Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study

represent a challenge for the black people. The challenge is to value and recognize their own American roots 2009:3. So it means that the black people use the quilts to show how they value and recognize their own roots. In Literary Analysis of “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker by Niwar A. Obaid, the quilts in “Everyday Use” are also the clothes that Dee’s great grandma used to wear and Dee’s great grandpa uniforms that he used to wear during the Civil War. It gives a sense of history to the African American history because it symbolizes value in Negro-American experience. The quilts also show that women at that time had creative activities that they came up with. They did that to pass down history from generation to generation Obaid, 2013:9. Walker also wants to show the women roles in that era and how they use their roles and creativities to appreciate their heritage. Obaid also states that these two sisters portray their contrasting family views on the heritage and it builds a conflict about the meaning of the heritage for the family between them. But what the narrator is trying to point out is that the idea of a quilt as a part of a family’s history Obaid, 2013:9. The main conflict in this short story is about the different views on the heritage among the three major characters. In Rhetoric Analysis of Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”, Santosh Aryal explains that the different lives and experiences that Mama, Maggie and Dee had in the past creates different ways of viewing the world between them. Maggie lives with Mama in a world of limitations and uneducated, while Dee lives in a better world, educated, and has a better lifestyle than Maggie and Mama Mrs. Johnson Aryal, 2012. Mama and Maggie never leave their hometown and never know what the other side of the world looks like, while Dee leave her hometown and study many things during her youth. Dee learns new things out there but she never learns her own heritage, while Mama and Maggie never learn new things but they learn a lot about their heritage. After the writer explains some studies about the symbolism and the meaning of the quilts and heritage, now the writer wants to explain another study about “Everyday Use” related to the theme. The main theme of the story itself is about heritage meaning. What Walker tries to point out is that a quilt is a part of family’s history. They represent their ancestor’s lives not only parts of cloths put together to make a blanket. The author also gives important understanding that valuing the culture and traditions of your family is extremely meaningful. In the story shows that Maggie, the younger sister, is different from Dee, the older sister, because she knows how to sew and appreciate the quilts personally and emotionally. This is according to “Theme of Heritage in Everyday Use ” essay on the internet. The writer tries to discover something new. This study does not focus on the symbolism of the quilts, the meaning of the heritage, the themes or the struggle for women’s rights in African American community in that era, but it focuses on analyzing the three major characters, Mama, Maggie and Dee, in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” in psychological angle concerning the core issues and self – defense mechanisms.