Hedonism And Materialism As Negative Effects Of Social Changes In American Society Potrayed In The Novel This Side Of Paradise Written By F. Scott Fitzgerald






REG. NO. 100705019




Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination

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Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English




Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on April, 8th 2014.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examineers

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S ……….

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA, Ph.D ……….

Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum ……….

Dr. Hj. T. Tyrhaya Zein, M.A ………




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Alhamdulillah… first of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Almighty God, Allah SWT for giving me blessing, guidance, power and ability to finish this thesis. I believe that Allah will always lead my way through every obstacle that I faced in my whole life, so it will make me become stronger…and more grateful as I go through with it.

Next, I also would like to say thanks to Dean of Faculty of Letters USU, Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M.A, the Head of English Department, Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S, and the Secretary of English Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D. and all of lectures of the English department who have given me much knowledge during the year of my study.

Furthermore, I would like give my biggest gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor Dr. Hj. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A and my co- supervisor Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M. Hum, for giving me so much knowledge in guiding, correcting, and supervising this thesis. I am really thankful because Mam Thyra and Sir Siamir are not only patience to help and guide me, but also give me many supports in finishing this thesis.

Then, my most special gratitude is dedicated to my wonderful family, especially for my parents that always be there for me. Thank you mom and dad for giving me your great support, encouragement, and always pray for everything best in my life. To my grandma, my


aunt, uncle and of course my lovely cousins that always motivate me in completing this thesis. I dedicated this graduation hat for you, guys!

Last but not least, I would like to say thank you for my best best best friends in the world I’ve ever met…. Emilia Pranata, Aryanti Dwi Astuti, Putri Pratiwi, Nazlia, Erika, Yuni, and Tommy. Thank you so much for your support and most sincerely friendship you bring to me all these time. Let’s be the spotlight of the show, Friends!

Thank you so much! May Allah SWT always bless our journey 

Medan, April 2014

Irene Nyssa Elysia



Judul skripsi ini adalah ‘HEDONISM AND MATERIALISM AS NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL CHANGES IN AMERICAN SOCIETY POTRAYED IN THE NOVEL THIS SIDE OF PARADISE WRITTEN BY F. SCOTT FITZGERALD’. Sesuai dengan judulnya, skripsi ini membahas tentang fenomena hedonisme dan materialisme yang terjadi di Amerika pada awal tahun 1920an, sebagai dampak negatif dari Perang Dunia I. Fenomena ini dapat dibuktikan dari gambaran yang dipaparkan oleh Scott melalui novel ini, yaitu tentang kondisi masyarakat terutama generasi muda Amerika yang mengalami perubahan sosial. Seperti kebiasaan mereka untuk mabuk-mabukan, pergeseran arti modernitas bagi para wanita, pergaulan bebas, bahkan kekayaan dan status sosial yang dianggap sebagai ukuran kebahagiaan.

Adapun tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk membuktikan perilaku-perilaku hedonisme dan materialisme yang terdapat di Amerika pada awal tahun 1920an, penyebab serta dampaknya pada masyarakat tersebut. Selain itu, hasil dari analisa skripsi ini juga bertujuan agar pembaca dapat waspada terhadap perilaku-perilaku yang terjadi akibat perubahan sosial seperti yang terjadi di Amerika pada saat itu. Dalam analisis ini penulis menggunakan qualitative research dengan cara descriptive method, serta menggunakan extrinsic approach. Dari hasil analisa yang ditemukan, penulis dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa benar adanya jika novel This Side of Paradise merupakan perlambangan dari kondisi masyarakat Amerika pada awal tahun 1920an, yang mengalami perubahan sosial berupa perilaku hedonisme dan materialisme sebagai akibat dari Perang Dunia I.







1.1 Background of the Study………...….. 1

1.2 Problems of the Study……..………... 5

1.3Objective of the Study………... 5

1.4Scope of the Study………..…… 6

1.5 Significance of the Study………..…. 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1Sociology of Literature……….. 7

2.2Social Changes and American Modernization…….……….. 9

2.3The Brief Explanation of Hedonism Phenomenon……....…… 11

2.4The Brief Explanation of Materialism Concept as Phenomenon……… 12

2.5Jazz Age as American Modernization……… 13

2.6Review of Related Studies………. 15

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design……… 17

3.2 Data and Source of Data………... 18


3.4 Data Analysis……… 19

Scheme I………. 21


4.1 Hedonism as the Negative Effect of Social Changes…… 22 4.1.1 Flappers in ‘This Side of Paradise’………. 23 4.1.2 Alcoholic Lifestyle in ‘This Side of Paradise’…… 26 4.1.3 Free Love in ‘This Side of Paradise’……….. 28 4.2 Materialism as the Negative Effect of Social Changes… 31

4.2.1 Wealth as Indication of Social Status and Happiness

In ‘This Side of Paradise’……… 32

4.3 Findings………. 38


5.1 Conclusion………. 39

5.2 Suggestion………. 40


i. Authors Biography and Works ii. Summary of ‘This Side of Paradise’




PARADISE WRITTEN BY F. SCOTT FITZGERALD’. Sesuai dengan judulnya, skripsi ini

membahas tentang fenomena hedonisme dan materialisme yang terjadi di Amerika pada awal tahun 1920an, sebagai dampak negatif dari Perang Dunia I. Fenomena ini dapat dibuktikan dari gambaran yang dipaparkan oleh Scott melalui novel ini, yaitu tentang kondisi masyarakat terutama generasi muda Amerika yang mengalami perubahan sosial. Seperti kebiasaan mereka untuk mabuk-mabukan, pergeseran arti modernitas bagi para wanita, pergaulan bebas, bahkan kekayaan dan status sosial yang dianggap sebagai ukuran kebahagiaan.

Adapun tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk membuktikan perilaku-perilaku hedonisme dan materialisme yang terdapat di Amerika pada awal tahun 1920an, penyebab serta dampaknya pada masyarakat tersebut. Selain itu, hasil dari analisa skripsi ini juga bertujuan agar pembaca dapat waspada terhadap perilaku-perilaku yang terjadi akibat perubahan sosial seperti yang terjadi

di Amerika pada saat itu. Dalam analisis ini penulis menggunakan qualitative research dengan

cara descriptive method, serta menggunakan extrinsic approach. Dari hasil analisa yang

ditemukan, penulis dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa benar adanya jika novel This Side of

Paradise merupakan perlambangan dari kondisi masyarakat Amerika pada awal tahun 1920an, yang mengalami perubahan sosial berupa perilaku hedonisme dan materialisme sebagai akibat dari Perang Dunia I.



1.1Background of the Study

In today’s era of globalization which characterized by the increasing of the advancement in all fields, become one of the reality that can’t be shunned by every person that live in this era. As the result, this social development offered pleasure of life with modern style called hedonism and materialism phenomena. Generally, someone preoccupation with wealth can be described as the represented of materialism fulfillment in ‘things’, while hedonism regarded as preoccupation that viewed the fulfillment of someone life deals with ‘pleasure’. In fact, this social development changes also bring some negative effects to the society, such as the problems that contain materialistic and hedonistic behaviors.

Nowadays, these behaviors can be seen from some few examples of pleasure consumption that already spread wildly, such as alcoholics, smoking, drugs, leisure sex and also money as the social necessities symbol. In the recent study, these phenomena not only appear in reality life, but also become one of the object analyses that connected and inspired some writers in writing literary works.

“Hedonism is the name applied to any system of ethics which regards pleasure or happiness as the chief good: as the good, that is, which makes all other goods desirable and to which they are all means. In fact, the most hedonists, virtue is the name given to that kind of action which long experience has shown to conduce to happiness, while materialism in theory of philosophy refer to everything that is material or results from matter.” (Encyclopedia Americana, 1970)


Generally, literary works are the creative imagination based on the writer experiences, feeling and idea that expressed beautifully through their works. One work can be called as a good literary work if it consists of some functions that will become valuable when people read it.

Talking about society and social imitation through literary works, it can be interpreted that the writer in their works tries to ‘imitate’ the terms dealing with human conditions in real life. This term is well known as the sociology of literature approach, which also emphasizes by Eagleton (1996:103) that said, “The relevance of all this to literature becomes clear when we realize that the literary works themselves can be seen as speech acts, or as an imitation of them. Literature may appear to be describing the world.” One of the relation example between literary works and social imitation is in ‘This Side of Paradise’ novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald that deals with the negative effects of social changes, such as hedonism and materialism of American society especially the young generation in early of 1920’s or it is also known as Jazz Age.

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald the American author, was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1896. He was educated at St. Paul Academy, the Newman School and Princeton University, he joined the army and went to France to join the World War I in 1917. On his return from France, then he decided to complete and published his first novel, This Side of Paradise (1920) which achieved immediate financial and critical success. This novel indeed seemed to galvanize the youth of the era, which became known as the “Jazz Age”. Whereas also seemed to decide the literary preoccupation of Fitzgerald, to the hedonism and materialism concept


as the portrayal of American society at that time. He continued to record and focuses these ideas which can be found in his other novels and story collection such as Flappers and Philosopher (1920), Tales of the Jazz Age (1922), The Beautiful and the Dammed (1922) and two novels consider his best works, The Great Gatsby (1925) and The Last Tycoon (incomplete because Fitzgerald’s death in 1940, but then publish to acclaim in 1941).

This Side of Paradise is a story about the way of American people life in early 1920’s that represented by the major character of the novel, Amory Blaine. Amory is the son of a wealthy industrialist and a traditional socialite mother, who is searching for his identity as a new generation. The era when the term of new social style change the way of American new generation behaves, which reflected between Amory and other characters in the novel. Moreover, it can also be seen in this novel about the social changes in American society especially for the young generations in their modern era after World War I which is well known as the jazz age. The era that portrait hedonism and materialism phenomena as the negative effects of social changes which regarded from the war impact.

In doing this thesis, I consult and use some thesis that refer to the social condition of America in 1920’s and before the era. First, the thesis entitled ‘An Analysis of Social Reflection in America Based on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby’, Sa’idah (2008). This thesis explains about the social condition of American society in ‘Roaring Twenties’ that reflected through the characters in The Great Gatsby novel. The second reference that I use deals with ‘Materialism in novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald’, which had been research by


Nurul Nayla Azmi (2009). The main object of this thesis is to portray the impact of money that can control human life, because people never feel satisfied of what they have. While the other source which focuses on American social condition in 19th century can be seen from Anggaraini (2007) thesis entitled ‘American Social Condition in the late of 19th Century found in Stephen Crane’s Maggie: A Girl of the Street’. The writer in this thesis analyze about the immigrants and poverty problems in America caused by the Civil War.

The explanations above become the reason why I choose the topic ‘Hedonism and Materialism as negative effects of Social Changes in American Society portrayed in This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald’ in doing this thesis. Thus, I decided to focus the object of the analysis in the first beginning of ‘Jazz Age’ era from 1918-1920, that represents the characteristic of social changes in that period in this novel. The era that portrays the life of American social condition in early 1920’s that become the age of American triumph and modernism. Furthermore, this novel focuses about the hedonism and materialism in American society as the impact of the economic and social rapid change in early 1920’s, which represented by the characters from this novel. Thus, from Fitzgerald point of view in this novel, it can be seen how history can also change the perspectives of an individual or societies lives which pictured from This Side of Paradise.

As hedonism and materialism phenomena are still exist and can be found in our daily life, the needs of local wisdom as the rejection key become an important thing to have for the society nowadays. Thus, the starting point should


be started from the individual of the society itself, such as by having deep understanding of local culture and traditions, having strong faith (religion), and also good manners in order avoid and reject these phenomena.

1.2Problems of the Study

In analyzing this thesis, I focus the object of analysis to some social problems that appeared in This Side of Paradise novel. They are

1. What are the negative effects of social changes in American society portrayed in This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald?

2. How are the negative effects of social changes in American society portrayed in This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald?

1.3Objective of the Study

Concerning to the problem above, this thesis tries to find out the answers of those questions, they are:

1. To describe the negative effects of social changes in American society portrayed in This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

2. To describe the impact of negative effects of social changes in American society portrayed in This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald.


1.4Scope of the Study

To limit the analysis, I focus my research only on the negative effects of social changes in America, including the hedonistic and materialistic behaviors in early 1920’s as reflected in This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

1.5Significance of the Study

By doing this thesis, I hope it can give benefit for both theoretical and practical aspects. Theoretically, the study of this thesis will be able to give information to the readers about hedonism and materialism phenomena of American society in early 1920’s based on This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Beside that, I also hope that this thesis will enrich the knowledge of English Department students in studying about hedonism and materialism as a part of sociology of literature context. While practically, this research shows that human should be aware of the effects that are caused by negative luxurious in real life which still happens nowadays. The example can be seen by hedonistic behavior like alcoholics, smoking, drugs consumption, free sex and also materialistic behavior that consider money as the social necessities symbol. So, to reject and avoid these problems in daily life, it is better if the society especially for the young generation to have strong faith, traditions and also local wisdom as their role key. The last but not least, I do hope that this research will be useful to the readers and will lead another researcher that interested in this kind of analysis.




Practically, literature will always have a connection with sociological aspect as the reflection of the society. Furthermore, this connection will also deal with some social changes inside of the society itself. Hedonism and materialism aspects are the example that Fitzgerald tries to describe in his novel This Side of Paradise as the reflection of American society in early 1920’s.

Thus, the general concept of social changes and modernization in Fitzgerald’s era will be discussed more in this chapter. While the term of hedonism and materialism in Jazz age will also be explored though the analysis of Fitzgerald novel This Side of Paradise.

2.1 Sociology of Literature

Basically, “Sociology derives from the Greek ‘Socius’ (society) and ‘logos’ (science) which means the study of all aspects of human and their relation in community.”(Ratna, 2003:1). Through sociology, we may know the deeper understanding about human beings, human group, and how human interact between each other in social institution called society. While, literature in their existence actually also contribute the same perspectives with sociology that deals with human being in society. This connection can be proved by the same object that sociology and literature share, such as the relationship between human and


their surroundings, politics, economic, or even the relationship between themselves. That’s why sociology of literature becomes one extrinsic approach that interests some writers in writing their literary works, such as in novel genre.

Damono (1976: 10) states that one of the major attentions from sociology of literature analysis actually deals with literature documentary, which considers literature as the reflection of one period. In short, the way to analyze sociology of literature in one literary work is by connecting the fiction characters, theme of the work, or the writing style with the writer reality based on the period of that time. From the explanation above, it can be seen that there is always a connection between literature and social phenomenon in reality because literary work always contain critical message that the writer want to interpret based on their experiences in the society. Therefore, novel as the literary work reflect and imitate the social reality aspects, which the writer try to express through their writing that later the reader can grasp the value of the idea when they read the novel.

F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the example of American writer that use sociology of literature approach in his works, such as This Side of Paradise. It can be proved by Fitzgerald description of hedonism and materialism phenomena in American society throughout the characters of his novel. The connection of this approach also can be seen by the story which imitate the real conditions of American society in early 1920’s, which having social changes as the effect of World War I. Then, it is clear that the phenomena which Fitzgerald uses in his novel are based on his experience and realities that happen in that period.


2.2 Social Changes and American Modernization

Social changes derived from sociological term that relate to the society and their social changes system. Social changes include all aspect in social institutions of the society that will influence the social system, such as; the values, attitude, and behavior system in the group of the society (Davis, 1970:625). It means that to analyze the social changes in one society, we should observe clearly some factors that will lead to those conditions. There are some factors in the society that will lead these social changes condition; such as the development of the people in the society itself, some new technology development that will influence their way of thinking, social conflicts that bring the rebellion or revolution of the society that feel oppressed, and also nature disaster and war which sometimes force the society to make the social changes.

The term that deals with social changes in the society is the concept of modernization. Modernization is defined from Latin form as ‘modernus’, which means the process into modern period. Basically, modernization is a process of the society which tries to develop into modern transformation.

The example of this modern transformation can be seen from American society after World War I that became the new start of their prosperity era, which also known as Jazz Age. American society during this time changed in many ways into the modernization. The society progress can be seen from the automobile development that allow them to travel into different countries; many women began going to college, working outside the home and getting married later; the


flourished of new style of literature, art, fashion and music that reflected the modernization generation at that time; or even the business industry and advertisement that encouraged them to spend their money on ‘luxury’ items, such as cars, refrigerator, and washing machine, etc. Spindler in his American Literature and Social changes state:

“The emergence of the leisure class in early twentieth-century America was a social development of major ideological significance. Its aristocratic features belied the image of a republic as a fluid, democratic society, and led to propagation luxury, idleness, pecuniary emulation and conspicuous consumption as honorific pursuits.” (1983:150)

Thus, American society in this new century prefer more in consumerism lifestyle, and even interest in looking for social prestige or status. They also don’t really care of norms standard as long as they get pleasurable life. Within these new attitudes and needs make each people of the society have to think better way to fit in the modern society. Later, this modernization leads the society into the development of new social characteristic and their lifestyle problems, such as; hedonism and materialism.

Historically, hedonism and materialism phenomena as a part of American social changes in early 1920’s, cannot be separated from modern capitalism which change the society perspectives. Marx (in Giddens, 1986: 264) states that chasing for wealth, that- as the general morality of soul- can only be found in modern capitalism, which later will also change the perspectives of human morality value. The modern capitalism above clearly explains the reality of American society and


their development in early 1920’s. The modernization that the century brings in fact also change the motive of either business industry and even individual concept in the way to get their own welfare profit in the society, which later lead to hedonism and materialism phenomena.

2.3 The Brief Explanation of Hedonism Phenomenon

The history of hedonism started from the philosopher named Aristippus (born c. 435 BC, Cyrene, Libya - died 366 BC, Athens) that build of the Cyrenaic school of hedonism with his theory about the ethic of pleasure. He believed that the good life rests upon the belief that among human values pleasure is the highest and pain the lowest - and pain that should be avoided. His theory emphasizes that human should dedicate their lives to the pursuit and enjoyment of pleasure, but he also thinks that they should use good judgment and exercise self-control to temper powerful human desires. His motto was, "I possess, I am not possessed”.

In the development of this theory, then the term of ‘hedonism’ nowadays is used in several contexts, such as in moral philosophy that states a good life should be a pleasurable life, or in psychology which stands for the theory that pleasure seeking is a main motivator of human behavior. Flocker (2004:16) in the Hedonism Handbook says, “Hedonism is considered a lifestyle in which pleasure and happiness are the ultimate goals in life. A hedonist is one who seeks pleasure and avoids pain above all else.” From these definitions, we can say that hedonism deals with individual or society way of life which pleasure plays an important role for them. Besides of affected human conditions to get pleasure and happiness,


hedonism in reality has also been criticized as the negative enjoyment of life causes by the pleasure seeking.

Thus, we can see through positive and negative perspective from hedonism phenomena. From the positive view, we can say that hedonism make people better in their self- evidence for seeking his own happiness as the pursuit of pleasure life. But instead of that, hedonism in fact is also seen as the addiction pleasure that lead into the risk of self-failure as the result of ‘over-consumption’ behavior. Veenhoven (2003:5) states that hedonism manifests itself in two ways, in a general mind-set and in specific behaviors. There are data about the relationship with happiness of these two manifestations, both individual and societal levels. In modern era, these hedonistic behaviors involves in some few examples of pleasure consumption that already spread widely, such as alcohols, smoking, drugs, leisure, and sex.

2.4 The Brief Explanation of Materialism Concept as Phenomenon

Materialism is a philosophical position that states everything is material, or a state of matter. It means that philosophy of materialism holds the only thing that exists is matter; that all things are composed of material and all phenomena (including consciousness) are the result of material interactions. In other words, matter is the only substance (Dictionary of social science, 2002: 299).

By the growth of human civilization, the theory of materialism has developed widely into the terms that the society needs to fulfill in each period. Nowadays, modern people not only stick to the human basic needs as their


necessary. But as the development of the human condition in society, they also require a lot of enjoyment necessities that must be fulfill. One type of necessities for modern people now has developed into the prestige needs with money as their material element. Lapham (1988:110) states “Under the rules of society that cannot distinguish between profit and profiteering, between money defined as necessity and money defined as luxury.” In sort, when money becomes the parameter concept for them as the symbol of success and happiness, then as the result they have to work hard to survive in the societies.

These concepts in fact not only bring the happiness for them, but become an obsession because modern people started to think that money has a powerful function. The essential of money even become a symbol of social class which can determine the human status. Therefore, money is an important element for each person nowadays because it becomes a principal material for them to fulfill all their necessities in the society.

2.5 Jazz Age as American Modernization

From those descriptions above, we can connect the hedonism and materialism terms with American society condition in This Side of Paradise novel that appear in early 1920’s. The society, especially for the young generation that live in the beginning of modernization decade after the World War I. The decade which is later also known of the jazz age period.

The history of Jazz age in America actually was appeared after World War I when many of African Americans people searched for better employment


opportunities and moved to the northern part of the United State, Such as New Orleans. With them, they brought their culture movement and became a big phenomenon in America after the World War I until the great depression (1918-1928). In the development, jazz age often considered as one of characteristic in ‘Roaring Twenties’ which became flourished in 1920’s. During that time, there were lots of sophisticated things for younger generation as the influenced of this new pop culture period.

The reason why this era becomes one of the important changes for American society because there is a new ‘characteristic’ in this young or new generation that differs from the oldies. Fitzgerald (1999:258) states:

“Scarcely had the staider citizens of the republic caught their breaths when the wildest of all generations, the generation which had been adolescent during the confusion of the War, brusquely shouldered my contemporaries out of the way and danced into the limelight. This was the generations whose girls dramatized themselves as flappers, the generation that corrupted its elders and eventually overreached itself less through lack of morals than through lack of taste. A whole race going hedonistic, deciding on pleasure. The word jazz in its progress toward respectability has meant first sex, then dancing, then music.”

It can be concluded that there are lots of new things which happened in this era, especially for American youth and their new moral development. The new sensation of pleasure life as the effect of the War that leads this new generation into the term called hedonism and materialism.

One author that influenced by this jazz momentum is F. Scott Fitzgerald. He is considered as one of the best author in 1920s through his novels and short


stories, which Fitzgerald identified this era with the name ‘Jazz Age’. In his works, Fitzgerald tries to describe his dazzling era with the conflict between moral and material values of modern culture. We can found the reflection of his decade with the new hedonism and materialism culture of that time in This Side of Paradise novel, such as alcohols, flappers, free love, and wealth as indication of social status and happiness. In this first novel which becomes popular at that time, Fitzgerald galvanizes the story of modernization and the impacts to American people as the result of the World War I.

2.6 Review of Related Studies

In doing this thesis, I consult and use the information data from some thesis. The thesis which discusses the novel This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald has not been discussed, so I use some thesis that discuss about the social condition before and after the Jazz Age period. They are:

First, the thesis entitled ‘An Analysis of Social Reflection in America Based on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby’, Sa’idah (2008). This thesis portrays the social condition of American Society during the ‘Roaring Twenties’. In this thesis, she used the extrinsic approach that deals with society and the young generation at that time. It can be seen in this thesis that the American dream represented by the major character Jay Gatsby, and how materialism and immorality affected the people at that time. This thesis becomes one reference for the writer to understand more about the society in ‘Roaring Twenties’ through the characters in her thesis.


Second, the thesis about ‘Materialism in novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald’ by Nurul Nayla Azmi (2009). This thesis explains about the materialism lifestyle in 1920’s generation that represent by the characters of the novel. The main purpose of this analysis is to describe the impact of being to materialistic in life, which happen to American society during the booming period. Furthermore, this thesis also focuses the analysis of how material greediness will cause the moral value problem for people that being influenced by this concept. This thesis helps the writer to understand the materialism condition in 1920’s generations and their problems in their modern period.

The next thesis is from Anggaraini (2007) entitled ‘American Social Condition in the late of 19th Century found in Stephen Crane’s Maggie: A Girl of the Street’. In this thesis, the writer relates the society and the problems in the late 19th century. She also focuses her analysis to the immigrant’s problem in America caused by the Civil War, and industrialization that makes the poverty problem as the result of urbanization for some immigrants. The findings of this thesis help the writer to know more about American condition in late 19th or before the World War I.

Thus, those references above give a lot of contribution to the topic of this thesis, by applying the theory and technique to the data ‘Hedonism and Materialism as negative effects of Social Changes in American Society Portrayed In This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald.



3.1 Research Design

In analyzing the data of this thesis, I use qualitative research with descriptive method. According to Wahyuni (2012: 2) “Qualitative research methods were developed in the social sciences to enable researchers to study social and cultural phenomena. It is related with data which is actually not in the form of numbers.” Thus, I decided to use this qualitative research because it enable researcher to study some phenomena, which include the hedonism and materialism phenomena in the data of this thesis. In addition, it is exploratory because it gains a deeper understanding of a person or group’s experience from the data that define problem or question to be studied.

Wellek and Werren in Theory of Literature state that there are two approaches in analyzing the literary works, which called intrinsic and extrinsic approach. Intrinsic approach is a kind of approach which analyzes literary works based on the text and the structural points in the literary works itself, such as theme, plot, characters, setting, style, and point of view. While extrinsic approach focuses to analyze the relationship between the content and the other discipline of knowledge, such as history, sociology, psychology, biography, etc. In this thesis, I use the extrinsic approach by relating the data with the hedonism and materialism phenomena that happen in America society in the early of 1920’s.


3.2 Data and Source of Data

The source of data is divided into two; they are the primary data and secondary data.

1. The primary source of data is taken from the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald entitled This Side of Paradise. The novel was published in 1996 by Dover Publication, Inc and consists of 213 pages in paperback. The primary data is taken from the words, phrase, sentences, actions, and dialogue that can be seen from the quotations in the novel related to the data analysis.

2. The secondary source of data is taken from the books, thesis, articles, journal, and other sources that supported to the topic of hedonism and materialism phenomena in American society in the early of 1920’s.

3.3 Data Collecting

In collecting the data for analyzing this thesis, I gathered references that support the subject matter of the data and apply some steps. The steps of data collecting are follows:

1. Reading the novel This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald several times in order to get full understanding about what the story is.


2. Identifying the social changes related to the hedonism and materialism aspects from the quotations in the novel.

3. Classifying the data quotations that supported the hedonism and materialism topic.

4. Analyzing the data based on related books concerning to the subject matter of hedonism and materialism in American society during the Jazz Age.

3.4 Data Analysis

The data analysis is applied when all the data and information of the subject matter have been collected and selected. Next, the data will be analyzed through some steps. In here, I decided to apply descriptive method in analyzing the data. According to Ratna (2004), “the descriptive analysis is a method which describes facts which are followed by analysis. This method is not only to describe the facts, but also to give the adequate understandings and explanations toward the facts.”

Besides that, Denzin and Lincolin (in Wahyuni, 2012:12) also state that qualitative research is descriptive. The data are in the form of words or pictures rather than number. The written results of the research contain quotations from the data to illustrate and substantiate the presentation.” The last step, I make a conclusion for this thesis from the data that already been analyzed before.


The processes data analysis started by:

1. In the first step, I read the data of the novel This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

2. Select the quotations text related to the subject matter of hedonism and materialism phenomena in American society in the early of 1920’s.

3. Observe the data related to hedonism and materialism phenomena in American society in the early of 1920’s.

4. Using the extrinsic approach to analyze the text which related to the hedonism and materialism phenomena in American society found in the novel This Side of Paradise.

5. Interpreted the analysis based on descriptive method. 6. The last step, I make conclusion.


The steps of the data analyzing above can be seen from these scheme:

Scheme I: The Steps of Analyzing Data

Researcher 1. Read the data of the novel This

Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

2. Select text related with the subject matter of hedonism and materialism phenomena in American society in the early of 1920’s

4. Use Extrinsic Approach to analyze the text related to the hedonism and materialism aspects.

5. Interpret the analysis by descriptive method. 6. Conclusion

3. Observe the data related to hedonism and materialism phenomena in American society in the early of 1920’s.




In this chapter, the analysis of the topic will be explored deeply through the example of the characters’ negative attitudes which have materialistic and hedonistic personalities as the result of social changes. Their lifestyles that only think of their own pleasure and material things as their indication of happiness, proves that early 1920’s generations had already grown up with the negative effects of social changes that are caused by World War I. Thus, It is clear that the phenomena which Fitzgerald imitate in ‘This Side of Paradise’ are based on his experience and realities that happen in that period, which can be connected as one of the case study from the theory of sociology of literature.

4.1 Hedonism as the Negative Effect of Social Changes

Basically, hedonism is defined as a lifestyle in which pleasure and happiness are the ultimate goals in life. This term in reality, becomes one of the social phenomena that cannot be separated from our life. The example can be seen from ‘Modern America’ transformation. As it was discussed before, the starting point of hedonism in America actually occurred in the beginning of 1920’s or after World War I. As the negative effects that are caused by the war, the new term such as (i) flappers, (ii) alcoholic lifestyle, and (iii) free love become symbols that involved to the social changes of American new generation. Then,


here are the analyses of flappers, alcoholic lifestyle and free love that Fitzgerald portrayed through ‘This Side of Paradise’ based on the theory of sociology of literature.

4.1.1 Flappers in ‘This Side of Paradise’

Flappers in early 1920’s or jazz age era can be identified as one of the characteristics that defines the social changes. Moreover, flappers in that time can be classified as a symbol of modern women that began to be more active to show their personalities. It can be proved by many women that started to work out of domestic area, some women increasingly went to college, or even their outspoken personalities of their relationship. Besides they were more educated than women in previous generations, flappers in early 1920’s were also considered as "feminists new generation". This is proved by their development personalities which began to define themselves, who they were and what they wanted.

In fashion, flappers also bring some cultural changes to American women liberation. Thus, Flappers popular image was in their short hair, modest about using makeup, and wore either short or brave skirts. But even though flappers’ culture succeeded in some way, many people still saw their mainstream behavior as a sign of moral degradation in American culture. It can be proved by most of women that consider smoking and drinking as the part of their freedom, even flappers in that time also thought that having free sex are the common thing that they can do before married. That’s why older generation concerned that American


women in early 1920’s are not the truth women anymore, and flapper regarded as one of the negative effects that caused by World War I.

Throughout the story of This Side of Paradise, we can see many descriptions of flapper’s personalities from the major women characters named Rosalind. Such as how their lifestyle and also their fashion related to the women reflection in early 1920’s.

“ROSALIND: Honestly, there are only two costumes in the world that I really enjoy being in— (Combing her hair at the dressingtable.) One’s a hoop skirt with pantaloons; the other’s a one-piece bathing-suit. I’m quite charming in both of them.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 127)

The quotation above become one prove that flappers really exist in early 1920’s, such as her enjoyment in using ‘open’ fashion style which can improve her self-confident. Hoop skirt with pantaloons and one-piece bathing-suit that Rosalind used also described the reflection of fashion items that flappers usually use in their era. The other flappers’ personalities can be seen by Cecelia description about Rosalind’s character in her quotation below.

“ALEC: Does Rosalind behave herself?

CECELIA: Not particularly well. Oh, she’s average—smokes sometimes, drinks punch, frequently kissed—Oh, yes—common knowledge— one of the effects of the war, you know.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 125)


This quotation become one prove that Rosalind’s personalities are described as the symbol of negative effect that caused by the World War I. Her character as the representative of the type of women at that time that smoke, drank and frequently kissed behavior becomes the proves of flappers’ reflection attitudes in early 1920’s. Thus, this novel also described the general conditions of women at that time through Amory’s character as a man, which actually gives us explanation of how Amory feels towards woman in his era at that time. According to him, girls who are having a wild behavior which they consider as their freedom concept, however only give a starting point of women moral degradation to the society. Thus, Amory thought is proved by his description of flappers condition in early 1920’s that having hedonistic behaviors as their new freedom can be seen by the quotation below.

“Amory saw girls doing things that even in his memory would have been impossible: eating three-o’clock, after-dance suppers in impossible cafes, talking of every side of life with an air half of earnestness, half of mockery, yet with a furtive excitement that Amory considered stood for a real moral let-down.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 44)

This quotation gives clear explanation of social changes phenomena that happen to America after World War I. The modernization that developed in the society in some way actually gave many opportunities for women as the part of those social changes. The problem is many people still think that these changes also affect women in a negative way, which they consider that flappers in early 1920’s begin to lose their identity


4.1.2 Alcoholic Lifestyle in ‘This Side of Paradise’

Basically, alcohol has been the integral part of American culture for a long time, but the problem of alcoholic as their lifestyle has increasingly affected the society after World War I. This symptom indeed could be seen by the new generation’s thought in early 1920’s which consider alcohol as the pleasure of their lifestyle. It can be proved by alcohol drinks that always been a part of any occasion that they held, either in formal or informal party. However, these symptoms as the result also indicated many problems of alcoholism addict to American society later, which transformed them to have negative personality, behavior, or even emotional state of stability. With the harmful of the alcoholic addiction, government then decided to declare the eighteen amendments which prohibit the sale, transportation and manufacture of alcohol in America. But even though the sale of alcohol was illegal, alcoholic drinks were still widely available at black market places. Beside that, many people also still kept private bars to serve their guests, where they also got large quantities of alcohol from another country which provides this commodity.

This side of Paradise is one of the example of literary work that describes the condition of early 1920’s in America, including the alcoholism addicted of young generation at that time. It can be seen by the character of Amory Blaine and his friends, where they used to drink alcohol in their spare time, or any occasion that they had. Thus, their alcoholic lifestyle can be proved trough this quotation below.


“Up to the flat,” suggested Phoebe. “We’ve got brandy and fizz— and everything’s slow down here to-night.” Amory considered quickly. He hadn’t been drinking, and decided that if he took no more, it would be reasonably discreet for him to trot along in the party.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 82)

“Come on, Amory, stick ‘th us!” “Sick, are you?”

“Sit down a second!” “Take some water.”

“Take a little brandy ….” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 84)

This quotation become one prove that drinking alcohol already become the lifestyle of American teenagers’ party. Even though Amory is not an alcoholic drinker in the beginning, but the alcoholic lifestyle of his friends has also affected him to become a drinker too. These conversations also emphasize how alcohols had a big influence in early 1920’s to the society for becoming an alcoholic addicted. Another description also can be seen from Kerry character where he buys alcohols drinks like ‘brandy’ for accompanying his trips with his friends, which give clear explanation of how alcohols have been the common drink for American society in their spare time. The proved can be seen in this quotation.

“In one place Kerry took up a collection for the French War Orphans which netted a dollar and twenty cents, and with this they bought some brandy in case they caught cold in the night.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 58)

In fact, this alcohol addicted in early 1920’s can be seen as the way of negative lifestyle for the society, especially new generation at that time. It is also


become one product of the great changes that occurred after World War I, which can be seen as the negative effect that caused by the war.

4.1.3 Free Love in ‘This Side of Paradise’

The beginning of 1920’s is generally marked with many of modernization and social changes in American society. One of the examples was the radical changes of modern freedom values for new generations, where they seemed to be more open about neither their relationship nor sexuality to the public area. Before this cultural shock, American society was taught that certain things like petting, kissing, and free sex were seen as a wrong attitude. But this modern freedom becomes a new behavior after invention of new technologies and mass media which let these things become more public instead of being private. The example can be seen from This Side of Paradise novel, where there are a lot of free love reflections of American new generations in early 1920’s from the characters. We can prove it from Amory description of the girls at that time where they seem can be kissed easily and without hesitation.

“The same girl … deep in an atmosphere of jungle music and the questioning of moral codes. Amory found it rather fascinating to feel that any popular girl he met before eight he might quite possibly kiss before twelve.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 44)

“HE: I’m afraid of you. I’m always afraid of a girl— until I’ve kissed her.

SHE: (Emphatically) My dear boy, the war is over …….


SHE: (Dreamily) I’ve kissed dozens of men. I suppose I’ll kiss dozens more.

HE: (Abstractedly) Yes, I suppose you could—like that.

SHE: Most people like the way I kiss.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 129)

Amory conversation with Rosalind above shows the real conditions of modern freedom that new generations had at that time. The statement from Rosalind actually explains that the women in early 1920’s are braver to show what they like to do, not like the oldies or previous women generation before world war that hasn’t had their full freedom yet. Their statements also indicate the relationship custom that the teenagers usually do in early 1920’s, where men and women are not afraid to show their love desire. Another teenager’s new phenomena also can be seen by Fitzgerald description of the wild behavior through the characters of his novel, like petting and free sex which become one of the effects for American culture.

“On the Triangle trip Amory had come into constant contact with that great current American phenomenon, the “petting party.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 43)

“The problem of evil had solidified for Amory into the problem of sex. He was beginning to identify evil with the strong phallic worship in Brooke and the early Wells” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 211)

From the quotations above, Fitzgerald obviously indicates that petting party and free sex are some of American young generations reflection in early 1920’s. It also explains how badly the social behavior that caused by the effects of


the war. Thus, it can be concluded that Even though there are lot of progress that America got in their development such as in economic and business aspects; but this new freedom of sophisticated behavior also become a symbol of American generation moral collapse as the result of World War I. It is proved by Fitzgerald expression through his novel, as it can be concluded from Amory conversation with Rosalind about the kissing scene which already becomes a custom part of lover interpretation at that time.

“ROSALIND: Listen! they’re playing “Kiss Me Again.” AMORY: (Softly—the battle lost) I love you.

ROSALIND: I love you—now. (They kiss.) AMORY: Oh, God, what have I done?

ROSALIND: Nothing. Oh, don’t talk. Kiss me again. AMORY: I don’t know why or how, but I love you— from the moment I saw you.

ROSALIND: (Her lips scarcely stirring) Don’t let me go—I don’t care who knows what I do.

AMORY: Say it!

ROSALIND: I love you—now. (They part.) Oh—I am very youthful, thank God—and rather beautiful, thank God—and happy, thank God, thank God—(She pauses and then, in an odd burst of prophecy, adds) Poor Amory!

(He kisses her again.)” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 137)

Thus, the conversation between Amory and Rosalind above give us clear explanation of American teenager’s conditions in early 1920’s which consider kissing is a common thing between men and women in their relationship. The bravery conversation between Amory and Rosalind also give us some prove that kissing is the way of how the teenagers in that time represent their desire and feelings as a lover.


“Now, Isabelle,” he interrupted, “you know it’s not that—even suppose it is. We’ve reached the stage where we either ought to kiss—or—or—nothing. It isn’t as if you were refusing on moral grounds.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 69)

As it can be seen from the quotation above, it is very clear that Amory Blaine and Rosalind are the example of new generation which have negative social changes behavior in the society at that time. They definitely realize that the moral perspective in their era already change, and kissing is become one part of it. Their characters as Fitzgerald’s representative of teenagers in early 1920’s, proves American young generation constancy to accept it as a new custom phenomena of their era.

4.2 Materialism as the Negative Effect of Social Changes

Nowadays, Material things have become the common vision of standard success values in the society. This phenomenon in fact has a big power to make each individual has to work hard for attaining it, no matter how the way it is.

Materialism is defined as someone preoccupation that thought material is the most important thing to survive in the society. One of the example can be seen from American people in 1920’s which generally deal with the time of new freedom and wealth power as the part of their lives. This lifestyle is considered by some factors that causes by World War I which also intentionally affected the people behavior in the society. It can be seen by the new vision of American


people at that time which considered material items as the indication of attaining their success.

4.2.1 Wealth as Indication of Social Status and Happiness in ‘This Side of Paradise’

The era of early 1920’s can be identified as the changes of America into new modern country that shaped by many developments, especially in economic activities. Thus, the example can be seen by many of new modernization at that time which brings the society into a lot of prosperities. However as the result, these changes also affected the societies’ lifestyle into a new term with wealth as their indication of social status and happiness. This indication can be seen by the portrayal of This Side of Paradise characters that describe the materialism power to American people in the beginning of 1920’s or after World War I.

First, the description can be seen from the character of Rosalind’s mother, Mrs. Connage that has an intention to marrying Rosalind with rich men for social status purposes.

“MRS. CONNAGE: Rosalind, you’ve been a very expensive proposition.

ROSALIND: (Resignedly) Yes.

MRS. CONNAGE: And you know your father hasn’t what he once had.

ROSALIND: (Making a wry face) Oh, please don’t talk about money.

MRS. CONNAGE: You can’t do anything without it. This is our last year in this house—and


unless things change Cecelia won’t have the advantages you’ve had.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 131)

The quotation above clearly explains the character of Mrs. Connage that considers material things as her major concern in life. It is proved by her intention of marrying Rosalind with rich men and use her as a ‘material commodity’, even though without Rosalind willingness. She actually hopes that Rosalind can save their house and position in the society by this way. Her greediness of wealth can be seen through her conversations with Rosalind below, where she try to arrange Rosalind date with rich men for her purposes.

“MRS. CONNAGE: So I ask you to please mind me in several things I’ve put down in my note-book. The first one is: don’t disappear with young men. There may be a time when it’s valuable, but at present I want you on the dance-floor where I can find you. There are certain men I want to have you meet and I don’t like finding you in some corner of the conservatory exchanging silliness with any one—or listening to it.

ROSALIND: (Sarcastically) Yes, listening to it is better.

MRS. CONNAGE: (Paying no attention) There are several bachelor friends of your father’s that I want you to meet to-night—youngish men.

ROSALIND: (Nodding wisely) About forty-five? MRS. CONNAGE: (Sharply) Why not?”

(Fitzgerald, 1996: 131)

Beside that, another example of Mrs. Connage greediness is also described by her attitude that underestimate Amory because he is not as rich as the other men that want to marry her daughter.


“MRS. CONNAGE: I haven’t met Mr. Blaine—but I don’t think you’ll care for him. He doesn’t sound like a money-maker.

ROSALIND: Mother, I never think about money. MRS. CONNAGE: You never keep it long enough to think about it.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 132)

As it can be seen, material thing such as money has a lot of power for American people in 1920’s. And Mrs. Connage is one of the examples which use money to keep her family existence in the society. Indeed, this problem actually occurs when human feel that they never get enough of what they got, and expected to get more. In the result they will never feel enough and try to find many ways to fulfill their material desire as what Mrs. Connage do.

“MRS. CONNAGE: Oh, I won’t interfere. You’ve already wasted over two months on a theoretical genius who hasn’t a penny to his name, but go ahead, waste your life on him. I won’t interfere.

ROSALIND: (As if repeating a tiresome lesson You know he has a little income—and you know he’s earning thirty-five dollars a week in advertising— MRS. CONNAGE: And it wouldn’t buy your clothes. (She pauses but ROSALIND makes no reply.) I have your best interests at heart when I tell you not to take a step you’ll spend your days regretting. It’s not as if your father could help you. Things have been hard for him lately and he’s an old man. You’d be dependent absolutely on a dreamer, a nice, well-born boy, but a dreamer—merely clever. (She implies that this quality in itself is rather vicious.)” ((Fitzgerald, 1996: 141)

This quotation clearly explains that Mrs. Connage is to afraid to face the realities that her husband is already retired and they will got poor investment as


the result. That’s why Mrs. Connage insists to do anything that she can do to keep her existence in the society, include by marrying her daughter with rich men.

Thus, the influence of material comfort in fact can also drastically transform someone for having bad personality. It can be seen from the changes of Rosalind personality because of the influences from her mother and the condition of American society at that time, which only respect for someone with social status then make her decided to marry Dawson Ryder rather than his boyfriend Amory.

“ROSALIND: Oh, Don’t ask me. You know I’m old in some ways-in others-well, I’m just a little girl. I like sunshine and pretty things and cheerfulness-and I dread responsibility. I don’t want to think about pots and kitchens and brooms. I want to worry whether my legs will get slick and brown when I swim in the summer.” (Fitzgerald, 1996: 145)

Rosalind decision to reject Amory because he cannot guarantee Rosalind future gives a clear perception that material things have a really big control to human lives. The power of wealth promises by Dawson Ryder that change Rosalind ‘love’ into material happiness, indicates that wealth and social status has an important role for American people happiness in early 1920’s. As the prove can be seen trough the quotations below.

“AMORY: Rosalind, you’re playing with the idea of marrying Dawson Ryder.

ROSALIND: (After a pause) He’s been asking me to all day.

AMORY: Well, he’s got his nerve!

ROSALIND: (After another pause) I like him.” (Fitzgerald, 1996:142)


“ROSALIND: Oh—it is Dawson Ryder. He’s so reliable, I almost feel that he’d be a—a background. AMORY: You don’t love him.

ROSALIND: I know, but I respect him, and he’s a good man and a strong one.

AMORY: (Grudgingly) Yes—he’s that.

ROSALIND: Well—here’s one little thing. There was a little poor boy we met in Rye Tuesday afternoon—and, oh, Dawson took him on his lap and talked to him and promised him an Indian suit—and next day he remembered and bought it—and, oh, it was so sweet and I couldn’t help thinking he’d be so nice to—to” (Fitzgerald, 1996:143)

The quotation above exactly indicates Rosalind personalities that have already changed because of material comfort that Dawson can give to her. It can be proved by Dawson kindness which Rosalind described during her conversation with Amory. In the same time, Amory also feels regret of his relationship failure with Rosalind that only caused by social status and material things that he can’t gain. It is proved by F. Scott Fitzgerald though the quotation below that portrays the human attitude against of moral values to get the material success. Such as, Rosalind that in the end decided to marry Dawson because of material comforts, not because she loves him. Amory finally concluded that Rosalind already becomes one part of business subject, and she has been controlled by wealth as her happiness values.

“He saw the two pictures together with somewhat the same primitive exaltation—two games he had played, differing in quality of acerbity, linked in a way that differed them from Rosalind or the


subject of labyrinths which were, after all, the business of life.”(Fitzgerald, 1996: 211)

It is obviously ironic when wealth as the indication of social status and happiness become something that all human want to get, no matter how the way is. Thus, Mrs. Connage and Rosalind’s character that use material things to survive in the society gives us some reflection of how human thinks that material can give a lot of satisfaction for them. Many people in the reality think those material things are the symbol of their success and happiness. However, since human only think of how to get material for happiness in life, they totally forgot that they had already been controlled by it, which later only give negative impacts for themselves.


4.3 Findings

After analyzed the data of ‘This Side of Paradise’, then there are some findings that can be found related to hedonism and materialism phenomena of American society in early 1920’s.

1. Hedonism Phenomena in ‘This Side of Paradise’ 1.1. Flappers

1.2. Alcoholic Lifestyle 1.3. Free Love

2. Materialism Phenomena in ‘This Side of Paradise’ 2.1.Wealth as Indication of Social Status and Happiness

Thus, those two phenomena above clearly explain the social realities that happened in American society after World War I. Whereas the portrayal can be seen through the story and characters of ‘This Side of Paradise’ which having hedonistic and materialistic behaviors.




5.1 Conclusion

Having analyzed the data completely, it can be concluded that This Side of Paradise was Fitzgerald first novel that illustrates the social phenomena of American society in early 1920’s. From the analysis, there are two phenomena that can be found as the negative effects of social changes which occurred after World War I, such as hedonism and materialism. Thus, the impact can be seen by the characters descriptions which imitate the real condition of American society in early 1920’s as having hedonistic and materialistic behavior.

From the findings, the reflection of hedonistic behavior that Fitzgerald portrayed are flappers which regarded as ‘American modern women’ symbols; alcoholics drinks that become a part of American new lifestyle; even the new concept of free love custom for teenagers.

Beside that, materialistic behavior also becomes another point that Fitzgerald describes properly in the novel, such as wealth as standard value of life in America at that time, beside material comfort as their indication of social status and happiness.

As seen in the portrayal of the characters, it can be proved that the impact of hedonism and materialism actually had already affected American society in early 1920’s, especially for the teenagers which also called ‘new generation’. Thus, these social phenomena happen because of rapid changes after World War I


that also affects the moral values of the society. The interesting fact is that, these hedonistic and materialistic behaviors actually are still exist nowadays and can be found from our own surroundings.

5.2 Suggestions

This side of Paradise actually was Fitzgerald first novel that made him having a success careers in 1920’s era, with the theme of social changes in American society at that time which occurred as the effect of World War I. That’s why this novel is really interesting to be discussed beside his ‘Great Gatsby’ and other works. There are a lot of things that we can observe from this novel, such as the social changes in 1920’s which I decided to analyze, or even the other aspects like characters psychological problems and symbols for those who also interest to analyze this novel.

Finally, I realize that the discussion in this thesis is still far for being perfect. So, I really hope that the next students who are interested in this topic will gain the deeper analysis about the information of American history related to the novel. Then, we can get more details and discover some other ideas that can support the analysis of this topic, which maybe have been missed in this thesis.



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Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was one of the American novelist and short story writer who is considered to be among the greatest twentieth-century American writers. He was born on September 24, 1896, in St. Paul, Minnesota. His name slightly taken from his grand grand father who wrote the lyrics to the "Star-Spangled Banner", called Francis Scott Key. Fitzgerald's mother, Mary McQuillan, was from an Irish-Catholic family which had made a small fortune in Minnesota as wholesale grocers. His father, Edward Fitzgerald, had opened a wicker furniture business in St. Paul, and, when it failed, he took a job as a salesman for Procter & Gamble that took his family back and forth between Buffalo and Syracuse in upstate New York during the first decade of Fitzgerald's life. However, Edward Fitzgerald lost his job with Procter & Gamble in 1908, when F. Scott Fitzgerald was 12, and the family moved back to St. Paul to live off of his mother's inheritance.

Fitzgerald was a bright, handsome and ambitious boy, the pride and joy of his parents and especially his mother. He attended the St. Paul Academy, and when he was 13, he saw his first piece of writing appear in print: a detective story published in the school newspaper. In 1911, when Fitzgerald was 15 years old, his parents sent him to the Newman School, a prestigious Catholic preparatory school in New Jersey.


After graduating from the Newman School in 1913, Fitzgerald decided to stay in New Jersey to continue his artistic development at Princeton University. At Princeton, he firmly dedicated himself to writing scripts for Princeton's famous Triangle Club musicals as well as frequent articles for the Princeton Tiger humor magazine and stories for the Nassau Literary Magazine. in 1917, he dropped out of school to join the U.S. Army. Before reporting to duty, Fitzgerald hastily wrote a novel called The Romantic Egotist. Though the publisher, Charles Scribner's Sons rejected the novel, and encouraged Fitzgerald to submit more work because they consider Fitzgerald can be a good writer in the future.

In his war duty to Camp Sheridan outside of Montgomery, Alabama. He met and immediately fell in love with a beautiful 18-year-old girl named Zelda Sayre, the daughter of an Alabama Supreme Court judge. After the war ended in 1919, he moved to New York City and get a job in advertising where he hope it can convince Zelda to marry him. However, he quit his job after only a few months, and returned to St. Paul to rewrite his novel.

His first novel This Side of Paradise novel was published in 1920 and made him having a success careers almost overnight. One week after the novel's publication, he married Zelda Sayre in New York. Later, they had one daughter named Frances Scott Fitzgerald which was born in 1921. After his first novel, then he decided to continuing his writer preoccupation throughout the rest of his life, Fitzgerald supported himself financially by writing great numbers of short stories for popular publications such as The Saturday Evening Post and Esquire.


Some of his most notable stories include "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz," "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," "The Camel's Back" and "The Last of the Belles.”And published his second novel, The Beautiful and the Damned in 1922.

In 1924, Fitzgerald moved to France, and wrote what would be credited as his greatest novel, The Great Gatsby. After he completed The Great Gatsby, and can’t stand for the popularity and lifestyle that he took then Fitzgerald's life began to dissolve. He became a heavy drinker which progressed steadily into alcoholism addiction, and Zelda also suffered from mental health issues where she was diagnosed as a schizophrenic and was hospitalized in Maryland, where she died in there.

In 1934, Fitzgerald finally published his fourth novel, Tender is the Night. Although Tender is the Night was a commercial failure, but it has also gained some reputation of the brave plot story that Fitzgerald done. After another two years lost to alcohol and depression, in 1937 Fitzgerald attempted to start his career once more as a screenwriter and freelance storywriter in Hollywood. In the same time, he also began to write another novel, The Love of the Last Tycoon, and had completed over half the manuscript when he died of a heart attack on December 21, 1940, at the age of 44, in Hollywood, California.

Fitzgerald in his life has gained a reputation as one of the magnificent authors in the history of American literature, as well as a definitive social history of the Jazz Age where until now his works still has big influence as one of the


famous classic literary works. His works indeed also have been consider as one of the best literary works that portrayed the American phenomena in his time, which still interesting to be readable nowadays. The complete list of works from F. Scott Fitzgerald can be seen as below:


• This Side of Paradise (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920)

• The Beautiful and Damned (New York: Scribners, 1922)

• The Great Gatsby (New York: Scribners, 1925)

• Tender Is the Night (New York: Scribners, 1934)

• The Love of the Last Tycoon – originally The Last Tycoon – (New York: Scribners, unfinished, published posthumously, 1941)

Short Story Collections:

• Flappers and Philosophers (New York: Scribners, 1921)

• Tales of the Jazz Age (New York: Scribners, 1922)

• All the Sad Young Men (New York: Scribners, 1926)

• Taps at Reveille (New York: Scribners, 1935)

• Afternoon of an Author (New York: Scribners, 1957)

• Babylon Revisited and Other Stories (New York: Scribners, 1960)

• The Pat Hobby Stories (New York: Scribners, 1962)

• The Basil and Josephine Stories (New York: Scribners, 1973)

• The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald (New York: Scribners, 1989)

• The Price Was High: Fifty Uncollected Stories (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1995


After graduating from the Newman School in 1913, Fitzgerald decided to stay in New Jersey to continue his artistic development at Princeton University. At Princeton, he firmly dedicated himself to writing scripts for Princeton's famous Triangle Club musicals as well as frequent articles for the Princeton Tiger humor magazine and stories for the Nassau Literary Magazine. in 1917, he dropped out of school to join the U.S. Army. Before reporting to duty, Fitzgerald hastily wrote a novel called The Romantic Egotist. Though the publisher, Charles Scribner's Sons rejected the novel, and encouraged Fitzgerald to submit more work because they consider Fitzgerald can be a good writer in the future.

In his war duty to Camp Sheridan outside of Montgomery, Alabama. He met and immediately fell in love with a beautiful 18-year-old girl named Zelda Sayre, the daughter of an Alabama Supreme Court judge. After the war ended in 1919, he moved to New York City and get a job in advertising where he hope it can convince Zelda to marry him. However, he quit his job after only a few months, and returned to St. Paul to rewrite his novel.

His first novel This Side of Paradise novel was published in 1920 and made him having a success careers almost overnight. One week after the novel's publication, he married Zelda Sayre in New York. Later, they had one daughter named Frances Scott Fitzgerald which was born in 1921. After his first novel, then he decided to continuing his writer preoccupation throughout the rest of his life, Fitzgerald supported himself financially by writing great numbers of short stories for popular publications such as The Saturday Evening Post and Esquire.


Some of his most notable stories include "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz," "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," "The Camel's Back" and "The Last of the Belles.”And published his second novel, The Beautiful and the Damned in 1922.

In 1924, Fitzgerald moved to France, and wrote what would be credited as his greatest novel, The Great Gatsby. After he completed The Great Gatsby, and can’t stand for the popularity and lifestyle that he took then Fitzgerald's life began to dissolve. He became a heavy drinker which progressed steadily into alcoholism addiction, and Zelda also suffered from mental health issues where she was diagnosed as a schizophrenic and was hospitalized in Maryland, where she died in there.

In 1934, Fitzgerald finally published his fourth novel, Tender is the Night. Although Tender is the Night was a commercial failure, but it has also gained some reputation of the brave plot story that Fitzgerald done. After another two years lost to alcohol and depression, in 1937 Fitzgerald attempted to start his career once more as a screenwriter and freelance storywriter in Hollywood. In the same time, he also began to write another novel, The Love of the Last Tycoon, and had completed over half the manuscript when he died of a heart attack on December 21, 1940, at the age of 44, in Hollywood, California.

Fitzgerald in his life has gained a reputation as one of the magnificent authors in the history of American literature, as well as a definitive social history of the Jazz Age where until now his works still has big influence as one of the


famous classic literary works. His works indeed also have been consider as one of the best literary works that portrayed the American phenomena in his time, which still interesting to be readable nowadays. The complete list of works from F. Scott Fitzgerald can be seen as below:


• This Side of Paradise (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920)

• The Beautiful and Damned (New York: Scribners, 1922)

• The Great Gatsby (New York: Scribners, 1925)

• Tender Is the Night (New York: Scribners, 1934)

• The Love of the Last Tycoon – originally The Last Tycoon – (New York: Scribners, unfinished, published posthumously, 1941)

Short Story Collections:

• Flappers and Philosophers (New York: Scribners, 1921)

• Tales of the Jazz Age (New York: Scribners, 1922)

• All the Sad Young Men (New York: Scribners, 1926)

• Taps at Reveille (New York: Scribners, 1935)

• Afternoon of an Author (New York: Scribners, 1957)

• Babylon Revisited and Other Stories (New York: Scribners, 1960)

• The Pat Hobby Stories (New York: Scribners, 1962)

• The Basil and Josephine Stories (New York: Scribners, 1973)

• The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald (New York: Scribners, 1989)

• The Price Was High: Fifty Uncollected Stories (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1995


Notable Short Stories:

• "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" (1920) (in Flappers and Philosophers)

• "Head and Shoulders" (1920) (in Flappers and Philosophers)

• "The Ice Palace" (1920) (in Flappers and Philosophers and Babylon Revisited and Other Stories)

• "The Offshore Pirate" (1920) (in Flappers and Philosophers)

• "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (1921) (in Tales of the Jazz Age)

• "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz" (1922) (in Tales of the Jazz Age)

• "Winter Dreams" (1922) (in All the Sad Young Men)

• "The Baby Party" (1925) (in All the Sad Young Men)

• "The Freshest Boy" (1928) (in Taps at Reveille)

• "The Bridal Party" (1930)

• "A New Leaf" (1931)

• "Babylon Revisited" (1931) (in Babylon Revisited and Other Stories)

• "Crazy Sunday" (1932) (in Babylon Revisited and Other Stories)

Other Notable Works:

• The Vegetable, or From President to Postman – Play (New York: Scribners, 1923)

• The Crack-Up – Collection of essays, notebook excerpts, and letters (New York: New Directions, 1945)



This Side of Paradise is a story of the major character named Amory Blaine and his experiences through his childhood until his early twenties in American society, during the beginning of 1920’s. The story starts from his parents’ background, where he is described to be born from wealthy and sophisticated woman, Beatrice, and his unsuccessful father called Stephen Blaine. Rather than stay with his husband, Beatrice decides to travel away with Amory until he attends the fictitious St. Regis prep school in New England. In thirteen, He is already being a magnificent boy, handsome, quite intelligent which makes him later accepted in Princeton University. Though initially concerned with being a success on campus, however he prefers to learn through reading and discussions with friends than through his classes.

Toward the end of his college career, America enters World War I where Amory decides to join the army with his friend Tom. During his services, he gets many news, such as his mother that passes away because of her nervous breakdown and only leaving him a little heritage, also his best friend that killed in the war named Jesse Ferrenby. After the war finishes and upon his return to America, Amory go to the party of his college friend Alec, where he met Alec beautiful sister named Rosalind Connage. The two of them immediately falling deeply in love, but because of his family's poor investments and Amory has little money, Rosalind mother rejects him and does not wish his daughter to marry into


poverty. Amory then decides to find a good job, and living his dream with Rosalind. However despite Amory's best efforts to earn money at an advertising agency, Rosalind breaks off their engagement in order to marry a wealthier man, Dawson Ryder. He goes on a three week drinking alcohol, which is finally terminated by the law of Prohibition.

Amory's quest for self-realization begins when he discovers that his last close friend and father figure, Monsignor Darcy has passes away. Further, the family finances have left him almost no money realizes him of how poor he is, and he hates the condition of that time which considers everything as a business of life, Including her tragic love with Rosalind that end because he cannot give material things to her. In the last chapter, he decides to walk to Princeton and is picked up along the way by the wealthy father of a friend who dies in the war. He arrives late at night, and feels pity of generations of his time with their turmoil behavior. Then, he finally ends the story when he reaches his hands to the sky and says "I know myself, but that is all", as his disillusion that he can’t do towards the conditions his life.