VMTI-Oriented Perspective Observation Specializations

Figure 7: UML model of the VMTIObservation The VMTIObservation itself is derived from OM_ComplexObservationgrey element in Figure 7 and therefore provides a number of attributes that shall be further defined here: phenomenonTime: this mandatory parameter shall be used to encode the timestamp from the VMTI KLV element. This is according to OM: “the attribute phenomenonTime:TM_Objectshall describe the time that the result applies to the property of the feature-of-interest” OM. resultTime: this mandatory parameter shall provide the same time as the phenomenonTime. If the observation data is the result of further VMTI data processing, the time when the final result was assigned could be provided alternatively. validTime: this optional parameter shall according to OM to “describe the time period during which the result is intended to be used” OM. It does not have any equivalent in KLV VMTI. resultQuality: this optional parameter shall only be used if quality information in addition to the quality information provided in elements of the result set can be provided. It does not have any equivalent in KLV VMTI. Target-Oriented Perspective

The specialized observation model for the target-oriented perspective looks very similar to the VMTI-oriented model described above. The properties phenomenonTime, resultTime, validTime and resultQuality shall be used as defined above. Illustrated below, the target-oriented model differentiates in three properties: 1. The feature of interest is SurveillanceArea instead of Frame 2. The cardinality of the associated VTargetPack in the result element is 1 instead of 0.. 3. The result element optionally associates the Frame class to provide a link to the evidence for the target information Figure 8: UML model of TargetObservation The SurveillanceArea element does not have any equivalent in KLV VMTI. It is characterized by a name and a spatial property to define the area geographically. It may require further concretization. It has been introduced to support the geographically oriented usage, which is often applied to data served at OGC service interfaces. It allows querying tracking data based on the spatial extent of the target area.