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Bahasa inggris II
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Novel: Cinta ( Cinta dengan titik )
Bernard batubara

Memories are stationary object (if it can be called objects). Does not move and
settle like the jar in the corner of the house which are uninhabited. Dumb and
armature. He defies the laws of time are always moving. He did not change shape. He





forever. He




removed. He


permanent. Attached as spirits in the bodies and the bodies of the spirit. Unlike life, he did
not want change. He can not change. It can not be helped in addition accepted as part of
the history and the history of man. (P. 74)
The old adage says if one door closed, another door will be opened. I do not know what
Nessa wants to believe in the adage or not. Because there are times when he wanted the door
has been closed, but another door opened does not go well. Although he has spent all of his
time to wait for the door. Although he has put all his strength to find the door. So he came to
a simple conclusion that, another door he may never be found, because the door is the door
the same as the old ones are no longer closed and open DOOR his own. He had opened his

heart to someone, before he drove the man out of his heart for a reason.Fear. Since events
have unpalatable take place in the relationship father and mother, Nessa could no longer see
the love of a man without hurting pure. As if every time try to touch her, she reflexively
reject and shut down like a flower bud shy daughter. Prevent anything to enter.
You know what's more painful than a loss? Thought that it would never happen, but the end
of a sudden it happened to you. Without sign. Without warning. Without a cue and
instructions that you will be abandoned shortly. By the person you love. By the person you
(think) love you. Who for many years cultivate feelings of love to you, and teach you how to

love someone with good and keeping love it. Abandoned by the person who taught you to
continue to survive with the love that you have, and will never leave despite circumstances.
(P. 12)
A major event that shook someone's life could well destabilize the principle or the perception
of something before he held it firmly. Way of thinking can be changed. What was already
clear, suddenly becomes blurred. What was once unquestioned, suddenly became something
very questionable. Nessa well aware of that feeling because experience it for yourself. After
his mother left him and his father for another man, the definition of love becomes a big
question for Nessa. He did not understand, what is love that has been owned by someone
else, we should still love? Is the love that belongs to someone else, should we take? Is the
love that we give to a person, who has been loved by others, can still be called love? Is not

that love is wrong? If it were called the people as love is wrong, then how is it true love?

What does it mean to love someone else who he loves, but also love another

person? (P. 292)
How can we expect to get better, if we've got the best? (P. 293)
Learning from bitter experience of life between father and mother, Nessa very careful
in life, including matters of the heart. Because of his close tightly, her father intends to

set her up with someone who did not know. Endru, his name.
"The fit was like how, tho? Who like gas stations, certainly fit? "(P. 24)
"Is this what age, Siti Nurbaya?" (P. 26)
"Just Married, use deadlines." (P. 49)
"Be careful when joking. Later nothing menyeriusimu. (P. 58)
"If it fits and you like the person, why wait any longer. Faster, right, it's better. Not so?

"(P. 143)
"If I wait continues until there are really fit, I'll never get married. You are making
pasaanganmu be fit with you, instead of just waiting. "(P. 114)

Everyone has a side which he never show. It should say that man is indeed like a crystal, has
many fragments that are not at the same time can be seen at one time. And this time, Nessa
already seen the new fragment inside Endru. Physical and material, Endru indeed a perfect
figure. But he's not the type of Nessa. He even lured by Demas lantakkan that could melt her

heart. But love is not that easy. Demas was owned by someone else, even already
engaged. Which of these would have been Nessa?

"Do not seize the happiness of others, boy. Look for your own happiness. (P. 240)
Who in this world that can control the heart? Nothing. May not exist. (P. 254)

Initially, I was melting like Nessa see Demas, but fitting a story revolving tangerine taste
Demas want this. Cook yes leaving her fiancé, Ivon which is fine by simply turning to other
women? Through this novel, we can see a love triangle is not only in terms of two human
beings who are making love, but also from third parties. Somehow the right people always
come at the most inopportune times. Sometimes a third party is not always wrong.
Lots of favorite sentence:

True love. Although the love only on one side, still faithful. (P. 10)
God created the human brain is so easy to forget the wonderful thing, but it's so hard

to forget the slightest problem. (P. 15)
Is not that a wonderful thing more worthy to be remembered than things that make the

heart rusty? (P. 15)
How little things a person can have a great impact for others. (P. 67)
One of the most useless thing man has ever done is try to run from his own memories.

(P. 73)
Should even to be complete? Why can not meet the odd? (P. 98)
Beautiful words do not always come from feeling happy. (P. 146)
Sometimes, there is no other option to avoid a painful longing, in addition to slowly

move away and forget. (P. 163)
Not everything has a reason. Even if there is, not all of the reasons can be explained
easily. Can not be explained, perhaps for that reason too absurd and unreasonable. Or

indeed for that reason never existed. (P. 171)
The hardest thing to do, perhaps even impossible, is trying to deceive his own

feelings.(P. 189)
How hard honest and reveal the truth. Because they are the things that bitter. And not

all people like bitterness. (P. 280)

Distance is not always bad, he gives us the time and opportunity to re-think. (P. 302)
Sometimes, jealousy becomes very mysterious. He came at the wrong time and the
wrong relationship. (P. 131)

Compared Conscience, Bara novel written before, this novel seems more mature in terms of
both content and style kepenulisannya. Covernynya was champion, plus the presence of
inserts illustrations that represent places in this novel. There is an aura Jogjanya. Plus there
are pieces of poetry that does not phon-phon.