Percentage 1 Using reguler or irreguler verb in the positive sentence 3 5 6.85 14 14 19.18 19 5 6.85 2 Using verb in the interrogative sentence 5 12 16.44 7 3 4.11 3 Using verb in the negative sentence 9 18 24.66 20 16 21.92 Total 7 73 100 Average 37.24 The Table 4.3 shows the data of error frequency and error percentage as a result item in using simple present continuous tense. From 7 item numbers, the writer 73 errors occured. So, the total of error percentage obtained from the 7 item numbers attain 260.71 with the average is 37.24. P = x 100 P = x 100 P = x 100 P = 37.24 2. Data Analysis Every student is given 20 item numbers of test, it means there are 560 total sentences collected from 28 students. From the total sentences acquired by giving students a test focused on the use of simple present tense, simple present continuous tense and simple past tense, the writer collects 136 errors. Based on the error occurrences, the writer classifies the errors that occur into some categories as well: 1. Misformation, errors are where the characterized by the use of the wrong form of the morpheme or structure. 2. Omission, errors are where the absence of an item that must appear. 3. Addition, errors are where the presence of an item which must not appear. By using these categories, the writer classifies the errors, the causes and explains the problem in the data recapitulation. Table 4.4 Data Recapitulation of Students’ Errors in Simple Present Tense Item Number Students Sentences Types of Error Causes of Error Error Correction and Explanation 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 7 Student 10 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 19 Student 23 Student 28 Adi always get up early in the morning. Omission Interalingual Adi always gets up early in the morning. The sentence shows an habitual action, so the verb should be invinitive verb and it has “s” for singular noun. 6 Student 7 The students is studying Misformation Communicative strategies The students study English Student 9 Student 11 Student 14 Student 18 Student 24 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 27 English twice a week. The students studied English twice a week. Misformation Communicative strategies twice a week. The sentence used the verb of plural and the subject has not added by “s”. So the verb should be “study”. 10 Student 2 Student 6 Student 9 Student 20 Student 24 Student 3 Student 17 Student 23 Student 25 My sister cook rice in the kitchen everyday. My sister are cooking rice in the kitchen everyday. Omission Misformation Interlingual Communicative strategies My sister cooks rice in the kitchen everyday. The sentence shows an habitual action, so the verb should be invinitive verb and it has “s” for singular noun. 17 Student 3 Student 5 Student 7 Student 18 Student 1 Susi and her sister is going to the market everyweek. Susi and her Misformation Misformation Communicative strategies Intralingual Susi and her sister go to the market everyweek. The sentence Student 4 Student 9 Student 28 sister goes to the market everyweek. used the verb of plural and the subject has not added by “s”. So the verb should be “go”. 15 Student 10 Mia: do she always cleans the room every morning? Febi: Yes, she does Misformation Communicative strategies Mia: does she always cleans the room every morning? Febi: Yes, she does The sentence shows an habitual action, in interrogetive sentence uses “does” for singular subject of third person. From the Table 4.4, it can be seen that the most errors occure in number 6. In that number, there are 10 students who make errors. The students made errors because they might get difficulties in differing between singular and plural subject and deciding the change of the verb related to the tenses in the sentence. Table 4.5 Data Recapitulation of Students’ Errors in Simple Present Continuous Tense Item Number Students Sentences Types of Error Sources of Error Error Correction and Explanation 2 Student 11 Diyas are drinking tea right now. Misformation Intralingual Diyas is drinking tea right now. The sentence shows an action in the progress. The subject is singular so auxiliary verb should be “is”. 8 Student 7 Student 11 Student 18 Student 20 Student 21 Student 25 Student 28 Be quite The baby sleep now. Be quite The baby Was sleeping now. Misformation Misformation Interlingual Communicative strategies Be quite The baby is sleeping now. The sentence shows an activity in the progress at the moment of speaking. The subject is singular, so auxiliary verb should be “is”. 11 Student 19 Listen, the boys next door is Misformation Intralingual Listen, the boys next door are singing my singing my favorite song. favorite song. The sentence shows an activity in the progress at the moment. The subject is plural, so auxiliary verb should be “are”. 4 Student 11 Student 19 Ali is not sent a letter to his friend this morning. Ali is not sends a letter to his friend this morning. Misformation Misformation Interlingual Intralingual Ali is not sending a letter to his friend this morning. The sentence shows an action in the progress. In negative form of simple present continuous tense, the verb should be present participle ing- form. 12 Student 4 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 6 My father is not drive a car to Bandung. My father is Misformation Misformation Interlingual Communicative My father is not driving a car to Bandung. The sentence shows an action in the progress. Student 23 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 26 Student 27 not drived a car to Bandung. My father is not drives a car to Bandung. Misformation strategies Intralingual In negative form of simple present continuous tense, the verb should be present participle ing- form. 18 Student 5 Student 11 Student 19 Student 27 Markus and Bambang are not watches movie this week. Markus and Bambang are not watch movie this week. Markus and Bambang are not watched movie this week. Misformation Misformation Misformation Communicative strategies Interlingual Communicative strategies Markus and Bambang are not watching movie this week. The sentence shows an action in the progress. In negative form of simple present continuous tense, the verb should be present participle ing- form. Based on the Table 4.5, the most errors occure in number 12. In that number, there are 10 students who make errors. The students made errors because they might get difficulties in changing the verb on negative sentence of simple present continuous tense. Table 4.6 Data Recapitulation of Students’ Error in Simple Past Tense Item number Students Sentences Types of Error Sources of Error Error Correction and Explanation 3 Student 4 Student 24 Student 26 Student 19 Student 25 She passes the English test last week. She was passing the English test last week. Misformation Misformation Communicative strategies Intralingual She passed the English test last week. The sentence shows a situation in the past. So the verb should be V2 “passed”. 14 Student 1 Student 8 Student 12 Student 14 Student 24 Student 25 Student 2 Student 3 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 9 Student 13 Student 26 Ria is speaking English with her friend a few minuts ago. Ria speak English with her friend a few minuts ago. Ria spoken English with her friend a few minuts ago. Misformation Misformation Addition Communicative strategies Interlingual Intralingual Ria spoke English with her friend a few minuts ago. The sentence shows a situation began and ended at a particular time in the past. So the verb should be V2 “spoke”. 19 Student 1 He comes to Misformation Intralingual He came to the Student 2 Student 8 Student 10 Student 3 Student 25 the party three days ago. He come to the party three days ago. Misformation Interlingual party three days ago. The sentence shows a situation in the past. So the verb should be V2 “came”. 5 Student 8 Student 16 Student 18 Student 22 Student 28 Student 10 Student 12 Student 17 Student 1 Student 5 Student 6 Student 14 Tia: Did you visited your sister two days ago? Tio: yes, I did Tia: Did you visiting your sister two days ago? Tio: yes, I did Tia: Did you visits your sister two days ago? Tio: yes, I did Misformation Misformation Addition Intralingual Communicative strategies Communicative strategies Tia: Did you visit your sister two days ago? Tio: yes, I did The sentence shows an action in the past. In negative form of simple past tense, the verb should be bare invinitive “visit”. 7 Student 2 Student 3 Student 24 Ronald: does Bubu and Rio play badminton yesterday? Aya: Yes, they did Ronald: do Misformation Misformation Communicative strategies Intralingual Ronald: did Bubu and Rio play badminton yesterday? Aya: Yes, they did The sentence is Bubu and Rio play badminton yesterday? Aya: Yes, they did interrogative past form. The auxiliary verb is “did” whether it is singular or plular subject. 9 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 16 Student 17 Student 12 Student 15 Student 20 Student 22 Student 27 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 13 Student 21 Student 23 Student 26 My brother did not drawing a beautiful montain last Sunday. My brother did not drew a beautiful montain last Sunday. My brother did not draws a beautiful montain last Sunday. Misformation Misformation Addition Communicative strategies Intralingual Intralingual My brother did not draw a beautiful montain last Sunday. The sentence shows a situation in the past. In negative form of simple past tense, the verb should be bare invinitive “draw”. 20 Student 9 Student 12 Student 15 Student 16 Sinta did not celebrated her birthday last year. Misformation Intralingual Sinta did not celebrate her birthday last year. The sentence Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 24 Student 25 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 11 Student 14 Student 17 Student 23 Student 27 Sinta did not celebrating her birthday last year. Sinta did not celebrates her birthday last year. Misformation Addition Communicative strategies Intralingual shows a situation in the past. In negative form of simple past tense, the verb should be bare invinitive “celebrate”. From the Table 4.6, it can be seen that the most errors occure in number 9. In that number, there are 18 students who make errors. The students made errors because they might get difficulties in changing the regular and irregular verb on negative sentence of simple past tense. Table 4.7 Table of the Sequence of Tenses No Tenses Frequency of Errors Percentage of Error 1. Simple present tense 38 27.94 2. Simple present continuous tense 25 18.38 3. Simple past tense 73 53.68 Total 136 100 Average 24.29 The Table 4.7 has revealed the total of frequency of error that reaches 136 errors that the students did in using of tenses. It can also be seen that the average of percentage of error of error reaches 24.29. The Table 4.7 also shows that the highest error frequency is simple past tense with 73 errors occurrences that reaches 53.68. It shows that the most students have problems in transforming regular adn irregular verb in the sentence. The second position is simple present tense with 38 errors and contributes 27.94. The last position is simple present continuous tense which reaches 25 errors occurrences 18.38. The following table shows the types of error found in using tenses. Table 4.8 Table of Types of Errors No Types of errors Frequency Percentage 1 Misformation 96 70.59 2 Addition 25 18.38 3 Omission 15 11.03 Total 136 100 Based on the Table 4.8, it can be known that total of errors is 136 from 560 sentences collected from 28 students in using english tenses. Those 136 errors are classified into three types of error; Misformation, omission and addition. From 136 errors, 96 of them are misformation, which means students have faild to use the correct form of tenses. This type of errors contributes 70.59 to whole errors. The second place is addition of error which reaches 25 errors. The students have problems in interesting items that should not appear in sentences. The last position placed by omission which reaches 15 errors, the students have problems in interesting items that should appear in sentences. B. Interpretation 1. Data of Students’ Errors in Using Tenses with Simple Present Tense, Simple Present Tense and Simple Past Tense. Table 4.9 Table of Total of the Students’ Errors Errors Clasification Students Tenses Misformation Addition Omission Total of errors Student 1 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 2 1 1 3 Student 2 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 3 2 2 3 Student 3 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 2 2 1 3 2 Student 4 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Student 5 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 1 2 3 1 1 5 Student 6 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 4 1 1 1 4 Student 7 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 Student 8 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 4 1 4 Student 9 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 Student 10 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 3 1 2 3 Student 11 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 4 1 1 4 1 Student 12 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 4 1 1 4 Student 13 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 2 1 1 2 Student 14 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 1 2 1 2 3 Student 15 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 2 2 Student 16 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 1 Student 17 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 2 1 1 3 Student 18 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 2 1 2 2 1 2 Student 19 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 3 2 1 2 3 2 Student 20 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 Student 21 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 1 1 1 1 1 Student 22 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 2 1 2 Student 23 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 Student 24 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 4 1 2 4 Student 25 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 1 4 1 1 4 Student 26 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 1 2 1 3 Student 27 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 Student 28 Simple Present Tense Simple Present Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Total 96 25 15 136 Based on the Table 4.9, it’s clearly seen that the lowest errors made by the students number 16 which only 1 error, and the highest errors made by student number 5,7,9 and 19 with 7 errors. Total of the whole of the errors are 136 made the students of second grade students of SMP YAPERA An-Nurmaniyah Ciledug in using english tenses simple present tense, simple present continuous tense and simple past tense. From the table, there are 96 errors found in misformation, 25 errors in addition and 15 errors in omission. The writer interpreted the errors based on classification of those types of errors: 1. Percentage of the students’ errors misformation P = x 100 = x 100 = 70.59 2. Percentage of the students’ errors Addition P = x 100 = x 100 = 18.38 3. Percentage of the students’ errors Ommision P = x 100 = x 100 = 11.03 Diagram 4.I Total of Errors Frequency and its Percentage Based on the diagram 4.1, it can be in terpreted that the most common type of errors made by students in using simple present tense, simple present continuous tense and simple past tense is in misformation. It is the hight errors in which the students made 96 errors or 70.59, 25 errors or 18.83 the students made errors in addition and 15 or 11.03 the students also made errors in omission. 2. Causes of Students’ Errors Regarding the causes of students’ errors, there are some categories of errors as the writer had discussed in chapter II. The writer explains about sources of error described in the table below: Series1, m isform at ion, 70.59 Series1, Addit ion , 18.38 Series1, Om ission, 11.03 Percentage of Students Errors Table 4.10 Table of the Causes of Error No Causes of Error Frequency Percentage 1 Intralingual transfer 55 40.44 2 Interlingual transfer 26 19.12 3 Communicative strategies 55 40.44 Total 136 100 Due to the Table 4.10, there were 55 causes or 40.44 caused by intralingual also there were 55 causes or 40.44 caused by communicative strategies. Most of the students committed errors because of intralingual target language, the students process the new language data in their mind and produce rules for its production, so they often do the overgeneralization or communicative strategies, the students might express the meaning of the sentence in an unsuitable way or misunderstanding toward the new language or target language. And there were 26 sources or 19.12 caused by interlingual transfer, the students might be influenced by their mother tongue in terms or pattern, systems or rules. 49


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