EFEKTIVITAS KALSIUM POLISULFIDA TERHADAP MORTALITAS TELUR HAMA TUNGAU Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks dan Eutetranychus banksi Mc Gregor

HAMA TUNGAU Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks dan Eutetranychus
banksi Mc Gregor
Oleh: DHITA YULIA ANDARINI ( 05330023 )
Dibuat: 2011-01-27 , dengan 7 file(s).

Keywords: P. latus, E. banksi, kalsium polisulfida, insektisida anorganik
Effectiveness of Calcium Polysulphides against Pest Mite Egg Mortality
Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks and Eutetranychus banksi Mc.Gregor
Mites are pests of plants from the class Arachnida. Mites (Polyphagotarsonemus latus and
Eutetranychus banksi) is an example of the most dangerous types of mites during the vegetative
to the jatropha plant. The rapid of mites can invade and disrupt plant growth and cause a decline
in agriculture, especially fruit. polysulphides calcium is one example of a natural pesticide made
from inorganic minerals found in earth's crust. Advantages of calcium polysulphides as a natural
pesticide is a pesticide inorganic among other environmentally friendly because it is faster
components decomposed by nature, relatively cheap price, making the process easy, and is
selective (only turn off a particular type of plant pests and relatively safe for natural enemies) .
This study aims to determine the concentration of calcium solution polysulphides the most
effective against pest mites egg mortality P. latus and E. banksi. type of research is real research

(True experimental research). This study conducted in the laboratory entomology, Crop Research
Institute for Tobacco and Fibre (BALLITAS) Malang, in the month from May to July 2010 with
designs completely randomized design. Data collected by direct observation in the sample who
had been given treatment.
Tukey test results showed that, treatment polysulphides calcium solution at a concentration of 40
ml/l is the most effective against pest mites egg mortality P. latus and polysulphides calcium
solution at a concentration of 20 ml/l is the most effective against the pest mite egg mortality E.