an analysis on the content validity of the english summative test; a case study at the second year students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat


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ARI PUJI LESTARI 208014000114













B. Limitation of the Study ... 3

C. Formulation of the Problem ... 4

... D. Purpose of the Study ... 4

E. Significant of the Study ... 4


1. Definition of Test ... 6

2. Type of Test ... 6

3. Characteristic of a good test ... 9

B. Validity ... 10

1. Content Validity ... 11

2. Face Validity ... 11

3. Construct Validity ... 12

4. Criterion-Related Validity ... 12

C. Material, Syllabus and Curriculum ... 13


A. Time and Place of the Study ... 19

B. Method of Study ... 19

C. Research Instrument ... 19

D. Technique of Data Collecting ... 20

E. Technique of Data Analysis ... 20


A. Description of the Data ... 22



A. Conclusion ... 31 B. Suggestion ... 31




English is a foreign language in Indonesia. It has an important role in any sphere of activities especially in the term of education. Because of that, English language becomes the first foreign language that should be taught to students in every level of education in Indonesia. The government and private institution are struggling to enhance teaching and learning process of English in Indonesia.

In education, one of the important fields, which should be paid attention to, is an evaluation. It is considered that between teachings and evaluation is like two sides of a coin, which cannot be separated. Obviously, it contributes some information to the teaching and learning process, especially for a teacher.

Norman E Gronlund explains that evaluation is the systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information to determine the extent pupils are achieving instructional objectives1. Based on the statement above, evaluation has to be arranged systematically and has to be based on the curriculum so that we

can get obvious and comprehensive analysis of the student’s achievements.

But Mimin Haryati assumed in her book Model dan Tingkat Penilaian Pada Satuan Pendidikan ,evaluation is the identification of activities to see whether a planned program that has been achieved or not, valuable or worthless, and can also be to look at the implementation level of efficiency.2

Anas Sudjiono assumed that an evaluation is a process to measure something.

And it’s needed an instrument to do it. One of the evaluation instruments is a test.3

In other word based on the statement above test is measure of instrument. Test as


Norman E Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, sixth edition, (New York: Mcmillan Publishing co,1985),p.5


Mimin Haryati, Model danTeknik Penilaian Pada Satuan Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press, 2009), p.15


Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT:Grafindo Persada,2008), p.5


an instrument should have a good quality, because the quality of the test will be influenced of the result.

There are numerous types of test. There are placement test, to provide information that will help to place students at the stage of the teaching program

most appropriate to their abilities, proficiency test, to measure people’s ability in the language, diagnostic test, to identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses, and

achievement test, to establish how successful individual students, groups of students, or the courses themselves have been in achieving objectives of language courses. The test which is usually used by teachers to know how far students have mastered the lessons is the achievement test.4

There are two kinds of achievement test: progress achievement tests and final achievement tests or summative tests. Progress achievement tests are those administreted at the end of a course of study. They may be written and administreted by ministtries of education, official examining boards, or by members of teaching institution. Clearly the content of these tests must be related to the courses with which they are concerned, but the nature of this relationship is matter of disagreement among language testers. And the content of a final achievement test referred to as syllabus content approach.intended to measure the progress that students are making, and final achievement tests or summative tests

are intended to measure the students’ achievement at the end of a course of study.5

In order to measure accurately, the teachers should use a good test. It is not an easy work for them to make it because there are some characteristics or requirements that must be fulfilled. The characteristics of good test include validity, reliability, comprehensiveness, and practicality. Zainal Arifin said, if a test can give information and can be used to achieve the goal, then the test is valid.6


Athur Hughes, Testing for Language Teacher, (New York: Cambridge University Press.,1995), p.11

5Ibid ., p.13. 6

Drs. ZaenalArifin, M.Pd., Evaluasi Pembelajaran,(Bandung: PT.Remaja Rosdakarya,2009), p.246


Norman E. Gronlund said, “Validity is concerned with the interpretation and use of assessment result. For example, if we infer from an assessment that students have achieved the intended learning outcomes, we would like some assurance that our tasks provided a relevant and representative measure of the outcomes”7.

“The validity has three types of validation are important in your role as a classroom, those are content validity, face validity, and construct validity”.8A test may be valid if it covers all of the three types it, but the most important and the primary concern of test used in the classroom instruction is content validity.

“Content validity it can claim if a test actually sample the subject matter about which conclusion are to be drawn, if it requires the test-taker to perform the behavior that is being measured”.9

Content validity is concerned with the materials that the students have learned. The test should cover samples of the teaching materials given. To fulfill this, the teacher should refer his consideration to the teaching syllabus.

Based on the writer experienced in the Language Testing subject at 2011th, she found that there were some inadequacies in the summative on SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat test especially in the content of instruction; the themes, the type of texts, and the indicators. Consequently, the test which is designed to measure the

students’ proficiency is not appropriate.

Because of the importance of content validity in a test, the writer tries to know whether the test items are in line with the syllabus or not. The English syllabus that is used here is the latest one recommended by national education department. The summative test which will be studied is taken from SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat for the first level students, academic year 2013 – 2014. The summative test is named:

“UlanganUmum Semester GanjilTahunPelajaran 2013 – 2014.”


Norman E. Gronlund , Assessment of Student Achievement, (New Jersey : Person, 1985), p. 46


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles an interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, (Longman: Sanfransisco State University, 2001), p. 388

9 Ibid.


Therefore based on that problem, the writer tries to analyze and interpret it under the title: “An Analysis on the Content Validity of the Summative Test at Odd Semester for the Eight Students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat.”

B. Focus on The Reasearch

To make this writing easier to understand, the writer limit the study as follow: a. The writer focused only on the content validity of English summative test

of the odd semester at second grade academic year of 2013/2014and writer focused only on readingand writing skills.

b. The test to be analyzed is the English summative test for the tenth grade students at SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat.

c. The syllabus to be used is the syllabus which was made by the teacher referenced to the latest curriculum 2013-2014.

C. Reasearch Questions

To make the study easy to understand, the writer formulates the problem

whether each test items of the summative test for the second grades students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat represent the indicators as suggested its syllabus as an indicator of the content validity. The writer breaks down into two formulate:

1. How many indicators represent on the syllabus?

2. Is the English summative test having a good content validity?

D. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the research is to describe whether each test items of the summative test for the eight students of PGRI 2 Ciputat represent the indicators as suggested by syllabus. And the result of this study is expected to give a description for the readers about an analysis of the content validity toward the summative test. It also can be used as an input for the readers; especially for the English teachers, the headmaster, and all people who are involved and responsible in developing quality of education. In other word, it


is useful for all people to know the characteristics of a good test and for the researchers as the basic for conducting further research.

E. Significance of Study

The results of the study are expected can contribute to all people in developing quality of English evaluation such as test designers, teachers, headmasters, and further researchers.

 For the test designer, it can be reference to measure content validity of English summative test. This study can give contribution or a useful input and feedback as bases for improving English summative test to the English teacher who join the test designer group. The teacher can take advantages from it as information about the effectiveness or failure of a method, and

also students’ achievement in measuring the lesson.

 The results of this study are useful for the English teacher at SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat to know how far their students have understood the material that the teachers have already taught. It is also important to provide better insight and how to make the better English summative test to be used in evaluation activity. It is hoped to enrich the teachers to knowledge of analysis English summative test.

 For the headmasters, it is useful to check how well the English summative test which is designed by the teachers who join test designers group. It is

also important to monitor their students’ progress in learning English.

 Finally, the result of this study can be used as a reference for the further researchers who are interested in analyzing similar study.




Language Test


The Definition of Test

In order to know how well the result of teaching learning processes is, a teacher must evaluate it. One of the evaluation instruments is a test. There are many definitions of test. Dr. T.Swarupani said that Tests are tools or instrument of measurements and measurements guide us in evaluation.1

In other hand Grounlund said in his book, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, “Test is an instrument or systematic procedure for measuring a sample of behavior.”2

Then according H. Douglas Brown in his book, Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, Test is an instrument or proceduredesigned to elicit performance from learner with the purpose of measuring their attainment of specific criteria”.3

Based on the definition above the writer can conclude that test is an instrument and measure instructional. In addition, a test forms a systematic instrument to measure specific criterion.


The Type of Test

There are many types of test used to measure students’ achievement. A test can be categorization according to the types of information they provided. This categorization will useful both in deciding whether an existing test is suitable for a specific category and in writing appropriate tests where these are necessary.


Dr. T. Swarupa Rani, Mrs. J. R. Priyadarsaini, and Digumarti Bhaskara Rao(ed.),

Educational Measurement and Evaluation, ( New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 2004), p.124


N.E. Groundlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, (New Jersey : Mc. Millan Publishing Company, 1985). p. 5

3H. Douglas Brown,

Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy,(Longman: San Francisco State University,2001), p. 401


Generally classified in term of their functional role in classroom instructional is placement, formative, diagnostic, and summative test.4

a. Placement Test

Placement test is concerned with the pupil’s entry performance and typically focuses on questions. Such as: “Does the pupil possess the knowledge and skills needed to begin the planned instruction?” .The goal of placement test is to determine pupil performance at beginning of the instruction.5

b. Formative Test

Formative test is used to monitor learning progress during instruction. It purpose to provide continues feedback to both pupil and teacher concerning learning successes and failure.6 In other words formative test is test which can give feedback about a weakness and success between students and teacher the goal of formative test.

c. Diagnostic test

Diagnostic test is highly specialized procedure. It is concerned with the persistent or recurring learning difficulties that are left unresolved by standard corrective prescription of formative evaluation7. The main aim of diagnostic evaluation is to determine the causes of persistent learning problems and formulate a plan for remedial action.

d. Summative Test

It is designed to evaluate achievement at the end of instruction. It is design to determine instructional objective have been achieved and is used primarily for assigning course grade or for certifying pupil mastery of the intended learning outcomes. Although the main purpose of summative evaluation likes that, it also provides information for judging the appropriateness of the course


Norman E Gronlund and Robert L, Linn, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching , ( New York: Collier Macmillan Publisher,1990), p. 12


Brown, op.cit , p.390

6Norman E Gronlund and Robert L.Linn,

loc. cit.



objectives and the effectiveness of the instruction.8 Implies summative test means evaluate achievement which doing in the end of course and the purpose

it to know whereas a student’s was understand about the objectives which

appropriate or not.

According to H.Douglas Brown explain kinds of tests in his book are only for the purpose of help to identify and differences among types, not to serve as a manual for designing such tests: proficiency, diagnostic, achievement, and aptitude tests.9

a. Proficiency Test

These test aim to assess the general ability of a person at a given time. Its scope is governed by a reasonable expectation of what abilities learners of a given status should possess. It is not restricted by considerations of the areas covered in any specific course objectives or syllabus as in the case of achievements tests. While the usual end of course examination in a school or college may be taken as a typical example of an achievements test, a national level selection or admission test for candidates coming from different states and university jurisdictions can be taken as a typical example of a proficiency test.10 A proficiency test is not intended to be limited to any one course, curriculum, or single skill in the language.11

b. Diagnostic Test

Diagnostic test is designed to diagnose a particular aspect of a language. A diagnostic test in pronunciation might have the purpose of determining which




Brown, op.cit , p.390


loc.cit .



phonological features of English are difficult for a learner and should therefore become a part of a curriculum12.

c. Aptitude tests

They identify the prerequisite characteristics which are essential for one to be competent to perform given task. Presenting items on such sub skills which may eventually be developed into expert complex skills, these test identify those who can do well in a field of study or a profession and those who cannot. These tests are generally used while selecting people for special course.13 According H. Douglas aptitude test is designed to measure a

person’s capacity or general ability to learn a foreign language and to be

successful in that undertaking.14

d. Achievement tests

Achievements test is related directly to classroom lesson, units, or even a total curriculum. Test are limited particular material covered in a curriculum within a particular time frame, and are offered after course has covered the objectives in question. It can serve as indicators of features that a student needs to work on in the future, but the primary role of an achievement test is to determine acquisition of course objectives at the end of a period of instruction.15 The aim of achievements test depend on the unit,


The Characteristic of a Good Test

While a design of test needed to recognize the various test of each case depending on purpose, time, subject, and the most characteristic of a good test. As


Brown, loc.cit.


Rani, loc.cit.


op.cit , p.391



we know that test a test can be said as a good test if it has certain qualifications of four characteristics, those are validity, reliability, predictability and objectivity.16



Norman E Gronlund and Robert L.Linn said “validity is concerned with the interpretation and use of assessment result. For example, if we infer from an assessment that students have achieved the intended learning outcomes, we would like some assurance that our tasks provided a relevant and representative measure of the outcomes”17. “The attribute of validity is arguably the most important quality of an assessment. Validity is concerned with the appropriateness or meaningfulness of an assessment target. In other word validity is concerned with whether a test or performance assesses what intended it to assess.18

There are some different ways, in which validity can be established. Most writers differ from each other in approaching and classifying validity. For the more detailed explanation of validity, the writer will discuss in the next subchapter.

From the previous explanation that one of characteristics of a good test is validity. Validity test is the most critical factor to be judged in the total of a foreign language testing. A test is valid when it measures effectively what it is intended to measure.

Validity really is not a simple concept; however, the concept of validity reveals a number or aspect, each of which deserves our attention. Rani etc. classifies validity into four: content validity, face validity, construct validity, and criterion-related validity.19


Dr. T. Swarupa Rani, Mrs. J. R. Priyadarsaini, and Digumarti Bhaskara Rao(ed.),

Educational Measurement and Evaluation, ( New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 2004),p. 306


Norman E.Gronlund and C.Keith Waugh, Assessment of StudentAchievement, (Upper Saddle River,New Jersey Columbus,Ohio: Person Education,2009),p.46


Chistoper R. Gareis and Leslie W. Grant, Teacher Made Assessments, (Depot Way West, Larchmont: Eye On Education,2008),p.34


1) Content Validity

Content validity is the most important criterion for the usefulness of a test/ tool. It is especially important in the case of an achievement test.20Then if a test actually samples the subject matter about which conclusion are to be drawn, if it requires the test taker to perform the behavior that is being measured, it can claim content validity. 21

Moreover, the test should reflect instructional objectives or subject matters. From statement above, it is implied that content validity is a tool which important to measure achievement test.

Christoper R. Garies and Leslie W. Grant said, “Content validity is concerned with how adequately an assessment samples the intended learning out comes, standards, or objectives of an instructional unit”22. In other words content validity is made purpose of instructional unit concerned with assessment which appropriate.

2) Face Validity

Face validity is a concept is very closely related to content validity

on the face of it, appear from the learner’s perspective. To test what it is

designed test to achieve performance on a test, a learner needs to be convinced that the test is indeed testing what it clam to test. 23

While Robert and Tracy said “the statement that we do not care what a test looks like is not entirely true. What a test looks like may be of importance in determining its acceptability and reasonableness to those who will be tested. This appearance of reasonableness is often called face validity”.24




H. Douglas Brown, op.cit. , p.388

22Cristhoper Garies, op.cit., p. 37 23

H.Douglas Brown,loc.cit.

24Robert M. Thorndike and Tracy Thorndike-Christ,

Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education, (Boston : Pearson Education, 2010), p.166


Substantially, there is no different view among definition above. They would like to elaborate that a test is considered having face validity, if its appearance is acceptable, it is clearly readable, and it has a clear instruction in answering the test.

3) Construct Validity

Christopher said “Construct validity is concerned with how accurately an assessment aligns with the theoretical framework of the intended learning outcomes, standards, or objective of the instructional

unit. In other word, validity asks”, “Does the assessment measure what it

purpose to measure?”25.

H. Douglas Brown said a third category of validity that teachers must be aware of in considering language tests is construct validity. One way to look at construct validity is to ask question“Does this test actually tap

into the theoretical construct as it has been defined?” “Proficiency is a construct”.26

4) Criterion-Related Validity

Criterion validity implies the extent to which a tool performance is related to some other valued measure of performance.27 While according Norman E Gronlund and C. Keith Waugh on book assessment of student achievement. There are two types of studies used in obtaining criterion related evidence of validity. These can be explained most clearly using test scores, although they could be used with any type of assessment result. The first type of study concerned with the use test performance to predict future performance on some other value measure called a criterion. For example, we might use scholastic aptitude test scores to predict course grade. For obvious reason, it is called a predictive study.


Cristhoper Garies, loc.cit.

26H.Douglas Brown,

op.cit.,p. 389



The second type of study is concerned with the use of test performance to estimate current performance on some criterion. With the procedure both measure test and criterion are obtained at approximately the same time, type of study is called a concurrent study.28



The second characteristic of a good test is reliability. Reliability is the consistency or dependability of the result assessment.29It is implies how consistent result test from one measurement to another. Therefore, to be considered reliable, a language test must obtain consistent result and give consistent information. So reliability needed to measure of difficulties of item test, because the consistent will given good result information about test which is want to measure on the difficulties items test.



The third characteristic of a good test is predictability means the test should be such as can give a forecast of the possibilities of the future achievement of the students. Symbolic focus head, heart, and hand.30 The purpose of predictability is used to predict some possibilities of the future achievement of students to be realization and relevant.



The fourth characteristic of a good test is objectivity. Objectivity refers to the extent the opinion or judgment of the scorer is eliminated from the scoring process. Objectivity is high in most of the standardized tests achievement, aptitude, creativity and intelligence. The test items are objective type fill in the


Norman E. Gronlund and C. Keith Waugh, op. cit., p. 50



blanks, multiple choice, and true false.31 The objectivity concerned to wide, opinion about scorer.

B. Material, Syllabus and Curriculum

Focus on the use of language use the possibility teachers to realize the underlying principles of teaching. They found the materials not suitable with either the objective or instructional unit. In this situation, teachers have to develop their instructional material or the objectives of teaching

Before discussing about material on language use we should know is a material. According Yohanes Mujiono said on his paper “The material is instructional when it informs the learners about the language. It is experiential when it provides exposure to language in use, eliminative when it stimulates

language use, and exploratory when it seeks discoveries about language use”.32

Its means material is an instructional when the information on it can be subject matter in teaching.According to Yohanes Mujiono on his paper Tomlison summarized there are at least sixteen principles would agree to be basic principles of SLA relevant to the materials development for teaching languages.

1. Materials should achieve impact.

2. Materials should help learners to feel at ease.

3. Materials should help learners to develop confidence.

4. What is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and useful?

5. Materials should require and facilitate learner self-investment. 6. Learners must be ready to acquire the points being taught.

7. Materials should expose the learners to language in authentic use.

8. The learners’ attention should be drawn to linguistic features of the input.

9. Materials should provide the learners with opportunities to use the target language to achieve communicative purposes.


Ibid.,p. 306

32Yohanes Mujiono,I paper “Tips Developi g Materials for the 2006 Curriculu ,


10.Materials should take into account that the positive effects of instruction are usually delayed.

11.Materials should take into account that learners differ in learning styles. 12.Materials should take into account that learners differ in affetive attitudes. 13.Materials should permit a silent period at the beginning of instruction. 14.Materials should maximize learning potential by encouraging intellectual,

an esthetic and emotional involvement which stimulates both right and left brain activities.

15.Materials should not rely too much on controlled practice. 16.Materials should provide opportunities for outcome feedback.33

Those all on statement above are the principles and procedures of design, implementation, and evaluation of language teaching material. So teaching materials can be developed by evaluating learning material.

The world curriculum is used interchangeable with syllabus. A syllabus is a reference of the courses a teacher teaches or intends to teach. Penny Ur stated that

“syllabus is a document which consists, essentially, of a list”.34

The syllabus is the content, the list of topics/concepts to be taught, whereas the curriculum is a consideration of the objectives, the content, methods chosen to achieve those objectives. It could/should contain a consideration of the kind of assessment one will use to check progress35.

From the statements above, the writer can conclude that syllabus is a specific plan of what is to be applied and a teacher applying into activities in the classroom. Syllabus is the program was designed by the schools. Then, it is used to be realization planning in teaching.


Yohanes Mujiono, op.cit., p.2


Penny Ur, A Discourse in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 176



A syllabus is designed based on school program and students degrees. Besides

that, the content of the syllabus must be suitable with students’ condition and

relevant on the situation.

To make sure that learning process will run effectively, it’s needed for a

syllabus designer to include the kind of student learning experiences, and the brief of material in the syllabus. Characteristic of a syllabus:

1. Consist of comprehensive of list of:

a. Is ordered (easier, more essential items first)

b. Has explicit objectives (usually expressed in the introduction) 2. Is a public document

3. May indicate a time schedule

4. May indicate a preferred methodology or approach 5. May recommend materials36

Syllabus is part of curriculum but excluding the element of curriculum evaluation. According George A. Beauchamp expand in his book Akhmad sudrajat said Kurikulum & Pembelajaran dalam Paradigma Baru said,

“Curriculum is a written document which may contain many ingredients, but

basically it is plan for education of pupils their enrollment in given school”.37

David Nunan states that “curriculum is a large messy concept which can be looked at in a number of ways. A very broad definition is that it includes all of the

planned learning experiences of an educational system.”38

Richards describes a curriculum as follow:

An educational program which states:

1. the educational purposes of the program (the ends);


Penny Ur, op.cit.,p. 177


Akhmad Sudrajat M.Pd, Kurikulum&Pembelajaran dalam Paradigma Baru, (Yogyakarta: Paramitra, 2011), p.1


David Nunan, Teaching English as a Second Foreign Language: Syllabus Design, (Massachusetts: Heinle Thomson Learning, 2001), p. 55


2. the content, teaching procedures and learning experiences which will be necessary to achieve this purpose (the means);

3. Some means for assessing whether or not the educational ends have been achieved.39

From the statements, the writer concludes that curriculum is the planned, designed, purposes and procedure or concept teaching which role given from schools.

The government decided competency standard and basic competence in the curriculum. The competency standard and basic competence based on the latest English syllabus for the second grade of Junior High School are state as follow:

Standard competence and Basic Competence of Listening, Reading and Writing in School-Level Curriculum

Adapted from content Standard of SMP PGRI 2 CIPUTAT English Syllabus


Standar kompetensi

1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.


a. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get thing done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi)

b. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancer, dan beretrima lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur; mengundang, menerima, dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi selamat.


Richards J. Platt and H. Weber, Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics (Longman: Harlow, 1985)


2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog sederhana bentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

a. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsioinal pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancer, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

b. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancer, dan berterima dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount.


Standar komptensi

1. Memahami makna tes tertulis fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.


a. Membaca nyaring bermakna teks tulis fungsional dan esai berbentuk descriptive dan recount pendek sederhana dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima berkaitan dengan lingukngan sekitar.

b. Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat lancer dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar:

 teks fungsional pendek berupa undangan dan pesan singkat.

 tata bahasa : request

 kosakata : kata terkait, tema dan jenis teks

 ungkapan baku : don’t be late! & don’t miss it!

c. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esai secara akurat, lancer dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari- hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount.



Standar kompetensi

1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berterinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.


a. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancer, dan berterima dengan lingkungan sekitar.

b. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika dalam esai pendek secra akurat, lancer, dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk recount dan descriptive teks.





A. Time and Place of the research

To carry out this study, the writer decided to choose PGRI 2 Ciputat. This is located at Tegal rotan Desa Pondok Aren, Kec. PondokAren, Tangerang Selatan.SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat academic year 2013/2014.

B. Method of Study

In this research the writer used comparative descriptive method. She compared summative test in the syllabus,whether each test items of the summative test for the first year students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat the indicators as suggested its syllabus on the content validity.The test was measured with the syllabus and indicators especially from reading, writing, and speaking skills. She calculates the result based on the formula of the test analysis.

So based on the data and types of information needed of this research, the writer used qualitative research categorized as descriptive analysis. It described the conformity and unconformity of the SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat summative test with the syllabus and indicators.

C. Research Instrument

The research instruments are used by the writer in collecting the data were:

1. Paper/ test booklet

The writer ask the English summative test paper from the school. The test items which multiple choice are 30 items number and the items in essays are 5 items.

2. English syllabus and indicators for the second year students of Junior High School.


The writer analyzed the test items on the summative test and then conform it to the English syllabus and the indicators.

C. Technique of Data Collecting

The instruments used in collecting the data they are English summative test and English syllabus of the odd semester for the first year students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat. The English summative test was held on December 2013. The writer focused on reading,writing, and speaking skills because the summative test consists of multiple choice items, essays, and there are some dialogues represent the indicators of reading and writing.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

To describe the data, the writerdescribes the information about the kinds of the test item which conform to the syllabus and indicators. Then collected the data are analyzed used qualitatively and quantitatively used to determine whether the items of the test have represented to the functional skills.

While, the qualitative analysis used to measure the percentage of conformity between content of the test with the functional skills. Quantitative, the data are calculated using the formula:

P : Percentage

F : Frequency of unconformity N : Number of sample

It is used to find how many percent the test items represent the indicators from the syllabus, and how many indicators represented by the test items.


P = ──× 100% N


In addition, the writer also compares the percentage with the criteria adopted from Arikunto’s opinion:

76 – 100 % = Good 56 – 75 % = Sufficient 40 – 55 % = Less good < 40 % = Bad1

Beside, the writer compared the result of the analysis, whether it has content validity or not, to the result of the interview from the team teachers who made the summative test, if there is relation to the result found.





The Description of the Data

The writer analyzes the test materials whether they conform to the English syllabus of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat. The data was a written test and the instrument was a syllabus. The English test was made by an English teacher of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat. The data used in this study is the English summative test for odd semester, which is called Ulangan Umum Semester Ganjil Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014 for the Second Grade students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat. The total numbers of reading and writing test items are 35 items which consist of 30 multiple choice items and 5 essays. The data analyzed measured only two skills. They were reading and writing. The analyze start from number 11-40 multiple choice and 5 essays. The test was held on Tuesday, 3th December 2013 with the given time 120 minutes.Having investigated the summative test items, the writer is able to describe the data as follows:

The numbers of reading consist of 22 items number. The number writing test consist of 13 items number. The kinds of indicator reading are recount text, descriptive text, invitation, and short message. The kinds of indicator writing are complete the invitation, announcement, short message, suitable word, recount and descriptive. Thus, the writer separated the syllabus into reading and writing skill. The data were described as the table below:


Table 4.1

The Distribution of Reading Indicator

Reading Indicator Data Found in the Summative

test items


a) Membaca dengan nyaring dan bermakna teks

fungsional pendek berupa descriptive dan recount


b) Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa descriptive dan recount teks.

14,15,21, 22, 28,

5 test items c) Mengidentifikasi fungsi social teks fungsional

pendek berupa undangan, pesan singkat


d) Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek berupa undangan, pesan singkat


e) Merespon makna gagasan dalam esei pendek


23, 30 2 test

item f) Merespon makna tekstual dalam teks descriptive dan


16, 24, 31 3 test item g) Merespon langkah retorikateks descriptive dan



h) Merespon pertanyaan tentang tujuan komunikatif teks descriptive dan recount

13, 29,33 3 test item i) Merespon ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive dan



j) Membaca nyaring teks descriptive dan recount 0

Total 4 indicators 13 test


Based on the table above, there are 10 indicators of reading. However, the English summative test fulfilled only 4 indicators and they are developed into 13 test items. The percentage of the conformity level for the reading skill indicator can be calculated as follow:



P = ──× 100% N


P = ──× 100% 10

P = 40 %

P = percentage of content validity for the indicator of reading skill F = frequency of reading skill indicator appearance in the test items N = total of reading skill indicator required in the English syllabus

From the calculation above, it can be seen that the percentage of the conformity level for the reading skill is 40 %. It means that the distributions of items number are not proportional.

Table 4.2

The Distribution of Writing Indicators

Writing Indicator Data Found in the summative test items


a) Melengkapi rumpang teks fungsional pendek 32 1 test

item b) Menyusun kata menjadi teks fungsional yang


37,38, 3 essay 3 test item c) Melengkapi kosakata dan tata bahasa terkait

jenis teks fungsional

34,35,36 3 test

item d) Menulis kalimat sederhana terkait jenis teks

e) Menulis teks fungsional pendek berdasarkan jenis teks terkait

f) Melengkapi rumpang teks essai pendek 2 essay 1 test


g) Menyusun kalimat menjadi teks yang bermakna

39,40, 5 essay 3 test item h) Menulis kalimat dalam bentuk descriptive

dan recount

4 essay 1 test


Total 6 indicators 12 test

items According to the table above, there are 8 indicators of writing. However, the English summative test fulfilled only 6 indicators and they are developed into 12 test items. The percentage of the conformity level for the writing skill can be calculated as follow:


P = ──× 100% N


P = ──× 100% 8

P = 75 %

P = percentage of content validity for the indicator of writing skill F = frequency of writing skill indicator appearance in the test items N = total of writing skill indicator required in the English syllabus

From the calculation above, it can be seen that the percentage of the conformity level for the writing skill is 75 %. It means that the distributions of writing are almost proportional.

After analyzing the distribution of the test items of reading and writing indicators, the writer also describes the conformity and unconformity of summative test items which are compared to the English syllabus. They can be described as below:


Table 4.3

The Conformity between the Summative Test Items and the English Syllabus

No. Syllabus

Indicators of reading skill

Number Test Items


1 Mengidentifikasi berbagai

informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa descriptive dan recount teks.

14,15,21, 22, 28, 5 test items

2 Merespon makna gagasan dalam esei pendek sederhana

23, 30 2 test item

3 Merespon makna tekstual dalam teks descriptive dan recount

16, 24, 31 3 test item

4 Merespon pertanyaan tentang

tujuan komunikatif teks

descriptive dan recount

13, 29,33 3 test item

No. Syllabus

Indicators of writing skill

Number Test Items


1. Melengkapi rumpang teks

fungsional pendek

32 1 test item

2. Menyusun kata menjadi teks

fungsional yang bermakna

37,38, 3 essay 3 test item

3. Melengkapi kosakata dan tata

bahasa terkait jenis teks


34,35,36 3 test item

4. Melengkapi rumpang teks essai pendek

2 essay 1 test item

5. Menyusun kalimat menjadi teks yang bermakna


6. Menulis kalimat dalam bentuk descriptive dan recount

4 essay 1 test item

Total the conform indicator are 10 indicators 25 test items

From the table above, it can be seen that there are 4 indicators of reading and 6 indicators of writing skill which are appropriate to the English syllabus at second grade of odd semester. There are 5 indicators about specific information, 2 indicators about main idea, 3 indicators about meaning of text, 3 indicators about purpose of communicative of text, 1 indicators about complete the text, 3 indicators covering arranged word into good sentence, 3 indicators covering complete the verb refer the text, 1 indicators covering complete the suitable word, 3 indicators covering arranged sentence to be good paragraph, 1 indicators covering write an essay.

The percentage of the conformity between the summative test items and the English syllabus can be calculated as follow:


P = ──× 100% N


P = ──× 100% 18

P = 55,5 %

P = percentage of indicators reading and writing

F = frequency of indicators reading and writing Appearance in the Test Items N = Number of indicators

From the result of the calculation of the conformity between the summative test items and the English syllabus above, it shows that the conformity of the test items


based on the indicators in the English syllabus is 55, 5 %. Based on the Arikunto’s criteria, the percentage above fell into level of 40%-55% which meant that the distribution was less good.

Table 4.4

The Unconformity between the Summative Test Items and English Syllabus

No. The indicator that are not found in the English syllabus

(Reading and Writing)

Item Number Total

1. Menjawab berbagai pertanyaan tentang informasi dalam teks pendek berbentuk surat

11,12 2 item test

2. Merespon berbagai informasi

tentang report text

17,18,19 3 item test

3. Mengidentifikasi makna text

dalam teks berbentuk report text

20, 25,26,27 4 item test

4. Melengkapi rumpang teks tentang expression yang berkaitan dengan

meminta pendapat dan

memberikan pendapat

1 essay 1 item test

Total 4 indicators 10 test items

From the table above, it is described that there are 4 indicators in both reading and writing that do not conform to the English syllabus at the second year of odd semester, they are: 2 indicators covering of finding the specific information about letter, 3 indicators covering of finding specific information about report text, 4 indicators identifying meaning about report text and 1 indicators covering of complete the dialogue expression about agree and disagree.


2. The Analysis of the Data

Based on the table and descriptions before, the writer found, that some indicators are not suggested in the syllabus but they are included in the test items. For the example answering some questions about specific information form on letter and determining meaning text form of report text. In fact, the material of letter and report text has been taught in the last section of even semester material.

Besides, some development of some syllabus requirements in the test items was not proportional. There were some learning activities which had many item numbers. In contrast, there were some learning activities which had few item numbers develop in the test. For example, according to the learning activities of reading, particularly for determining rhetorical steps of the texts in the form of descriptive test and recount text, and mentioning characteristic of short functional text in the form of invitation, there were not test items represent them. It also happened to the learning activities of writing.

Based on the explanation above, the writer assumed that some possibility reason why there were some materials of the learning activities suggested in the syllabus did not appear or did not develop in the test. It could happen because the test maker assumed that it would be too easy for the students to answer them. Moreover, it could happen because of the limitation of time. There were so many test items which needed so much time to answer, especially for the writing components. So, the test maker defined the limitation of the improvement or the development of the learning activities in the test items.

3. The Interpretation of the Data

The following describe the level of the conformity of summative test items to the syllabus. We can see as follow:


P = ──× 100% N



P = ──× 100% 18

P = 55,5 %

P = percentage of indicators reading and writing

F = frequency of indicators Appearance in the Test Items N = Number of Indicators

In addition, the writer also compares the percentage with the criteria adopted from Arikunto’s opinion:

76 – 100 % = Good 56 – 75 % = Sufficient 40 – 55 % = Less good < 40 % = Bad1

The total numbers of reading and writing test items are 35 items which consist of 30 multiple choice items and 5 essays. The data analyzed measured only two skills. They were reading and writing. The analyze start from number 11-40 multiple choice and 5 essays.From the interpretation of the data above, the percentage validity level of the English summative test for the second year students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat, in the odd semester 2013/2014 academic year was 55, 5%. According Arikunto’s meant of conformity level, which percentage fell into level of 40%– 55 % is less good. The percentage 55,5% adopted from indicators of reading represent by syllabus only 4 indicators, and only 6 indicators represent with syllabus. The total numbers’ of indicators of reading and writing 10 indicators, while the total indoctor on the syllabus 18 indicators.



Then, the writer was able to see the table 4.7 the total percentage of reading skills are 40% and total percentage of writing skills are 70%. But the total number percentage of indicators reading and writing skills are 55.5%. So, the English summative test for the second year students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat in the odd semester of the 2013/2014 academic year had less good content validity.

No. Number Of Indicators Items Number that Represent the


Total Frequency

1. Reading Skills that conform with the syllabus

14,15,21, 22, 28, 23, 30, 16, 24, 31, 13,



P = ──× 100%

N 4

P = ──× 100%

10 P = 40 % 4 Indicators

2. Writing Skills that conform with the syllabus

32, 37,38, 3 essay, 34, 35, 36, 2 essay, 39, 40, 5 essay,



P = ──× 100%

N 6

P = ──× 100%

8 P = 75 % 6 Indicators

Total of Indicators that Represent with Syllabus

18 Indicators 10 items F

P = ──× 100%

N 10

P = ──× 100%

18 P = 55,5 %



A. Conclusion

In this research the analyzed the test items, whether each test items of the summative test for the eight students of SMP PGRI 2 represent the indicators as suggested its syllabus as an indicator of the content validity. Also, this research is categorized as descriptive analysis. It described the conformity and unconformity of the SMP PGRI 2’s summative test with the indicators.

In this research the writer analyzes based on two points of view. First, related to the percentage, the writer found that the English summative test which is administrated in the second year students of junior high school of PGRI 2 is 55, 5% valid in terms of its conformity with the items test. The items tests that represent the suggested indicators in the syllabus are 25 items and the unconformity items are 10 items. So, based on Arikunto’s opinion, is means sufficient because the percentage level of 40%-55%.

Therefore, the writer concludes that the English summative test of the odd semester on the eight students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat has less good content validity. Although based on the percentage of its conformity with the indicators is 55, 5% valid.

B. Suggestion

Based on what the writer found, that some indicators are not suggested in the syllabus but they are included in the test items. There are some indicators which only have few items number. Instead they just have one item numbers. So, the indicator should be improving the indicator by the test and before making a test, the test designer has to understand how to write a good test in term of validity. And the


indicators must be appropriate with the syllabus. And the writer would like to suggest the test designer to:

1. Take the curriculum or syllabus into consideration in planning the test. 2. Take the appropriate sample of the materials as suggested by the syllabus.



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Text for question number 11-12

January, 24th, 2011 Dear Susan,

Thank you for your suggestion going to Bunaken. I had a great time on my holidays last month. I went to Bunaken. I went there with some friends.

I departed from Jakarta on Wednesday afternoon and arrived there on Thursday morning. When we arrived in the hotel, we took a rest a while.

In the afternoon, we went to dive in Bunaken Sea. I was amazed by the scenery under the sea. It was a really beautiful place that I have ever visited.

I spent a week there and went home on Tuesday.

Sincerely, MelaniAditya

How many days did Melani spend her holiday in Bunaken? Five days

Seven days Six days Eight days


These questions ask students to identify the question how many days. It

can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in responding about

days the invitation and announcement text. Thus, these items conform to the recommended indicator namely, “Mengidentifikasi fungsi social teks fungsional pendek berupa: undangan dan pesan singkat”.In addition the text used is

invitation and announcement text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item

The question


“When we arrived in the hotel, we took a rest for while.” (line 9)

The word “we” refers to ….

a.Susan and Melani b.Susan and her friends c.Melani and her friends d.Melani and the guide

These questions ask students to identify the purpose of the text. It can be

understood that this item measures the student’s ability in responding the

invitation and announcement text. Thus, these items conform to the recommended

indicator namely, “Mengidentifikasi fungsi social teks fungsional pendek berupa:

undangan dan pesan singkat”.In addition the text used is invitation and announcement text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item

The question


Text for question number 13-14

Announcement To : All Basketball Team

We will have technical meeting for the next match. Please do come to school on Sunday 12that 09.00 a.m.


What is the purpose of the short functional text above? ... a. To tell about the match

b. To inform about technical meeting c. To amuse the readers about meeting d. To invite the students to join the match

These questions ask students to identify the purpose of the text. It can be

understood that this item measures the student’s ability in responding the

invitation and announcement text. Thus, these items conform to the recommended

indicator namely, “Mengidentifikasi fungsi social teks fungsional pendek berupa:

undangan dan pesan singkat”.In addition the text used is invitation and announcement text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item

The question


To whom this announcement announces? a.Basketball team

b.Students c.Teacher

d.The team coordinator

These questions ask students to identify the purpose of the text. It can be

understood that this item measures the student’s ability in responding the

invitation and announcement text. Thus, these items conform to the recommended

indicator namely, “Mengidentifikasi fungsi social teks fungsional pendek berupa:

undangan dan pesan singkat”.In addition the text used is invitation and announcement text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.


No item

The question


Text is for question 15-16

To : Emmy Suliatiningsih

I will be glad if you want to come to my 14th birthday party. It will be held:

Date : February 28th2014 Time : 5.00 p.m

Place : Jl. Raya Baruga No. 26, Makassar

Sincerely yours Rahmi

Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text? a. Emmy invites Rahmi to her birthday

b. Emmy lives in Jl. Raya Baruga No.26

c. Rahmi is Emmy’s twin sister

d. Rahmi was born on October, 28th 2000

This question asks the students to show which is not true about text. It can

be understood that question tries to measure the students’s ability in

understanding factual information from the short functional text. Therefore, it

conforms to the suggested indicator

“mengidentifikasiberbagaiinformasidalamteksfungsionalpendek”. In addition the

text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question


The underlined word has the same meaning with ….

a. Satisfied

b. Sad

c. Happy

d. Grateful

These questions ask students to identify the purpose of the text. It can be

understood that this item measures the student’s ability in responding the

invitation and announcement text. Thus, these items conform to the recommended

indicator namely, “Mengidentifikasi fungsi social teks fungsional pendek berupa:

undangan dan pesan singkat”.In addition the text used is invitation and announcement text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item

The question

Text for 17-20


Singapore is an island city of about 4 million people. It’s a beautiful city with lots of parks and open spaces. It’s also a clean city.

Most of the people live in high-rise flats in different parts of the island. The business district is very modern, with lots of tall new office building. Singapore also has some nice older sections. In china town there are rows of hold shop houses. The government buildings in Singapore are very beautiful. They are date from the colonial days.

Singapore is famous for its shops and restaurants. There are many

good shopping centers. Most of the goods are free. Singapore’s

restaurants sell Chinese, India, Malay, and European food, and the price are quite reasonable.

(Source: Dit. PSMP, 2006) How is the city in Singapore?


17 b. It’s dirty city.

c. It’s clean city.

d. It’s crowded city.

The question of number17 asks students to identify how is Singapore. It

can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in responding

recount text. Thus, these items conform to the recommended indicator

namely,“Mengindentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek”, In

addition the text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question


These statements are true based on the text, EXECPT ….. a. Singapore has lots of parks and open spaces

b. The business district is very old

c. There are old shops in Chinatown in Singapore d. The price of the restaurants in Singapore is reasonable

This question asks the students to show which is not true about text. It can

be understood that question tries to measure the students’s ability in

understanding factual information from the short functional text. Therefore, it

conforms to the suggested indicator

“mengidentifikasiberbagaiinformasidalamteksfungsionalpendek”. In addition the

text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question


What does last paragraph tell about? It tells about ….

a. Singapore and it’s condition


c. The food in Singapore

d. The shops and restaurants Singapore

This question asks students to determine tells about of the parahraph. It

can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in identifying the

topic from the text. Thus, this item conforms to the recommended indicator

namely, “mengindentifikasikan makna gagasan dalam teks berbentuk: recount dan

descriptive”. In addition the text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question


“They are date from the colonial days.”(line 10)

What does the word “they” refer to?

a. Singapore b. The old shop

c. The government building d. The old section

This question asks students to determine the same meaning from the text.

It can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in identifying the

meaning from the text. Thus, this item conforms to the recommended indicator

namely,“mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks tulis recount dan descriptive”. In

addition the text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question

Text for number 21-23


The weather was very clear. My family and I decided to go camping last holiday. Father prepared the tent and other equipment.



Mother prepared the cooking and eating utensils. I took my fishing rod and my brother brought his sport equipment. When everything was ready, we left for the camping site in countryside.

There were many campers when we arrived at the camping site. Unfortunately, the good location near the river had been occupied by other campers so we had look for another place. Finally, we found a good place little bit further. It was near the big tree. After setting up the tent, my father and I went fishing. We joined other people sitting on the rock near the river.

In the evening, father made a fire. Mother cooked the fish we caught. I could say that it was the best fish I had ever tasted. Sleeping in tent was a very wonderful experience. I woke up early in the morning. I felt fresh. Then I accompanied my brother playing ball.

In the afternoon, we came back home.

What did the writer after deciding to go camping? a. He brought his sport equipment

b. He prepared the tent and other equipment. c. He took the fishing rod

d. He prepared the cooking and eating utensils.

This question asks students to identify the communicative purpose of the text. It can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in responding the descriptive text. Thus, this item conforms to the recomended

indicator namely, “tujuan komunikatif teks descriptive dan recount”. In addition

the text used is descriptive text. Thus, it also conforms to suggest text

No item The question


Which the statement is TRUE based on the text?

a. The writer and his father went fishing after setting up the tent. b. The writer woke up late in the morning.


c. They set the tent near the river.

d. There were only a few campers when they arrive in the camping site.

This question asks the students to show which is true about text. It can be

understood that question tries to measure the students’s ability in understanding

factual information from the short functional text. Therefore, it conforms to the

suggested indicator

“mengidentifikasiberbagaiinformasidalamteksfungsionalpendek”. In addition the

text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item

The question


What is the text about? a. Going camping last holiday b. The clear weather

c. Preparing camping equipment d. Many campers in the countryside

This question asks students to determine tells about of the parahraph. It

can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in identifying the

topic from the text. Thus, this item conforms to the recommended indicator

namely, “mengindentifikasikan makna gagasan dalam teks berbentuk: recount dan

descriptive.” In addition the text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question


The underlined word is the same as …

a. Bought

b. Grabbed

c. Inhabited d. Authorized

This question asks students to determine the same meaning from the text.

It can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in identifying the

meaning from the text. Thus, this item conforms to the recommended indicator

namely,“mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks tulis recount dan descriptive”. In

addition the text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question

Text for number 25-27

Vanessa Mae

Vanessa MaaeVanakorn Nicholson is a famous musician. She is only sixteen years old, but she is a world famous violist. When she plays classical violin concert on her electric violin, the world listens.

Vanessa Mae is Thai Chinese. Her mother is Chinese and her natural father is Thai. She is from Singapore but now she lives in

London with her mother and her English step father. She’s got cousins,

aunts, uncles and grandparents in Thailand, Singapore, china, and England.


What is the musical instrument that Vanessa plays?

a. Piano

b. Violin c. Guitar


The the question of number 25 asks students to determine the musical instrument Vanessa play. It can be understood that this item measures the

student’s ability in responding recount text. Thus, these items conform to the

recommended indicator namely,“Mengindentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks

fungsional pendek”, In addition the text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question


Where does Vanessa live? a. China

b. Thailand c. Singapore

d. London

This question asks students to know where does Vanessa live?. It can be

understood that this item measures the student’s ability in responding recount text.

Thus, these items conform to the recommended indicator

namely,“Mengindentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek”. In

addition the text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question


“Her mother is Chinese and her natural father is Thai.”(line 7)

What is the meaning of the underlined word?

a. Handsome

b. Kind

c. Biological d. Unreal


This question asks students to determine the same meaning from the text. It can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in identifying the meaning from the text. Thus, this item conforms to the recommended indicator

namely,“mengidentifikasi makna dalam tekstulis recount dan descriptive”. In

addition the text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question


Text for number 28-31

A Bad Morning

What a bad morning! I hope I will never have such a bad luck again.

My mother came out of the kitchen and furiosly reprimanded me for my bad temper. Feeling unhappy, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. While brushing my teeth, I was was lamenting the unfortunate things that happened when, all of a suden, the toothbrush broke into two.

It was beautiful Sunday. As I am not an early bird by nature, I thought I would laze in bed for a while, but my mother told me get up and not to laze the day away.

Reluctantly, I dragged my self out of bed, but only after my mother promised to have breakfast ready for me soon. Still feeling groggy, I

tripped over my little sister’s doll and fell. I yelled out in pain and

threw it through the door. My little sister was coming through the door at the same time, but managed to duck in the nick of time. However, the doll hit the passage wall and its head broke off. My sister then started to cry.


a. Because his toothbrush broke into two

b. Because his sister’s doll was broken

c. Because his mother reprimanded his bad temper d. Because he tripped over a doll

This question asks students to know why did the writer feel unhappy?. It

can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in responding

recount text. Thus, these items conform to the recommended indicator

namely,“Mengindentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek”, In

addition the text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question


What is the communicative purpose of the text? a. To tell the readers about past experience

b. To amuse the readers about the story

c. To describe about the writer’s experience

d. To inform the readers about the bad morning

This question asks students to identify the communicative purpose of the text. It can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in responding the descriptive text. Thus, this item conforms to the recomended

indicator namely, “tujuan komunikatif teks descriptive dan recount”. In addition

the text used is descriptive text. Thus, it also conforms to suggest text.

No item The question


What is the third paragraph about? a. The bird by nature


c. The beatiful Sunday d. The lazy day

This question asks students to determine tells about of the parahraph. It can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in identifying the topic from the text. Thus, this item conforms to the recommended indicator

namely, “mengindentifikasikan makna gagasan dalam teks berbentuk: recount dan


No item The question


“I yelled out in pain and threw it through the door.” (line 18)

What does the word “it” refer to?

a. Sister b. Doll

c. Bed

d. Door

This question asks students to determine the same meaning from the text.

It can be understood that this item measures the student’s ability in identifying the

meaning from the text. Thus, this item conforms to the recommended indicator

namely,“mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks tulis recount dan descriptive”. In

addition the text used is descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text

No item The question



ANNOUNCEMENT English Speaking Club

There will be a program to develop our speaking skills next Sunday.

We’’ll practice guiding tourist in Prambanan Temple. Please ... soon

since there are limited saets. Time : 08.00 a.m

: Rp. 20.000,- rson : Sasha, Ridho

Chiefperson Toni Dirata

What is the correct word to fill the missing word?

a. Come

b. Visit c. Register d. Submit

This question asks students to complete the word in announcement and

dialogue. It can be understood that these items measure the student’s ability in

finding missing words. Thus, this item conforms to the recommended indicator

namely, “Melengkapirumpangteksfungsionalpendek”. In addition the text used is

descriptive and recount text. Thus, it also conforms to the suggested text.

No item The question


What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To tell the English club members to guide tourist













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Book Identities



I Norman E Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluation in

Teaching, sixth edition, (New York: Mcmillan

Publishing co, 1985), p.5, p.46 I

A 2. Mimin Haryati, Model danTeknik Penilaian Pada

Satuan Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press,

2009), p.15


3. Anas Sudij o no, P en gant ar Ev al uas i P en d i d ikan,

(Jakarta: PT:Grafindo Persada,2008), p.5

4. Athur Hughes, Testingfor Language Teacher,

(New York: Cambridge Univercity Press., I 995),

p.11, p.13


5. Norman E Gronlund and Robert



Measurement ond Evoluotion in Teoching, ( New York: Collier Macmillan Publisher,199Ol, p. L2,


6 Norman






Student Achievernent, (New Jersey : Person, I 985), p. 46




Douglas Brown, Teaching


Principles an

interactive Approach


Language Pedagogt,

(Longman: Sanfransisco State University, 2001), p. 388, p. 401, p.390, p.391


8 Rani,






and Rao,

Digumarti Bhaskara (ed.), Educational Measurement

and Evaluatlon, New Delhi: Discovery Publisiling

House,2004,p .124 p.124,p.124,p.306,p.30$,p.308,p.308, p.307, p.306









11 Thorndike, Robert


and Tracy Thorndike-Christ, Measurement and Evaluation in Psychologt qnd Education, (Boston: Pearson




Gareis, Chistoper R. and Leslie W. Grant

Teacher Made Assessments, (Depot W'a1t llest,

Lsrchmont: Eye On Eflucation,2008)


13 Mujiono, Yohanes, In


"Tips Developing Materials


the 2006 Curuiculum, (Jakarta:









Language Teaching:

Practice and

Theory, (Carnbridge: Cambridge University Press,








Drs. Syauki,M.Pd.





















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15413 Telp.


Email :











Yang bertanda tangan




Kepala SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat menerangkan




Jurusan Semester Fakultas


Puji Lestari 2080140001 14

Pendidikan Batrasa Inggris


( dua belas


Ilmu Tarbiyah dn Keguruan

Bahwa nama tersebut


atas telah melaksanakan penelitian


riset pada tanggal 03 Juni

sampai dengan



z}l,4,sehubungan dengan penyelesaian skripsi dengan

judul "


on the content


of the surnmative test at odd semester for the second grade


SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat.

Demikianlah surat





untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

