Find the standard deviation Find the degree of freedom Find the progress from pretest to posttest Comparing between t-test and t-table.

The score of both tests, pre-test and post-test were analyzed statistically by using a procedure of t-test formula with significance degree 5. The researcher used t-test because the researcher wanted to compare between experimental group and control group and takes the following formula according to Sugiyono 46 : T = 2 X 2 X √[ ] [ ] Note: 1 X = the mean value of experimental group 2 X = the mean value of control group = the variants of experimental group = the variants of control group = the number of students in experimental group = The number students in control group

3. Find the standard deviation

After calculating the mean value, the standard deviation of the data must be calculated. According to Sudjana 47 : 93, the formula is: 1 2 1 2     n x x S 46 Sugiyono , MetodePenelitianKuantitatif, Kualitatifdan RDBandung: Alfabeta, 2013, 197 47 Sudjana, MethodaStatistika: Sixth Edition, Bandung: Tarsito,1996, 93 This formula is used to calculate the standard deviation of the data.

4. Find the degree of freedom

Find the degree of freedom df, with the formula: df= + -2 Note: = number of subject in experimental group = number of subject in control group

5. Find the progress from pretest to posttest

Progress = Note: M D = mean value of the difference score M Pre = mean of pretest

6. Comparing between t-test and t-table.

The formula above will give the interpretation to the result of t-test by comparing with t-table by proving the criteria of hypothesis as follows: 1. If t -value is higher or same with t table , so the Null Hypothesis H is rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis H a is confirmed. It means that there is significant difference between experimental group and control group. 2. If t -value is less than t -table , so the Null Hypothesis H is confirmed and the Alternative Hypothesis H a is rejected which means that there is no significant difference experimental group and control group. 52


In this chapter the researcher tried to describe the data analysis of the research about the effectiveness of simulation technique in teaching speaking procedure text in SMP Patriot PeteronganJombang. The data which was taken was organized by using appropr iate formula to know what differences of the students’ speaking ability of procedure text by using simulation technique than students speaking ability of procedure text using non simulation technique. The data were analysis by using SPSS 16 for window.

A. Findings.

Based on the objective of the research which has been stated by the researcher in the previous chapter, this research was aimed to know whether simulation technique was effective to teach speaking of procedure text. Therefore, in this research the researcher wanted to measure the significant difference between the two groups by conducting test and analyzing the result of test by using t-test. There were two kinds of test, pre-test and post-test. These two kinds of test were conducted to know whether the students who were using simulation technique achieved better than those who were not using simulation technique. In