Visions for teaching The Interviews with Dewi

143 Visions for teaching

The visions for teaching in the interview covered issues related to the teachers‘ beliefs and values about English teaching. Such issues were explored using questions about what is considered to be desirable characteristics of English classes and the criteria of a successful English teacher. When asked about the kind of English classes she wanted to emerge from her teaching, Dewi signaled that active involvement was the desired characteristic of her classroom. She said: Actually when I am in class, I would like my students active in using English whether in asking questions or between students, they will also discuss in English. But you know… but Indonesian students are lack of initiative, we have to motivate them a lot to speak in the class. Actually I just want to bring the outside world into the class and I want them practice a lot. But I still find difficulties in motivating them to speak Dewi – interview. On the other hand, when asked about the kind of English class she did not want to emerge, Dewi said that she did not like a traditional classroom. She referred to a traditional classroom as one in which the teacher was the centre of the teaching processes, while the students did nothing except receiving information and knowledge. Dewi had an interesting vision about successful English teachers. She said, In my opinion, officially the successful teacher must be a teacher who has good planning and administration works in which it will spend a lot of time to prepare it. But in my opinion it is not a successful teacher. A successful teacher, besides making preparation, shehe should motivate the students to make something different. For example when they start 144 from zero, there must be 1, or 2, or 3. Moreover, to me a successful teacher is the one who has given the students knowledge and it will stay longer in their mind after they become adult people Dewi – interview . Self-efficacy beliefs