
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree
Sarjana Pendidikan

Abdullah Fidad Ailatat

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
December 2016


Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree
Sarjana Pendidikan

Abdullah Fidad Ailatat

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
December 2016


Approval Sheet
An Analysis of Students’ Grammatical Error
in Their English Speaking at PBI UMY
We hereby approve the Skripsi of
Abdullah Fidad Ailatat

Candidate for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

December 24th, 2016

Indah Puspawati, MA.
The Skripsi Supervisor

December 24th, 2016

Maryam Sorohiti, S.S., M.H.Sc.
The Examiner I

December 24th, 2016

Noor Qomaria A, S.Pd., M.Hum.
The Examiner II
Yogyakarta, December 24th, 2016


Gendroyono, S.Pd., M.Pd
The Dean Faculty of Language Education


Statement of Authenticity
I hereby certify that this skripsi is definitely my original work. I am
completely responsible for the content of this skripsi. Any theories, findings, and
research techniques which are not my own are quoted or cited in accordance with
the standard referencing practices. Theoretical contribution and findings in this
skripsi are truly my original word and have not been submitted for any degrees in
other University or Institution.

Yogyakarta, November 2016
The researcher,

Abdullah Fidad Ailatat


My thankful and honor goes to Allah SWT who gives His blessing so that
I could accomplish this research. In addition, may peace and salutation be given to
the prophet Muhammad who has taken all human being from the darkness to the
This research would not be completed without supports and suggestion
from many people. Without them I would have never been able to complete this
research. The researcher thanks God for all strength given to me when the
researcher got the difficulties.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my best
supervisor, Indah Puspawati, S.Pd.,M,A for her time, suggestions and supports
when researcher was doing the research and reported. Your valuable suggestions
and supports have made me confidence to finish this research. I also thank you for
always giving positive feedback every time I need it especially for my supervisor,
my first examiner, Maryam Sorohiti, S.S., M.H.Sc.

Yogyakarta 21 November, 2016

Abdullah Fidad Ailatat


Table of Content
Approval page ...............................................................................................


Statement of Authenticity …………………………………………………..


Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………….


Table of content …………………………………………………………….


Abstract ……………………………………………………………………..


Chapter One ..................................................................................................


Introduction ..................................................................................................


Background of the study ......................................................................


Statement of the Problem .....................................................................


Limitation of the Problem ....................................................................


Research question ................................................................................


Purpose of the study .............................................................................


Significance of the Research ................................................................


Chapter Two .. ................................................................................................


Literature Review ...........................................................................................


Error ......................................................................................................


Sources of error .....................................................................................


Error analysis ........................................................................................


Benefit of analyzing error ....................................................................


Category of errors .................................................................................


Grammar error ......................................................................................


English grammar ...................................................................................


Speaking skill ........................................................................................


Grammar in speaking ...........................................................................


Conceptual Framework ........................................................................


Chapter Three ................................................................................................


Methodology .................................................................................................


Research Design ...................................................................................


Research Setting and Participants .......................................................


Data Collection Method ......................................................................


Data Analysis .......................................................................................


Chapter four ………………………………………………………………...


Finding and Discussion ……………………………………………………..


Discussion …………………………………………………………….


Chapter Five …………………………………………………………...........


Conclusion and suggestion …………………………………………...


References .....................................................................................................


Appendix I: Test Guideline …………………………………………….......


Appendix II: Data Transcription ……………………………………………


The purpose of this research is to find out students’ grammatical errors in their
English speaking skill. The research question of this research is “what are the
grammatical errors are made by students of English Education Department (EED)
of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) in speaking.” The research
was conducted in EED of UMY batch 2013. This research used quantitative
research methodology. To answer the research question, the researcher used test to
collect the data. The test was in the form of interview. In this research, there are
four steps in analyzing the data; they are the determining the data, identification,
classification and description. The result of this research shows that students made
errors in omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. The total of errors
are 125. In this research, the highest frequency of errors is omission where the
students made 61 out of 125 errors. The second place is misformation. In this
category, the students made 38 errors from 125 errors. The third place is addition.
Here, the researcher found 24 errors from all. The last is misodering. It is the
lowest of four categories which the researcher just found 2 errors from 130 errors.
Keywords: error analysis, error categories, speaking

The purpose of this research is to find out students’ grammatical errors in their
English speaking skill. The research question of this research is “what are the
grammatical errors are made by students of English Education Department (EED)
of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) in speaking.” The research
was conducted in EED of UMY batch 2013. This research used quantitative
research methodology. To answer the research question, the researcher used test to
collect the data. The test was in the form of interview. In this research, there are
four steps in analyzing the data; they are the determining the data, identification,
classification and description. The result of this research shows that students made
errors in omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. The total of errors
are 125. In this research, the highest frequency of errors is omission where the
students made 61 out of 125 errors. The second place is misformation. In this
category, the students made 38 errors from 125 errors. The third place is addition.
Here, the researcher found 24 errors from all. The last is misodering. It is the
lowest of four categories which the researcher just found 2 errors from 130 errors.
Keywords: error analysis, error categories, speaking

Chapter One
In this chapter, the researcher shows background of the study, statement of the problem,
limitation of the problem, research question, purpose of the study and significance of the study.
Background of the study
English is familiar language used by people as an international language in the world to
interact. In this era, understanding English language is very important because it is used as media
of communication with people that have different languages. According to Efrizal (2012), many
people used English as means of communication and it makes people who come from different
countries to be easier in making interaction and communication. To make relationship with other
countries, people have to understand English skills like reading, writing, listening and speaking.
They are very important to make interaction with other people that have different language
especially for English speaking skill if we want to speak with people with different language.
Nunan (2000) in Juhana (2012) argued that speaking skill is the single most important
aspect of learning a second or foreign language. It means that speaking is one of measure meant
in reaching the target language. As explained by him that the success of learning the language is
measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the target language. In learning
second language, speaking ability is important component. According to Naouel (2015),
speaking is very important to experience real communicative situations in which learners will
learn how to express their own views and opinions, and to develop their oral fluency and
accuracy which are very essential for the success of second language communication.
In speaking, there are often found problems that made the learners difficult in speaking
English like the influence of mother tongue. It also influences students’ speaking skill. It is one

of problem that influence learning process of foreign language. Students will tend to use it
because it is simple for them. Tuan and Mai (2015) argued that when all or a number of learners
share the same mother-tongue, they tend to use it because it is easier for them. Another problem
faced by students in speaking is they do not have understanding about grammatical.
Consequently there are errors that are made by them.
Based on observations, the researcher also found some errors that are made by the
learners as incompatibility uses grammar when they speak English in front of class room. Those
errors will have an impact on the understanding in processing information. Therefore, grammar
is very important in speaking English. As argued by Ur in Emmaryana (2010), grammar is
sometimes defined as the way words are put together to make correct sentences. Subasini and
Kikilavani (2013) also believed that grammar is important because it is the language that makes
it possible for us to talk about the language.
In learning speaking, the researcher often finds grammar error in students’ speaking. The
research on an analysis of PBI UMY students’ grammatical errors in their English speaking skill
is important to be investigated because the researcher believes that it can reveal students’
grammar error in speaking. In this research, the researcher uses error analysis as a method to
know errors that are made by the learner. Danurwindo (2014) stated that error analysis is used to
identify the error made by the language learner.
Statement of the problem
In this research, the researcher can investigate some problems based on the tittle of
this research. In speaking and grammar, the researcher can investigate students’ fluency,
pronunciation, delivery or using good grammar in writing and speaking. However, the
researcher wants to analyze students’ grammatical errors in their speaking skill. The

reasons are because the researcher thinks that the research on students’ grammatical error
in writing is already considerably and he also thinks that research on students’ grammatical
in writing is difficult. Moreover, the researcher more understands about speaking than
writing. According to Ellis in Danurwindo (2014), error analysis provided information
which could be used to sequence items for teaching or to devise remedial lessons.
Limitation of problem
This research focused on English Education Department students to know what
grammatical errors are done by students of PBI UMY 2013 in speaking. Here, the
researcher focused his research on the analysis of students’ grammatical error. The error
was categorized into four types. They are omission, additions, misformation, and

Research question
The main purpose of this research is to know students’ grammatical errors in their
English language speaking. The research question of this research is what grammatical
errors are made by students of PBI UMY in speaking?
Purpose of the study
Based on the problem of research question, the purpose of this research is to
identify which grammatical errors are made by students of PBI UMY in English speaking
Significance of the research
There are important points that give benefits to the students and lecture.

The students. The researcher hopes that it can make the students carefully create
the sentence without getting rid of grammatical feature. However, the researcher also
hopes that it can help the students to know their weaknesses and strengths in English
speaking skill.
The lecturers. The researcher hopes that this research can motivate the lecturers to
evaluate their teaching method.
Other researher. The researcher hopes that this research can be a reference for other
researchers who want to research similar topic.

Chapter Two
Literature Review
The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ grammatical error in their English
speaking skill. To get framework of the issue, this literature review explains about the important
aspect related to the research. First, this chapter will discuss error, second it will discuss error
analysis, then categories of errors, after that grammar error and finally it will discuss speaking
In teaching and learning proses, learners often meet mistakes or error. The students
cannot get something with perfect understanding to the first time. For some people mistake or
error can give good feedback because they can know what they had done.
In learning English, there are often found term error and mistakes. According to
Mustikareni (2013), mistakes and errors are two different words with different meaning.
Mistakes refer to something that is based on guess false or fail to use knowledge that have been
known or learned. This means that learners have known the pattern but because of some factors,
the message is not appropriate the structure of the language. Mistakes can be distinguished into
two categories. They are systematic and non-systematic. According to Corder (1967) in Hsu
(2013), mistakes are categorized as non-systematic errors out of chance circumstances, such as
slips of the tongue, while errors refer to systematic errors which often occur in second language
According to Dulay in Danurwindo (2014) errors are flawed side of learners’ speech or
writing. They are those parts of conversation or composition that deviates from some selected
forms of mature language performance. In process of evolving of goal mastery language, the

learner cannot learn without getting their first error learning process.
Corder as cited in Puspitasari (2013) explained errors as branches of the code as a learner
gets errors because they just have a little understanding about establishments of language rules.
Puspitasari (2013) believed that a learner makes errors because of lack of knowledge of the
formation rules of the language being learned and therefore the meaning of phrase or sentences
produced is unacceptable.
Error is one of the issues that must be prevented. Therefore, research on error analysis is
important to be investigated. According to Ciesielkiewicz and Márquez (2015), the importance of
Error Analysis has to be taken into account since it has been proven to be a very useful tool in
that helps both teachers and students to be aware of the origin of errors, as well as the most
difficult aspects of the target language.
Here, the learner has explained the definition of error and mistake. Based on the
definition, we can conclude that error and mistake have different meaning. In error the learners
do not have knowledge about the pattern, so they cannot correct it while in mistake the learners
have known the pattern, so they can correct it. In this research, the researcher focused on the
learners’ error

Sources of error
In second language learning and foreign language, error is something that cannot be
separated from learners. To reduce the error, teacher also has to know source of error. Brown in
Wicaksono (2014) classified sources of error into interlingual transfer and intralingual transfer.

Interlingual transfer. One of sources of error is interlingual error. It is caused by mother
tongue that influences second language or foreign language. Danurwindo (2014) argued that
interlingual error is the error happened because of the interference of the mother tongue. As an
example, “the mobile phone of Erwin” It can be expressed “Erwin’s mobile phone. When there
are differences between first language and second language, the learners will be difficult in using
second language. Although it is something that is not obvious, many learners and teachers admit
the truth.
Intralingual transfer. Intralingual transfer is obstacles that occur because learners don’t
have knowledge about second language. It will have effect on preparing sentence patterns in
second language. Example: “do he study in UMY”, “I will can speak English”. These sentences
patterns should be “does he study in UMY?”, “I will be able to speak English”. According to
Brown in Wicaksono (2014), intralingual is the negative transfer of items within the target
language; context of learning, which overlaps both types of transfer; and communication
strategies, that is the conscious employment of verbal mechanisms for communicating an idea
when linguistic forms are not available to the learner for some reasons.
Error analysis
Error analysis is a precious basis of material to the teacher. It gives information for the
students about students’ error which in trying helps the teachers to correct students’ error and
increases their teaching process. According to Rustipa (2011), error analysis is the study of kind
and quantity of error that occurs, particularly in the fields of applied linguistics. These errors can
be divided into three sub-categories: overgeneralization, incomplete rule application, and the
hypothesizing of false concepts, reflected a learner's competence at a certain stage and thereby
differed from learner to learner (Ruspita: 2011).

Brown in Mustikareni (2013) stated that error analysis is the fact that learner do make
errors and that these errors can be observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal something of the
system operating within the learners. It means that errors made by learners can be analyzed or
classified to reveal students’ problems. From the definition, the aim of error analysis is to know
problems handled by the learners. It is a way to know process of learning language.
Wu and Garza (2014) indicated that error analysis is a type of approach to analyze a
second/foreign language learners’ speech or written performance. It means that error analysis is
approach to analyze students’ second language and writing implementation.
In learning English, making errors is one of prevalent problem for the learner, and it is
not separated from them. In Indonesia, the learners sometimes make error when they are
speaking English. Base on the definition of grammatical error in the above, the purpose of
grammatical error is to know students problems that related to foreign language.
Benefit of analyzing error
Error analysis is one of method to know students’errors. Wibowo (2011) stated that error
analysis is part of methodology of the linguistics investigation of language learning. The purpose
of itself is to analyze error that made by the second language learner. Based on the purpose, this
error analysis has benefit to lecturers or teacher. One of benefit of analyzing errors is to reduce
error that learner made. According to Danurwindo (2014), analyzing the error will have benefits
that can be taken, such as make students aware what should they do after their error in speaking
has been known how to overcome them and how to make better their speaking.
Category of errors
Dulay, Burt and Krashen in Tamakova (2013) claimed that there are two basic ways of
categorizing learners’ errors and that is into either linguistics categories (morphology, phonology,

etc.) or surface structure taxonomies (errors of addition, omission, etc.). Dulay, Burt, Krashen
(1982: 150) divided that error into the following categories: (1) omission, (2) additions, (3)
misformation, and (4) misordering.
a. Omission
Omission is an error in omitting an important part in a sentence, so it is not appropriate
with correct grammar.
Omission are often found such as error in omitting (-s), ed or suffix-ing in verb, („s),
suffix-ly and using (to be).

An example

The correction


He look for his cat


He looks for his cat


We student in UMY


we are students in UMY

b. Addition
The learners not only forget features that they are of the opinion as an exaggeration but
they also add excessive feature.
An example

The correction


I plays football


I play football


There is factors


there is factor

c. Misformation
Misformation refers to “the practice of the incorrect form of the morpheme or structure”.
For nexample, He eaten cake. Here, there are three types of misformations. First is

regularization. In regularizations, an irregular marker is changed by a regular one, as foots
for foot. The second is archi-forms. It refers to the use of one member of a class of forms
instead of using all the members, example; using that in the conditions when either that or
those would be used. The third is alternating forms; Alternating forms are characterized by
“free alternation of several participants of a class with each other” as in those book and this
books used by the same learner.
d. Misordering
Misordering comes across an utterance where a morpheme or a group of them is
incorrectly placed.
An example

I come on time always. Where

The correction

I always come on time


Learning process.

always is misodering.

Process learning. It is incorrect
placement in a phrase

Grammar errors
Grammar error is error that made by students in grammar. According to Hsu (2013),
Grammatical errors thus mean inaccurate forms, semantics meanings, and use. In learning
language, mastery of grammar is very needed because it gives knowladge for learner how to
convey information clearly and how to use correct sentence patterns. As explained by Hariris in
Danurwindo (2013), Mastering grammar knowledge will help one in speaking English, because
he will know how to arrange word in sentence, what tense will be used, how to use appropriate

utterance. In this research, the researcher used reference from Betty’s book to identify the error.

English grammar
To reduce the grammar error, knowladge about English grammar is very needed. In this
era, books about English grammar has been widespread as fundamentals of english grammar
second adition and Basic English Grammar that created by Azhar. In these books, there are many
materials that will make the learners in understanding English grammar. In learning language,
grammar has important role especially in speaking. Grammar is the regular of important rules
that direct the structure of phrases, clauses and sentence, because it is a system of the language.
Hsu (2013) stated that grammar is regarded as a whole system and structure of a language. It
consists of syntax, morphology, and sometimes also phonology and semantics (Hsu: 2013).
Speaking skill
Speaking is a skill to pronounce sounds or words to express and convey thinking, ideas
and feeling. The definition explains clearly that speaking relates to pronounce words that aim to
convey what will be delivered thinking, feeling and ideas. According to Kusmaryati (2008)
speaking is an activity involving 2 or more people in whom the participants are both the listeners
and the speakers having to act what they listen and make their contribution at high speed.
Nurhayati (2011) argued the definition of speaking as essential skill of language is
naturally the way human communicate to express ideas, feelings, as well as opinion to achieve
particular goal while to maintain social relation between people. It clearly explains that the
purpose of the speaking is to express ideas, feelings and opinion that can be useful to make
relation with other people. It also explains that speaking is a method to interact with people.

When people communicate, they can express their ideas, sensation and believe.
Through speaking activities, learners can interact with community of world wide. In
speaking, indirectly their brain will be made to think twice. It can be described when learners are
given a question, then they prepare in advance in the stage of preparation in the form of
Indonesian is good and right, whereat they move it or translate into English correct pattern.
Grammar in Speaking
Shen (2012) argued that grammar is its basic structure, without which we cannot learn a
language well. It means that grammar is important part a language which cannot be separated in
learning of foreign language. When learners speak by using good grammar, it will be able to help
them to give or receive the information. As explained by Shen that grammar is important to learn
for language accuracy and helps learners to build comprehensible sentences in speaking.
Previous Research
This research is also made based on the previous study of thesis made by Qowinul Adib
student of Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Walisongo Semarang). The tittle of thesis is Grammatical
Error Analysis of Speaking of English Department Students (A Study at 2010 Speaking Class of
ELT Department of IAIN Walisongo). The research is almost same. In this research, the error will
be analyzed by using categories of error as cited by Dulay at al (1982). The categories are:
omission, additions, misformation, and misordering. It is also has same purpose that is analyzing
students’ grammatical errors in speaking. The different of this research is on technique of
collecting data. In this research uses observation, interview, and documentation to collect the
data. Moreover, it also has different place and time in conducting the date.
Conceptual Framework
Many problems are faced by learner in English learning process like pronunciation error

or grammar error. Those are several problems often encountered by the learner in learning
English especially in grammar error. In this research, the researcher wants to investigate students’
grammatical error in their English speaking skill.
The technique of this research uses test to get valid data toward principal issue of this
study. The test is speaking test. In this research, test by using interviewt is used as data collection
technique. The participants of this research refer to students of PBI UMY.
Figure. 1.1 Conceptual Framework


Grammar error

Chapter Three
Research Methodology
In this chapter, the researcher discusses about research methodology that was used in this
research. Methodology of the research discusses research design, research setting and
participants, data collection and finally data analysis.
Research Design
The purpose of this research is to investigate students’ grammatical error in speaking.
This research used quantitative research methodology. Douglas, Amelink and Borrego (2009)
stated that one of characteristic of quantitative method is discussing the percentage. It suitable
for this research because in this research, the researcher also showed the percentages of students’
grammatical errors then the researcher described it. This research also can be called as
descriptive quantitative research.
Research Setting and Participants
This research was conducted in English Education Department of PBI UMY batch 2013.
The reasons of selecting PBI UMY as the setting are: first, PBI UMY has subjects about
grammar and speaking. Second, the researcher found errors on students’ speaking. It was based
on observations that had been conducted by the researcher. Third, the researcher is studying in
UMY and he also has accesbility with participants, so these made the researcher easier in
collecting the data.
The participants of this research were students of PBI UMY 2013. The reason researcher
chose PBI UMY 2013 as participants because students of PBI UMY 2013 have taken the subject
of Capita Selecta on Grammar or subject related to speaking. In this research, there were five
students of English Education Department that became participants. To select the five students,

the research asked some students of PBI UMY if they were willing to be participants of this
research. The technique of this research used purposive sampling to get the participants because
researcher had characteristics for them. Zuriah (2006) explained that the selection of subject
groups purposive sampling is based on the certain characteristics that have tight relation with
population is known previously. For the characteristics that researcher took namely students have
already taken capita selecta on grammar1-4, listening and speaking for daily conversation,
listening and speaking for setting, listening and speaking for academic purposes, listening and
speaking for career development. Besides that they were required to pass the subjects. The
reasons are: if they have passed, they can see their skill in speaking. Then, they can also see if
there are any errors that they made.
Data Collection Methods
The purpose of this research is to know what grammatical errors that are made by
students of PBI UMY batch 2013 in speaking. To answer the research question, the researcher
used test to collect the data. The test was in the form of interview. Here, the purpose of this test is
to gather the data from students’ test. Then, the data of the test was processed in data analysis.

Data Analysis
After collecting the data by using interview as test, the next step is analyzing data. In this
research, there are four steps in analyzing data. Agustina (2016) divided steps in conducting the
error analysis into four steps. The first is the determining the data. The second is the error
identification. The third is to classify the errors based on the grammatical description. The errors

were classified based on classifies of error as stated by Dulay at al (1982). The categories are:
omission, additions, misformation, and misordering. After classifying the errors, the last step is
description. To make the result valid and reliable, the researcher consulted the lecturers who
were more expert in analyzing grammatical error.

Chapter Four
Finding and Discussion
This chapter presents the result of test about what grammatical errors are made by
students of PBI UMY in speaking. Here, it is going to be divided into parts, they are description
of data and discussion.
There are four categories of errors as stated by Dulay at all (1982). They are omission,
addition, misformation, and misordering. Omission is an error in omitting an important aspect in
a sentence. Addition is an error in adding unnecessary part in a sentence. Misformation refers to
practice of the incorrect form of the structure then misordering refers to the incorrect placement
in a phrase or sentence.
Data of students’ grammatical error in speaking test
To make this research easier to be understood, there researcher will present the data of
grammatical errors categories in table. The table will show students’ errors in omission, addition,
misformation, and misordering. The table also shows the total of students’ errors in speaking
Table 1. Tabulation of Grammatical Features Errors






Respondent 1






Respondent 2






Respondent 3






Respondent 4






Respondent 5












Based on the table above, we can see the total of grammar errors that were made by the
subjects. The totals of errors were 125 errors. In omission errors, the students made 61 of

grammatical errors from 125 errors. The table shows that omission is the highest frequency of
grammatical errors. In second placed, there is misformation. The students made 38 from 125
errors. Addition errors category is in the third placed. In addition, the students made 24
grammatical errors. Misordering is the lowest frequency which is 2 errors.
In the table 1, it only shows the grammatical errors in each category. Here, the researcher
took a further analysis to discover what types of grammatical errors are made by the students in
omission, addition, misformation, and misordering.
Omission Errors
In omission error category, the students made errors in omitting an important aspect in a
sentence. From the table 1, it shows the total of omission errors category. The total is 61
grammatical errors. In omission errors, the researcher found errors in omitting noun, verb,
conjunction, adverb, determiner, adjective and preposition.
-e(s) in noun

: Omitting suffix –e(s) in plural noun, the students made 3 out of 61 errors.
(e.g. I have many book …;two hobby.)


: Omitting a subject in clause, error type that is students made by students is 8
out of 61 errors. (e.g Because is not my dream…; but is so many Indonesia
film are bad ).


: Omitting object in sentence, error of this type is 1 out of 61 errors. It occurs
in a sentence that the verb needs objects. (e.g. I just follow)

-e(s) in verb

: The students omitted suffix -e(s) in verb when they used third singular
person as subject. (e.g. Every Job need English right … ; …; everybody

know ). Error of this type is 5 out of 61 errors.

: The students omitted the verb in sentence or clause. Error of this type is 18
out of 61 errors (e.g. traveling just for fun …; Ronaldo strong than Messi .)

-e(d) in verb

: Omitting suffix e(d) in verb in using past tense or passive verb, (e.g. He was
dislike by his friends…; the story is hard to be guess for the viewer…) in
omitting –e(d) in verb, the students made 3 out of 61 errors).

Conjunction and adverb
Conj and Adv

: Omitting conjunction and adverb, error of this type is 2 out of 61 errors.
Here, there is one error in omitting conjunction and

one error in omitting

adverb. (e.g. Cristiano Ronaldo is powerful and stronger than Messi …; they
use make up, have so lot of make up in their face
Ly- in adverb

: Omitting suffix –ly in adverb, error of this type is 1 out of 61 errors. (e.g.
because the actor does the acting appropriate.)


: Omitting article „a, an’ and „the’ in a phrase, for this type of errors the
students made 15 out 61 errors. (eg.That is reason …;English is international

Adjective and Preposition

: Omitting preposition, type of this error is 4 out of 61 errors. (e.g. I like see
many places…;because romantic drama the story is more complicated.)

Ed- in adjective : Omitting suffix -ed in adjective, (e.g I am depress about it.) error of this type
is 1 out of 61 errors.

Based on the data, there were eleven categories of grammatical errors that were found by
the researcher. The researcher shows the table to make it easier to understand.

Table 2. Tabulation of omission errors



-e (s) in noun











-e(s) in verb






-e(d) in verb



Conjunction and adverb


Conj and Adv



Ly- in verb





Adjective and Preposition


-e(d) in verb





Total of omission errors


Addition errors
Here, the students added unnecessary part in a sentence. In the table 1, the totals of
addition errors category is 24 errors. In addition errors, the researcher found errors in adding
verb, determiner, conjunction, preposition and word.


: Adding two verbs in a sentence, (e.g. I do not like is Justin Bibber…; I hate is
Horror film). The students made 4 out of 24 errors.


: Adding auxiliary verb before verb in the present tense, error of this type is 3
out of 24 errors. (e.g God is tell another plans …; Opera in Indonesia is
makes children different from their age.)


: Adding suffix-ing incorrectly, (e.g. she wanted me to learning English…; the
using make up.). Type of this error is 3 out of 24 errors.


: Adding unnecessary article, (e.g. there is no place like a mountain …; I like a
children). error of this type is 4 out of 24 errors.


: Adding conjunction incorrectly, the students made 4 out of 24 errors. (e.g.
Although he is handsome but he does not have skill …; I forgot her name
but I remember her face but actually her beautiful face .)


: Adding unnecessary preposition a sentence, error of this type is 5 out of 24
errors. (e.g. I started my English at in elementary school …;my original place
is in Sulawesi.)


: Adding unnecessary word, (e.g. it is district near from Pekalongan…;I like
actor the film actor in action category.) error of this type is 2 out of 24 errors.
Here, there were seven categories of grammatical errors that were found by the

researcher. The researcher shows the table to make it easier to understand.
Table 3. Tabulation of addition errors






























Total of omission errors


Misformation errors
The third category is the misformation category. The totals errors that are made by the
students is 38 errors. In this category, the researcher found misformation of noun, preposition,
verb, conjunction, determiner, word and phrase.

: Misformation of pronoun, the students made 4 out of 38 errors. (e.g. I think
that is all from myself …; He just force his self.)


: Misformation of preposition, error of this type is 2 out of 38 errors. (e.g.
Semarang is close with the beach …; I was born at Semarang ).

V- In past

: Misformation of verb in using simple past tenses, error of this type is highest
in this category. Here, the students used verb or auxiliary that did not
appropriate with the verb form of simple past like error using was/were or
verb 2. Type of this error is 16 out of 38 errors. (e.g. My mother see her
yesterday …; At the time I have a friend.).

Be (S.Past)

: Misformation of be or auxiliary in using simple present, (e.g. since I am in
elementary school…; when I entered in this university, I do not think about
my future). In this category, there were 5 out of 38 errors.

Be (S.Present)

: Misformation of be or auxiliary in using simple past, there were 3 out of 38
errors. (e.g. My hobbies is singing, dancing and listening music …; my
hobby are reading.)


: Misformation of have or has, there were 2 out of 38 errors. (e.g. It have
mountain…; it have mysterious way.)


: Misformation of conjunction, (e.g. The price is expensive for me and I go to
public Internet). Error of this type is 1 out of 38 errors.


: Misformation of article, (e.g. He has a apple in his pocket) There were 1 out
of 38 errors.

Word and phrase

: Misformation of word, (e.g. he can duplicate Habibi’s speak…; there are
many persons), for this type of error the students made 4 out of 38 errors.


: Misformation of phrase, there were 8 out of 38 errors in this category. (e.g.
now in second years third, I am setting my mind-set ).
Based on the data, the researcher found ten categories of this type. To make it easier, the

researcher presents this type in the table.

Table 3. Tabulation of misformation errors







V- in past



Auxiliary in



Auxiliary in past












Word and phrase







Total of omission errors


Misordering errors
As explained in chapter two, misordering comes across an utterance where morphine or a
group of them is incorrectly placed. In misodering category, the researcher just found one
category of misordering. The category is misordering of phrase. (e.g. I have team favourite
football …; Actor favorite). Error of this type is 2 out of 2 errors.
Table 4. Tabulation of misordering errors

Categories of misordering errors



Total of misformation errors


After categorizing the students’ errors, the next step is discussion. Here, the researcher
wants to know what grammatical errors are made by students of PBI UMY in speaking. As
mentioned in the previous chapter, there were five students that became participants. The test of
this research was in the form of interview. After the researcher got the data from the interview,
the researcher transcribed into the written form then it was analyzed. To describe grammatical
error, the researcher used the categories of errors as cited by Dulay at all (1982). They are

omission, additions, misformation, and misordering.
Based on the data that has been analyzed by the researcher. The highest frequency of
errors made by the students is omission. The researcher found 61 errors from 125 errors. In
omission errors category, there are seven categories that have been found by the researcher.
There are omission of noun, verb, conjunction, adverb, determiner, adjective and preposition.
From these categories, the highest frequency of errors is omitting verb or “to be” which the
researcher found 18 grammatical errors from 61 omission errors. Errors in omitting verb, it was
happen when the students omit verb in a sentence. As explained by Dulay at all (1982) omission
are often found in using verb and word like omitting –e/es in verb. Moreover, errors in verb
occur when the students use incorrect verb in a sentence. According to Sawalmeh (2013) errors
of wrong tense or wrong verb occur when a learner uses the wrong verb tense in a certain
sentence. Here, the students also made errors in omitting „to be’. It is happen because the
students do not have understanding about the use of „to be’ well in making a sentence of simple
present tense. Danurwindo (2014) stated that error in omitting „to be’ may be caused by the lack
of knowledge or bad memorizing of “to be” in simple present tense.
The second place is misformation. In this category, the researcher found 38 errors from
125 errors. Here, there are six categories that were found by the researcher. The categories are
misformation of noun, preposition, verb, determiner, word and phrase. The highest frequency of
these categories is misformation of verb in using past tenses. Simple past tense is from of the
verb that used to show situation in the past. According to Azhar (1989) simple past tense is a
tense that indicates an activity and situation began and ended at a particular time in the past. In
this category, the students made 8 out of 38 misfromation errors. It was occurred because the
students do not understand the pattern of past tense especially in irregular verbs. Anwar (2014)

stated that in irregular verbs, the students did not know how to change it in the past forms. He
also explained that it happens because in irregular verb, there are so many rules that they have
not known.
The third place is addition. The total errors in this category are 24 errors from 125 errors.
Here, the researcher found five errors categories of addition category. The seven categories are
addition of verb, determiner, conjunction, preposition, and word. The highest frequency of these
categories is addition of preposition which is 5 from 24 errors of addition category. Delija and
Koruti (2013) explained that the fact that English prepositions are rather difficult to acquire for
non-native speakers, some sources of errors in the usage of preposition are listed in following
section. They also divided the source of the errors into three sources. They are: 1) Interlingual
transfer refers to the interference of mother tongue to the target language. 2) intralingual transfer
where errors occur due to partial learning of the target language. 3) Context of learning, these
sorts of errors are attributed to poor presentation of prepositions in texts, which in most cases do
not mention prepositions at all. 4) Guess in using improper preposition. According to Herskovits
and Annette in Delija and Koruti (2013) when students do not know or are in doubt about a
specific preposition they try to guess the right one.
The last place is misordering. It is the lowest of the four categories because in this
category, the researcher just found two errors from all errors. The researcher found two errors in
incorrect placement in a phrase. In misordering of phrase, the students used incorrect head and
modifier. According to Novita (2014)
The students tend to put the modifier to the head position and the head in modifier
position, for example “era globalization”, it is incorrect placement in the head or modifier. The
correction is globalization era. Incorrect placement toward head or modifier is caused because

the students are still influenced by their first language. An example Indonesia language as first
language is when a student translates „proses pembelajaran’ in English, he/she translates it into
„process learning’. It is caused because Indonesian language as first language is still affecting
him/her in learning foreign language. According to Anwar (2014) first language is one of factor
that influence students’ error in misordering.

Chapter Five
Conclussion and Suggestion
In this chapter, the researcher writes the conclusion based on the finding data then the
researcher also writes the sugestion for lecturer, students and other researcher.
In this research, the researcher wants to reveal students’ grammatical errors in speaking.
The researcher believed that it can be useful for other people like for the students, teacher and
other researcher. Here the researcher describes the errors based on the category of error and
shows the total errors that are made by the students.
The researcher presents students’ error in omission, addition, misformation, and
misordering. Omission refers to omitting an important feature in a sentence. Addition is an
inverse of omission which is defined as adding unnecessary part in a sentence. Misformation
refers to use wrong structure. Misordering refers to the incorrect placement in phrase or sentence.
The total of errors is 125 errors. In this research, the highest frequency of errors made by
the students is omission. The students made 61 errors from 125 errors. The second place is
misformation. In this category, the students made 38 errors from 125 errors. The third place is
addition. Here, the researcher found 24 errors from all errors. The last is misodering. It is the
lowest of four categories which the researcher just found 2 errors from 125 errors.

The suggestion
To lecturers. In developing teaching speaking program, one of important aspect is the
lecturer can look at what the students need. Moreover in reducing number of errors made by the
students, the lecturers are suggested to develop their teaching method.

To the students. The students have to pay attention some features that are difficult for them
particularly the difficulties in using correct grammar when they speak.
To other researchers. This research is recommended for other researcher who want research
similar topic. This research only shows what grammatical errors are made by students in
speaking. For other researcher is suggested to not only focus on what gramma