Kesimpulan ISMOSAT PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM FOR MODERN SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT, SOCIAL SCIENCE AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES 2016. 104 mengantisipasi pinjaman macet dengan melakukan pembinaan terhadap pemin- jam, melakukan pemantauan pinjaman den- gan menggunakan sistem komputerisasi, melakukan penggolongan terhadap pinja- man bermasalah kolektibilitas pinjaman dan melakukan penyelesaian melalui cara- cara pendekatan kekeluargaan, penjadwalan ulang, struturisasi, mengkondisikan dan se- bagai jalan terakhir yang harus ditempuh da- lam penyelesaian pinjaman bermasalah ada- lah dengan melakukan eksekusi jaminan.

6. Saran

Aktivitas penagihan perlu ditingkatkan, meskipun secara umum NPL semakin menu- run, tetapi apabila tidak dilakukan penagi- han yang lebih efektif maka aktiva produktif atau pinjaman yang seharusnya dapat di- tarik kembali masih mengendap khususnya pada pinjaman kurang lancar dan pinjaman diragukan yang nantinya akan naik menjadi kolektibilitas 4 empat atau kredit macet sehingga akan berpengaruh pada kinerja keuangan. Daftar Pustaka [1] Taswan, 2010, Manajemen Perbankan, Konsep, Teknik dan Aplikasi UPP STIM YKPN, Yogyakarta [2] Rachmat Firdaus, Maya Ariyanti, 2011, Manajemen Perkreditan Bank Umum Alfabeta, Bandung. [3] Permen Nomor 9 Tahun 1995, tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha simpan pinjam oleh koperasi [4] Kasmir, 2012, Bank Dan Lembaga Keuangan Lainnya, Edisi Keenam. PT. Raja Garaindo Persada, Jakarta [5] Moleong, Lexi J. 2005, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, PT. Remaja Rosda Karya, Bandung [6] Arikunto, Suharsimi, 2006, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Rineke, Jakarta 105 I S M O S A T, Proceeding International Symposium For Modern School Development, .... INTRODUCTION The use of DC motors in the industrial world are very widely used because of its structure is simple and has a very good sta- bility [1]. In addition DC motors can provide high starting torque, easy in setting the pace so prevalent in some industries [2]. The ma- jor problem often discussed in the PID con- trol parameters are control . One technique that often used is the conventional control trial- error, but for this method is dificult to adjust the parameters, so it takes a long time to ind the right parameters [1] as well as the accuracy of control is not good Researchers have many uses intelligent methods Artiicial Intelligent for the deter- mination of PID parameters DC motor. The researchers began studying the intelligent behavior of animals to be applied to solve optimization problems. The animals include bees, ants, wasps and ind an algorithm of be- havior of a habit or behavior of the animal. In 2009, a researcher She Xin Yang found a clever method called intelligence bats and make a settlement algorithm inspired by the behavior of bats in search of food. Several methods of optimization-based methods of conventional and intelligent methods have been widely used to optimize PID parame- ters of DC motors, including PID control al- gorithm [4] , Particle Swarm Optimization [5] , Tabu Search [6] , Bacterial Foraging [7] , Fuzzy Logic [8] , Genetic Algorithm [9] , and Neural Network. This research will be used a clever meth- od Artiicial Intelligent for tuning PID pa- rameters of DC motor is by Bat Algorithm BA method and will be analyzed and com- pared the response speed of a DC motor with a conventional method trial-and-error PID and DC motor without a controller. OPTIMAL DESIGN CONTROLLER MOTOR DC USING PID-NOVEL BAT ALGORITHM NBA Irna Tri Yuniahastuti Student of Power System Engineering Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia 031 5947302 Email: Imam Robandi Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia 031 5947302 Email: Abstract Using of PID controller requires setting proper parameters to obtain optimal perfor- mance of the motor. Generally, controller use trial-error method, but the results are less than optimal. This research use method based on intelligent Novel Bat Algorithm NBA to opti- mize parameters of the PID. This study will compare methods without PID controller, PID trial-and-error and PID NBA. From the results obtained that NBA method can tune PID parameters appropriately, so it can decrease overshoot and settling time. Keywords : Motor DC, PID, Trial-Error, NBA, Overshoot, Settling time