Background of the Study



1.1 Background of the Study

In daily life, people communicate with others from the time they wake up till they go to bed. Communication is a basic human activity. And the basis of human communication is called language. By means of language, people are able to convey messages and feelings so they can interact to one another. Language gives people a way to communicate easier and helps the people socialize in the society. Recently English has become the most popular language in the word. It is used not only to communicate with any foreigner coming from any other country but also to do business with other countries as well. Consequently, Indonesian people have to learn English because English language plays a role in the international communication. Due to the fact that English is very important, it is taught as the first foreign language in Indonesia for all levels of school and language courses. English is taught at Elementary School as a local content. It is taught at Junior High School and Senior High School. The program of English teaching in elementary school is different from that of English at Junior High School and Senior High School. There are four basic skills in teaching English, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening is one of the skills to be taught. So, in order to make teaching listening to Senior High School students be successful and joyful, we have to consider some factors such as quality of teachers, students’ interest, students’ motivation and other supporting factors. Moreover, teachers have to modify the way of their teaching. In this case, teachers can use a method in giving materials by using the media in order to attract students’ attention and interest as stated by Hamalik 1993: 18 Media are used to motivate in learning. Radio as one of the news media, has played an important role in transmitting messages Effeendy, 1978:57. As a source of information, the radio broadcast has several advantages compared to other news media such as newspaper, magazines, television and the internet. Moreover, radio as one of technology products plays an important role in achieving development of a country. English radio program can be one of alternative ways to teaching listening. It is a good method to develop students’ ability in listening. The writer is interested in using English radio program as a media to improve the mastery of the students’ listening skills. Some listening skills, such as suspending judgment, dealing with biases, and avoiding daydreaming take time to develop because of the mental self-discipline students require. In this study the writer focuses on teaching listening comprehension to the eleventh grades of senior high school by using English radio program called The Sunday Morning Cafe on RCT FM. It is quite clear that listening is the basic skill that the children acquire first before they learn to read or write. Based on this assumption, the researcher considers that to start a foreign language teaching from listening is very important. However, it does not mean that it’s a must because, when English as a foreign language starts to be taught, they have learned reading and writing in their own language. But, both skills are considered more difficult because spelling and pronunciation of their own language is very interesting to seek. To what method is good for teaching listening comprehension to the eleventh grade of senior high school student can be using English radio program Sunday Morning Cafe. English radio program Sunday Morning Cafe will help the students to increase their attention in learning English. It carries messages or information and emphasizes other elements. Thus, English radio program can attract the students’ attention in learning listening. Students will feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class.

1.2 Reasons for Choosing the Topic