Unit Input – DHT 11 and LM 35

digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id 33 I S M O S A T, Proceeding International Symposium For Modern School Development, .... measurement of temperature and humidity. LM35 is temperature sensor which has principle the sensor will perform during the sensing of temperature change, every 1 ° C rise in temperature will show increase in the voltage of 10 mV. Although the voltage sensor can reach 30 volts but given to the sensor is at 5 volts, so it can be used with a single power supply with the provision that the LM35 only requires a current of 60 uA it meant LM35 has the ability to generate heat self-heating of sensors that may cause low readings of less than 0.5 ºC at 25 º

2.3 Unit Storage – Thingspeak

Thingspeak is an internet network cloud platform that provides a variety of exclusive services to build applications IOT Internet of Things. Thingspeak features a real-time data collection, visualization of data in graphi- cal form, as well as providing plugins used to collaborate with web services, social net- work or API. The main feature of Thingspeak is Thingspeak Channel. Thingspeak Chan- nel is a place where we can send the data to Thingspeak to be shown on the channel. Thingspeak Channel has features include 1 8 columns for universal data; 2 3 Columns for locations such as latitude, longitude, and elevation; and 3 one column to display the status of what data is displayed on the chan- nel. Fig. 2 External Monitoring – Thingspeak

2.4 Unit Execution – Delphi Interface

Delphi is an IDE compiler for the Pascal programming language and software devel- opment environment that is used to design an application program. IDE Integrated De- velopment Environment is a computer pro- gram that has some of the facilities that are required in the software development. The purpose of the IDE is to provide all the utili- ties needed to build software. In this research, some of components are required, among others: 1 Button; 2 Chart; 3 Label; 4 List Box; 5 Edit Text; 6 Ado Table; 7 comport; 8 groupbox; 9 and RV Project. Fig. 3 Delphi Interface 3 Delphi-IoT Performance 3.1 Automatic System Flowchart Based on ig.4 of the lowchart, the sys- tem has an input that can affect the output lights and fans is the input temperature sensor LM35 read through, this was the sys- tem in automatic mode. As for the humidity does not affect either the lamp or fan output, which is read by the humidity sensor DHT11 only displayed on a monitoring system that uses Delphi. If the temperature N is read ≤ 30 then outputs a lamp is lit, and when the value of N ≥ 31, then the light will die. As for turning on the fan output then reads tem- perature values should be ≥ 33 and to turn off the fan value of N should be ≤ 31. Fig. 4 Automatic System Flowchart

3.2 Manual System Flowchart

Based on ig.5 of lowchart, the system which can be seen that the input provided is digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id digilib.uinsby.ac.id 34 in accordance with the user input, in these conditions the system is in manual mode. If the user presses the button lamp on the out- put generated light is on and when the user presses the button lamp off then the light will die. Furthermore, to turn on the fan, the user must press the fan on and vice versa to turn off the fan by pressing the fan off button. Fig. 5 Manual System Flowchart

3.3 IoT Control System Flowchart

The working principle of the IoT Control system is utilizing the data input provided by an Android device or the web service through the Internet to control any electric device. A system built to control the relay at a time chart which is able to be updated whenever there are changes in the data that goes into the processing unit. Here is the lowchart of IoT control system on Fig. 6. Fig. 6 IoT Control System Flowchart 4. Result 4.1 Delphi Application Performance The temperature input are read by the sensors will make the lights and the fan changed conditions. If the value N is read ≤ 30, then the light turns on automatically. Conversely, if N ≥ 31, then the light turns off automatically and the indicator lamp will die. Further to the fan output, if N ≥ 33 then the fan will be activated and the indicator is light up. Fans will die if N ≤ 31 Fig.7. Tempera- ture and humidity are displayed in degrees Celsius ° C and the percentage of moisture Humidity RH. The data is also repre- sented on a graph for each sensor data and the data sensors will appear also on the block Database Sensor in the form of a table. The data base is stored on Ms. Access Fig. 8. Fig. 7 Indicator on delphi Fig. 8 Database Interface

4.2 Thingspeak Performance

Programs that have been uploaded to the microcontroller will work transmit sen- sor data to thingspeak channel within a cer- tain time. Programs that have been uploaded into the microcontroller has a time span of 15 seconds to transmit data to the latest sensor readings Thingspeak Channel. Excess which is owned by Thingspeak.com is the result of sensor readings can be known by another user if the feature “public” is enabled. The channel that was created previously been equipped with the “public”, enabling the user other than the administrator aware of the re- sults of sensor readings. Here is a link that can be opened by other users https:thing- speak.comchannels37813. The link is au- tomatically get when users provide features “enable public” on thingspeak channel.