Thematic Analysis Of “New Moon” By Stephenie Meyer








REG. NO. 100721005




MEDAN 2012





REG. NO. 100721005


Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M. Hum Drs. Marzaini Manday, MSPD

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English




Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for the Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on 29 June 2012

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners:

1. Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar ………

2. Dr. Nurlela, M.Hum ………

3. Drs. Matius CA. Sembiring, M.Hum ………

4. Drs. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum ………





Date : July 2012











Signed :




Alhamdulillah, in the name of Allah SWT, the most compassionate and merciful of guiding the writer guidance, strength, healthy and ability so that he has been able to finish my thesis as one of the requirements in the order to get the bachelor degree.

The writer would like to thank Dr. Syahron Lubis, M. A, the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies of University of Sumatera Utara and all Assistants, for all the opportunities and facilities given during to my academic years. My gratitude is also due to Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS, the head of Department of English and Dra. Nurlela, M. Hum, the secretary of Department of English, for their advice and encouragement during my study in this faculty, and to Bg Amran for help in Administration matter.

The writer would like to express my sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to my supervisor, Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M. Hum, and my co-supervisor, Drs. Marzaini Manday, MSPD, for their great aids, suggestions, and guidance and especially for their willingness to spend their valuable time to supervise me during the improvement of my thesis.

My very special and sincere thanks are devoted to my beloved parents, Ayahanda Sahran and Ibunda Siti Aisyah for their great love, prays, care, attention, comfort, and financial supports. My special gratitude is due to my sister Hamsiah, S.Pdi for making brotherhood and heavenly home. May Allah bless you…….


My sincere thanks are also due to my best friends, especially for Ansyorullah (06), Silvia (AMIK MBP), Andreas (Perbaungan city), Budi (Pariwisata), Melati (06), Arlina Yani (Pariwisata), Ruth Yuun, Ratna and all Extension students 2010 thanks very much for friendship during we study.

May Allah SWT, the almighty bless us. Amin Ya Robbal Alamin.

Medan, 14th May 2012 The Writer

Erni Wati



Judul skripsi ini adalah Thematic Analysis of New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. Dalam skripsi ini dibahas tentang pengorbanan cinta seorang gadis manusia yang mencintai vampire. Permasalahan yang muncul dalam pembahasan tersebut adalah bagaimana pengorbanan seorang gadis manusia yang mencintai vampire membuktikan cintanya dengan meninggalkan alam dunia manusia walaupun tidak disetujui oleh orang tuanya. Dalam menganalisis novel ini digunakan kajian tematik yang berfokus pada tema dan metode pendekatan intrinsic. Dasar teori yang dipakai adalah kajian tematik dari Robert J. Clements dan definisi cinta dari beberapa tokoh antara lain Joseph A. Devito. Hasil penemuan dari analisis ini adalah pengorbanan cinta dan beberapa konsekuensi dari pengorbanan cinta Bella dan akhir dari pengorbanan tersebut yang dipaparkan dalam bab kesimpulan.





ABSTRACT ………. ii


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of The Study ……… 1

1.2 Problems of The Study ……….4

1.3 Objective of The Study ……… 5

1.4 Scope of The Study ……… 5

1.5 Significance of The Study ……… 5

II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Thematic Description and Theme ……… 7

2.2 Definition of Love ……… 12

2.2.1 Types of Love ……… 17

III. METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design ……… 25

3.2 Data Collection ……… 26

3.3 Data Analysis ……… 26

IV. ANALYSIS AND FINDING 4.1 The Loves Story between Bella and Edward ……….. 27

4.2 The Sacrifice of Bella’s love ……… 33



5.1 Conclusion ……….37 5.2 suggestion ……….38


i. Biography of Stephenie Meyer and Works ii. Summary of New Moon



Judul skripsi ini adalah Thematic Analysis of New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. Dalam skripsi ini dibahas tentang pengorbanan cinta seorang gadis manusia yang mencintai vampire. Permasalahan yang muncul dalam pembahasan tersebut adalah bagaimana pengorbanan seorang gadis manusia yang mencintai vampire membuktikan cintanya dengan meninggalkan alam dunia manusia walaupun tidak disetujui oleh orang tuanya. Dalam menganalisis novel ini digunakan kajian tematik yang berfokus pada tema dan metode pendekatan intrinsic. Dasar teori yang dipakai adalah kajian tematik dari Robert J. Clements dan definisi cinta dari beberapa tokoh antara lain Joseph A. Devito. Hasil penemuan dari analisis ini adalah pengorbanan cinta dan beberapa konsekuensi dari pengorbanan cinta Bella dan akhir dari pengorbanan tersebut yang dipaparkan dalam bab kesimpulan.



1.1 Background of The Study

Literature is an interesting subject to be studied. It discusses about the picture of human life. In studying of literature, the reader combine his emotion, imagination, and logical. It helps the reader think personally and intellectually. The word ‘literature’ is derived from the Latin ‘littera’ which means ‘letter’. It refers to the written of printed words. Literature is a written work and exists in our society as a communicative practice with our social life. By reading literary work, the reader can understand human dreams and struggle in different places and time that he would never otherwise know. Literature itself is a common term related to the fictitious world. Welleck and Warren (1965:94) said that:

Literature is a social institution using as its medium language, a social creation such as traditional devices as symbolism an metre are social arisen only in society. But, furthermore, literature represents life and life is, in large measure a social reality even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary imitation.

The explanation above says that literature deals with human life. Some literary works talk about the relation between individual with God, individual with individual, and individual with society. Since their medium is language, they not only can encourage us to assist in producing creative and talented people, but also help those who need recognition and support. The reader can get some moral lessons or motivation for his life by reading literary works. It also tells how we should behave.


Literature can be divided into three categories. They are drama, poetry and prose. Drama is a work of literature or a composition which is design for performance, purpose and delineates life and human activity by means of presenting various actions often either monologues or dialogues of a character or a group of characters. Poetry is written in lines by focusing rhymes scheme. Meanwhile, prose is a branch of literature which mostly designates a consciously shaped writing, not merely a listing of ideas or catalog of subjects. Prose includes myths, parables, romances, novels, and short stories.

Novel is one of prose forms as literary work which is more interesting and easier to be analyzed than other branches of literature. (Taylor, 1985:160). According to Safra (2003:810):

The word novel is derived from novella that is an invented prose narrative of considerable length and a certain complexity that deals imaginatively with human experience usually though a connected sequence of events involving a group of persons in a specific setting.

Novels as a part of the fiction can be defined as a work of prose fiction, which tells story or uses incidents to dramatize human experience and individual character. Novel is narrative kind of writing which is focused on sequence of events, time, and solution certain more than a thousand words and have the aspect of novel. Two aspects are intrinsic and extrinsic elements. The intrinsic elements discuss internal text and structural points such as theme (ideas), character (tell about someone), plot (something and event), setting (somewhere), and point of view (where the writer put himself in the story). Meanwhile, extrinsic elements discuss external factor that influence the novel such as social, biography, society, religion and psychology. Novel consists of two types. They are fiction (unreal) and nonfiction (real). In nonfiction novel, the author presents actual people and events. Meanwhile, fiction novel, the readers can know more about the theme or character in the novel. (Kasim, 2005:27).


In this novel, the writer focuses on analyzing the theme because it is common that an analysis of a novel is focused on one of those elements such as theme or characterization. Theme is one aspect of the intrinsic elements in the novel. Theme is the central unifying element of the story which ties together all of the other elements of fiction such as plot, character, setting, etc used by the author in writing. Theme is related to ideas. For example the theme in the novel “The Old Man and The Sea” by Ernest Hemingway is about struggle for life. It tells about the struggle of how Santiago proves his identity as a fisherman. Knickerboecker (1963:90) said that:

“Every good story is shaped by controlling theme or idea. This controlling theme selects and arranges everything which goes into the story the characters, the action, the resolution of the conflict and anything else, using by the writers to dramatize his total menaing”.

Thematic analysis is an analysis that uses theme as the object of the analysis. According to Clements (1998:165):

“A third logical and traditional way to approach the comparison of authors and literatures is thematic one or, in German popular term, through stoffgeschiete, narrative material, the “stuff” of prose and poetry. Obviously, since the matter of literature may involve themes, topics, myths, rituals, motifs, metaphors, plots or even thesis, this is a very broad approach indeed”.

There are many novels can be found and read, but the writer is interested in New Moon by Stephenie Meyer to be the subject matter of this thesis. Stephenie Meyer is one of the American authors. New Moon was Stephenie Meyer’s second novel after Twilight series in Twilight Saga. Upon its publication in the United States on September 6th 2006 New Moon moved quickly to the top of best seller list. It peaked at first on both the New York Times Best Seller List and USA Top 150 Best Seller.


The writer chooses New Moon as object of this analysis because the novel has the theme which is very good to be analyzed. Theme in this novel is about love sacrifice. In this novel, the love story is very unique and full of sacrifice. The story of New Moon tells about love between a human with a vampire that logically is unusual. Usually a love story is between human and human or a man and a woman, but in this novel it is not. The love story occurs in a different world where Bella as a human loves Edward as a vampire that logically the vampire will drink human blood. Bella must choose between two choices. She wants to get his love or save her soul. For example, Bella wants to give her soul to Edward by letting him to bite her that she can be a vampire like Edward. Another sacrifice done by Bella is that she is willing to leave her environment for Edward. Although her parents and her friends do not agree. This is also the background why the writer chose the title: Thematic Analysis of New Moon by Stephenie Meyer.

1.2 Problem of The Study

In doing this analysis, the writer thinks it is important to decide the problem that is going to be analyzed, in order to make it clear and easier to be understood. In reference to this, the problems that the writer wants to analyze are:

1. How about love story between Bella and Edward? 2. What sacrifice Bella did for her love?


1.3 Objective of The Study

The writer has several objectives in analyzing the novel New Moon by stephenie Meyer. Firstly, to find out the love story between Bella and Edward, secondly to find out the sacrifice of Bella’s love and the last to find out the consequences of Bella’s love sacrifice.

1.4 Scope of The Study

Every analysis needs limitation in order to make the analysis focus and not to go far from what is going to be discussed. To avoid the ambiguity, the writer make the limitation in this analysis into a specific cope, so it can be easier to be understood by the reader. The writer limits her analysis only how to Bella, the main character, sacrificed everything to prove her love in this novel.

1.5 Significance of The Study

Love is very important in daily life. Life is love and love needs sacrifice. Sacrifice involves giving up one’s entire self for a “greater” cause, living in pain and discomfort to “prove” something to other people. We know that love is sacrifice. Although, rationally, we must know what will be sacrificed. Is it good or not for us and our society?. From this thesis, the reader knows that the consequences of loving someone means that we must be ready to sacrifice. By reading this thesis, the reader can also solve their own problem about love sacrifice.


The significance of the analysis is to enrich literary study through fiction in terms of novel. This analysis can be made as reference for those who are interested in the field of literature. In other words, this thesis analysis could be a clue for further analysis in literature.

The other significance is to meet the requirements to get the Academic Degree of Sarjana Sastra.




2.1 Thematic Description and Theme

A literary work is constructed by intrinsic elements and it is influenced by the intrinsic elements. The intrinsic approach in a literary work consists of five elements, such as theme, plot, setting, character, and point of view. Theme in literary work is one of the constructive element that construct the literary work as wholeness, even the existence of theme depends on other constructive elements (plot, setting, character, and point of view).

There are many definitions of theme. Theme is the meaning of the story. Every fiction has a theme, but to understand what is theme is not easy. In general, theme does not express explicitly by the author. The reader should read and understand what the story tells about. In order to get what is the theme, the reader needs some interpretation. Theme is the central of unifying element of the story which ties together all of the other elements of fiction such as plot, character, setting, point of view, etc. It used by the author to tell the story. Blaze O. Bonazza, Emily Roy, and Sandra Roy (1982:10) said that:

The theme of a story is the generalization about human life that can be drawn from the outcome of the conflict and from the support provided by tone, attitude, atmosphere, setting and symbolism or allegory.


From explanation above, it means that the theme of the story is an idea that can be broadly applied both to the story itself and to read life situations outside the story.

Fiction necessarily embodies ideas. Even stories written for entertainment alone are based on idea or position. Thus, the authors of comic works are committed to the idea that human difficulties can be treated with humor. More works that are serious may force characters to make difficult moral choices in the thought that in a losing situation, the only winner is the one who maintains honour and self respect.

Mystery and suspense stories rest on the belief that problems have solution even if they may not a first some apparent. Writers may deal with the triumphs and defeats of life, the admirable and the despicable, the humorous and the pathetic, but whatever their goal, they are always expressing ideas about human experiences.

In literary works, there are usually many separate ideas. When one of the ideas seems to be the major one, it is called the theme. Judith A. Stanford says in her book Responding to Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays Fourth Edition (2002:53) says: theme is the central idea that you seek as you read a work think about it. Theme is the meaning of the whole story. Theme as a whole will be closely related to every part and aspect of a story. The writer discovers the theme by a thorough and responsive reading of the story, involving a constant awareness of the relations in every part of it.


To determine an idea or theme, one need to consider the meaning of what he reads, and then develops explanatory and comprehensive assertions. William Kenney (1966:91) says that: “Theme is the meaning releases; it may be the meaning of the story discovers. By theme, the writer means the necessary implication of the whole story, not a separable part of a story.”

Actually, the assertions need to be the same as those that others might make. People notice different thing, and individual formulations vary. Because one author might prefer an indirect way through a character’s speeches, while another may prefer direct statement expression. Furthermore, theme is something abstract. Therefore, it is quite difficult to have similar interpretation from readers. It may various indeed. Holaman and William Harmon (1986:502) said that:”Theme is the central or dominating idea in a work. In poetry, fiction and drama, it is the abstract concept that is made concrete through its representation in person, action, and images in the work”.

However, the process to find out theme of a story should be done in details because every aspect of the story supports the theme. The writer finds the theme in careful readings of the entire story one should pay attention to the whole story because authors use different ways to convey themes. The authors have their own way to express themes. Look for them that are repeated throughout the story. William Collins (1985:131) says, “Theme is a unifying idea, image, or motif, repeated, or developed throughout a work”.


Most of the literary critics define theme which can be inferred from a story, and the interpretation can be look like a moral. Actually, theme is more complicated than moral. The fact is theme has no moral value. Moral should be simpler than theme. In other words, moral is part of theme. Theme needs not to be a moral or a message. It may be what the happenings add up to what to the story is about. Moral inferences may be drawn from the story but the story does not set forth a lesson that we are supposed to put into practice.

Theme of a work is the key to its total meaning or message. The theme of a story is its underlying idea that the author is presenting. Martin Gray in his book A Dictionary of Literary Term (1984:208) says that:”Theme is the abstract subject of a work, its central idea or ideas, which may or not be explicit or obvious”.

The theme of a story may be stated very briefly or at great length, but in stating the theme, one must pick the central insight, the one that explains the greatest number of elements in the story and relates them to each other. All stories have theme as purpose, no matter how deviously the author chooses to present it. The task of discovery and stating theme is often considered as an easy but at once a difficult thing to do. Sometimes we feel that we understand the theme of a story, one must know the whole story. The ability to recognize a theme is important because it allows readers to understand the author’s purpose in writing the book. John Gardner in The Art of Fiction (1991:11) says that every fiction must have a theme as fundament of an intention. The writer will describe the characters in the novel by using that fundament.


It means that theme is a very important element beside others. It is to be the reason for this argument that is the characters will be characterized by using the theme. According to Knickerboecker (1963:90):

“Every good story is shaped by controlling theme or idea. This controlling theme selects and arranges everything which goes into the story the characters, the action, the resolution of the conflict and anything else, using by the writers to dramatize his total meaning”.

According to him, it means that a theme is a controlling idea. The function of the theme is as a control of the idea in a novel. It will control the characters, the action of the characters and even resolve the conflict in the novel.

Most of work, however convey their theme indirectly. Whether or not, there is something to be learned depends on what the reader discovers. In the work and how those discoveries interact with what the readers already know, think and feel about the subject of the work. Sometimes it reinforces what we already believe, adding new details to support our current beliefs and emotions. Sometimes we encounter a work whose main idea offends or angers us.

So from this, the writer will analyze this thesis with thematic analysis. Thematic analysis is an analysis that uses theme as the object of the analysis. Robert J. Clements (1998:165) said that:


“A third logical and traditional way to approach the comparison of authors and literatures is thematic one or, in German popular term, through stoffgeschiete, narrative material, the “stuff” of prose and poetry. Obviously, since the matter of literature may involve themes, topics, myths, rituals, motifs, metaphors, plots or even thesis, this is a very broad approach indeed”.

Thematic analysis is an approach to dealing with data that involves the creation and application of ‘codes’ to data. The ‘data’ being analyzed might take any number of forms an interview transcript, field notes, policy documents, photographs and video footage.

The value of thematic ideas in a story can be considered only in their relation to the entire work. Regardless of how true, universal, or appealing an idea may seem or not seem, the primary concern of a reader should be with how well the ideas is exemplified and brought to life in the story. What matters is how artistically, how concretely and how compellingly the author gives shape and substance to a guiding principle apart from the reader’s appraisal of the validity, intellectual worth or originality of the idea embodied.

One of the example of thematic analysis can we see in the novel “The Old Man and The Sea”. It is analyze about theme. The theme is about struggle for life. In those thesis tells about life struggling a fisherman, Santiago, to prove their identity to the world that he ever exist as a fisherman.


2.2 Definition Of Love

It is empty or meaningless when human beings can not interact with one another to make themselves exist. The ultimate goal of interaction is to show how somebody feels consciously the presence of others in order to communicate and live together. One form of these social interactions is the true existence of love. Love is a sort of glue to living persons that unite the knot of gap or difference. With love, human beings may unite the meaning of life in broadest meaning.

Love is a strong affection or deep concern for another person. Love can be communicated in many different ways. It is expressed through words or through touch or other actions that show admiration and concern. Love often grows with time. The ability to love is one of the most pleasurable parts of living. All people have the ability to give love and

the need to receive it.

The meaning of love is not strictly defined as passion of owning something completely. It is expressed and defined in a variety of ways. Friendship is a simple example that human beings need in their lives. It is one form of love which links loyalty toward each other and shares interest and support. Such feelings and behavior are a form of love. The caring among parents, children, brothers, and sisters are an implementation of love human beings may reciprocally.


It is notable that the meaning of love can be wrongly implied. For instance, the love of power may terminate the nook of live meaning if it is centered for only one’s own satisfaction. Love truly does not belong to an individual. It is shared in the nuance of true meaning of life itself. Yet, what love may give is the same as what love may take. It is equally implied for the benefit of mankind to link the feelings of equality and belongingness. However, if the implication of love is wrongly interpreted will tend to destroy the good side of friendship and together that human beings eternally dream for.

In general, love is implicitly implying “like marries like” that may be stated still more specifically. The notion of remarrying the sense of like feeling represents the highest valuable standard of living to share. There will not be sense of feeling low or shallow when the meaning of love is placed right in terms of to like one another in terms of love. Thus, love is a summary of man’s life history with another person to take and give for living together harmoniously.

It will not be debated that the world can stand as what it is until today is basically running together with the meaning of love human beings has understood. The world cannot stand long when love is put aside because there will be hatred growing more than the feeling of love. Things which are in contrast with love will become threat for human beings to build togetherness. So, as long is love existing, the world stands strongly for human beings to live by together and communicate in terms of social interaction.


We all have probably felt love sway, its power over us. As Dyer (1983:54) said that: “…love as one of the main sources of beauty and happiness and

possibly bitterness and unhappiness in our lives. We have heard the poet sing the best, and the cynic say the worst, about love”.

There is an important aspect of love that may bridge unity among individuals. It is universal to understand and accept painfulness, awesomeness and pleasure that love may transmit. Love teaches how to forgive the mistake in order to get the missing part of humanity. Needless to say, the meaning of love is reflecting how empathy gives amazing moment of self-recognition. With love, the real union of human relationship wills stand strongly and harmoniously.

Human love and affection are as important to the infant and child as food and shelter are, and they remain important throughout life. A major function of love meaning is to generalize wants and likes into affection and care for the unity of togetherness. The lack of understanding of what love is will harm the pieces of human development in terms of living together socially. However, lack of love can ruin companionship in which many people spent their entire lives in the communities they were born and raised. Many people continue to live if they are still ready to contribute the love for its truly eternal meaning.


Walster in Popenoe (1986:367) said that love is the basis for union. It can be traced the way many people talk about it, sing about it, write it into novels, plays and poems. The kind of love that is typically thought of as the basis for togetherness is a mixture of attraction, feelings of excitement and idealization of loved one. The entire complex of norms surrounding love is tied to this deal of building strong togetherness. Many think that the loss of grasping meaning of love is disaster.

The true meaning of love that shines togetherness is as sweet as the name is. It is not enough to define as what it is because the world love gives more than what it means. Though it is understood and practiced differently, it is kept in one eternally and morally meaning that is to treat others as the way others want to be treated equally. To say simply, it is love that can make people know who they are when they are able to live together far from hatred and prejudice.

Scarcely can men live without love indeed. From the core of small social living that is family has been built by strong principle of love. One may marry the other is basically implemented through love. Family that is the starting point of social living implies that love is an obligation to share. If there is no love, the family will come to an end and so is social living as a whole. For what becomes the attainment of love is readiness to treat others as the way one wants others to treat him. In reference to this, the implementation of love comes from the realization of what the meaning of love is.


2.2.1 Types of Love

Devito (2008:145) identifies six main types of love such as:

1. Ludus Love

The word “ludus” derives from Latin which means play, and the adjective word “ludic” means playful. Through this kind of explanation, it can be traced that ludic love is experienced as a game. It seems to imply that ludus is hedonistic rather than spiritual. Its final goal is to find out pleasure by playing love as a kind of play thing. The more skillful one plays the love, the more he or she finds the meaning of ludic love to play.

Ludic lover realizes that he or she is the actor or actress of the love. He or she controls the love and each of them is the player and they will not let the love control them in return. It is a temporary pleasure to name love as something beautiful to experience. In short, ludic love does not consider consequence of love to own or disown. It happens so because the target of love is to find out pleasant thing given by the love.

More than what expected, ludic lover tries to satisfy his or her own pleasure to limit his or her behavior. What is done has been oriented to love pleasure with consistency to play with it. There is no sense of being hurt when love breaks in the middle of love situation. Ludic lover has already known that love is for fun, and it is tasted not to be regretted. The ludic lover is trapped in the frame of mind that every ludic lover is winner over love. Thus, it is only for fun and nothing is more than what it may give.


2. Storge Love

Commonly, the word ‘storge’ is referred to parental affection. This type love is more emotional rather than sexual or biological need. It sounds to show care or affection to pay attention for something better or to show friendship or closeness. When affectionate greeting such as ‘I Love You’ addressed by a grandson to his grandfather does not mean to love in the sense of sexual need. It is more sociable to denote expectancy of respect that the grandson is proud to have a grandfather.

The storge love is released from passion, but it comes from consciousness that shows mutual caring, compassion, respect and concern for other people. It is a reflection of individual linkage that every man needs one another sociably. It is not an expression of intensive feeling to own physically. Thus, the storge lover dreams unity based on respect and mutual understanding to share what love may share for betterment of human sense.

There is a consequence when storge love does not follow the standard values shared morally. It tends to be disappointed when storge love has not come to what has been regarded as right morally. Because of that, the storge love must be based on communal agreements which are related to right or wrong conception. When this does not work appropriately there will be great disappointment that can break the mutual understanding into pieces. Not rarely do parents and their children live in separation when this storge love does not work well.


3. Manic Love

The word ‘manic’ is addressed to affected by mania. Mania as a mental illness characterized by euphoria, an excessive or unreasonable desire. Mania is an abnormal and obsessive desire or inclination, or more loosely, an extreme enthusiasm, for specified thing. From this simple understanding, it can be summarized that manic love is accepted as something deviant or unique way of defining sense.

It is true that deviant or unique implication of manic lover is the feeling of loosing love is much greater than keeping it. Manic love implies to love one completely and totally in the situation of loving intensely but at the other side fearing as well the loss of love. In consequence, manic love is the acceptance of obsessive orientation by chaining another to get his or her freedom.

Manic lover gets his or her pleasure if she or he owns totally whom he or she loves. There is no way out to escape from getting pleasure from the other except on the way the manic lover wants to. At glance, it is so natural to love what one wants to love completely. Yet, negative impact of manic love is the restriction of being free to make friendship. The impact will be fatal if there is no settlement for controlling manic love. As the name means manic love turns to be destructive when he or she fails to control his or her passion.


4. Pragma Love

The pragma lover is the pracmatical lover who seeks a relationship that will rock. Pragma lovers seek compatibility and relationship in which their important needs and desires will be satisfied. Computer matching services seem based largely on an assumption of pragmatic love. Compatibility is emphasized, so the computer will match persons on the basis of similar interest, attitudes, personality characteristics, religion, politics, hobbies, and host of the other likes and dislike. The assumption here is that persons who are similar will be more apt to establish relationship than will persons who are different. This assumption is generally supported by the research on interpersonal attraction.

In its extreme, Pragma love may be seen in the person who writes down the qualities he or she wants in a mate and actively goes about seeking someone to match these stated qualities. As might be expected, the Pragma lover is concerned with the social qualifications of a potential mate even more than with personal qualities; family and background are extremely important. The Pragma lover wants to marry and settle down and get on with the business of living. In Pragma, a love relationship is clearly a means to the achievements of other ends, unlike the manic lover to whom the love relationship is the end and all else are means to its attainment.

Not surprisingly, relationships rarely deteriorate among Pragma lovers. This is true in part because Pragma lovers have chosen their mates carefully and have emphasized similarities.


5. Eros Love

The true hedonistic love or love for pleasure physically is eros. It is an erotic implication that pertains to sexual love. As the adjective word ‘erotic’ means naked or transparent, eros is attached to body performance that gives a response for affection. Thus, it refers to beauty and physical attractiveness and finds out self-satisfaction for having relationship.

Morally and religiously, erotic love is contradictory and supposed to be sinful. It is breaking the border of religious principles for it tends to worldly satisfaction. Erotic lover places the feeling of pleasure given by love instead of moral consequence. The earthly pleasure offered by erotic love is more important than what the religion may give. So, the eros sounds to break what the people think right to do.

The erotic lover focuses on beauty and physical attractiveness, sometimes to the exclusion of qualities we might consider more important and more endin uring. The erotic lover often has an ideal image of beauty that is unattainable in reality. Consequently, the erotic lover often feels unfulfilled. Erotic lovers are particularly sensitive to physical imperfections in their beloved – a nose that is too long, a complexion that is blemished, a figure that is a bit to full, and so on – all cause difficulties. And this is one reason why the erotic lover wants to experience the entire person as quickly in the relationship as possible.


Eros in an ego centered love, a love that is given to someone because that person will return the love. It is in this sense a utilitarian, rational love because it is a calculated love with an anticipated return. Eros is essentially hedonistic. It is a sensual love of physical qualities of an individual. In Eros physical attraction is paramount; there is a definite sensual feeling for the other person’s body. Eros is a discriminating type of love. It is selective in its love objects. It is directed at someone because he or she is valuable and can be expected to return the love in kind.

6. Agape Love

Agape is a compassionate love. It is an ego less, self giving love. Agape is non rational and non discriminative. Agape creates value and virtue by its love rather than bestowing love only on that which is valuable and virtuous. The Agapic Lover will love the stranger on the road, and the fact that they will probably never meet again has nothing to do with it.

The kind of agapic love is spiritual rather than emotional. Agape is a manifestation of religious values the people believe in. One is not love altruistically if one loves with the thought that one will be rewarded in some way for this love or compassion. Agapic lover is offered with no concern for any kind of personal reward again. The Agapic lover loves without even expecting that the love will be returned or reciprocated.


The Agapic lover gives to the other person the kind of love the person needs even though there may be great difficulties or personal hardship involved. For example, if one person in a love relationship would prefer to be free and to be living with another person, the true Agapic lover will leave the relationship for the sake of the beloved with no thought that this altruistic act will result in his or her love being returned. Furthermore, the true Agapic lover will want this new relationship to succeed and will be hurt if it brings unpleasantness or unhappiness to the beloved. Most often when relationship to fail, as a kind of punishment. Similarly, when someone hurts you, you often want them hurt in return. But the Agapic lover responds differently; even if hurt, the Agapic lover wants only the best for the beloved. In one sense, agape is more of a philosophical kind of love than a love most of us have the strength to achieve.

The word love may differs from time to time and it depends on individual to imply accordingly one’s motive. It seems undeniable for some to verify love is the same as like or vice versa. But, the words are closely connected, though they are different in meaning. For example, the word ‘like’ means a broad range of positive feelings towards another person. Meanwhile, the word ‘love’ means a deep range of feelings of possessiveness.

The implied meaning of the word itself consists of many demands and consistencies. These are wrapped well in thematic expression of what content love is. The thematic characters of love such as emotionally or passion; a sense of commitment or loyalty, and a degree of sharing, openness, or mutual expression of personal identity. Of what is inherent in the love implication has been referred to genuine regard and sincere concern for intimacy and relationship.


Since love varies from culture to culture, it contains universal achievement such as belongingness in terms to love and to be loved. It is not only restricted to possessiveness but also to share upon other’s need. For instance, to give a penny for beggar is a sign of love on humanity or even to love all human kind as the creation of God. In its largest sense, love may cover sacrifice, integrity or attention for the other people.

A sacrifice is a loss or something you give up, usually for the sake of a better cause. Though no longer used only in a religious context. Sacrifice comes from the Latin ‘sacra’ and ‘facere’, meaning ‘to perform sacred rites’. Ancient cultures like the Incas, we probably heard of “human sacrifice” where a person is killed in a sacred ceremony to please the Gods. But thankfully those kinds of sacrifices don’t happen anymore.

As quoted from net about definition of sacrifice:

“Sacrifice is a willingness to suffer for the sake of your mate. To be ready to give up your happiness to ensure your lover’s. To offer of yourself without resentment or expectation of anything in return…”

From the quotation above, the writer know that sacrifice involves giving up one’s entire self for a greater cause, living in pain and discomfort to prove something to other people. The love sacrifice can we see in daily life such as sacrifice of the son for the parents, sacrifice of human to the God, sacrifice of the people to the country, even sacrifice to our lover. All of them, doing by integrity to prove something to another.



3.1Research Design

According to Welleck and Warren (1965:139), there are two approaches to analyze the literary works. They are intrinsic and extrinsic approach.

1. Intrinsic approach is a kind of approach which analysis literary work based on the text and structural points of literary works. It discusses the characters, plot, setting, theme, and style.

2. Extrinsic approach is a kind of approach which analysis the literary work and its connection with other language and external factor such as biography, history, religion, psychology, etc.

The method of literary approach that the writer uses in analyzing this thesis is intrinsic approach, which is also called textual analysis. Intrinsic approach deals with an attempt to analyze literary works focusing only on the text of the literary works. This approach doesn’t need the help of outside sources such as philosophy or psychology. The writer focuses on the point of theme about love sacrifice. The writer read the whole story. Then the writer continues with selecting data or taking some notes and quotations from the dialogues and statement of the novel.

The quotations are interpreted in order to give proper description in the analysis. It is described with the support of quotation to strengthen the truth of the analysis. The writer believes about describe is based on the writer own perception. It is said because interpretation is more useful in this analysis in describing the truth scientifically.

The reference of this thesis will be obtained through library research. The writer use some books and many other sources as references that related to the subject matter that is being analyzed. Mainly, the writer uses Stephenie Meyer’s novel New Moon as the main source of data. The novel contents the important information for the subject matter that is being analyzed. Others books are the analysis psychology of love written by many scholars.


References not fully copied, although there are some quotations. The writer also browses some opinions about love from the internet to add knowledge and understanding about it. 3.2Data Collecting

The main data is novel of New Moon by Stephenie Meyer, published by Little Brown Company in 2006, the novel has 358 pages. In this step, the writer begins to collect data which are related to the title of thesis. This is some steps:

1. Reading the Novel

In this step, the writer reads the novel, the aim is to get deep understanding about novel about what story tells about.

2. Choose the topic that going to analyzed. The topic that going to analyze about the theme of love sacrifice.

3. Selecting the important information about theme in the novel.

After choosing the topic from the novel, then the writer selects the important information which describe about theme of love sacrifice through the character. The important information which the writer must get are quotation, attitudes and character.

4. Finding reference.

In this step, the writer finds references to further support the main data. The reference which is helpful are such as internet, articles and other books that related to the topic that analyzed.

5. Identifying data

After deciding the relevant sources, the next thing to do is identifying data. In this step, the writer classify the kinds of theme of love sacrifice include the explanation. This step done by reading the selected sources, both from novel and other references, then marking the text related to the thesis.

3.3Data Analysis

In this step, the writer makes further analysis from the data which found in the novel of New Moon. All selected data such as quotation, theme about love sacrifice are being analyzed what has been planned in the objective of the thesis, and finally a conclusion can be drawn.




4.1 The Love Story of Bella and Edward

The story of New Moon tells about love between a human with a vampire that logically is unusual. Usually a love story is between human and human or a man and a woman, but in this novel it is not. The love story occurs in a different world where Bella as a human loves Edward as a vampire that logically the vampire drink human blood. Their love has many challenges because their different genre. Although just vampire likes Carlisle. He can stop his desire not to suck blood. As quoted below:

Carlisle was not the only one who stayed calm. Centuries of experience in the emergency room were evident in his quite, authoritative voice.

His relaxed calm was only more amazing set in direct contrast with everyone else’s reaction. I couldn’t find any trace of anxiety in his face. He worked with quick, sure movements. The only sound besides our quiet breathing was the soft plink, plink as the tiny fragments of glass dropped one by one to the table.

His dark eyes were calm and thoughtful as he answered. “Hmm. What I enjoy the very most is when my … enhanced abilities let me save someone who would otherwise have been lost. It’s pleasant knowing that, thanks to what I can do, some people’s lives are better because I exist. Even the sense of smell is a useful diagnostic tool at times.” One side of his mouth pulled up in half a smile.

I mulled that over while he poked around, making sure all the glass splinters were gone.


From the quotation above, we can see that Carlisle works with peace attitude, quick and sure movements without stop her desire when Bella’s injured hand sliced by paper. His experience works in emergence room for many years shows that his ability becomes peripheral diagnoses to saving another people. Meanwhile, Jasper not same with Carlisle. He can’t stop his desire to suck blood. As quoted below:

“Shoot,” I muttered when the paper sliced my finger; I pulled it out to examine the damage. A single drop of blood oozed from the tiny cut. It all happened very quickly then.

Jasper slammed into Edward, and the sound was like the crash of boulders in a rock slide. There was another noise, a grisly snarling that seemed to be coming from deep in Jasper’s chest. Jasper tried to shove past Edward, snapping his teeth just inches from Edward’s face. Jasper struggled on, his wild, empty eyes focused only on me. Jasper struggled against Emmett’s unbreakable grasp, twisting around, reaching toward his brother with his bared teeth, his eyes still past reason.

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:17-18)

From the quotation above, we can see that Jasper attacks Bella when Bella’s injured hand. He feels very thirsty and gluttonous when he smells Bella’s blood. So, Jasper’s vampire eye just focused on Bella.

When Bella and Edward make a date, Edward also stops his desire because he doesn’t want to kill Bella. If they are kissing, Edward often reminds Bella not to exceeding boundary. As quoted below:


His mouth lingered on mine, cold and smooth and gentle, until I wrapped my arms around his neck and threw myself into the kiss with a little too much enthusiasm. I could feel his lips curve upward as he let go of my face and reached back to unlock my grip on him. Edward had drawn many careful lines for our physical relationship, with the intent being to keep me alive. Though I respected the need for maintaining a safe distance between my skin and his razor sharp, venom coated teeth, I tended to forget about trivial things like that when he was kissing me.

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:8)

He laughed, and then sighed. “Heaven forbid that I should do anything I don’t want to do,” he said in a strangely desperate tone as he put his hand under my chin and pulled my face up to his. The kiss began much the same as usual – Edward was as careful as ever, and my heart began to overreact like it always did .,….

When he stopped it was abrupt; he pushed me away with gentle, firm hands.

“Sorry”, he said, and he was breathless, too.”That was out of line.” (Stephenie Meyer, 2006:31)

From the quotation above, we can see that Edward kisses Bella carefully. Because when they are kissing, it will make him to suck blood.

Bella’s father, Charlie doesn’t agree if Bella loves Edward. He doesn’t want his daughter die because the blood is sucked. He loves Bella very much. He doesn’t want to lose twice like Bella’s mother before. Bella’s father thinks that Edward is not a good fellow. So, he forbids Bella near with Edward. As quoted below:


“I can’t believe you have the nerve to show your face here.” Charlie bellowed at Edward, his voice much closer now.

“Don’t tell me what to do!” Charlie yelled. “Give her to me. Get your hands off her!” Edward tried to pass me to Charlie, but I clung to him with locked, tenacious fingers. I could feel my dad yanking on my arm. We were in front of my house. The front door was standing open. The could cover overhead was too thick to guess at a time of day.”You bet I will be,” Charlie promised.”Get inside.

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:315)

He shook his head, the vein in his forehead pulsing. “I want you to stay away from him, Bella. I don’t trust him. He’s rotten for you”. (Stephenie Meyer, 2006:351)

From the quotation above, we can see that Charlie evicts Edward from his house. He gets angry with Bella who loves a vampire. He wants Edward to be far away from his daughter, Bella.

Bella’s friend, Jacob doesn’t agree either, if Bella loves a vampire. He worries if Bella is always near a vampire that will suck her blood. As quoted below:

“You’re still pretty unhappy, aren’t you?” he murmured. I nodded, staring unseeingly into the gloomy forest.

“Did you ever think… that may be… you’re better off?” I inhaled slowly, and then let my breath out.”No.”

“Cause he wasn’t the best-”

“Please, Jacob,” I interrupted, begging in a whisper.”Could we please not talk about this? I can’t stand it.”

“Vampires don’t count as people.” (Stephenie Meyer, 2006:193/200)

From the quotation above, we can see that Jacob reminds Bella that Edward is not a good fellow. Jacob doesn’t agree if Bella loves Edward because the vampire sucks the blood.


Many challenges that faced by Bella and Edward. Even Bella’s grandmother has died appeared in Bella’s dream. As quoted below:

Even though I was always thrilled to see him-conscious or otherwise-and even though I was almost positive that I was dreaming, I panicked as Edward walked toward us through the glaring sunlight. I panicked because Gran didn’t know that I was in love with a vampire- nobody knew that..

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:1)

I shot a panicked glance back at Gran, and saw that it was too late. She was just turning to stare back at me, her eyes as alarmed as mine. (Stephenie Meyer, 2006:2)

From the quotation above, we can see that Bella and Edward meet with her grandmother in Bella’s dream. Bella panicked when her grandmother saw her and Edward together. Her grandmother gets angry if know she loves vampire.

The loves between Bella and Edward full of challenges. We can see that Edward’s family could be danger for Bella’s life. One of the example is Bella’s injured hand touch by sharp paper when she opens gift in her birthday. Jasper smells Bella’s blood and directly he wants to suck Bella’s blood. But, Edward could protect Bella from Jasper. From here, Edward thinks that he must be far away from Bella. Edward loves Bella very much. Although he ever be far away from Bella, he always take care out from the distance. As quoted below:

This time I tried to get the kick-start myself. It was complicated; I had to jump a little to slam down on the pedal with enough force, and every time I did that, the bike tried to knock me over….

“Do you want to kill yourself, then? Is that what this is about?” the other voice spoke again, his tone severe.

“Go home to Charlie,” the voice ordered. The sheer beauty of it amazed me.

“No, Bella!” the angry, honey-sweet voice ordered in my ear. “Watch what you’re doing!”


The bike was suddenly unstable underneath me, shivering first to one side and then the other.

It was dragging me toward the green wall, and I was going too fast. I tried to turn the handlebar the other direction, and the sudden shift of my weight pushed the bike toward the ground, still spinning toward the trees.

The motorcycle landed on top of me again, roaring loudly, pulling me across the wet sand until it hit something stationary. I couldn’t see. My face was mashed into the moss. I tried to lift my head, but there was something in the way.

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:113-114)

From the quotation above, we can see that Edward’s voice comes to remind Bella not to do the something careless such as ride the motorcycle. From his voice, he suggests Bella to go home. He doesn’t want Bella get accident.

Edward’s voice also reminds Bella when she meets Laurent in the forest. Laurent is another group vampire that wants to kill Bella. As quoted below:

“Laurent!” I cried in surprised.

I took an involuntary step back, and his curious, dark red eyes followed the movement.

Laurent took a casual step to the side, gazing around at the little meadow. I didn’t miss that the step brought him closer to me. In my head, the voice responded with a low snarl.

”Don’t move,” the voice whispered. I tried to do what he instructed. It was hard; the instinct to take flight was nearly uncontrollable. A mischievous grin rearranged his features. “Well, you’ve caught me at a bad time, Bella. I didn’t come to this place on Victoria’s mission-I was hunting. mission-I’m quite thirsty, and you do smell…simply mouthwatering.” ”Threaten him,” the beautiful delusion ordered, his voice distorted with dread. I tensed for the spring, my eyes squinting as I cringed away, and the sound of Edward’s furious roar echoed distantly in the back of my head. His name burst through all the walls I’d built to contain it. Edward, Edward, Edward…


From the quotation above, we can see that Edward’s voice remind Bella to be careful and stay calm dealing Laurent. Laurent want to suck Bella’s blood.

4.2 The Sacrifice of Bella’s love

Bella loves Edward very much, so when Edward suggests Bella to loves human, but she refuses. Edward thinks he could danger Bella’s soul. He believes that human better than vampire. As quoted below:

“Bella, you gave yourself a paper cut that hardly deserves the death penalty.”

“Your fault? If you’d cut yourself at Mike Newton’s house, with Jessica there and Angela and your other normal friends, the worst that could possibly have happened would be what? Maybe they couldn’t find you a bandage? If you’d tripped and knocked over a pile of glass plates on your own-without someone throwing you into them-even then, what’s the worst? You’d get blood on the seats when they drove you to the emergency room? Mike Newton could have held your hand while they stitched you up-and he wouldn’t be righting the urge to kill you the whole time he was there. Don’t try to take any of this on yourself, Bella. It will only make me more disgusted with myself. ”

“Mike Newton ended up in this conversation because Mike Newton would be a hell of a lot healthier for you to be with,” he growled. “I’d rather die than be with Mike Newton,” I protested. “I’d rather die than be with anyone but you.”

“Don’t be melodramatic, please.” “Well then, don’t you be ridiculous.” (Stephenie Meyer, 2006:26-27)


From the quotation above, we can see that Edward explains to Bella that she better loves Mike than him because Mike is a human.

After the incidents in Bella’s birthday party, Edward thought that he had made mistake which could be dangerer for Bella. So, he left Bella. As quoted below:

“I’m no good for you, Bella.”

“My world is not for you,” he said grimly.

“Bella, I don’t want you to come with me.” He spoke the words slowly and precisely, his cold eyes on my face, watching as I absorbed what he was really saying.

He looked away into the trees as he spoke again.”Of course, I’ll always love you…in a way. But what happened the other night made me realize that it’s time for a change. Because I’m … tired of pretending to be something I’m not, Bella. I am not human.” He looked back, and the icy planes of his perfect face were not human.”I’ve let this go on much too long, and I’m sorry for that.” His eyes cooled, the distance returned.”I’m thinking of Charlie, of course. He needs you. Take care of yourself-for him.”

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:43-45)

From the quotation above, we can see that Edward says to Bella that they world are different. He realizes that he is not good for Bella. So, he left Bella. He wants Bella still alive with Charlie.

The sacrifice of Bella to Edward is unusual for us as human. Bella loves Edward very much. She can’t live and be far away from Edward. When Edward be far away from Bella, she feels depressed for almost a year. Bella doesn’t want lose her lover again. It’s better die than live without Edward. She prefers to be a vampire so that they can live together. As quoted below:


“Where you are is the right place for me.”

“No! This is about my soul, isn’t it?” I shouted, furious, the words exploding out of me-somehow it still sounded like a plea.”Carlisle told me about that, and I don’t care, Edward. I don’t care! You can have my soul. I don’t want it without you-it’s yours already!”

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:43)

I didn’t expect my hasty words to bring on such a strong response. Despite the warning he’d come to give, he must not have known. He must have thought the warning was just a precaution. He hadn’t realized-or didn’t want to believe-that I had already made my choice. That I was really intending to become a member of the Cullen family (Stephenie Meyer, 2006:354)

I looked toward Edward this time; it would be better to get his opinion out of the way.”Do you want me to join your family?”

“It’s the only way that makes sense,” Carlisle insisted.”You’ve chosen not to live without her, and that doesn’t leave me a choice.” Accepting this, I knew I needed to be able to take care of myself and protect the ones I loved, even if that meant that I couldn’t be with them. I needed to be strong.

“You can do it,” I encouraged. “I trust you.”

Carlisle ignored that. “I’m able to do it,” he answered my question. I wished I could see his expression.”You would be in no danger of me losing control.”

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:343-345)

I could face anything as long as that was true.

I squared my shoulders and walked forward to meet my fate, with my destiny solidly at my side.

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:363)

From the quotation above, we can see that Bella decide to be a vampire. She says that Edward’s world is also her world. She wants live with Edward. She asks Carlisle, the other vampire, to bite her. Finally, Carlisle bites Bella and she becomes a vampire. Bella says that she can face everything if she always together with Edward.


4.3 Consequences of Bella’s Love Sacrifice

Bella sacrifice her soul to become a vampire. She chooses her lover more than her soul. She likes to be vampire better than human. With become vampire so that she must left Charlie, her parents and Jacob, her friends. As quoted below:

“Jake, I have to-”

“You don’t though. You really don’t. You could stay here with me. You could stay alive. For Charlie. For me.”

“Bye, Jake.” I pulled his hand from my hair, and kissed his palm. I couldn’t bear to look at his face. “Sorry,” I whispered.

“Take care of Charlie!” I turned to shout out the window…. (Stephenie Meyer, 2006:267)

This was always the hardest part. Charlie, Renee. Now Jacob, too. The people I would lose, the people I would hurt. I wished there was some way that I could be the only one to suffer but I knew that was impossible.

At the same time, I was hurting them more by staying human. Putting Charlie in constant danger through my proximity. Putting Jake in worse danger still by drawing his enemies across the land he felt bound to protect. And Renee- I couldn’t even risk a visit to see my own mother for fear of bringing my deadly problems along with me! I was danger magnet; I’d accepted that about myself.

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:339-340)

From the quotation above, we can see how Bella left her parents and her friends. Bella become vampire better than human. She gives messages to Jacob to ask him to take care Charlie, Bella’s father.





In this novel, the writer find types of Agape love. Where Agape love is a compassionate love. It is irrational and blind. The person who experience in Agape love will leave her/his family relationship for the sake of the beloved. The writer finds that love sacrifice as thematic analysis in this novel.

In this novel, the writer analyzes love between human and vampire that logically is unusual. There are many challenges in facing it. Bella as a human loves Edward, a vampire. Their love is not agreed by Bella’s parents and friends. Bella’s love is very dangerer to her soul because the vampire could suck her blood. Although there are some vampires who could stop her desire when he smell blood, for example when Carlisle helps to cure Bella’s injured hand. Because many challenges that they faced, Edward thinks that he must be far away from Bella. Bella feels depressed for almost a year without Edward. Bella can’t live and be far away from Edward. She prefers to be a vampire better than human. She chooses her loves more than her soul. She sacrifices her soul to be a vampire. She asks Carlisle to bite her that she can change into a vampire. So, she really becomes a vampire. She believes if she always stay with Edward, she can face everything with self confidence. The consequence of Bella’s love sacrifice is that she leaves her parents and her friends. Finally, her sacrifice brings happiness to her and her lover, Edward.


From this analyzing, the writer concludes that love is very important in our daily life. Life is love and love needs sacrifice. Sacrifice involves giving up one’s entire self for a “greater” cause, living in pain and discomfort to “prove” something to other people. From that’s all, the sacrifice of love is the thematic analysis of this thesis.


From this thesis, the reader knows that sacrifice of Bella’s love is a meaningless sacrifice. Although we love someone very much, we can’t leave our parents and friends easily. Our parents and friends are important for us beside our God. We can find lover anywhere, but we can’t trade our parents for anything. The sacrifice of love by leaving our parents is not logical and bad for us.

It is true that love need sacrifice. The consequences of loving someone means that we must be ready to sacrifice. But rationally, we must know what will be sacrificed. Is it good or not for us and our society?.

The writer hopes by reading this thesis, the reader can solve their own problem about love sacrifice. If we love someone, we can sacrifice anything to someone who we love, but it is not regarded as sacrifice of love. Think logically, keep our faith to God and obey our parent’s advice.

The writer also hopes the analysis this novel can enrich literary study. This analysis can be a reference for those who are interested in literature. In other words, this thesis analysis could be a clue for further literary analysis.



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“Where you are is the right place for me.”

“No! This is about my soul, isn’t it?” I shouted, furious, the words exploding out of me-somehow it still sounded like a plea.”Carlisle told me about that, and I don’t care, Edward. I don’t care! You can have my soul. I don’t want it without you-it’s yours already!”

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:43)

I didn’t expect my hasty words to bring on such a strong response. Despite the warning he’d come to give, he must not have known. He must have thought the warning was just a precaution. He hadn’t realized-or didn’t want to believe-that I had already made my choice. That I was really intending to become a member of the Cullen family (Stephenie Meyer, 2006:354)

I looked toward Edward this time; it would be better to get his opinion out of the way.”Do you want me to join your family?”

“It’s the only way that makes sense,” Carlisle insisted.”You’ve chosen not to live without her, and that doesn’t leave me a choice.” Accepting this, I knew I needed to be able to take care of myself and protect the ones I loved, even if that meant that I couldn’t be with them. I needed to be strong.

“You can do it,” I encouraged. “I trust you.”

Carlisle ignored that. “I’m able to do it,” he answered my question. I wished I could see his expression.”You would be in no danger of me losing control.”

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:343-345)

I could face anything as long as that was true.

I squared my shoulders and walked forward to meet my fate, with my destiny solidly at my side.

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:363)

From the quotation above, we can see that Bella decide to be a vampire. She says that Edward’s world is also her world. She wants live with Edward. She asks Carlisle, the other vampire, to bite her. Finally, Carlisle bites Bella and she becomes a vampire. Bella says that she can face everything if she always together with Edward.


4.3 Consequences of Bella’s Love Sacrifice

Bella sacrifice her soul to become a vampire. She chooses her lover more than her soul. She likes to be vampire better than human. With become vampire so that she must left Charlie, her parents and Jacob, her friends. As quoted below:

“Jake, I have to-”

“You don’t though. You really don’t. You could stay here with me. You could stay alive. For Charlie. For me.”

“Bye, Jake.” I pulled his hand from my hair, and kissed his palm. I couldn’t bear to look at his face. “Sorry,” I whispered.

“Take care of Charlie!” I turned to shout out the window…. (Stephenie Meyer, 2006:267)

This was always the hardest part. Charlie, Renee. Now Jacob, too. The people I would lose, the people I would hurt. I wished there was some way that I could be the only one to suffer but I knew that was impossible.

At the same time, I was hurting them more by staying human. Putting Charlie in constant danger through my proximity. Putting Jake in worse danger still by drawing his enemies across the land he felt bound to protect. And Renee- I couldn’t even risk a visit to see my own mother for fear of bringing my deadly problems along with me! I was danger magnet; I’d accepted that about myself.

(Stephenie Meyer, 2006:339-340)

From the quotation above, we can see how Bella left her parents and her friends. Bella become vampire better than human. She gives messages to Jacob to ask him to take care Charlie, Bella’s father.





In this novel, the writer find types of Agape love. Where Agape love is a compassionate love. It is irrational and blind. The person who experience in Agape love will leave her/his family relationship for the sake of the beloved. The writer finds that love sacrifice as thematic analysis in this novel.

In this novel, the writer analyzes love between human and vampire that logically is unusual. There are many challenges in facing it. Bella as a human loves Edward, a vampire. Their love is not agreed by Bella’s parents and friends. Bella’s love is very dangerer to her soul because the vampire could suck her blood. Although there are some vampires who could stop her desire when he smell blood, for example when Carlisle helps to cure Bella’s injured hand. Because many challenges that they faced, Edward thinks that he must be far away from Bella. Bella feels depressed for almost a year without Edward. Bella can’t live and be far away from Edward. She prefers to be a vampire better than human. She chooses her loves more than her soul. She sacrifices her soul to be a vampire. She asks Carlisle to bite her that she can change into a vampire. So, she really becomes a vampire. She believes if she always stay with Edward, she can face everything with self confidence. The consequence of Bella’s love sacrifice is that she leaves her parents and her friends. Finally, her sacrifice brings happiness to her and her lover, Edward.


From this analyzing, the writer concludes that love is very important in our daily life. Life is love and love needs sacrifice. Sacrifice involves giving up one’s entire self for a “greater” cause, living in pain and discomfort to “prove” something to other people. From that’s all, the sacrifice of love is the thematic analysis of this thesis.


From this thesis, the reader knows that sacrifice of Bella’s love is a meaningless sacrifice. Although we love someone very much, we can’t leave our parents and friends easily. Our parents and friends are important for us beside our God. We can find lover anywhere, but we can’t trade our parents for anything. The sacrifice of love by leaving our parents is not logical and bad for us.

It is true that love need sacrifice. The consequences of loving someone means that we must be ready to sacrifice. But rationally, we must know what will be sacrificed. Is it good or not for us and our society?.

The writer hopes by reading this thesis, the reader can solve their own problem about love sacrifice. If we love someone, we can sacrifice anything to someone who we love, but it is not regarded as sacrifice of love. Think logically, keep our faith to God and obey our parent’s advice.

The writer also hopes the analysis this novel can enrich literary study. This analysis can be a reference for those who are interested in literature. In other words, this thesis analysis could be a clue for further literary analysis.



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