Countable and Uncountable nouns

Dan Desberg described that, “our real problem in learning a language is learning foreign language, the second language. Second language learning means imposing a second set of habit upon your first set of habit ... ” 8

2. The Teachers’ Problem

The success of teaching-learning process depends on several factors, the most important of which is the teacher. A teacher must understand how to motivate his students, and he must master the use of instructional devices, procedures, and material in order to do so. He should, however be aware of their limitations and strengths as motivators. But aside from his function as an organizer of activities, the teacher more frequently than any other individual occupies the center of the stage as an active disseminator or information, direct of thinking. 9 Discussing this topic is primary connected with the problem of teaching English, as a foreign language, which are generally felt by every teacher of English not only in our country but also in other country. Those problem steam from the different language system between English and our language. It also said by P.Gurrey in his book: “There is a special difficulty that is not commonly considered; it is the difficulty of overcoming the ba rrier of the pupil’s mother learner’s language reactions, and impedes the learning of the new language because it is so firmly s eated as the first language.” 10 8 Dan Desberg, Language Learning Goal, English teaching forum, Vol.1,1963. P. 3. 9 Ibid, p.192 10 P.Gurrey, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Longman Group,ltd, London, 1970, p. 3. Each teacher must try to discover how the children in his class are developing and how they learn concepts and skills if he is to select and organize instructional activities effectively. Teacher must introduce the subject with a question that aroused learner interest. The manner of presentation also was important. The teacher is the key figure in language course; heshe is the one who sets the tone for learning activities. 11

3. The Students Problem

a. The Students Background

Students are not only being the education object and target but also be the subject of education. It means the students get involve in teaching-learning activities. 12 As the subject of education, the students have right to be active in increasing their activities. Students have the process of development and growth according to their natural tendency. They need the consistent guidance and direction toward the optimal point of their natural tendency ability. 13 As written by Norman Mackenzie in his book, Students characteristic are also important. The knowledge of students bring to the situation may have serious gaps, they may or may not have a mental map of the subject before they begin, they may or may not be motivated to learn. 14 The Students background also has influences in mastery of English. The economic backgrounds of the students and poor students have no chance to learn 11 Edward D.Allen Rebecca M. Valette, Foreign Language English as a Second Language, New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovich INC, 1977, p. 3. 12 Abuddin Nata, Filsafat Pendidikan Islam, Jakarta: Logos, 1997, p. 79. 13 M. Arifin, Filsafat Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara,1991, p. 144 14 Mackenzie Norman, Teacher Cognition in Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. 9.