




Guideline of School-Based Curriculum (SBC) which is applied for all school levels in Indonesia leads the students to have real life skills. This implies that teaching English stated in SBC, in particular, is to enable the students to master the four language skills; listening, reading, speaking and writing. Reading is one of the important skills that the students have to master. Students must improve their ability in reading comprehension so that they can get information from any text they read. As a matter of fact, the students’ ability in reading comprehension is far from the goal being expected. Many students have difficulties in comprehending reading text because teachers in school do not use effective technique for teaching reading comprehension.

Therefore, this Classroom Action Research is aliened, first, to improve the students’ reading achievement through jigsaw, second, to improve the students’ participation during the teaching learning process, and third to improve the teacher’s performance, in this research is conducted in two cycles. The subject of the research is the second grade of SMAN1 Krui. The research lasted from February 22th until March 02th 2012.

The result of the research proves that jigsaw technique can be used to improve the students’ reading comprehension. There are two cycles in this research. In the first cycle, the indicators in this learning product and learning process could not be fulfilled yet in cycle 1. For learning product, in students’ reading score, 53.33% students exceeded the passing grade. In teaching learning process, 70% students were actively involved and the teacher was scored 72 for her teaching performance. The indicator of the research are concerned on the learning product and learning process. The indicator of the learning product that 80% of the students pass the passing grade which is 65 while the learning process is 80% of the students active during the lesson and the teacher can get score 80 for teaching performance. In the second cycle, both of the indicators of the research which were for learning product and learning process were achieved. In students reading score, 83.33% students passed the passing grade. In teaching learning process,


93.33% students were actively involved and the teacher was scored 85 for her teaching performance.

Based on the data, the researcher concludes that the implementation of Jigsaw technique improves students’ reading achievement and teaching learning process. Therefore, jigsaw technique is recommended to be used by teachers to improve their students reading comprehension.


(A Script)







The researcher’s name is Egra Betaria. She was born in Krui on February 6th, 1989. She is the sixth child of a harmonious and wonderful couple Hasmudin Ahsan, S.Pd and Ermaini. She has four brothers and three sisters: Herdi Wilismar, S.H, Deni Ishanda, S.Pd, Charles Arisandi, Febriyansah, Heryanti, S.E., Nora Elisa, S.Pd, and Yesi Sumarni, S.I.Kom.

She enterd SD Negeri 2 Gunung Kemala in 2000. Then she continued her study to SMP Negeri 3 Krui and graduated in 2004. She finished her High school at MAN Krui in 2007.

In 2007, she was registered as S-1 college student of Lampung University English Education Program of Teacher Training Faculty through PKAB. In 2011, she carried teaching Field Practice Program (PPL) at SMP Negeri 3 Teluk Betung Bandar Lampung from 16th July to 2th October 2011.




1. Figure 3.1 Cycle of Classroom Action Research ... 28

2. Figure 3.2 Table of Specification ... 31

3. Figure 3.3 Observation Sheet for Students’ Activities ... 34

4. Figure 3.4 Observation Sheet for Teacher’s Performance ... 35

5. Figure 4.1 Improvement of Students’ Reading Achievement ... 71





APPROVAL ... iii



MOTTO ... vi


CONTENT ... ix




1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problems ... 1

1.2 Identification of the Problems ... 4

1.3 Limitation of Problem ... 5

1.4 Formulation of Problems ... 6

1.5 Objective of the Problems ... 6

1.6 Uses of the Research ... 7

1.7 Scope of the Research ... 7

1.8 Definition of Terms ... 8

2.FRAME OF THEORIES 2.1 Concept of Reading Comprehension ... 9

2.2 Concept of Teaching Reading ... 12

2.3 Concept of Jigsaw Technique ... 14

2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Jigsaw Technique ... 16

2.5 Concept of Narrative ... 19

2.6 Procedure of Teaching Reading by Using Jigsaw Technique ... 22

2.7 Theoretical Assumption ... 25

3.RESEARCH METHODE 3.1 Setting of the Research ... 26


3.3.2 Implementing ... 29

3.3.3 Observing ... 29

3.3.4 Reflecting ... 29

3.4 Determining of the Research ... 30

3.4.1 Learning Product ... 30

3.4.2 Learning Process ... 31

3.5 Instrument of the Research ... 32

3.5.1 Reading comprehension Test ... 32

3.5.2 Observation Sheets ... 33

3.6 Data Analysis ... 37

4. RESULT OF THE RESEARCH 4.1 Result of the Research ... 40

4.1.1 Cycle 1 ... 40

4.1.2 Cycle 2 ... 56

4.2 Discussion ... 68

5. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusion ... 78

5.2 Suggestion ... 79 REFERENCES




1. Appendix 1Lesson plan 1 ... 81

2. Appendix 2 Lesson plan 2 ... 92

3. Appendix 3 Reading 1 ... 103

4. Appendix 4 Reading 2 ... 111

5. Appendix 5 Frequency of Students’ Reading Score at Pre-observation 120 6. Appendix 6 Frequency of Students’ Reading Score at Cycle 1 ... 121

7. Appendix 7 Frequency of Students’ Reading Score at Cycle 2 ... 122

8. Appendix 8 Students’ Reading Score at Pre-Observation ... 117

9. Appendix 9 Students’ Reading Score at Cycle 1 ... 118

10.Appendix 10 Students’ Reading Score at Cycle 2 ... 119

11.Appendix 11 Percentage of Students’ activities at Cycle 1 ... 123

12.Appendix 12 Percentage of Students’ activities at Cycle 2 ... 124

13.Appendix 13 Observation Sheet of Students’ Activities at Cycle 1 ... 125

14.Appendix 14 Observation Sheet of Students’ Activities at Cycle 2 ... 126

15.Appendix 15 Observation Sheet of Teacher’s Performance at Cycle 1 129

16.Appendix 16 Observation Sheet of Teacher’s Performance at Cycle 2 130

17.Appendix 17 Students’ Group Mapping Cycle 1 ... 135



Page 1. Table 4.1 Frequency of Students’ Reading Achievement at Cycle 1 ... 43 2. Table 4.2 Frequency of Students’ Reading Achievement at Cycle 2 ... 59 3. Table 4.3 Improvement of Students’ Reading Aspect ... 69 4. Table 4.4 Improvement of Students’ Reading Achievement from

Cycle 1 to Cycle 2... 70 5. Table 4.5 Improvement Teachers’ Performance Score from Cycle 1



“God helps those who help themselves” (Anne Worth: 1969)


DEDICATION This Script is dedicated to:

My beloved parents, Hasmudin AHsan, S.Pd and Ermaini:

My beloved brothers and sisters: Heryanti, S.E., Nora Eisa, S.Pd., Yesi Sumarni, S.I.KOM., Herdi Wilismar, S.H., Deni Ishanda, S.Pd., Charles Arisandi, and Febri


My soul mates (Arie Setiawan): Thanks for your love, help, and Support My beloved friends NERD ’07 of Lampung University



Alhamdulillah, praises is merely to Allah SWT for the gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enables the researcher to accomplish this research project. Then, sholawat is for our Prophet Muhammad SAW, with his family, followers, and all Moslems. This script, entitled “The Implementation of Jigsaw Technique in Teaching Reading Comprehension at The Second Year Students of SMA Negeri 1 Krui”, is presented to the Language and Arts Department of Teachers Training and Education Faculty of Lampung University as partial fulfillment of the requirements in accomplishing the S-1 Degree in English education.

It is important to be known that this script would never have come into existence without any supports, encouragement, and assistance by several generous persons. First of all the researcher would like to express her sincere gratitude and respect to her first advisor, H. M. U. Suparman, M.A., Ph.D. and for her second advisor, Dra. Hartati Hasan, M.Hum., who have guided, assisted and encouraged her during the completion of this script. The researcher also would like to express her deepest gratitude and respect to her primary examiner Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A., for his valuable suggestion.

Besides, the researcher wants to extend her deep appreciation to Iswanto, S.Pd. as the English Teacher of second grade of SMA Negeri 1 Krui, and to the XI IPS4 students of SMAN1 Krui in academic year 2011/2012 for their nice cooperation during this research.

Most importantly her special gratitude should go to her great father, Hasmudin Ahsan, S.Pd., and her great mother, Ermaini for their never ending love, pray, attention, and encouragement. For her brothers Herdi Wilismar, S.H., Deni Ishanda, S.Pd., Charles Arisandi, Febri Yansah, her lovely sisters, Heryanti, S.E., Nora Elisa, S.Pd., Yessi Sumarni, S.I.Kom., her brohers in law, Juhendi Hermansyah, Siswanto, S.Pd., Heri Aska, S.Ag., her sisters in law, Evi Sumarni, and Linda Yani, and her lovely nephews and nieces. Thanks for your love and support.

Moreover, the researcher would like to thank her foster brothers, Ledo Saputra (Dank Ledo), Roli Tamara (Bang Roli) and Yoga Sugama (Cik Yoga). Thanks for your support, time, and advises. For her beloved bestfriends, Yulia Helwana, S.Pd., (Yuyie), Dellia Astiti, SPd., (Moet), Lisa Epiya (Cha), dwi Chery (Chery),


Eflin Pasaribu (Eflin), and Dora Carolina (Dora). Thanks for your support and time.

The researcher also would like to thank her beloved comrades English ‘07 generations, thanks for this “memorable journey”.

Finally, the researcher would also thank to anyone that cannot be mentioned directly who has helped the researcher in completing this script. The researcher does appreciate any opinion, and suggestion for the improvement of this script.

Bandarlampung, June 2012 The Researcher



This chapter discusses introduction dealing with background of the problem, identification of the problems, limitation of the problems, formulation of the problems, objectives of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of terms.

1.1 Background of the Problem

There are four skills to be mastered in learning English, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Based on 2006 (SBC) the students are expected to learn English from various types of the text. It means that the students have to deal with many texts during the English lesson, for example descriptive text, recount text, explanation text, discussion text, reviews text and also narrative text. In the syllabus, it is stated that the students should be able to identify the topic from the text read, identify certain information, identify the meaning of the words in the text read and identify the meaning of sentences in the text read.

The SBC also states that the students must be able to communicate through oral and written text, mainly in the narrative, recount, explanation, discussion, commentary and review by stressing on the interpersonal meaning and variety of textual meaning. Therefore, the students need to deal with many texts during the


English lesson, they also need to have reading skill to make them easier in getting the main idea and specific information from the text.

Unfortunately, based on the researcher’s pre -observation conducted in SMAN1 Krui, it was found that the first class of social science program class II has several problems. First, the students still have difficulty in comprehending the reading text; as a result their reading scores were low. Second, the average of the students reading comprehension test score was 60 which were lower than the minimal mastery criterion (KKM) of that school which was 65. The researcher assumes that the problems happen because the students are unable to identify the main ideas, specific information, reference and interference of each paragraph of the text.

Due to the problems faced by the students, the researcher tried to find out the cause of the problem. From the pre observation, the researcher assumes that, one of the causes of the problem is the inappropriateness of teaching technique used by the teacher in teaching reading. So it is clear that English teacher should be creative to select the teaching techniques, especially in teaching reading comprehension to make the students understand the subject better.

Besides, reading comprehension requires motivation, mental frameworks for holding the ideas, concentration and good study techniques. There are many ways to be good at reading such as the readers should know the purpose in reading, they should also have awareness of type of material they are reading, and they should use reading technique so that it can help them in comprehending the reading text.



From the explanation above, it can be identified that one of the problems the teacher have in teaching English is how to make the students have the ability in comprehending the reading materials. In this case the English teachers are expected to try some techniques or ways to be used for teaching reading comprehension, i.e. by using jigsaw technique. Jigsaw technique is considered as an alternative. Jigsaw technique was developed by Aronson 1978. This technique can be used in teaching listening, speaking, reading or writing. Jigsaw technique is an interesting activity which can activate students in reading because each student can be active learners by giving his/ her idea and share it to the other members when they have some problems in comprehending the topic.

Jigsaw is a complex form of cooperative learning and it is important that students have experience with small group learning skills before they are involved in jigsaw. Jigsaw is a cooperative learning technique that provides students with an opportunity to actively help each other in their learning. Each student is assigned

to a “home groups” of three to five, and an “expert group” consisting of members

from different home groups. Students meet in their expert group to discuss specific ideas or solve problems. They then return to their home group, where all members share their expert knowledge.

There are many reasons why jigsaw technique is chosen as a technique in teaching reading. One of them is that through jigsaw technique all of the students have a chance to interact whit the other students. In this activity, the students will form a community that can make them love the teaching learning process. Besides, by using jigsaw each student can be active learners by giving his/ her idea and share


it to the other members when they have some problems in comprehending the topic.

Jigsaw technique is expected to increase the students’comprehension and have a compelling reason for communication. It is also helped that it will receive support from other students. By implementing this technique, it is expected, that the students will share responsibility for each other’s learning as they use critical

thinking and social skills to accomplish the learning task, and gain self-confidence through their contributions to the group effort

According to the previous statements, the researcher thinks that it is important to apply the more interesting reading activity. So this research is focused on one technique of teaching reading comprehension of narrative text. In order to know the process of the teaching learning process of reading narrative text, the researcherentitles this research paper “The implementation of jigsaw technique in teaching reading comprehension at the second year students of SMAN1 Krui”.

1.2 Identification of the Problems

In reference to the background of the problem previously presented, the following problems can be formulated as follows:

a. Students get difficulties in comprehending the reading text. They get difficulties in getting information from the text, especially in finding main idea, social function of narrative text, text organization, and language features. b. Students do not have sufficient vocabulary mastery to comprehend the text.



c. Students do not have sufficient Reading skills which make them lazy to read the text.

d.Students’motivations in learning reading are still low. It is difficult to improve their reading ability well.

e. Teacher uses inappropriate media in teaching reading. Thus, it is difficult to

attract students’ interest to read English text and the students feel discouraged and bored to read English text.

f. Teacher uses inappropriate teaching technique in teaching Reading. So it is difficult in helping students in reading comprehension.

g. The students reading comprehension achievement is still low. The students almost get low score from standard minimum score.

1.3 Limitation of the Problems

Based on the identification of the problems above, the problems of the currents research are limited in:

1. The students’ reading comprehension achievement.

2. The students’ participant during the teaching learning process. 3. The teacher’s performance in teaching reading.

As the solution to overcome their problems, this research was intended to used the jigsaw technique as one of technique in teaching learning strategies in order to avoid misunderstanding between the students.


1.4 Formulation of the Problems

Based on the background above, the researcher tried to state the problem as follows:

1. How can jigsaw technique be used to improve the students’ reading

comprehension achievement?

2. How can jigsaw technique be used to improve students’ participation during

the teaching learning process?

3. How can jigsaw technique be used to improve the teacher’s performance in teaching reading?

1.5 The Objectives of Research

The objectives of the classroom research are:

1. To find out how jigsaw can be used to improve the students’ reading

comprehension achievement?

2. To find out how jigsaw technique can be used to improve students’

participation during the teaching learning process?

3. To find out how jigsaw technique can be used to improve the teacher’s



1.6 Uses of the Research

The findings of this research are expected to be useful both theoretically and practically.


1. To verify the previous theory dealing with the theories of jigsaw technique. 2. To be used as a reference for the next researcher who will concentrate on

students’ reading comprehension achievement.


The findings of the research are expected to be beneficial for:

1. As the information concerning with whether there is improvement of student’s

reading achievement and teaching learning process that are taught through jigsaw technique.

2. As a help to English teachers in finding and appropriate way to improve

student’s reading achievement.

1.7 Scope of the Research

This reseach was conducted at SMAN1 Krui Lampung Barat, while the subject of the reseach was the second year students of senior high school academic year. In this case, the material of reading taught was narrative text. The reason why the reseacher chose narrative because it is one of kind of fuctional text that should be mastered by the students in this level.


1.8 Definition of Terms

There are some terms used by the writer and to make it clearly, the writer give some definition as follow:

Reading Comprehension

It is refers to a progressive skill in attaching meaning beginning at the same level and proceeding to attaching meaning to an entire reading selection. All comprehension revolves around the reader’s ability in finding and determining

main idea and topic sentence from the text.


It is refers to a complex form of cooperative learning and it is important that students have experience with small group learning skills before they are involved in jigsaw. Jigsaw is a cooperative learning technique that provides students with an opportunity to actively help each other in their learning.


It is refers to a way of presenting that actually takes place in language teaching or learning in the classroom.


It is refers to a text which tells what happened. To amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.



Classroom Action Research (CAR)

It refers to an action in a research, which can be done by the teacher as a researcher, and the teacher with his/her colleague, and allows the teachers to investigate events to take constructive steps to word solving immediate problems and systematically reflecting on the outcome.


This chapter deals with the theories used in this study, namely concept of reading comprehension, concept of teaching reading, concept of jigsaw technique, the advantages and disadvantages of jigsaw technique, concept of narrative text, the procedures of teaching reading by using jigsaw technique, theoretical assumption.

2.1 Concept of Reading Comprehension

There are two kinds of reading activity, namely reading aloud and silent reading. What the readers are doing in silent reading is to use our eyes and our ability to understand the meaning of the written sign, thus comprehending the text will be given more emphasize in silent reading. Meanwhile reading aloud forms a foundation for the early literacy framework. By having stories read to them children learn to loves stories.

Caver (1990) defines reading as a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intention of deriving meaning (reading comprehension) and/ or constructing meaning. Written information is received by retina, processed by the

primary visual cortex, and interpreted in Wernicke’s area. Reading is also a



In addition, Howart (2006), reading is just as communicative as any other form of language. It means that in reading there is an interaction between the writer and the readers through the texts. The writer tries to encode the messages to the readers. Then the readers try to decode the messages that sent by the writer.

These concepts basically state that reading always deals with printed materials, which stresses on the grasping meaning from the printed language. It means that reading activity is the interaction between the perception of the graphic symbols

that represent the language and the readers’ language skill, cognitive skills and

the knowledge of the world. In this process, the reader tries to create meaning intended by the writer.

Someone has a purpose when he/she is reading. Usually the purpose of reading a passage is to find ideas from the reading passage. As Suparman (2005: 1) states that there are two major reasons for reading (1)reading for pleasure; (2) reading for information (in order to find out something in order to do something with the information readers get).

At the same time, Pakhare (2007) states that reading comprehension can be defined as the level of understanding of passage or text. For normal reading rates (around 200-220 words per minute) an acceptable level of comprehension is above 75%.

According to these views, it is clear that reading and comprehension are regarded as one activity which cannot be separated, and each program is depending on the


progress of activity of mind. In other words, reading comprehension is an activity to grasp the meaning of written materials with fully understanding.

According to Doyle (2004), comprehension is a progressive skill in attaching meaning beginning at the same level and proceeding to attaching meaning to an

entire reading selection. All comprehension revolves around the reader’s ability in

finding and determining main idea and topic sentence from the text.

Referring to the definitions above, it can be said that in comprehending the texts the students have to know their strategy in reading. It means to make them easy to identify the specific information in the text. One aspect that becomes essential in

students’ reading is the reading strategy. The researcher assumes that reading

comprehension is students’ competence in comprehending the specific

information, words and surface meaning in the texts which is described by

students’ score with an appropriate strategy.

2.2 Concept of Teaching Reading

Reading skills are often regarded as receptive skills and linked to listening skills. There are similarities, but one important difference is that the reader can take control of input more easily. Woods (2005: 62) states that a listening input is often taped with pauses built and or controlled by teacher. When reading, however, a reader determines the speed of the activity by himself so that this becomes one of the positive things to stress to students in the teaching reading.

When trying to gauge how difficult a particular text will be for students, teacher need to bear in mind not only the inherent difficulty of the text, but also the



nature of the tasks they plan to set and whether they require student to attempt such tasks before, during or after students have studied the text. Woods (2005: 63) classifies the activities in reading class into three a follows:

2.2.1 Pre-Reading Tasks

This task can be in form of vocabulary games, word searches and matching synonyms. These activities can help students to approach a text in a more confident way. Other pre- reading activities that can help readers related to the full meaning of a text are ones which activate top-down skills, or schematic knowledge. All of them enable students to familiarize themselves with the content of text. The activities can be systematic (such as vocabulary exercise) or schematics (such as thinking of the purpose of a text or predicting the content from its title) Woods (2005: 63)

2.2.2 While-Reading Tasks

These kinds of task, as Hedge in woods (2005: 63) states, have become more used since the adoption of the idea of reading as an interactive process. These encourage learners to be active as they read. Students can be given activities which require them to do any of the following: follow the order of the ideas in a text, react to the opinion expressed; understand the information it contains; ask them selves questions; make notes; confirm expectations of prior knowledge or predict the next part of a text from various clues.


2.2.3 Post-Reading Tasks

These tasks follow up the work covered and seek to extend candidates. Such activities are directed writing activities, or role play and group discussion activities.

The activities above are a part of a structure program of learning probably chosen by teachers when teaching reading. All the above kinds of activity can be undertaken on an individual or group basis. Reading is frequently thought as being solo and a quite activity, but group pre and post-reading activities can motivate the crucial while reading- activities, the task of the teachers in class is to go beyond course book and introduce the students to a challenging element of the target language which can add a new dimension to their learning and which can give them some autonomy Woods (2005: 19)

In short, in teaching reading the teacher should provide strategy to the students with purpose for reading to anticipate different type of reading texts. Therefore, reading technique should be matched to reading purpose to read efficiently and effectively.

2.3 Concept of Jigsaw Technique

Jigsaw technique was originally developed by Aronson (1978). It is a special kind of information gap activity. Jigsaw technique involves every student in the group having information that no one else needs. Therefore, it involves a balance of information between the students with each student having about the same amount of unique, essential information. The jigsaw classroom is a cooperative learning



technique with a three-decade track record of successfully reducing racial conflict and increasing positive educational outcomes. Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, each piece-each student's part-is essential for the completion and full understanding of the final product. If each student's part is essential, then each student is essential; and that is precisely what makes this strategy so effective.

Aronson (1978: 43) says that Jigsaw Technique is a technique which has a strong

effect on students’ attitude to learning, social relationship among students in the group. This also means that can help the students to rely on each other for information in a way which puts on students above others. Finally, each student will be valuable in the group.

Jigsaw is said to be able to increase students’ learning since (a) it is less

threatening for many students, (b) it increases the amount of student participation in the classroom, (c) it reduces the need of competitiveness, (d) it reduces the

teacher’s dominance in the classroom. Consequently, Jigsaw Technique can

successfully reduce students’ reluctant to participate in the classroom activities

and help create an active learner-centered atmosphere.

Johnson, Johnson and Holubec (1993) put forward five principles for Jigsaw: a. Positive interdependence

Each group member’s efforts are required and indispensable for the group

success. Each group member has to make unique contributions to the joint

effort. Members have to orally explain how to solve problems, teach one’s

knowledge to

b. Face to face promotive interaction

Group others, check for understanding, discuss concepts being learned and associate the present learning with the past one.

c. Individual and group accountability

The size of the group should be kept small, for the smaller the size of the group is, the greater the individual accountability may be. The teacher is


expected to give an individual test for each student, randomly examines

students by asking one student to present his/her group’s work orally to the

teacher or to the entire of the class, observes each group and records

frequency with which each member contributes to the group’s work,

appoints one student from each group as the leader who is responsible for asking other group members to explain the rationale underlying the group answers, and monitors students to teach what they have learned to the others.

d. Interpersonal skill

Social skills are necessity for the success of Jigsaw leaning in class. Social skills include leadership, decision-making, trust building, communication, and conflict management skill and so on.

e. Group processing

Group members discuss how well they are achieving their goals and maintaining effective working relationship, describe what member actions are helpful and what are not, and make decisions about what behaviors to continue and change

Jigsaw Technique makes it possible for students to be introduced to material and yet bear a high level of personal responsibility. It helps develop teamwork and cooperative learning skills within all students and a depth of knowledge not possible if the students learn all of the materials on their own. Since students are supposed to repot their own findings to the home group in jigsaw learning, it quite

often discloses a student’s own understanding of a concept as well as reveals any


2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Jigsaw Technique

As stated before, jigsaw technique helps the teacher to relate the material to

students’ reading ability. However, it also has some advantages and



2.4.1 Advantages of Jigsaw Technique

The advantages of jigsaw technique are:

1. It ensures the participant of the students because the students have unique,

essential information and all learners need to get other’s information.

2. It helps the students in learning the content of the subject (the text) because the students have practice in peer teaching, which requires that they understand the material at a deeper level than students typically do when simply ask to produce on an exam.

3. It has a strong effect on attitude to learning and social relationship among students in group because each student has a chance to contribute meaningfully to a discussion, something that is difficult to achieve in group discussion. Each student develops an expertise and has something important to contribute (share information). So cooperation and communication are necessary and students are active participants in the learning process is needed.

4. It enables the students to understand the text because students requires to prepare in their answering specific question in order to insure adequate students preparation, students has a specific task that tasks students to plan how they will teach what they have learn. So, member of the group have to work together in order to establish a common goal. Each member is interdependent on each other. Cooperation and communication are necessary because no one can success completely unless each member contributes


2.4.2 Disadvantages of Jigsaw Technique

The disadvantages of jigsaw technique are:

1. It requires long time to prepare students to be assigned who to work in groups. This because they are heterogenic members that must learn how to work in group and out needed by all other participants to complete the given tasks. But there is one leader in their member who dominance in unsuccessful group. If they can not work in group, they cannot get sufficient information.

2. It requires some time to make group which is heterogeneity in their ability, because there is one student as a leader, who is responsible for being fair and spreading participation evenly and in order to reduce a problem in their group.

And also all students in the home group are now” expert”, each member must be responsible in their information. Because students works with other individuals from other groups working on the same segment on the report. So that, students that don’t prepare themselves to make the best information possible to the other group and to add the group, they will be mention bad member and this event show that heterogeneity members.

3. It requires long time to arrange the seating, because in reading jigsaw activity, the teacher as facilitator and monitoring class activity and while activity the teacher needs to float from group to group in order to observe the process.



2.5 Concept of Narrative Text

Referring to 2006 (CBS) curriculum, there are some types of text that should be recognize and comprehend by the second year students of SMA/MA: report, narrative, analytical exposition spoof, and hortatory exposition text. In this research, the text that is expects is narrative text.

A narrative is a construct created in suitable medium (speech, writing, images) that describes a sequence of real or unreal events. It derivers from the Latin verb

narrare, which means “to recount” and related to the adjective gnarus, meaning “knowing” or ”skill”.

Narrative text is the most famous type of any text. Various purposes are communicated in a narrative type. However the way it is construct is describing certain event, character or phenomena in detail. Narrative in prefer showing to telling and that the power of narrative. Reader will feel as his show by him self what happen in the text. Actually narrative can be fiction such as short story or novel and non- fiction like memoirs. (English Curriculum of SMA, 2006).

According to Madison smart bell, the narrative design, or what we call from or structure, is of first and final importance to any work of fiction. In that structure, we will find elements of story: characterization, point of view, theme and plot. Plot is the way of the story construct.


2.5.1 The Examples of Genres that Fit the Narrative Text Structure:

1. Folktale - a very old traditional story from a particular place that was originally passed on to people in a spoken form, e.g.,The Mighty.

2. Fairy tale - an old story about magic things happened intended for amusing and giving lessons, meanings, and moral values, e.g.,Cinderella.

3. Fable - a traditional short story that teach moral lesson, especially one with the animals as characters; this story is considered as one group of animal stories, e.g.,The Lion and the Mouse.

4. Myth - a story from ancient times, especially one that was told to explain about natural events or to describe the early history of place or people, e.g., Tower of

Babel.(Source: Dep Pendidikan Nasional, 2006).

2.5.2 Text Organization of Narrative Text:

1. Orientation

It refers to the characters, problem, place and time, such as: who is the character in the text, what is the problem in the text and where does it happen in the text.

2. Complication

It denotes a crisis arises. It comprises initiating event, subsequent event and climax aspects when the characters face the problems.

3. Resolution

It shows that the crisis is resolved. In this part, the character does the act of solving or settling the problem for better or for worse one.



4. Re-orientation

It indicates the optional point. This mean that a story not always uses this, and usually, it states the conclusions of the event based on the writer point of view. (Source: Dep Pendidikan Nasional, 2006).

2.5.3 Language Features of Narrative Text:

1. Focus on the specific and individualized participants. 2. The use of noun phrases

(A beautiful princess, a huge temple) 3. The use of connectives

(First, before that, then, finally)

4. The use of adverbial phrases of time and place (In the garden, two days ago)

5. The use of simple past tense (He walked away from the village) 6. The use of action verbs

(Walk, sleep, wake up) 7. The use of saying verbs

(Say, tell, ask)

8. The use of thinking verbs, feeling verbs, verbs of senses

(She felt hungry; she thought she was clever, she smelt something burning). (Source: Dep Pendidikan Nasional, 2006).


Example of narrative text:

Beauty and the Beast

Orientation Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named Beauty. She lived with her father and her two sisters. She was a hard worker; she always helped her father on the farm. Complication One day, her father set out for the city. He saw an old castle

and went it. None was in but there was food on the table. Then he walked around the castle. He picked a rose from the garden for Beauty. Suddenly, an angry beast appeared.

He wanted to kill Beauty’s father unless Beauty was

brought to him.

Beauty’s father told his daughter what had happened, Beauty’s sister ordered her to see the beast.

Beauty went to see the beast and had to stay at the castle. She left scared, lonely, and sad. She tried to run away but was stopped by the beast.

The beast treated the beast’s magic mirror. Beauty saw that

her father was sick.

The beast allowed her to go home. Her father was happy to see Beauty.

Resolution One night, Beauty had a dream; a fairy told her that the beast was sick. Beauty hurried to see the beast dying, she began to cry. Tears fell onto the beast, suddenly the beast change into a handsome prince. Beauty and the beast got married and lived happily ever after. (Source: Dep Pendidikan Nasional, 2006).

From the explanation above, the researcher assumes that a narrative text should consist at least of three items of text organization, those are orientation,

complication and resolution. Those there items make narrative text differs from other kind of texts.

2.6 The Procedures of Teaching Reading by Using Jigsaw Technique

In implementing jigsaw technique, the teacher needs to make every learner active. The students are divided into group (each group consist of 5 students). Each student has information to complete the given task. Meanwhile, the role of teacher



is a facilitator of the students learning. Certainly, the teacher has many roles to fulfill, since the teacher is a manager of the classroom activities. During the activities, the teacher acts advisor, answering students question and monitoring their performance.

Aronson (1978) Suggests that the procedure of jigsaw in the class is divided into three terms: Pre activity, While activity and Post activity. The students are divided into group (each group consist of 5 students). These activities include in lesson plan and are applied in teaching learning process. Here are the procedures of teaching reading trough jigsaw.

Pre Activities

In pre activity it is as an opening act to lead the teacher to the core of teaching and learning. Pre–activity facilities students to build up their schemata before coming to the topic of the lesson.

The main purpose of giving pre- reading activity is to lead students’ attention to the topic. Stein and Hirasawa (1981: 183) state that if the teacher spend more time in introducing the reading, the result will be better. Intermediate- level students in particular benefit from careful reading preparation because it helps them to be more receptive to the content. There are many ways working into the reading upon the goals of the lesson and the needs of the students. In general, pre- reading activities that will do in the class as follows: brainstorming, showing picture, and asking question about Cinderella.


1 Greeting

2 The students brainstorm the material based on their background knowledge. It

is used to build the students’ thought before they learn further about narrative


3 The students are informed the material they are going to learn, the goals of learning to achieve and reading technique the students use.

While Activities

In the while activity, Learning and practicing the jigsaw is the main activity which the teacher focuses the most there. Students will work pair.

1. The students listen to the explained of jigsaw technique and the rule how to study in cooperative.

2.The students were devided into six groups, based on their reading score. Each

group consist of 5 students, these groups are called as “home group” 3.The teacher appointed one student from each home group as the leader.

4.Each student from home group is asked to make expert group, which each expert group consist of one member of home group.

5.The students were provided the reading text. Each group has different text. 6.The students were in the expert groups are asked to read and discuss what is

the main idea, reference, inference, difficult vocabulary, and specific information of their text.



8.The students are asked to share, discuss their information since each students has different information

9. The students are given the reading test and they were asked to do the test.

Post Activities

1 Reviewing from what students have learnt.

2 Asking the students about the difficulty in understanding the lesson. 3 Giving the summary of the lesson. (Reflection).

4 Closes the meeting.

2.7 Theoretical Assumption

Referring to the frame of theories, the writer assumes that jigsaw technique can be use in improving students’ reading comprehension. In jigsaw technique students are given freedom to express their ideas. By expressing their ideas, automatically they will get use to think critically and share or transfer their ideas to the others. In addition, using Jigsaw technique students are helped to build knowledge with extend texts. Transferring ideas to another requires the students to comprehend the subject matter better. In sharing or transferring the subject matter or what they have discussed, the students are asked to change the from of the subject matter from one to another or present the subject matter by their own words. To present the form or what they have discussed the students need to process the subject matter contain in the next, automatically the students will get better comprehension. In line with the process above, the students require to be active in the class by using some process of jigsaw technique that helped them to be more interested in the class.



This chapter discusses the methods of research used in this study, that are: setting of the research, general description of the research, research procedures, determining indicator of the research, instruments of the research, and data analysis.

3.1 Setting of the Research

In this reseach, the researcher used classroom action research. This research was done at SMAN1 Krui. It was done based on the problem faced by the teacher in the class. Based on the problem found by the researcher, the researcher examined the cause of the problem and then found the solution for that problem.

The subject was the second year students of SMAN1 Krui class XI social science department (IPS 4) which consists of 30 students. Based on the researcher’s pre -observation in that school she concluded that the students of that school were unable to identify the main ideas, specific information, vocabulary making reference and inference of each paragraph of the text. As the result their reading comprehension scores were low.

In this classroom action research, the researcher acted as the observer; meanwhile the teacher of SMAN1 Krui taught her own students by implementing Jigsaw



technique. The researcher made the lesson plan and told the teacher what she would perform in the class based on the lesson plan. So, during the research, the researcher observed everything occurring in the classroom when they were learning reading comprehension. The data was taken from the students’ reading comprehension score.

3.2 General Description of the Research

The research was conducted based on the problem faced by the teacher. In doing the research, the researcher collaborated with the English teacher to improve the

students’ reading comprehension achievement through the implementation of jigsaw technique.

While the teacher was applying jigsaw in the classroom, the researcher observed the teaching learning process and made some necessary points from that process. In that process, the teacher also held reading comprehension test by asking the students to read and answer the question based on the text.

After that, the teacher and the researcher analyzed the result of the observation, and also the reading test. The teacher and the researcher did reflection after knowing the result of the analysis. Based on the analysis and reflection, the researcher and the teacher decide whether the next cycle need to be held or not, and the next cycle focused on eradicating the weaknesses in the previous cycle.


Each cycle in this research consisted of (1) planning, (2) implementing, (3) observing, and (4) reflecting (Kemmis and Taggart, 2004: 66). The stages were illustrated as follow:

Figure 3.1 The Cycle of Classroom Action Research Adopted from Kemmis and Taggart (In Hopkins, 2004: 69)

3.3.1 Planning


Implementing Reflecting CYCLE 1


CYCLE 2 Planning

Implementing Reflecting




Based on the problem of the research, the researcher prepared the lesson plan and selected the material from the textbook. The material was narrative text, which was taken from the students’ text book. Additionally, the researcher prepared classroom observation note, the reading test for the students.

3.3.2 Implementing

In this step, the teacher implemented jigsaw technique while she was teaching reading comprehension. The teacher was teaching the material about how to identify the main idea, specific information, vocabulary, making reference and inference from narrative text given. Next, the teacher leads the students practice doing it. The researcher observed the situation in the class and made some necessary notes.

3.3.3 Observing

The researcher observed the activities happened in the classroom in every cycle and write the result of the observation in the observation sheets. The researcher also interpreted the result of the observation. This step started when teaching learning process was occurring.

3.3.4 Reflecting

In this step, the researcher and the teacher analyzed the result of the reading test of the students as the learning product. The researcher also analyzed everything occurred in the teaching learning process based on the observation notes. It was done to find out the improvement after the teacher implements jigsaw technique in


the classroom. In analyzing the data, the researcher together with the teacher did reflection to discover the strength and weakness of the implementation of jigsaw technique, and also to knew the problems faced by the students during teaching and learning process. By doing so, the researcher and the teacher knew what should be improved for the next cycle. If the indicators of the research hadn’tbeen fulfilled in the first cycle, the researcher together with the teacher planned the next step to made betterment in the next cycle. On the other hand, if the indicators were already achieved the researcher and the teacher did not need to hold the next cycle.

The activity began from planning, and came to the action where the researcher and applied what she had planned. During the implementation of the planning, the researcher observed the process of teaching learning. At the end, the researcher analyzed the result of the activity.

3.4 Determining Indicators of the Research

To find out the success of this classroom action research, the researcher determined the indicators, which deal with the learning product and the learning process.

3.4.1Learning Product

The target of the learning product determined by the researcher and the teacher was 65 or more. It was done because 65 is the minimum standard of passingrade

or KKM stated by the school for English subject. So, if at least 80% of students’



technique can improve the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The aspects of reading which measured are identify the main idea, specific information, vocabulary, making reference and inference.

To know whether the test is good reflection of what would be taught and of the knowledge which the teacher wanted the students to know, the researcher compares this test with table of specification. If the table represented the material that the researcher wanted to test, then it was valid from that point of view. A table of specification is an instrument that helps the test constructor plans the test. Figure 3.2 Table of Specification

3.4.2 Learning Process

In learning process, there were two aspects which became the focus of this research was the students’ activities and the teacher’s performance toward the

implementation of jigsaw technique.

The target determined by the researcher concerningthe students’ activity was 80% of students were active during the process. The researcher decided to set 80% as the target since according to Arikunto (1993:210), if more than 75% of students were actively involved in teaching and learning activities, it can be categorized as a good level. Students’ activity was measured through written report of the collaborator and researcher in observation sheet. To set the target of the success of

NO Objective Number of Items Percentage

1 Identifying main idea 8,10,11,12 20%

2 Specific Information 2,3,5,7,9,15,16,19 40%

3 Inference 1,20 10%

4 Reference 13,17 10%

5 Vocabulary 4,6,14,18 20%


this CAR, the researcher also did a discussion with the English teacher of that school.

Besides observing the students’ activities, the researcher also observed the

teacher’s performance during the teaching and learning process. It was expected that the teacher could got score 75 in her teaching performance after implementing jigsaw technique. So, if the teacher could reach that target, it means that the teacher’s teaching performance was very good. For the teaching performance, there were some aspects scored that were, the teacher’s activities in

pre-activity, while-activity, and post-activity.

3.5 Instruments of the Research

To gather the data, the researcher applied two kinds of instruments: the reading test and observation sheet.

3.5.1 Reading Test

Reading test was done as the product of the teaching learning process. The test focused on identifying the main ideas, specific information, vocabulary, making reference and inference of each paragraph of the text. The text used was narrative text in which students are asked to analyze in the text and answer the comprehension questions given. The result of the test considered as the data of the

students’ improvement.

In scoring the result of students’ test, the researcher used percentage correct (Lyman, 1971:95). The percentage correct score was used in reporting the result



of classroom achievement tests. The researcher calculated the score test by using this formula:

X%c= 100

(Lyman, 1971:95) Where:

X%c : percentage of correct score

R : number of right answers T : total number of items on test

3.5.2 Observation Sheet

Observation was conducted in every cycle during the teaching learning process. When teaching and learning process was occurring, the researcher observed the process happened in the classroom. The researcher used structured observation to

know the students’ activitiesand teacher’s performance in the classroom. So there are two kinds of observation sheet that are filled out by the researcher, that were

the observation sheet for the students’ activities and observation sheet for the

teacher’s performance. For observe students’ activities, the researcher used table of specification of the observation sheet for students’ activities, adapted from (Haggard, 1982) and (Ruddel, M.R., & Shearer, B.A. 2002). And for observe

teachers’ performance, the researcher used table of specification for teachers’

performance, adapted from (Dep. Pendidikan Nasional, 2006). Besides, the researcher also made some necessary notes in the observation sheet concerning


Figure 3.3Observation Sheet for Students’ Activities

NO Students’ Activities Objectives

1 Pre-Activities

• Interested in the opening of the class

• Responding to the topic enthusiastically

• To make students interested in the lesson

• To build clarity about what is going to be learnt

2 While-Activities

•Paying attention to the teacher’s


•Responding to the teacher’squestions •Following the teacher’s instruction to

make expert group

•Following teacher’s instruction to

read and discuss the material. •Following the teacher’s instruction to

make jigsaw group.

•Actively involving to share and discuss and complete their information in group

•Following teacher’s instruction to

answer the question by their own word.

•Following teacher’s instruction to

make a summary by their own word

• To make students work freer and enable fast learner help slow learners • To built students understanding about

the stages going to do in the lesson • To check students understanding about

the material

• To give clarity of the pronunciation • To build students understanding about

the material

3 Post-Activity

• Able to respond to the teacher’s


• To built clarity of what have been learnt



Figure 3.4 Observation Sheetfor the Teacher’s Performance

NO Aspects Observe Scores (by giving a tick)

1 2 3 4

1 Pre-activities

- The teacher was prepared and well-organized in class.

The prepared goals/objectives were apparent.

2 While- activities

. A. Presentation

- The class material was explained in an understandable way.

- The lesson was well-paced.

- Directions were clear and concise and students were able to carry them out. - Material was presented at the students’

level of comprehension.

- The teacher knew when the students were having trouble understanding.

- The teacher showed an interest in, and enthusiasm for, the subject taught

B. Execution/ Methods

- There were balance and variety in activities during the lesson - The teacher was able to adapt to

unanticipated situations.

- The teacher moved around the class and made eye contact with students.

- The teacher knew students’names

- Students responses were effectively elicited (i.e., the order in which the students were called on)

- Examples and illustration were used effectively.


C. personal characteristics

- Patience in eliciting responses - Clarity, tone, and audibility of voice - Initiative, resourcefulness, and creative

D. Teacher / Student Interaction

- Teacher encouraged and assured full students participation in class.

- The teacher was able to control and direct the class.

- The students were attentive and involved. - The teacher was aware of individual and

group needs. E. Evaluation

- Monitoring the students’ improvement

after the teacher explains the lesson. - Doing a final evaluation which is relevant

to the competence.

3 Post-activity

- Doing a reflection/ making summary of the

lesson by the involving the students’


- Doing a follow-up by giving direction or tasks as a remedy.

Total score Description of score

(Source: Dep. Pendidikan Nasional, 2006)

Note: 1 = poor 2 = Enough 3 = Good 4 = Very Good Description of scores:

40-50 : Poor 60-69 : Enough 70-79 : Good 80-100 : Very Good



3.6 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher classified the data into two categories that were, the data of the learning product and the learning process. The data analysis was done during and after the data had been collected from every cycle (1st, 2nd ...). After the data from the first cycle had been collected, then the researcher together with the teacher analyzed the data and did reflection based on them. From the analysis and reflection, the researcher knew the strengths and weaknesses from the first cycle. Besides, both researcher and teacher knew what should be improved for the next cycle.

3.6 1 Learning Product

To know the learning product, the researcher used reading test to collect the data. There were some steps which were used to analyze the data got from the test:

A. Giving the Reading Scores to the Students

After giving the test, the researcher checked the result of students’ test to give the

score. Besides that, the researcher analyzed the result to know the errors mostly made by the students. This was very useful for betterment in the next cycle.


B Calculating the Number and the Percentage of the Students Who Get 65 or More

To know the percentage of students who got ≥ 65, the following formula was used:



(Source: Dep. Pendidikan Nasional, 2009)

3.6.2 Learning Process’ Learning Activities

After gathering data from observing the students’ learning activities, counting the

number of activities done by the students was the step that would be going to be done in this activity.

ACalculating the percentage of students’ activities

For calculating the percentage of the students’ activities, the following formula was used:

%A = A Χ 100%

n Note:

% A: percentage of students’ activities A: number of students’ activities observed n: number of students in the class



Meanwhile, in analyzing the data got from observing the teacher’s performance,

the researcher did the following steps:

A Counting the Total Score

In this step, the researcher counted the sum of scores from all aspects. The aspects that were score cover the teacher’s activities in pre-activity, while-activity, and post-activity.

B Making a Description from the Data that Have Been Analyzed

It was similar to analyze the students’ activities, to analyze the teacher’s

performance the researcher also made a description from the collected data which could enriched and support the result of the analysis.


In line with the result of the research, the conclusion and the suggestion are formulated as follows:

5.1 Conclusions

In line with the results of the data analysis and discussion about learning product and learning process in the research, it can be concluded that:

1.For the students’ reading comprehension achievement, Jigsaw can be used to

improve students’ reading achievement in learning product. By using Jigsaw technique the students rerely get problem during learning process. The effects are that they understood what they wanted to learn and the students’ reading

comprehension achievement increased. If the students felt comfortable learning process, it is high possible the students’ reading comprehension achievement

would be increased. It also could be seen from the improvement of the

students’ scores from cycle I (53.33%) and cycle II (83.33%) after

implementing Jigsaw technique.

2. In teaching learning process, the implementation of Jigsaw technique made the students more interested in learning. The improvement occurred in students’

participation. By implementing jigsaw, the students became more active to follow the class and they became more comfortable in learning to read. Since



Jigsaw provided a chance for the students, for example when the teacher asked them to work in group and share their ideas to other friends, they enjoyed the class during the teaching learning process, it can be found from the percentage

of students’ activities.

3. Jigsaw also contributes a positive effect on theteacher’s teaching performance.

Since in implementing Jigsaw, the teachers were asked to create a strategy that made the students active in learning process. Moreover, the teachers were demanded to create interesting media materials since the interesting media and materials wouldeasily attract students’ attention and participation.

5.2 Suggestion

In line with the conclusions above, the suggestions are put forward as follows:

1. English teachers are recommended to use Jigsaw in teaching their students since Jigsaw can be used toimprove students’ reading achievement and it can

make the students involved in teaching learning process, enables the students to be more active in the classroom activities.

2. In improving students’ participation in teaching learning process,the teachers and suggested to help students.

3. The teacher should motivate the students to be active in the classroom by giving them activities that can stimulate them interactions and not afraid of making mistakes by indirect correction when they made mistakes. And also, the teacher should be creative in creating media and using interesting topics for the materials, such as a daily topic which usually happens in their lives,


since it can attract the students and make them easy to understand the content of the media itself.



Alyousef, H. S. 2005.Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL Learners. 5. http.acrobet/ Accessed on Tuesday, December 5, 2011, 03: 30: 32 pm.

Arikunto, S. 1993.Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan DikdatikJakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Aronson, E. 1978.Interdependent Interactions and Propocial Behavior. ELT Journal, 34 (2): 153-160.

Caver, R. P. 1990.Reading rate: A Review of Research and Theory.

htttp:// on Monday, January 15, 2012, 12: 02: 30 pm.

Depdiknas. 2006.Materi Sosialisasi dan Penelitian Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan

Pendidikan (KTSP). Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Depdiknas, Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. 2005.Menteri Pembelajaran

Terintgrasi Bahasa Inggris- Pembelajaran Text Narrative.Jakarta:


Doyle, B. S. 2004.Main Idea and Topic Sentence.London: Ward Lock educational. Haggard H. R, Ruddel, M. R., and Shearer, B. A. 2002.Toword More Effective

Learning and Teaching of English. Malaysia.: Cetaktama.

Harmer, J. 1996.How to Teach English. Cambridge: Longman.

Heilman, W. A, Blair, R. T, and Rupley, H. W. 1981.Principles and Practices of

Teaching Reading. Ohio: Charles E Merryl Publishing.

Hopkins, D. 2004.A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Research.Philadelphia: University Press.

Howart, P. 2006.Making Reading Communicative. Accessedon Monday, December 23, 2011, 10: 05: 25: 30 pm.


Johnson, K. and Holubec, K. 1993.Techniques and Principles in language Teaching. London: Prentice Hall International Ltd.

Kemmis, S., and McTaggart, R. 2004.The Action Research Reader. Victoria: Deakin University.

Larsen-Diane, Freeman. 1986.Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford University: Oxford.

Lyman, B. H. 1971.Test Scores and What They Mean.Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Ayashree, Pakhare. 2007.Efective Teaching Reading Comprehension. http.effective-teaching-reading-comprehension-strategies.Html. accessed onMonday, December 23, 2011, 11: 05: 25: 30 pm.

Purwantisari. 2004.Improving Reading Achievement Through Jigsaw Task of at SMA

Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung. Unpublished Script. Bandar Lampung:

Lampung University.

Seliger, Henber and Shohamy, Elena. 1990.Second Language Research Methods. London: Oxford University Press.

Stein, H. and Hirasawa. 1981.Testing English as a Second language. New delhil: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing.

Suparman, U. 2005.Understanding Reading. Bandung: Arfino Raya.

Universitas Lampung. 2009.Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Bandar Lampung: Unila Press.

Woods, C. 2005.Teaching and Assessing Skills in foreign Languages. London: Cambridge University Press.

Nurmalasari. 2010.The Implementation of the Jigsaw Technique Through Extensive

Type Exercisesin Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Second Year

Students Of SMAN 1 Bandar Sribahawono Lampung Timur.Unpublished




In line with the result of the research, the conclusion and the suggestion are formulated as follows:

5.1 Conclusions

In line with the results of the data analysis and discussion about learning product and learning process in the research, it can be concluded that:

1.For the students’ reading comprehension achievement, Jigsaw can be used to improve students’ reading achievement in learning product. By using Jigsaw technique the students rerely get problem during learning process. The effects are that they understood what they wanted to learn and the students’ reading comprehension achievement increased. If the students felt comfortable learning process, it is high possible the students’ reading comprehension achievement would be increased. It also could be seen from the improvement of the students’ scores from cycle I (53.33%) and cycle II (83.33%) after implementing Jigsaw technique.

2. In teaching learning process, the implementation of Jigsaw technique made the students more interested in learning. The improvement occurred in students’ participation. By implementing jigsaw, the students became more active to follow the class and they became more comfortable in learning to read. Since



Jigsaw provided a chance for the students, for example when the teacher asked them to work in group and share their ideas to other friends, they enjoyed the class during the teaching learning process, it can be found from the percentage of students’ activities.

3. Jigsaw also contributes a positive effect on theteacher’s teaching performance. Since in implementing Jigsaw, the teachers were asked to create a strategy that made the students active in learning process. Moreover, the teachers were demanded to create interesting media materials since the interesting media and materials wouldeasily attract students’ attention and participation.

5.2 Suggestion

In line with the conclusions above, the suggestions are put forward as follows:

1. English teachers are recommended to use Jigsaw in teaching their students since Jigsaw can be used toimprove students’ reading achievement and it can make the students involved in teaching learning process, enables the students to be more active in the classroom activities.

2. In improving students’ participation in teaching learning process,the teachers and suggested to help students.

3. The teacher should motivate the students to be active in the classroom by giving them activities that can stimulate them interactions and not afraid of making mistakes by indirect correction when they made mistakes. And also, the teacher should be creative in creating media and using interesting topics for the materials, such as a daily topic which usually happens in their lives,



since it can attract the students and make them easy to understand the content of the media itself.




Alyousef, H. S. 2005.Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL Learners. 5. http.acrobet/ Accessed on Tuesday, December 5, 2011, 03: 30: 32 pm.

Arikunto, S. 1993.Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan DikdatikJakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Aronson, E. 1978.Interdependent Interactions and Propocial Behavior. ELT Journal, 34 (2): 153-160.

Caver, R. P. 1990.Reading rate: A Review of Research and Theory.

htttp:// on Monday, January 15, 2012, 12: 02: 30 pm.

Depdiknas. 2006.Materi Sosialisasi dan Penelitian Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Depdiknas, Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. 2005.Menteri Pembelajaran Terintgrasi Bahasa Inggris- Pembelajaran Text Narrative.Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Doyle, B. S. 2004.Main Idea and Topic Sentence.London: Ward Lock educational. Haggard H. R, Ruddel, M. R., and Shearer, B. A. 2002.Toword More Effective

Learning and Teaching of English. Malaysia.: Cetaktama. Harmer, J. 1996.How to Teach English. Cambridge: Longman.

Heilman, W. A, Blair, R. T, and Rupley, H. W. 1981.Principles and Practices of Teaching Reading. Ohio: Charles E Merryl Publishing.

Hopkins, D. 2004.A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Research.Philadelphia: University Press.

Howart, P. 2006.Making Reading Communicative. Accessedon Monday, December 23, 2011, 10: 05: 25: 30 pm.


Johnson, K. and Holubec, K. 1993.Techniques and Principles in language Teaching.

London: Prentice Hall International Ltd.

Kemmis, S., and McTaggart, R. 2004.The Action Research Reader. Victoria: Deakin University.

Larsen-Diane, Freeman. 1986.Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford University: Oxford.

Lyman, B. H. 1971.Test Scores and What They Mean.Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Ayashree, Pakhare. 2007.Efective Teaching Reading Comprehension. http.effective-teaching-reading-comprehension-strategies.Html. accessed onMonday, December 23, 2011, 11: 05: 25: 30 pm.

Purwantisari. 2004.Improving Reading Achievement Through Jigsaw Task of at SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung. Unpublished Script. Bandar Lampung: Lampung University.

Seliger, Henber and Shohamy, Elena. 1990.Second Language Research Methods.

London: Oxford University Press.

Stein, H. and Hirasawa. 1981.Testing English as a Second language. New delhil: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing.

Suparman, U. 2005.Understanding Reading. Bandung: Arfino Raya.

Universitas Lampung. 2009.Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Bandar Lampung: Unila Press.

Woods, C. 2005.Teaching and Assessing Skills in foreign Languages. London: Cambridge University Press.

Nurmalasari. 2010.The Implementation of the Jigsaw Technique Through Extensive Type Exercisesin Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Second Year

Students Of SMAN 1 Bandar Sribahawono Lampung Timur.Unpublished Script. Bandar Lampung: Lampung University.