Urgency of the Study Thesis Outline

differences. 18 This study notes that their closeness makes them construct emotional bond, and it allows the mother to impose her desire and emotional feeling to her daughter. As the same opinion with Warren, Neil Corcoran argues that Portia‟s childish manner, such as weeping, reflects the impact of mother‟s nurturance that forms Portia‟s immaturity. 19 Corcoran affirms that Portia ‟s age does not confirm her maturity. He suggests that nurturing has influenced the formation of Portia‟s immaturity in which in the age of 18 Portia still shows her inferiority and childish manner instead of her maturity. Corcoran‟s analysis reveals an argument about the emotional ties between a mother and her daughter too. It is proposed by Jasmine Lee Cori that a mother is a nurturer and provider on both physical and emotional subsistence. 20 From Cori‟s argument, this study underlines that Portias sentimental feeling and immaturity represent the effect of mother-daughters bond relation which constructs the physical and psychological identity of the daughter. Moreover, the negative effect of mother- daughter‟s bond relation is explained by Barbara Sewar d through Portia‟s desire toward others‟ love and attention. She sees the emergence of Portia‟s sensibility to others‟ demand as the consequence of her loneliness and innocent of love that makes her able to love others unconditionally. 21 Seward‟s argument helps this study to recognize Portia‟s sensitivity and love for others, especially for her lover Eddie, as a 18 Campbell, p. 100 19 Neil Corcoran. Elizabeth Bowen: The Enforced Return. NY: Oxford University Press, 2004, p. 106 20 Cori, p. 32 21 Barbara Seward . “Elizabeth Bowens World of Impoverished Love”. College English 18.1 Oct., 1956: p. 32. JSTOR. Web 15. Apr. 2015 materialization of her desire for maternal attachment. The absence of the mother triggers the daughter‟s desire to seek for mother‟s love in others‟ figure. It helps this study to emphasize the strong influence of mother‟s desire to her daughter‟s life. Besides that, this study argues that Warren‟s previous argument about society‟s rejection to Portia‟s kindness and feeling also indicates the failure of the mother to help her daughter build relation with the society. A study from Alfred McDowell has analyzed Portia‟s character as the one who does not know social rules and norms, and she becomes unable to be accepted as the part of the society. 22 McDow ell‟s argument renders an understanding to this study that to be a part of society, a girl is supposed to be accustomed to social life and condition, and she must know the standard way of life or behavior regularized by society. Further, McDowell also argues that it is the conflict between Portia, who acts with complete honesty, with the society, who have experienced social condition, especially traumatic or oppressive event. 23 McDowell explains that experience, especially the traumatic and oppressive one, can construct someones identity. He provides evidence that Eddie and Thomas, who have experienced the traumatic event and oppression from others in their life, conceal their inner self. They conduct themselves to behave in the different manner, such as stiff and unsympathetic, so that nobody will hurt them anymore. McDowell‟s evidence above shows the different characters between Portia and the social hypocrite. From McDowell‟s previous argument, this study argues 22 Alfred McDowell . “The Death of the Heart and the Human Dilemma”. Modern Language Studies 8.2 Spring, 1978: p. 5. JSTOR. Web. 7 Apr. 2015 23 McDowell, p. 12 that the lack of experience and knowledg e of social life shapes Portia‟s innocence, kindness, and self-freedom. From this condition, this study concludes that mother- daughter‟s unity restrains the daughter‟s chance to acknowledge her social world, to be acquainted with others, and to recognize p eople‟s cunning. The previous related studies help this study underline the negative effect of mother-daughters bond relationship. It shows how the mother should be blamed for the daughters immaturity and innocence. Therefore, this study takes slightly different analysis in discussing the problem of mother- daughter‟s relationship. Starting from the critiques of Warren, Corcoran, Seward, and McDowell, this study will examine a motive or reason behind the mothering process. This study sees Irenes protective character to Portia as the consequence of her traumatic experience of being psychologically oppressed by her relatives and husband; especially when she must take full responsibility for her daughter‟s nurturance and life. Living with the system of patriarchal mothering, where the mother becomes primary nurturer from her daughter, will construct mother- daughter‟s bond and unity. Moreover, the experience of being oppressed by other people will tighten the bond. There is the attempt from the mother to avoid and protect her daughter from the repetition of the oppressive situation. From this explanation, this study argues that womens oppression experienced by a mother is the significant reason behind the imposition of her desire to the daughter. It is to underline that the mother should not be completely blamed for the construction of her daughter‟s immaturity. It is the impact of patriarchal culture, especially the patriarchal PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI