masuk.php melogin.php

tr table pnbsp;p div div div div id=sidebar div id=search h2Searchh2 form id=searchform method=get action=hasil.php fieldset input type=text name=s id=s value= input type=submit id=x value=Search fieldset form div div div id=extra style=clear: both;nbsp;div div div id=footer p class=legal copy;2007 Newsprint. All Rights Reserved. nbsp;nbsp;bull;nbsp;nbsp; Design by a href=http:www.freecsstemplates.orgFree CSS Templatesa p p class=links a href=http:validator.w3.orgcheckreferer class=xhtml title=This page validates as XHTMLValid abbr title=eXtensible HyperText Markup LanguageXHTMLabbra nbsp;bull;nbsp; a href=http:jigsaw.w3.orgcss- validatorcheckreferer class=css title=This page validates as CSSValid abbr title=Cascading Style SheetsCSSabbra p div html

11. masuk.php

Universitas Sumatera Utara DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 StrictEN http:www.w3.orgTRxhtml1DTDxhtml1 - strict.dtd html xmlns=http:www.w3.org1999xhtml head meta http-equiv=content-type content=texthtml; charset=utf-8 titleBerandatitle meta name=keywords content= meta name=description content= link href=default.css rel=stylesheet type=textcss media=screen head body div id=header h1nbsp;h1 pnbsp;p div div id=menu ul li class=current_page_itema href=index.htmlBerandaali lia href=masuk.phpMasukali lia href=about.htmlAboutali lia href=list.phpDaftar Peralatanali ul div div id=page div id=content div class=post div class=title h2Masukh2 div div class=entry align=center pnbsp;p form action=melogin.php method=post Nomor ID br input type=text name=id br Password br input type=password name=pass br Universitas Sumatera Utara hr button type=submit Masuk button form div div div div id=sidebar div id=search h2Searchh2 form id=searchform method=get action=hasil.php fieldset input type=text name=s id=s value= input type=submit id=x value=Search fieldset form div div div id=extra style=clear: both;nbsp;div div div id=footer p class=legal copy;2007 Newsprint. All Rights Reserved. nbsp;nbsp;bull;nbsp;nbsp; Design by a href=http:www.freecsstemplates.orgFree CSS Templatesa p p class=links a href=http:validator.w3.orgcheckreferer class=xhtml title=This page validates as XHTMLValid abbr title=eXtensible HyperText Markup LanguageXHTMLabbra nbsp;bull;nbsp; a href=http:jigsaw.w3.orgcss- validatorcheckreferer class=css title=This page validates as CSSValid abbr title=Cascading Style SheetsCSSabbra p div html

12. melogin.php

Universitas Sumatera Utara ?php session_start; include koneksi.php; if_POST[id] == 240894 { q = select from admin where id= _POST[id] and pass= _POST[pass]; result = mysql_queryq; ifmysql_num_rowsresult0 { _SESSION[admin] = _POST[id]; } headerlocation:admin.php;} else { q = select from polisi where id= _POST[id] and pass= _POST[pass]; result = mysql_queryq; ifmysql_num_rowsresult0 { _SESSION[user] = _POST[id]; } headerlocation:akun.php;} ?

13. menambah.php