Research Instrument Checking of Instrument Validity Technique of Data Analysis

of the use tenses into some categories omission, addition, misformation, and misorder. The next step is the explanation of the errors which the errors of tenses are going to be evaluated and found out its sources. The last is the evaluation after description of the errors and explain why the errors happened.

C. Research Subject

There are eight classes of the second grade students of SMP YAPERA An- Nurmaniyah which consists of 28-30 students in every class. The writer used a Random Sampling technique to get the representative data. By the Purposive Sampling technique, the writer only took one of among the classes. She took VIII-6 class which the students are 28 people. She gave the test which the focus is using tenses, particularly the tenses are simple present tense, simple present continuous tense and simple past tense.

D. Research Instrument

The procedure of collecting data used in this reserach were: 1. Test The type of the test was short answer question. It was focused on simple present tense, simple present continuous tense and simple past tense. She made 20 short answer question tests, the test contains of 20 numbers which divided into 6 numbers of simple present tense, 7 number of simple present continuous tense and 7 numbers of simple past tense. Table 3.1 The Table of Tested Area No Tenses Item Number Total 1. Simple Present Tense Using verb in the positive sentence 1, 6, 10,17 6 Using verb in the interrogative sentence 13, 15 Using verb in the positive sentence 2, 8, 11 2 Present Continuos Tense Using verb in the negative sentence 4, 12, 18 7 Using verb in the interrogative sentence 16 3 Simple Past Tense Using reguler or irregular verb in the positive sentence 3, 14,19 7 Using verb in the interrogative sentence 5, 7 Using verb in the negative sentence 9, 20 Total 20 2. Interview In the interview section, its containing 10 questions that English teacher has to answer, while 6 questions for students to answer.

E. Checking of Instrument Validity

The instrument of this research was the short answer question tests, containing 20 items. Before the test was used to collect data from the sample of the study, it had been tried out to the second grade students of SMP An- Nurmaniyah Tangerang. Then, by using ANATES program, the writer found the instrument valid see appendix.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, its used descriptive analysis technique percentage. First, the writer collected the data from the test. Second, identification of error, the writer identified the students’ errors of plural nouns in writing descriptive paragraph. The last, description of error, the writer described the types of errors and the causes of errors that were appeared in the students’ descriptive paragraph. Next, the writer analyzed the causes of errors that students’ made in their writing descriptive paragraph. And it’s also used the formula that purposed by Anas Sudijono. In the following formula: 1 P = x 100 P= Percentage F= Frequency of error occurred N= Number of cases total frequent total individual And to know the average of error percentage, the formula used: P = x 100 P= Percentage F= Frequency of error occurred N= Number of cases total frequent total individual n= Number of item test 1 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2004, p. 43. 28


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