Kinds of Story Mapping

complete understanding of the story than the standard story map format typically does.

3. Kinds of Story Mapping

A story map is a strategy that uses a graphic organizer to help students learn the elements of a book or story. By identifying story characters, plot, setting, problem and solution, students read carefully to learn the details. There are many different types of story map graphic organizers. The most basic focus on the beginning, middle, and end of the story. More advanced organizers focus more on plot or character traits. 36 Farris divides kinds of story mapping into two types; graphic story map or bubble map see figure 2.2 and figure 2.3 and Character Perspective Chart or CPC see figure 2.4. To make the story map more insightful and the teaching learning process become more memorable, we may put some different colorful to each story elements. Figure 2.2. Graphic Story Map or Bubble map 37 36 http: www. readingrockets.orgstrategiesstory_maps 37 Farris, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today’s Classroom, ... p. 347 Figure 2.3. Graphic Story Map or Bubble map 38 Main Character Supporting Character Title Author Solution Problem Setting Figure 2.4. Character Perspective Chart 39 A Blank Character Perspective Chart Main Character: Who is the main character? Another Character: Who is this character? Setting: Where and when does the story take place? Setting: Where and when does the story take place? Problem: What is the main character’s problem? Problem: What is the character’s problem? Goal: What is the main character’s goal? What does he want? Goal: What is the character’s goal? What does he want? Attempt: What does the main character do to solve the problem or get the goal? Attempt: What does the main character do to solve the problem or get the goal? Outcome: What happened as a result of Outcome: What happened as a result of 38 http: www.region15.orgcuriculumNARRATIVE_WRITING-Portrait.Pdf 39 Farris, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today’s Classroom, ... p. 348 attempt? attempt? Reaction: How does the main character feel about the outcome? Reaction: How does the character feel about the outcome? Theme: What point did the author want to make? Theme: What point did the author want to make?

4. The Assessment of Story Mapping

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