Character and Characterization Review of Related Theories

these become a way for us to protect ourselves in a wrong way. These defense mechanisms keep us from understanding, and then healing, our psychological problems. Those defense mechanisms include Avoidance, Denial, Displacement, Selective Perception, Selective Memory, Projection, and Regression. Displacement is when we take out our negative feelings about one person on someone else less threatening that the person who caused our fear, hurt, frustration, or anger. Avoidance is we stay away from people, places, or situations that might make us anxious by stirring up repressed experiences. Denial is when we believe an unpleasant situation doesn’t exist or an unpleasant even never occurred 2006:15. Sometimes our defense mechanisms break down for a moment, and this is when anxiety happens. Tyson also states that anxiety is an important experience because it can reveal core issues 2006:16. Core issues do not consist of unsteady negative feelings such as insecurity or low self-image, they stay with us throughout life and they determine our behavior in destructive ways of which we are usually unaware, unless they have effectively addressed 2006:17. Tyson explains in his book Using Critical Theory: Using Critical Theory to Read and Write about Literature , that: “A core issue is the underlying cause of some sort of recurring self-destructive behavior, whether that behavior is something as mild as being habitually late for important appointments or something as serious as being habitually involved with abusive romantic partners” 2013:26 From those statements above, we can conclude that our self-destructive behavior is caused by core issue. That behavior can be something simple for example, always late for an interview, or something serious like always involved with abusive partners. A problem is considered as a core issue only if responsible for most or all of the emotional difficulties we have as adults. Core issues include, Low Self Esteem, Insecure or Unstable Sense of Self, Fear of Intimacy, Fear of Abandonment, and Fear of Betrayal. Low Self Esteem is the believe that someone less worthy than the o thers and don’t deserve attention, love, or any other form of life’s rewards 2006:16. Insecure or Unstable sense of self is the feeling of vulnerable and when we may have a tendency to repeatedly change the way we look or behave as we become involved with different individuals or groups 2006:16. Fear of Abandonment is the unshakeable belief that our friends and loved ones are going to desert us physical abandonment or don’t really care about us emotional abandonment 2006:16. Fear of Intimacy is the chronic and overpowering feeling that emotional closeness will seriously hurt or destroy us and that we can remain emotionally safe only by remaining at an emotional distance from others at all times 2006:16. Besides as a core issue, fear of intimacy also can function as a defense mechanism. But if this particular defense mechanism occurs continually, then it is probably a core issue.

C. Theoretical Framework

All the theories above will be used to find the answer all of the problems. In this study, the writer will emphasize to analyze the three main characters.