Peace Corps Closing Ceremony

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Arsip Berita

Peace Corps Closing Ceremony
Tanggal: 2011-06-17
On June 15, 2011, University of Muhammadiyah Malang hosted the Closing Ceremony for 28 Peace Corps Volunteers
from USA.
The ceremony was attended by the 28 volunteers, 28 host families, 28 principals of high schools in East Java, and
many others.
Taking place in BAU hall, the ceremony also attended by Mr. Scott Marciel (US Ambassador to Indonesia), Mr.
Muhadjir Effendy (Rector of UMM), and representatives from Bappenas, Ministry of Religion Affairs, and Ministry of
National Education.
On his opening speech, Mr. Muhadjir showed his pride because this was the second opportunity for UMM trusted to
conduct Pre Service Training Program in Indonesia. As an information, UMM is the only one university partner in
Indonesia. He also admitted his admiration, because volunteers could pass the 10 weeks period joining the training
succesfully. They have been able to speak Bahasa Idonesia, even little local languages such as Javanese and
While Mr. Scott Marciel expressed his big thanks to UMM, because during two years UMM has been a great partner for
Peace Corps. He enthusiatically said that the training program would not run successfully without its great partner.
Later, the representative from Volunteers, Timothy and Whitney, could make the audiences laughed when they were

delivering their speech. They showed their happiness during their stay in Batu. Even, they could learn local culture,
such as "orang Indonesia suka memberi kami makan, bahkan terlalu banyak buat kami", Tim said in Bahasa Indonesia.
In the end, the program was closed by the oath session, in which all volunteers committed to stay in Indonesia until
they finish their service next two years.
Finally, good luck volunteers. Do your great job in permanent site. (iro)

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