The Teachers’ Problem The Problem in Teaching Countable and Uncountable Nouns 1. Teaching Method

of teachers, financing public education and determining what school should accomplish. 16 There are two kinds of motivation:

1. Extrinsic Motivation

An extrinsic motivation is active motives and it functioned because of the outside stimulation. 17 As an example, the student willing to study because heshe know that the day after he will have a test and hopefully to get good marks, for that hisher parents or teacher would push him to study more. However, the most important role in extrinsic motivation is the role of a teacher. In learning and teaching process, a machine, a radio, a tape recorder, nor even modern computer has not replace the role of a teacher. There are still many human elements contained inside the teaching that cannot be replaced, sort of: behaviors, evaluation system, feelings, motivation, and habits that cannot be reached by any of those tools or machines mentioned. As Blair said that, Teaching involves those attitudes, skills and abilities needed to guide student learning. 18

2. Intrinsic Motivation

An intrinsic motivation is active motives or the function is not necessary to be stimulated from outside, because theres already motivation inside individuals. As an example, the student loves to study or to read a book, without pressure from other people. Heshe will diligently study or read anything with pleasure. This 16 Herman J.Peters and Collins W. Burnett, Teaching 1, The Ohio State University Gail F. Farwell, University of Wisconsin, 1963. P. 312-31 17 Sadirman AM, Motivasi Belajar Mengajar, p.90 18 Timothy L. Blair, Emerging Patterns of Teaching from Methods to Fields Experiences, Columbus, Ohio: Meril Publishing Company, 1988. p.7 happens because shehe finds something attractive of what they are reading or studying and makes it as something interesting. Interest is one of important factors to help students in doing their study. Muhammad Nur stated, Arousing interest is important to convince students how important the materials are presented, as well as the importance of showing students that the knowledge they will get is useful. 19 Other factors in intrinsic motivation is the matter of need, need also has a significant role in determining the success of learning English as a foreign language, because there are some arguments for teaching foreign language can generally related to needs. 20 19 Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nur, Pemotivasian Siswa Untuk Belajar, Surabaya, Pusat Study Matematika dan IP A Sekolah, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, 2001, p.48 20 Theo Van Els, Learning and Teaching, p. 162