Mission GMTI Observation Model

Exercise Indicator E8 ExerciseIndicator Platform ID Alphanumeric CharacterString Mission ID I32 Integer Job ID I32 Integer The platform type is modeled as a CodeList, because it is very likely that new platform types will be added continuously to this list. Figure 25: UML model of PlatformType

8.4.3 Inherited Properties

The GMTIObservation inherits a number of properties from OM_ComplexObservations see clause5.2 and maps them as follows: phenomenonTime is mapped to DwellTime resultTime has no corresponding field in GMTI. Thus it shall be used as defined by OM see section 5.2. validTime has no corresponding field in GMTI. Thus it shall be used as defined by OM see section 5.2. This is a non-mandatory element. resultQuality has no corresponding field in GMTI. Thus it shall be used as defend by OM see section 5.2. This is a non-mandatory element.

8.4.4 Feature or Interest

The feature of interest of all types of GMTI observations is the DwellArea as the area that was covered by a dwell. The DwellArea is defined as illustrated in the figure below. Figure 26: UML model of DwellArea The DwellArea is defined by its center point, the dwellAngleHalfExtent, and the rangeHalfExtent. The center point aggregates the GMTI segment fields D24 and D25, namely Dwell Area – Center Latitude and Dwell Area – Center Longitude, whereas the dwellAngleHalfExtent and the rangeHalfExtentare direct mappings from the GMTI fields D26 and D27. The following table illustrates the mapping. Table 10: Dwell Area STANAG to UML mapping 4607 Field Name 4607 Form UML Type Center Latitude SA32 GM_Point Center Longitude SA32 Range Half Extent BA16 Measure Dwell Angle Half Extent BA16 Measure If possible, GMTI defines values ranges and units for all elements. Those ranges cannot be expressed in derived OM schemas, but need to be provided using further constraint expression mechanisms. In this report, we used UML constraints to highlight this aspect.

8.4.5 Procedure

The GMTIProcess aggregates information describing the platform, the sensorand the capabilities of the sensor. In GMTI, this information is part of the Dwell segment.