





















This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve

Sarjana Degree in English Education










This Thesis Written by Anggita Dwi Trisnanda was Approved on August 2, 2012


Advisor II, Advisor I,



This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of The University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in Education

On August 2, 2012

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. M. Syaifuddin, M.M

Examiners: Signatures:

1. Drs. Soeparto, M.Pd ………

2. Santy Prastiyowati, S.Pd ………

3. Dr. Masduki, M.Pd ………




Dance, like nobody is watching you

Love, like you’ve never been hurt

Sing, like nobody is listening you

Work, like you don’t need money

Live, like today is the last day to live


I dedicated this thesis to: My family, My fiancée, And my friends.




First of all, I would like to say my deep and internal gratitude to Allah SWT for the wisdom, strength, source of inspiration, and guidance through my difficult time in doing this thesis.

My great appreciation and gratitude is for Mr. Drs. Soeparto, M.Pd as my first advisor and Mrs. Santy Prastiyowati, S.Pd as my second advisor. Thank you for the kindness, advice, criticism, motivation and patience in guiding me to doing my thesis. I am very grateful to have them as my advisor and for all the time they gave to me during the writing process of this thesis.

My gratitude to my family; my father, Sutrisno, for the understanding and encouragement in keeping my focus; my mother, Andriani, for all the time she has spent to pray for me; my old and young brother, Angga and Agam, for supporting me in their prayer, in providing me with love, care and funds.

My thankfulness to my beloved fiancée, Suwandi, who always strengthens and encourages me in doing my thesis well. Thank you very much for his love, understanding, and affection that he gave me for all this time.

For all my best friend, Rizdia, Angger, Brian, Sandy, Lyla, and Bayu, thank you for giving me support and for being my best friends for these four years. To all the rest of my friends whom I cannot mention one by one, thank you all. Allah blesses me so much for giving me friend like them all.

Malang, 12 July 2012 The Researcher,




COVER ... i







CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problem ... 4

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 5

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 5

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 6

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Word Formations Processes ... 7

2.2 The Alay Phenomenon ... 14

2.3 Twitter ... 16

2.4 Lexical Meaning ... 19

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design ... 20

3.2 Research Object ... 21

3.3 Research Instrument ... 21

3.3.1 Documentation ... 21



3.4 Data Collection ... 22

3.5 Data Analysis ... 23


4.1.1 The Alay words ... 25

4.1.2 Lexical Meaning ... 26

4.1.3 Kinds of Word Formation used by the Alay Twitter user ... 29

4.2 Discussion ... 33


5.2 Suggestion ... 47




Adams, M. 2007. BTEC National Sport and Exercise Sciences. London: Harcourt Education Ltd.

Baker, Mona. 1992. In other Word: A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge.

Creswell, John W. 2003. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches Second Edition. California: Sage Publication Inc.

Fitton, . 2012. Twitter for Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Floyd, Chris. 1997. Managing Technology for Corporate Success. England: Gower Publishing Limited.

Hatch and Brown. 1995. Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education. UK: Cambridge University Press.

Hornby, A. S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. New York: Oxford University Press.

Indriwati, P. 2010. An Analysis of Colloquiall Language Found on English Writing Update Status the Member of Facebook in Internet. Muhammadiyah University of Malang: Unpublished.

Kidd, Terry T. 2010. Adult Learning in The Digital Age. USA: Yurchak Printing Inc. Kuswanto. H. 2005. A Study on Word Formation Processes found in Television

Advertisement. Muhammadiyah University of Malang: Unpublished.

Merriam, Sharan. B. 2009. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

O’Grady. W and Guzman V. de. 1997. Contemporary Linguistic Analysis: an Introduction. Toronto: Addison Wesley Publication Ltd.


Pan, Jeng S. 2010. Computational Intelligence. Taiwan: National Kaoshing University of Applied Science.

Picchi, Andrea. 2011. Pro iOS Web Design and Development: HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript with Safari. New York.

Trask, Robert L. 1999. Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics. London: Routledge.


Yule, G. 1996. The Study of language-Second Edition. UK: the University Press, Cambridge.





This chapter discusses the background of the study, the statement of the problems, the purpose of study, the significance of study, the scope of limitation, and the definition of key terms

1.1 Background of study

In this era, there are so many kinds of changes that happened, because of the development of the era from the past to present are totally different. Moreover, education, science, politics, technology, economics, etc evolve also, this case technology is the main factor for that change.

Technology is the practical application of scientific or engineering knowledge to the conception, development or application of product or offering, processes or operations (Floyd: 1997: 1). If we talk about technology, it is very advanced. The metamorphosis of era is quiet clear: now is the digital era . In the past, ancient people did not know about the technology used in this era. Because of that technology progress, it can create gap between ancient and people today.

Technology is a tool for communication, nowadays, there are so many ways to communicate using technology in social network such as: Facebook, Blog, Skype, My Space, Twitter, etc.



Facebook is a social networking site that most teenagers and now adults depend on to stay in touch with friends and family (The Socially Connected: 2009: 49).

Blog is a kind of frequently modified web page in which dated entries are listed in reserve chronological sequence (Herring: 2004).

Skype is a service provider that offers free calling between subscribers and low-cost calling to people who do not use the service. In addition to standard telephone calls, Skype enables file transfers, text, video chat and video conferencing. The service is available for desktop computers, notebook and tablet computers and other mobile devices, including mobile phones (Rouse: 2009).

My Space is a site that allows users to create individual profil in hopes of making contacs with other site users that share similiar interests or goals (Hupfer, Maxson, Williams: 2009).

Twitter is a mini-blog, social website, allowing people to easily and instantly post status updates and news (Boyd: 2009). The most popular in social network after

Facebook is Twitter, it is proved that Twitter users in the “Hitwise top visited Social Networking websites ranked by US total visits” table Twitter in the second ranked with 182.185.057 Twitter users on March 2012 (Ludwig: 2012).

Twitter users today is dominated by young people who are usually called digital natives. They are easy and fast to get information from multimedia sources, processing data in paralel or multitasking way, more interested in picture, video, and sounds than textual, get the access in precipitate way to the hiperlinked multimedia information, open the network and interact with many people, interested in fun study


3 process and instant reward. According to Kidd (2010: 183) a digital native is the generation born in the digital age, the student who grew up never knowing a world without computers.

The digital native express their emotion using Twitter. They are free to use their own word to show what they feel. The phenomenon that happened in this time is the digital native gives their idea into their writing in words. Their words are not common in the correct writing, for example: 4p4 means what, c8 means chat, UiH

means hi , LuV means love, Tq means Thank you, CowWy means sorry, Cwe3t

means sweet. That is usualy called the Alayness, the strange words form which are usually used by teenager in Indonesia.

The Alayness gives effect in Indonesia, eventhough in social community of the world. Teenager does not know how to write or compose in the correct way both of in Indonesian language or English. These phenomenon will change the writing style, and style of dress, while increase their popularity, which simply disrupt the virtual world (real internet users and newbie blogger). This property is expected to be lost, if it will not disturb the surrounding community (Koentjaraningrat in Haitami: 2011: 1). They are free to write their writing to arrange sentences, particularly to write the words in Tweets. There is no changing in the meaning but in problem of writing the words. Word formation is the formation of longer, more complex words from shorter, simpler words (Mc.Arthur: 1998).

There are many ways to constucting new words; compounding, derivation, clipping, blending, back-formation, reanalysis, acronym, and initialism (Trask: 1999: 344).


4 According to Kuswanto in his thesis (2005: 29), he found 22 words related with word formation used by advertisement of the medicine product in television

Adem sari. The advertisement borrows word “adem” from Javanese language, which means “cold”. Moreover, the result of observation Indriwati (2010: 32) found 43 colloquial words related with theory of word formation processes used by Facebook

users in status update for example, Duno is the example of blending from “Do not know”.

Based on the previous analysis above the writer wants to analyze words which are usually used by the Alay Twitter user in Tweeting. Twitter is different with another social nerworking because the character letter to compose the Tweet is limited not more than 140 characters, automatically the Twitter users mostly shorten the words.

Twitter is one of the most social networking applications for internet users (Pan: 2010: 23). So, that is why the writer choosed Twitter become an object obsevation.

1.2 Statement of problems

Based on the background of the study state above, the problems are formulated as follows :

1. What are the Alay words found by Twitter user in Tweeting?

2. What are the lexical meaning of words used by the Alay Twitter user in




1.3 Purposes of the Study

The problems of this study become the basic foundation to determine the purpose of the study which are state as follows:

1. To know the Alay words which are found by Twitter user in Tweeting

2. To know the lexical meaning of words which are usually used in composing


3. To know kinds of word formation used by the Alay Twitter user in Tweeting

1.4 Significance of the Study

Firstly, for the English departement student in Muhammadiyah University of Malang and the people who study about word formation especially in social networking.

Then, in addition to the result of the study is expected to give contribution to the development of language and linguistics.

Finaly, the result of this study can be used as the example in the linguistics research.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The present study focuses on the analysing words which are used by the Alay

in word of their Tweet, as well as what are word formation used by Alay Twitter user in Tweeting. To limit the discussion, the writer only discusses the word formations processes used by the AlayTwitter user in Tweeting on the duration between 3rd until 17th of June, 2012.



1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid missunderstanding in this study, this study will give some definition of key terms as a guide for the reader. The terms, which are needed to be defined, are as follows :

1. Alay is an acronym for (anak layangan, anak layu, or anak kelayapan)

phenomenon experienced by Indonesian youth, who want to have recognized status among his / her friends (Haitami: 2011: 1)

2. Word formation is the process of constructing new words from existing material (Trask: 1999: 344)

3. Twitter is a messaging service that share a lot of characteristics with commincation tool, the message that send and receive are no more than 140 characters or about the length of a news headline (O’Reilly and Milstein: 2011: 7)

4. Tweeting is the action of posting message or status update sent on Twitter




This chapter discusses the background of the study, the statement of the problems, the purpose of study, the significance of study, the scope of limitation, and the definition of key terms

1.1 Background of study

In this era, there are so many kinds of changes that happened, because of the development of the era from the past to present are totally different. Moreover, education, science, politics, technology, economics, etc evolve also, this case technology is the main factor for that change.

Technology is the practical application of scientific or engineering knowledge to the conception, development or application of product or offering, processes or operations (Floyd: 1997: 1). If we talk about technology, it is very advanced. The metamorphosis of era is quiet clear: now is the digital era . In the past, ancient people did not know about the technology used in this era. Because of that technology progress, it can create gap between ancient and people today.

Technology is a tool for communication, nowadays, there are so many ways to communicate using technology in social network such as: Facebook, Blog, Skype, My Space, Twitter, etc.


Facebook is a social networking site that most teenagers and now adults depend on to stay in touch with friends and family (The Socially Connected: 2009: 49).

Blog is a kind of frequently modified web page in which dated entries are listed in reserve chronological sequence (Herring: 2004).

Skype is a service provider that offers free calling between subscribers and low-cost calling to people who do not use the service. In addition to standard telephone calls, Skype enables file transfers, text, video chat and video conferencing. The service is available for desktop computers, notebook and tablet computers and other mobile devices, including mobile phones (Rouse: 2009).

My Space is a site that allows users to create individual profil in hopes of making contacs with other site users that share similiar interests or goals (Hupfer, Maxson, Williams: 2009).

Twitter is a mini-blog, social website, allowing people to easily and instantly post status updates and news (Boyd: 2009). The most popular in social network after Facebook is Twitter, it is proved that Twitter users in the “Hitwise top visited Social Networking websites ranked by US total visits” table Twitter in the second ranked with 182.185.057 Twitter users on March 2012 (Ludwig: 2012).

Twitter users today is dominated by young people who are usually called digital natives. They are easy and fast to get information from multimedia sources, processing data in paralel or multitasking way, more interested in picture, video, and sounds than textual, get the access in precipitate way to the hiperlinked multimedia information, open the network and interact with many people, interested in fun study


process and instant reward. According to Kidd (2010: 183) a digital native is the generation born in the digital age, the student who grew up never knowing a world without computers.

The digital native express their emotion using Twitter. They are free to use their own word to show what they feel. The phenomenon that happened in this time is the digital native gives their idea into their writing in words. Their words are not common in the correct writing, for example: 4p4 means what, c8 means chat, UiH means hi , LuV means love, Tq means Thank you, CowWy means sorry, Cwe3t means sweet. That is usualy called the Alayness, the strange words form which are usually used by teenager in Indonesia.

The Alayness gives effect in Indonesia, eventhough in social community of the world. Teenager does not know how to write or compose in the correct way both of in Indonesian language or English. These phenomenon will change the writing style, and style of dress, while increase their popularity, which simply disrupt the virtual world (real internet users and newbie blogger). This property is expected to be lost, if it will not disturb the surrounding community (Koentjaraningrat in Haitami: 2011: 1). They are free to write their writing to arrange sentences, particularly to write the words in Tweets. There is no changing in the meaning but in problem of writing the words. Word formation is the formation of longer, more complex words from shorter, simpler words (Mc.Arthur: 1998).

There are many ways to constucting new words; compounding, derivation, clipping, blending, back-formation, reanalysis, acronym, and initialism (Trask: 1999: 344).


According to Kuswanto in his thesis (2005: 29), he found 22 words related with word formation used by advertisement of the medicine product in television Adem sari. The advertisement borrows word “adem” from Javanese language, which means “cold”. Moreover, the result of observation Indriwati (2010: 32) found 43 colloquial words related with theory of word formation processes used by Facebook users in status update for example, Duno is the example of blending from “Do not


Based on the previous analysis above the writer wants to analyze words which are usually used by the Alay Twitter user in Tweeting. Twitter is different with another social nerworking because the character letter to compose the Tweet is limited not more than 140 characters, automatically the Twitter users mostly shorten the words. Twitter is one of the most social networking applications for internet users (Pan: 2010: 23). So, that is why the writer choosed Twitter become an object obsevation.

1.2 Statement of problems

Based on the background of the study state above, the problems are formulated as follows :

1. What are the Alay words found by Twitter user in Tweeting?

2. What are the lexical meaning of words used by the Alay Twitter user in Tweeting?


1.3 Purposes of the Study

The problems of this study become the basic foundation to determine the purpose of the study which are state as follows:

1. To know the Alay words which are found by Twitter user in Tweeting

2. To know the lexical meaning of words which are usually used in composing Tweet

3. To know kinds of word formation used by the Alay Twitter user in Tweeting

1.4 Significance of the Study

Firstly, for the English departement student in Muhammadiyah University of Malang and the people who study about word formation especially in social networking.

Then, in addition to the result of the study is expected to give contribution to the development of language and linguistics.

Finaly, the result of this study can be used as the example in the linguistics research.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The present study focuses on the analysing words which are used by the Alay in word of their Tweet, as well as what are word formation used by Alay Twitter user in Tweeting. To limit the discussion, the writer only discusses the word formations processes used by the Alay Twitter user in Tweeting on the duration between 3rd until 17th of June, 2012.


1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid missunderstanding in this study, this study will give some definition of key terms as a guide for the reader. The terms, which are needed to be defined, are as follows :

1. Alay is an acronym for (anak layangan, anak layu, or anak kelayapan) phenomenon experienced by Indonesian youth, who want to have recognized status among his / her friends (Haitami: 2011: 1)

2. Word formation is the process of constructing new words from existing material (Trask: 1999: 344)

3. Twitter is a messaging service that share a lot of characteristics with commincation tool, the message that send and receive are no more than 140 characters or about the length of a news headline (O’Reilly and Milstein: 2011: 7)

4. Tweeting is the action of posting message or status update sent on Twitter (Admin: 2011)