Productivity of Kalung Crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) Cultivation (Case Study in Central and East Java)

Productivity of Kalung Crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) Cultivation
(Case Study in Central and East Java)
Y.P. Rahmawati, H. C. H. Siregar1), & L. Cyrilla 2)*

Department of Production Science and Technology Faculty of Animal Science,
Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16680 Indonesia
Department of Production Science and Technology Faculty of Animal Science,
Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16680 Indonesia,

The research was conducted to analyse technical and economical of Kalung
crickets cultivation productivity and to analyse any factors that influence them.
The research was conducted in Central Java (Demak, Kudus, and Purwodadi) and
East Java (Tulungagung, Kediri, and Porong) from March 3rd until March 12nd,
2010. The research consisted of two stages: (1) determination of research area
and the number of samples and (2) data collection. Survey method was used in
this research and the samples were selected purposively based on farm scale and
farmer’s experience. The farm’s productivity, income and R/C ratio were analysed

descriptively. The average of cricket’s production in Central and East Java were
9.78 and 12.69 tons/year respectively. Technical productivity in both provinces was
not different, in contrary to economical productivity. The average income in Central
Java was IDR 134,714,300.00 or 72.21% from IDR 186,566,666.00 revenue, while
in East Java was IDR 149,899,333.00 or 58.56% from IDR 255,960,000.00 revenue.
The R/C ratios in both provinces were more than one which meant the enterprises
is profitable and feasible economically. The value of R/C ratio in Central Java (3.5)
was higher than East Java (2.6). Low R/C ratio value in East Java was caused by
high cost in feed, equipment and cage. The farmers should utilize local resources
Key words: income, kalung crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus), productivity, R/C ration

Crckets are anmal from nsects class that has great potental to be developed as
a proten resource n lvestock feed. Some researchers have showed that crcket has
hgh proten content (61.58%) wth a farly complete amno acd (Novant, 2003).
Tremendous potental of crckets s what makes the communty of Central Java and
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East Java Provnce attempted to cultvate crcket so that the area s renowned as a
centre for the cultvaton of crckets. The research objectves were to evaluate the
productvty of the cultvaton of Kalung crckets techncally and economcally as
well as the factors that affect the productvty of Kalung crckets cultvaton.

Materals and Method
The research was conducted n the communty of Kalung crcket’s cultvators
n Central Java (Purwodad, Demak, Kudus) and East Java (Tulungagung, Kedr,
Porong). Research was carred out for two weeks, from March 3 to 12, 2010.
The materals used n ths study were statonery, thermometers, cameras, and
questonnares to obtan prmary data cultvaton of Kalung crckets n the farmer’s
communty. Prmary data was collected usng a questonnare through drect ntervew
wth respondents. The respondents were purposvely selected n each regon; one
person was taken of each regon. Selected farmers are crcket’s cultvators that have
greatest and longest cultvated for more experenced and skll of the cultvaton
of crckets. Secondary data was obtaned from the lterature and report documents
from related government agences.
Ths research was desgned as a survey. Descrptve analyss was used to
descrbe the characterstcs of crcket’s cultvaton technques, crcket’s productvty,

and ncome analyss.

Results and Dscusson
Kalung Crickets Cultivation Techniques
Kalung crcket’s hatchng eggs are usually derved from ther own cultvaton
or some were obtaned from ccada eggs merchants. Egg harvestng s done usng
a straner or seve to separate the eggs from the sand and drt. Harvestng s done
every day. Eggs that have been harvested then ncubated for hatchng. Meanwhle
the meda s returned to the nestng box for brood stock mantenance. Ths must be
done to antcpate the possblty f not the entre parents spawnng. Examnaton
of spawnng meda s done every 3-4 days. The characterstc of a good qualty
crcket’s eggs are cream-colored, translucent, shny, clean, not dngy, and warm
when wrapped (Pamn, 1999; Pamn et al., 1999). Crcket’s cultvators use cloth,
sand, and sawdust for hatchng meda. The relatve humdty requred for hatchng
eggs range between 65-80%, wth ar temperature 26 oC. Temperature and relatve
humdty needs to be mantaned to prevent the hatchng falure caused by poor egg
qualty, unsutable mosture and many predators. Nymph’s mantenance s mportant
n crcket’s cultvaton.
Cultvators n Central Java use cages made of bamboo and plastc, whle n
East Java they used cages made of wood and plywood. There are two type of box,


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open and closed or compound and no compound. Selecton of the type s more
due to the ease of feedng and drnkng, mantanng, harvestng, cleanng cages
and for the preventon from predator. The crckets are placed n an area free from
drect sunlght and complemented wth a hdng place, made of dred banana leaf or
egg tray. Observaton n the feld showed that the cage cleanlness was mantaned
properly. Farmers always change the hdng meda and the cultvator used pedestal
n feedng ther crckets. Cages were also prevented from predators such as lzards,
ants, mce and other anmals by coverng the cage wth gauze, cloth, ant-ants chalk
or puttng mat contanng kerosene or used motor ol on each foot cage. The average
sze of the cage for 4000 crckets per cage n Central Java was 250x112x50 cm and
230x112x58 cm n East Java. Cage densty n both provnces was lower than the
densty reported by Wdyanngrum (2001) that was 5000 crckets n every cage. Ths
cage densty affected the crcket’s mortalty. Problems that affect crcket’s mortalty
are low hatchablty, cage’s densty, unsutable temperature, dwarfsm, cannbalsm,
dsease and death-smellng darrhea.
Crckets feed on Central and East Java conssted of concentrate and forage.

Cultvators used layng qual or broler feed for crcket’s concentrate. Forages used
by farmers n Central and East Java, were banana stems, squash, cassava leaves,
thorns cottonwood leaves, cabbage leaves, grass, mustard greens, fruts and stems
of papaya. Varaton of forage feed depended on the forage resources avalable n
each area. Vta chck and vtamns were commonly gven when the envronmental
condtons of cultvaton was not good.
Cricket’s Productivity
Techncal productvty of the cultvaton of Kalung crckets n Central and East
Java vary n each producton perod. Ths s due to many factors that nfluence cultvaton such as temperature and humdty envronment, predators, egg qualty, feed
qualty, and cultvator’s management sklls (Wdyanngrum, 2001; Pradtya, 2003;
Ftryan, 2005). The average producton n Central Java was 9.78 tons/year, whch
was lower than n East Java (12.69 tons/year) (Table 1). Average producton n East
Java crckets was hgher due to better management of cultvaton.
Income Analysis
Farm ncome analyss (Table 1) showed that the average ncome per year cultvators n Central Java was Rp134,714,300.00 and Rp149,899,333.00 for cultvators
n East Java. Feedng cost n Central Java was Rp8,000,000.00 and n East Java was
Rp27,712,000.00. The cost of feed n East Java needs to be reduced through the use
of local resources to ncrease beneft. Equpment cost n East Java s also hgher
(Rp17,892,000.00) than n Central Java (Rp216,000.00). The analyss showed that
n Central Java the largest proporton of varable cost was cost of labor (46.29%)

and hatchng eggs (30.23%), whereas n East Java was the cost of feed (26.13%),

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Table 1. The characterstcs and productvty of kalung crcket’s cultvaton
Average producton
Average ntal scale (box)
Average scale durng research
Busness typology
Harvest tme
Harvest frequency
Packagng materal
Packagng sze
Marketng target

Marketng area
Average farm gate prce
Payment system
Revenue (Rupah)
Cost (Rupah)
Proft (Rupah)
Revenue/Cost Rato

Central Java

East Java




Man (33,3%)
Part-tme (66,7%)
Every 32 days
8 tmes/year
Plastc bag
2 kgs/pack

Man (100%)

Insde the regon

Every 27 days
More than 10 tmes/year

Plastc bag & box
Accordng to consumer’s
Retalers, consumers
Insde & outsde the regon

Delayed (n 1 weeks)

Cash & delayed (n 2 days)

labor (25.08%), and equpment (16.87%). The percentage of hatchng eggs cost n

Central Java was hgh because 33.3 per cent cultvators bought eggs from ccada
eggs merchants. Producton cost n Kalung crckets was affected by farm scale, and
wage rate n each regon. Fxed costs consst of deprecaton of cage and equpments. The average crcket’s prces n Central Java was Rp19,166.67/kg, whle n
East Java, the average prce was Rp19,500.00/kg. The farmers stated that they wll
get a break-even f the prce of crckets was not less than Rp10,000.00 per kg. Revenue-Cost Rato (R/C) of Kalung crcket’s cultvaton n Central Java and East Java
was 3.5 and 2.6, respectvely. Value of R/C rato s more than one ndcates that the
cultvaton of Kalung crckets that cultvators n Central Java and East Java run ths
busness proftable and vable, despte fluctuatons n the prce of each harvest perod (Hernanto, 1993; Soekartaw, 1995).


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The productvty of Kalung crcket’s cultvaton n Central Java and East Java
provnces techncally was not dfferent. Farm ncome analyss showed that Kalung
crcket’s cultvators n East Java get hgher ncome than cultvators n Central Java.
The R/C rato n both locaton was more than one, means that Kalung crcket’s
cultvaton s economcally proftable and feasble to run.
Crcket’s farmers n East Java are necessary to save the cost of feed, through

the use of local resources wthout reducng the productvty of crckets. Smlar
research can be done by larger number of farmers and areas ncluded so we can get
more accurate data to ncrease productvty and ncome of crcket’s cultvators n
the future.

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wth and wthout smearng mud and nsulaton. Thess. Faculty of Anmal Scences. Bogor Agrcultural Unversty, Bogor.
Hernanto, F. 1993. Farm Management. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
Mukson, E. Prasetyo, B. M. Setawan & H. Setyawan. 2005. Analyss of factors
that nfluence the development of farms n Central Java. Journal of Socal Economcs of Lvestock. Vol 1. 31-37.
Novant, J. 2003. The chemcal composton of Kalung crcket’s (Gryllus bimaculatus) flour at varous age and dfferent dryng temperatures. Thess. Faculty of
Anmal Scences. Bogor Agrcultural Unversty, Bogor.
Pamn, F. B. 1999. Overcome the Problem of Crckets. 1st Edton. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
Pamn, F. B., I. E. Pudjastut & Ernawat. 1999. Successful Crcket’s Breedng. 1st
Edton. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
Pradtya, A. A. 2003. Optmzaton of Kalung crcket’s management n broodng
perod. Thess. Faculty of Anmal Scences. Bogor Agrcultural Unversty,
Soekartaw. 1995. Farm Analyss. UI-Press, Jakarta
Wdyanngrum, P. 2001. Effect of solds spreader and the type of feed on the productvty of three speces of deal cultvated crckets. Dssertaton. Graduate
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Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012