Differences between Error and Mistake The Causes and Sources of Error

From some experts’ definition about errors, it can be concluded that error is something which the students made in their learning process. It was caused by incorrect rule of language as a partial knowledge and competence that is achieved in the process of language learning. The error is more serious than mistake because error cannot be corrected by own self, but mistake can be corrected by own self.

3. Differences between Error and Mistake

In learning foreign language not only the students make error but also mistake. In the study of error analyis, linguists distinguish error from mistake. Error and mistake are different. Error is wrong response because the students do not have knowledge about what the right answer is. While mistake is wrong response that if the students thought about it, they would realize what the right answer is. It means that the students if given a second chance, they have the potential to correct a mistake, wheares the students do not have potential to correct an error until they learnt what the correct is. The differences between them can be defined as H.D Brown stated “errors are a result of partial knowledge because teaching-learning process extends over time. A mistake is a performance of error that is either the random guess or slip, in that it is a failur to utilize a know system correctly.” 7 The statement above means that errors occurred because of the extended process in teaching-learning caused by biased knowledge, but mistake occurred because of slips of the tongue. In addition, Edge in Harmer suggested that we can divide mistake into two broad categories: ‘slips’ and ‘attempts’. Slips are mistakes which students can correct themselves and which therefore need explanation, while attempts are mistakes committed when students try to say something but do not yet know the correct way of saying it. 8 The statement above means that both of ‘slips’ and ‘attempts’ are mistakes, the different is ‘slips’ can be corrected by the students, but ‘attempts’ 7 Ibid., p. 257. 8 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, London:Longman Group: 1983, p. 99. the students do not yet know how to say something when they want to say.

4. The Causes and Sources of Error

In the learning process,it possible the students do errors. It is caused of many factor. Norrish classifies causes of error in to three types, there are carelessness, first language interference, and translation. a. Carelessness It is often closely related to lack of motivation. Many teachers will admit that is not always the student’s fault if he loses interest, perhaps the materials andor style of presentation do not suit him. b. First language Norrish states that learning a language a mother tongue or foreign language is matter of hobit formation. When someone tries to learn new habits the old ones will interference the new ones. This cause of error is called first language interference. c. Translation It is one of cause of error. This happens because a students translates his first language senteance or idiomatic expression into the target language word by word. This probably the most common cause of error. 9 Another expert who discusses the sources of error is Brown. He claims that four major sources of error. He labels interlingual transfer, intralingual transfer, context learning and communication strategies. Interlingual transfer is the negative influence of the mother tongue of learner. This is a significant source of error for all learners. In the start of learning a second language are especially vulnerable to interlanguage transfer from the native language, or interference. Intralingual transfer is the negative influence of the target language. Carl James in his book mentions that intralingual errors is apart from recourse to L1 transfer, the learners in ignorance of a TL form an any level and of any class can 9 J. Norrish, Language Learning and Their Error, London: Mc.Millan Publisher Ltd, 1987, pp. 21-26. do either of two things: either they can set about learning the needed itemizing, engaging their learning strategies or they can try to fill the gap by resorting to communication strategies. Context of learning is a third major source of error. Context refers to the classroom with its teacher and its materials in the case of school learning or the social situation in the case of untutored second language learning. In a classroom context the teacher or the textbook can lead the learner to make faulty hypotheses about the language. Communication strategies were defined and related to learning styles. Learners obviously use production strategies in order to enhance getting their messages across. However, at times these techniques can themselves become a source of error. 10 The writer dicided to use the causes of error according to Brown to find the student’s errors in using english tenses simple present tense, simple present continuous tense and simple past tense.

5. Types of Error

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