Limitation and Formulation of the Problems Objective of the Study Research Methodology The Use of the Study Organization of the Skripsi

students will also be cooperative and improve their motivation with the right procedure and the good way of teaching.

B. Limitation and Formulation of the Problems

1. Limitation of the Problems To focus the research, the writer will limit the problems as follows: a. Story mapping is the teaching strategy that the writer used in the experiment class. b. To know the effectiveness of the application of using story mapping in teaching reading comprehension. 2. Formulation of the Problem Is story mapping an effective strategy in teaching reading comprehension?

C. Objective of the Study

In this skripsi, the writer wants to know the effectiveness of the application of teaching reading comprehension through story mapping. The writer also intends to know the students’ achievement in learning reading comprehension by using story mapping.

D. Research Methodology

In the process of getting data, the writer uses two kinds of activities, they are: 1. Library Research. The writer will collect data by reading some books, issues, etc which is related to field of the study. 2. Field Research. In field research, the writer observes the process of teaching learning English overview the real problem, especially teaching reading comprehension and does the experimental using story mapping. On her experiment, the writer takes one class, then she teaches them by using story mapping.

E. The Use of the Study

The writer hopes this writing will be useful for every teacher to help them improve the ways of teaching English and for other people and everyone who reads this writing can know the effectiveness of using story mapping to improve students’ ability in reading comprehension. The writer also wants to get an answer if using story mapping really works in increasing students’ achievement in reading comprehension and can be alternative way in teaching English as a foreign language.

F. Organization of the Skripsi

This skripsi is divided into five chapters: Chapter One is Introduction. It consists of Background of the Study, Limitation and Formulation of the Problems, Objective of the Study, Research Methodology, The Use of the Study, and Organization of the Skripsi. Chapter Two is Theoretical Framework. This chapter not only talks about General Concept of Reading Comprehension, Factors Influencing Reading Comprehension, Objectives of Reading, and the Strategies of Reading Comprehension; but also the Concept of Story Mapping, The Procedures of Story Mapping, Kinds of Story Mapping, The Assessment of Story Mapping, Make Story Maps Using Power Point, and the Advantages and Disadvantages of Story Mapping. Chapter Three is Profile of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pamulang. Chapter Four is Research Methodology and Findings. It talks about Place and Time of Research, Population and Sample, Data Collection, the Technique of Data Analysis, Data Description, Data Analysis, and Data Interpretation. Chapter Five is Conclusion and Suggestion. CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

A. Reading Comprehension

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