6.8 0.9 Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:A:Agronomy Journal:Vol93.Issue1.2001:

SLATON ET AL.: EVALUATION OF ZINC SEED TREATMENTS FOR RICE 153 Table 1. Selected soil chemical properties from 1998 and 1999 Zn deficiency symptoms after flood application. Soil samples Zn fertility studies. collected before seeding were analyzed for extractable cations including Zn 2 1 by Mehlich 3 extraction Mehlich, 1984. Soil 1999 1998 pH was determined in a 1:2 soil water suspension with a glass Factor† RREC‡ RREC‡ PTBS§ electrode. Selected soil chemical properties are listed in Ta- Soil pH¶ 6.5

6.6 6.8

ble 1.

P, mg kg

2 1 13 15 13 Seeds of the rice cultivars ‘Cypress’, ‘Drew’, and ‘Jefferson’

K, mg kg

2 1 143 113 73 that were treated with either Vitavax Carboxin 5,6-dihy- Ca, mg kg 2 1 1193 1349 1916 dro-2 methyl-N-phenyl-1,4-oxathiin-3-carboxamide or Vita- Mg, mg kg 2 1 95 129 342 Zn, mg kg 2 1

1.3 0.9

1.3 vax plus Zn Zn Starter, Agtrol Chem., Houston, TX J. Garrett, personal communication, 1998 were obtained from † Values are the average of four composite samples taken from control Garrett Seed Farms Danbury, TX. An elemental analysis plots in each replication. Mehlich 3 soil extractant used for elements. ‡ RREC, Rice Research and Extension Center, near Stuttgart, AR. of the Zn-treated seeds indicated a net concentration of 2.8 g § PTBS, Pine Tree Branch Station, Colt, AR. Zn kg seed 2 1 0.34 kg Zn ha 2 1 . Zinc-treated seeds were ¶ Soil weightwater volume ratio was 1:2. compared with seeds that received no Zn seed treatment but were fertilized with either 0 or 11 kg Zn ha 2 1 ZnSO 4 -31 ples were immediately washed in deionized water, 0.1 M HCl, Zn, Tetra Micronutrients 1 , The Woodlands, TX applied to and rinsed in deionized water before drying to remove possible the soil and preplant incorporated PPI. Rice was seeded on sources of contamination Wells, 1980. The samples were 23 June at a rate of 120 kg ha 2 1 in plots consisting of nine dried at 608C to a constant weight, weighed, and ground in a rows that were 4.88 m long and spaced 17.8 cm apart. Wiley mill to pass a 2-mm sieve. The ground tissue 0.5-g In 1999, studies were conducted at the RREC on a DeWitt subsample was digested with concentrated HNO 3 and 30 silt loam and at the Pine Tree Branch Station PTBS near H 2 O 2 wt.wt. for determination of the whole plant elemental Colt, AR 35.088 N lat on a Calloway silt loam fine-silty, composition Jones and Case, 1990. An elemental analysis mixed, thermic, Glossaquic Fragiudalfs. Selected soil chemi- of the plant digests was performed by ICAP Soltanpour et cal properties are listed in Table 1. Because 1998 experiments al., 1996. At maturity, 2.6 m 2 from the center four rows of failed to show Zn deficiency symptoms, 2240 kg ha 2 1 lime was each plot was harvested for grain yield with a small plot com- applied at the RREC. Soil Ca and Mg levels were higher at bine. The reported grain yields were adjusted to 120 g kg 2 1 the PTBS location, so lime was not applied. Split applications of moisture. of 68 kg P ha 2 1 were made at both locations before seeding The treatments were arranged as a randomized complete and again before establishment of the permanent flood to block, 3 cultivar 3 3 Zn fertilizer treatments factorial de- enhance the likelihood of Zn deficiency. Potassium fertilizer sign with four replications in 1998. During 1999, each location was broadcast across all treatments as needed according to was arranged in a randomized complete block with four repli- soil analysis. cations. A split-plot analysis was used where location was the The cultivar Drew was seeded at the RREC and PTBS on whole-plot factor and Zn fertilizer treatment was the subplot 20 May and 22 April, respectively. Rice was seeded at a rate factor. All data were analyzed using the PROC GLM proce- of 120 kg ha 2 1 in plots consisting of nine rows that were 4.88 m dure of SAS. Differences among treatments were identified long and spaced 17.8 cm apart. The treatments included an using Fisher’s protected LSD test at the 0.05 or 0.10 signifi- untreated control, 11 kg Zn ha 2 1 PPI as previously described, cance level. and six treatments with different amounts of Zn applied to seeds. Zinc was applied to seeds at three rates using either a Seed Viability ZnSO 4 solution or liquid 9 ZnEDTA chelate wt.wt.. The ZnSO 4 solutions were prepared by dissolving 100, 200, or 400 g To evaluate the effect of Zn seed treatment on seed viabil- of reagent grade ZnSO 4 · 7H 2 O in 1 L of H 2 O. The seeds were ity, treated and untreated seeds from 1999 field studies were then treated by mixing 113.5 g of seeds with 7.5 mL of the placed in a germinating chamber at 208C, approximately 8 mo ZnSO 4 solution. For the EDTA treatment, 113.5 g of seeds after treatment. Seeds were stored in paper envelopes at room was mixed with a total volume of 100 mL of EDTA solution temperature during this period. Fifty seeds from each treat- of which 25, 50, or 100 mL was 9 ZnEDTA wt.wt.. ment were placed in a petri dish, and 3 mL of deionized water To determine the amount of Zn coated on the seeds, treated was added to each dish. Each treatment was replicated three and untreated seeds were digested with HNO 3 and 30 H 2 O 2 times. The germination of seeds was checked at 6, 8, and 10 d. wt.wt. Jones and Case, 1990 and analyzed by inductively A seed with a visible radicle or coleoptile was counted as coupled Ar plasma spectrophotometry ICAP Soltanpour germinated. Germination data are reported as the percent of et al., 1996. Seed analysis showed a net Zn coating content seeds germinated. At the 10-d measurement, the emerged of 1.0 0.12 kg Zn ha 2 1 , 2.2 0.26 kg Zn ha 2 1 , and 4.7 g Zn radicle and coleoptile of 10 randomly selected germinated kg seed 2 1 0.56 kg Zn ha 2 1 as ZnSO 4 and 1.4 0.17 kg Zn seeds were measured from each treatment replicate. ha 2 1 , 2.8 0.34 kg Zn ha 2 1 , and 5.7 g Zn kg seed 2 1 0.68 The treatments were arranged as a randomized complete kg Zn ha 2 1 as ZnEDTA. Therefore, approximately one-half block design with three replications. All data were analyzed of the added Zn was retained on the seeds. using the PROC GLM procedure of SAS. Differences among For all studies, 150 kg N ha 2 1 was applied as urea treatments were identified using Fisher’s protected LSD test [NH 2 2 CO] to the dry soil surface immediately before flooding at the 0.05 significance level. at the 4-leaf growth stage. Plant samples were collected 14 d after flooding by removal of the aboveground plant tissue in RESULTS AND DISCUSSION a 0.9-m row section of the second inside row. The tissue sam- 1998 Experiment 1 Mention of trade names and commercial products in this article The total dry matter TDM production, harvest grain is solely for the purpose of providing specific information, does not moisture, and grain yield of rice were not significantly constitute a guarantee or warranty, and does not signify that these products are approved to the exclusion of comparable products. affected by Zn fertilizer treatment or the cultivar 3 Zn 154 AGRONOMY JOURNAL, VOL. 93, JANUARY–FEBRUARY 2001 Table 4. Effect of Zn seed treatment source and rate on rice total Table 2. Effect of rice cultivar on grain yield, total dry matter TDM, and harvest moisture averaged across Zn treatments dry matter TDM by 14 d after flooding compared with an untreated and standard check at two locations in 1999. during 1998 at the Rice Research and Extension Center RREC, near Stuttgart. TDM† Cultivar Grain yield TDM Grain moisture Zn fertilizer treatment PTBS‡ RREC§ kg ha 2 1 g kg 2 1 kg ha 2 1 Drew 4838 428 210 Control 659 377 Cypress 4435 358 230 11 kg Zn ha 2 1 PPI¶ 708 1007 Jefferson 3125 275 188 1.0 g Zn-ZnSO