









This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education







This thesis written by Nurissyarifatul Imamiyah was approved on July 31st, 2012


Advisor II, Advisor I,



This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on July 31st, 2012

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. M. Syaifuddin, M.M

Examiners: Signature:

1. Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, M.M. 1………

2. Drs. Mas’udi, M.Ed. 2………

3. Dra. Thathit Manon Andini, M.Hum. 3……… 4. Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si. 4………




“Grant me honourable mention on the tounge of truth among the latest (generations)” (Asy-Syu’araa : 84)

”Help yourself and God will help you.” (Portuguese proverb)

“Either act as you speak, or speak as you act.” (Romanian proverb)

“Do not take as gold everything that shines like gold.” (Anonymous)

“Everyone has their own dreams, but we do not need to be someone else to

reach our dreams.” (Nuris)

DEDICATION: I dedicated this thesis to: My beloved parents Imam Mahmud and Kusmiyati, My beloved sister Anis Tartilil Mahmudiyah.





Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, all praise and great thanks to Allah SWT, the only God of the universe. With His blesses and mercies, the writer finally could finish this thesis. Shalawat and Salam will always be given to our last Prophet, Muhammad SAW.

She would like to express her deepest gratitude to her first advisor Dra. Thathit Manon Andini, M.Hum, and her second advisor Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si, for invaluable guidance, suggestions, encouragement, and advice during this thesis making. Her sincere gratitude is also presented to all lecturers of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Malang.

Her sincere gratitude and special appreciation go to her beloved father Bapak Imam Mahmud and her beloved mother Ibu Kusmiyati. Thanks for your prayer, advice, motivation, love, affection, and care. Those also presented to her sister Anis Tartilil Mahmudiyah, and her big family in Malang and Sumenep.

She expresses her special thanks to: Kung, Suci, Anis, Mbak Alif, Ira, Neni, and Mbak Risky. Thanks for your help, share, prayer, support, love, and care.

She also presents much thanks to her friends of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Malang especially class-D, her friends in UMM Newspaper Bestari and UMM Queenpawn Chess Club. Thank you for cheering up her days.

Malang, 31st of July 2012






Novel as one of literary works gives pleasure to the people. Reading a novel can take the readers to an imaginative world that entertains them about human life. It also gives values and messages. Analyzing a novel can give advantages to the researcher and bring her to understand about life experience. Concerning with this study, there are two problems that will be answered, they are: 1) what Isabella Swan’s motivations of being a vampire are 2) what obstacles faced by Isabella Swan to be a vampire are.

This study applied qualitative design for it focused on understanding and interpreting the data through the dialogues of the novel rather than the numbers. Considering the purpose of the study, this study used objective approach because it did not need to study about the author’s life, the background of the work, or the background of the society. It just wanted to identify Isabella Swan’s motivations of being a vampire in “New Moon” novel by Stephenie Meyer. The object of the study was the novel “New Moon” by Stephenie Meyer. The data, presented by the author, were in form of paragraphs and quotations.

The result of this study showed that Isabella Swan’s motivations of being a vampire were because 1) she loved Edward Cullen and 2) the vampires lived longer than human did. The obstacles faced by Isabella Swan to be a vampire were the disagreement from some vampires and her own doubt to be a vampire. Keyword: Analysis, Isabella Swan’s motivation, novel.

The Advisor I, The writer,











1.1 Background of Study 1

1.2 Statement of Problem 4

1.3 Purpose of Study 4

1.4 Significance of Study 5

1.5 Scope of Limitation 5

1.6 Definition of Keyterms 5


2.1 Literature 7

2.1.1 Novel 9

2.1.2 Kinds of Novel 10

2.1.3 Elements of Novel 11 Character, Characteristic, and Characterization 11 Plot 13 Conflict 15



2.2.1 Meaning 15

2.2.2 Types of Motivation 16 Intrinsic Motivation 17 Extrinsic Motivation 18

2.2.3 Aspects of Motivation 18 Achievement 18 Socialization 19 Incentive 19 Fear 19 Change 20 Competence 20 Power 20 Attitude 20

2.3 Vampire 20


3.1 Research Design 22

3.2 Approach 23

3.3 Object of the Study 24

3.4 Data Collection 24

3.5 Data Analysis 24


4.1 Findings 26

4.1.1 Isabella Swan’s Motivations of Being a Vampire 26 Isabella Swan loved Edward Cullen, the vampire 27


x Bella wants to stay young as the vampires do 31 4.1.2 The Obstacles Appeared on Her Motivations to Be A Vampire 35 Some vampires did not agree with it 36 Isabella Swan’s had her own doubts of being a vampire 38

4.2 Discussion 41

4.3 Lessons 45


5.1 Conclusion 46

5.2 Suggestion 47

5.2.1 For the readers 47

5.2.2 For the future researchers 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY




Ary, Donald. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. Northern Illinois University.

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Kennedy, X.J. 1983. Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Canada: Little, Brown & Company.

Kenney, William. 1966. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press.

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Lahey, Benjamin B. 2003. Psychology: An Introduction. New York : The McGraw-Hill Companies.


Meyer, Michael. 1990. The Bedford Introduction to Literature. Second Edition. New York: Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press.

Moody, H.L.B. 1984. Literary Appreciation. England: Longman Group.

Morris, Charles and Maisto. 2003. Understanding Psychology. Prentice Hall, Inc. Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis. 2000. Educational Psychology: Developing Learners.

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This section presents such topics as background of study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of problem, scope and limitation, and also definition of key terms. Each section is presented as follows.

1.1 Background of Study

Language is a crucial thing in communicating with others. People do need language in order to understand what other people want to share. People will get difficulties on something if they do not understand their partner’s language. Language is not only the oral words spoken by the people, but also any signs that they make in order to communicate well. It is true because language and people are related each other. Language can represent what in people’s minds are. Besides that, language can also express people’s feeling, thoughts, emotions, or even any ideas.

According to Badrun (1992), language used in literary works is different from language for science. Language for science, usually, is related to human thought and having one meaning only. While language for literary works concerns on the feelings and has more than one meaning. In addition, it has many ways to lead human to a point. This kind of language does not only express what the author feels, but also persuades and changes the people’s thoughts. It can be said that language and literary works are related each other.



Saini K.M and Jakob Sumardjo stated that literature is human’s expression that can be in form of experiences, thoughts, feelings, ideas, spirits, beliefs in a concrete way and can give pleasure through its language (1986:3).

Badrun also has stated, “Literature is art activities, which are using language or signs and other symbols as the tools, and it is imaginative” (1992:16).

Moody has stated (1984:2):

Literature springs from our inborn love of telling a story, of arranging words in pleasing patterns, of expressing in words some special aspects of our human experience. It is usually set down in printed characters for us to read, though some forms of it are performed on certain social occasions. There are a number of different branches such as Drama, Poetry, the Novel, the Short Story; all these are works of the imagination or the capacity for invention.

From those statements above, it can be said that literary works are created to give pleasure and entertain the people. It is true that literature can be the expression of what the people feel, do, think, and see. It is about human’s life. Life is not only covering the dream, but also the reality. That is why literary works are covering human’s life, both reality and unreality.

So far, literature is considered difficult to understand since it is needed to be looked into not only outer surface of its components but also what is more important in the essence of it. In order to get pleasure and entertainment from those literary works, that is why it is important for people to know the essence of them. A novel, for example, is not enough for the readers to read it only; even they read the whole part of the novel. It will be more entertaining if the readers understand the whole part of it. One way to get it is by analyzing the novel itself.



In this study, the writer wants to analyze one of Stephenie Meyer’s novels “New Moon” that was published in 2006. Stephenie Meyer was successful in releasing her debut novel “Twilight”, and she continued her second novel “New Moon”. It is then followed by the third and fourth novels “Eclipse” and “Breaking Dawn”. She got “The Number 1 New York Times Bestseller” for her novels. When

it was published in 2006, “New Moon” then was created in form of movie three years later. Of course, it follows the success of its previous novel and movie, “Twilight”.

Stephenie Meyer’s novels are storied about vampires, human, and werewolves. People think these three creatures cannot be together due to their own needs and different way of life.

In analyzing Stephenie Meyer’s novel “New Moon”, the writer wants to concern on the main character’s motivations. It is Isabella Swan’s motivations, the only daughter of Chief Charlie Swan.

According to Morris and Maisto (2003), “Motivation is a specific need or desire that arouses the organism and directs its behavior toward the goal.” While Woolfolk (2004) explained motivation as an internal state that arouses, directs, and maintain behavior.

Motivation, in the simplest explanation, can be considered the state of having encouragement to do something. It will make people move, and take action, to whatever goal or result they desire and want, or plan to achieve.

While according to Lahey, “Motivation is the internal state or condition that activates and gives direction to our thoughts, feelings, and actions” (2003:368).



People have their own reasons of behaving or doing something, and these can be either internal or external reasons. While doing something, many obstacles may occur. When they face the obstacles, they will find the way to solve, and so does Bella Swan. She is motivated of being a vampire. Since motivation is defined as the will to act, then it is important to know the reasons why Bella Swan has strong will or strong motivations of being a monster. It is also important to know how she overcomes the obstacles that occur while she is motivated.

Based on the explanation, the result is focused on Bella Swan’s motivation of being a vampire and the obstacles she finds during it.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Based on the explanation above, the main problems that will be analyzed in this study are:

1. What are Isabella Swan’s motivations of being a vampire? 2. What obstacles do appear on her motivations?

1.3 Purpose of Study

Related to what has been discussed above, the purpose of this study is to answer the problems of the study. They are:

1. To find Isabella Swan’s motivations of being a vampire 2. To know the obstacles appear on her motivations



1.4 Significance of Study

Theoretically, this study is hoped to give information to those who study literary works, especially about novels. It is also expected to be able to encourage the students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Malang to give more attention on literature, so the teaching learning process can run well.

Everyone has his or her own reasons or motivations of doing something. Moreover, they may find many obstacles while doing it. Practically, if the readers find the same things as what Bella Swan finds, they will be able to know what the results are and what they should do to overcome the obstacles.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

In this thesis, the writer wants to analyze the main character’s motivation as the scope of the study. And the main character’s motivation that will be analyzed is limited on Isabella Swan.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1. Analysis : The process of breaking a complex of topic or substance into smaller part to gain a better understanding of it.

2. Isabella Swan : The main character in Stephenie Meyer’s novel. A human, daughter of Chief Charlie Swan. An eighteen-year-old girl, senior high school student, and has a boyfriend from a vampire clan namely Edward Cullen.



3. Motivation : A specific need or desire that arouses the organism and directs its behavior toward the goal.

4. Vampire : A fictive creature made by a novelist to draw the cruelness of Dracula. Dracula was a cruel king, who liked to kill the guilty person by staking them. Due to the fact that a lot of blood of the victims, Dracula was drawn as someone who loved others’ blood. Vampire was a creature that killed his victims by drinking their blood.

5. Stephenie Meyer : The writer of a bestseller novels; “Twilight”, “New Moon”, “Eclipse”, and “Breaking Dawn”. She graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English literature and a mother of three young sons and lives with her husband in Arizona. She was chosen as the “Most Promising New Author of 2005” by bestsellers (Publishing Weekly).

6. Novel : An extended fictional prose narrative.

7. “New Moon” : A novel by Stephenie Meyer. The second novel created by her after the publication of her debut novel, “Twilight”.



This section presents such topics as background of study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of problem, scope and limitation, and also definition of key terms. Each section is presented as follows.

1.1 Background of Study

Language is a crucial thing in communicating with others. People do need language in order to understand what other people want to share. People will get difficulties on something if they do not understand their partner’s language. Language is not only the oral words spoken by the people, but also any signs that they make in order to communicate well. It is true because language and people are related each other. Language can represent what in people’s minds are. Besides that, language can also express people’s feeling, thoughts, emotions, or even any ideas.

According to Badrun (1992), language used in literary works is different from language for science. Language for science, usually, is related to human thought and having one meaning only. While language for literary works concerns on the feelings and has more than one meaning. In addition, it has many ways to lead human to a point. This kind of language does not only express what the author feels, but also persuades and changes the people’s thoughts. It can be said that language and literary works are related each other.


Saini K.M and Jakob Sumardjo stated that literature is human’s expression that can be in form of experiences, thoughts, feelings, ideas, spirits, beliefs in a concrete way and can give pleasure through its language (1986:3).

Badrun also has stated, “Literature is art activities, which are using language or signs and other symbols as the tools, and it is imaginative” (1992:16).

Moody has stated (1984:2):

Literature springs from our inborn love of telling a story, of arranging words in pleasing patterns, of expressing in words some special aspects of our human experience. It is usually set down in printed characters for us to read, though some forms of it are performed on certain social occasions. There are a number of different branches such as Drama, Poetry, the Novel, the Short Story; all these are works of the imagination or the capacity for invention.

From those statements above, it can be said that literary works are created to give pleasure and entertain the people. It is true that literature can be the expression of what the people feel, do, think, and see. It is about human’s life. Life is not only covering the dream, but also the reality. That is why literary works are covering human’s life, both reality and unreality.

So far, literature is considered difficult to understand since it is needed to be looked into not only outer surface of its components but also what is more important in the essence of it. In order to get pleasure and entertainment from those literary works, that is why it is important for people to know the essence of them. A novel, for example, is not enough for the readers to read it only; even they read the whole part of the novel. It will be more entertaining if the readers understand the whole part of it. One way to get it is by analyzing the novel itself.


In this study, the writer wants to analyze one of Stephenie Meyer’s novels “New Moon” that was published in 2006. Stephenie Meyer was successful in releasing her debut novel “Twilight”, and she continued her second novel “New Moon”. It is then followed by the third and fourth novels “Eclipse” and “Breaking Dawn”. She got “The Number 1 New York Times Bestseller” for her novels. When it was published in 2006, “New Moon” then was created in form of movie three years later. Of course, it follows the success of its previous novel and movie, “Twilight”.

Stephenie Meyer’s novels are storied about vampires, human, and werewolves. People think these three creatures cannot be together due to their own needs and different way of life.

In analyzing Stephenie Meyer’s novel “New Moon”, the writer wants to concern on the main character’s motivations. It is Isabella Swan’s motivations, the only daughter of Chief Charlie Swan.

According to Morris and Maisto (2003), “Motivation is a specific need or desire that arouses the organism and directs its behavior toward the goal.” While Woolfolk (2004) explained motivation as an internal state that arouses, directs, and maintain behavior.

Motivation, in the simplest explanation, can be considered the state of having encouragement to do something. It will make people move, and take action, to whatever goal or result they desire and want, or plan to achieve.

While according to Lahey, “Motivation is the internal state or condition that activates and gives direction to our thoughts, feelings, and actions” (2003:368).


People have their own reasons of behaving or doing something, and these can be either internal or external reasons. While doing something, many obstacles may occur. When they face the obstacles, they will find the way to solve, and so does Bella Swan. She is motivated of being a vampire. Since motivation is defined as the will to act, then it is important to know the reasons why Bella Swan has strong will or strong motivations of being a monster. It is also important to know how she overcomes the obstacles that occur while she is motivated.

Based on the explanation, the result is focused on Bella Swan’s motivation of being a vampire and the obstacles she finds during it.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Based on the explanation above, the main problems that will be analyzed in this study are:

1. What are Isabella Swan’s motivations of being a vampire? 2. What obstacles do appear on her motivations?

1.3 Purpose of Study

Related to what has been discussed above, the purpose of this study is to answer the problems of the study. They are:

1. To find Isabella Swan’s motivations of being a vampire 2. To know the obstacles appear on her motivations


1.4 Significance of Study

Theoretically, this study is hoped to give information to those who study literary works, especially about novels. It is also expected to be able to encourage the students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Malang to give more attention on literature, so the teaching learning process can run well.

Everyone has his or her own reasons or motivations of doing something. Moreover, they may find many obstacles while doing it. Practically, if the readers find the same things as what Bella Swan finds, they will be able to know what the results are and what they should do to overcome the obstacles.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

In this thesis, the writer wants to analyze the main character’s motivation as the scope of the study. And the main character’s motivation that will be analyzed is limited on Isabella Swan.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1. Analysis : The process of breaking a complex of topic or substance into smaller part to gain a better understanding of it.

2. Isabella Swan : The main character in Stephenie Meyer’s novel. A human, daughter of Chief Charlie Swan. An eighteen-year-old girl, senior high school student, and has a boyfriend from a vampire clan namely Edward Cullen.


3. Motivation : A specific need or desire that arouses the organism and directs its behavior toward the goal.

4. Vampire : A fictive creature made by a novelist to draw the cruelness of Dracula. Dracula was a cruel king, who liked to kill the guilty person by staking them. Due to the fact that a lot of blood of the victims, Dracula was drawn as someone who loved others’ blood. Vampire was a creature that killed his victims by drinking their blood.

5. Stephenie Meyer : The writer of a bestseller novels; “Twilight”, “New Moon”, “Eclipse”, and “Breaking Dawn”. She graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English literature and a mother of three young sons and lives with her husband in Arizona. She was chosen as the “Most Promising New Author of 2005” by bestsellers (Publishing Weekly).

6. Novel : An extended fictional prose narrative.

7. “New Moon” : A novel by Stephenie Meyer. The second novel created by her after the publication of her debut novel, “Twilight”.