The Morality Reflected In Characters Through Sidney Sheldon’s The Sands Of Time




EKA S. HASUGIAN REG. NO. 100705040





EKA S. HASUGIAN REG. NO. 100705040


(Dra. Hj. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum) (Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum) NIP. 19571002 198601 2 003 NIP. 19630216 198903 1 003

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English



Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

( Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS ) (Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D.) NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on August 26, 2014

Dean of Faculty Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners (Signature)

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS ……….

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D. ……….

Dra. Hj. Swesana Mardha Lubis, M.Hum ……….

Dr. Hj. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A ……….




Signed : ... Date : August 26, 2014








Signed :

Date : August 26, 2014




First of all, I would like to thank Almighty God, Jesus Christ for blessing me to complete this thesis and fulfilling one of the requirements to get the Scholar Certificate in English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

From the beginning of my study until completing this thesis, I have got much help, guide and direct or indirect supports from many parties. On this occasion, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those parting namely. Thanks to The Dean of Faculty Letters, University of Sumatera Utara who has authority in my academic years of learning. Thanks to Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS the Head of English Department who has helped me with her leadership to finish my study. Special thanks also go to my Supervisor Dra. Hj. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum for her support, suggestions and her willingness to share time in correcting throughout the preparation of this thesis during the period of doing this thesis. Then, I would like to thank my co-Supervisor Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum who help me to read and check this thesis. I also express my sincere gtatitute to all my lecturers of Faculty Letters, University of Sumatera Utara for their valuable knowledge, guidence, and advice during my study.

In this opportunity, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my beloved parents M.. Hasugian and K. Kartini for their motivation including advices, supports, materials and encouragements during my study and God bless you forever. And also thank you so much to my inspiring siblings, Evan H. Hasugian, Jefri G. Hasugian, and Devi L. Hasugian who are always supports me and give me so much Love.


A great thanks also go to all my incredible friends Apri, Kania, Denny, Dicky, Martin, Petrus, Yudi and Boi, Nonok, Cindy, Hanny, Hetty, Laura, Tami, Wina, Yati, Yosi, Devy for making my day more colorful during 4 years study in this faculty and the whole friends in the campus especially in class B 2010 that I can not mention all of your names. Thank for being such nice friends and supporting me.

Let’s keep our friendship forever.

finally, I realize that my thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, advice, constructive critics and suggestions aiming at this thesis will be warmly welcomed, and highly appreciated.

Medan, July 2014 The Writer

Eka S. Hasugian No. Reg. 100705040



Skripsi ini berjudul “The Morality Reflected in Characters Through Sidney

Sheldon’s The Sa nds of Time.” The sa nds of time adalah sebuah novel yang bercerita tentang kisah empat orang wanita yang terpaksa meninggalkan biara di Spanyol karena ancaman, kekerasan dan hasrat; dan dua pria yang bertikai satu sama lain sampai menimbulkan kematian. sikap kesetiaan, mementingkan diri sendiri, kepedulian dan pembunuhan merupakan aspek moralitas yang terdapat didalam novel ini yang sering terjadi di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Moralitas berhubungan dengan tingkah laku yang baik dan buruk berdasarkan standar moral, standar tersebut diukur tergantung dari lingkungan tempat tinggal seseorang.

Moralitas pada thesis ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan instrinsik dan ekstrinsik oleh Warren and Wallek dan juga menerapkan theori Kant yaitu Categorical Imperative. Menurut Kant, nilai moral dari tindakan bukan di tentukan dari akibat melainkan dari motif perbuatan tersbut. Motif diatur oleh alasan dan bukan hasrat belaka.

Setelelah menganalisis novel tersebut, penulis menemukan bahwa keberanian dan sikap peduli yang terdapat pada tokoh Jaime Mario adalah tingkah laku yang baik; Pembunuhan dan mementingkan diri sendiri yang terdapat pada tokoh Lucia Chermine adalah sikap yang tidak baik.



The title of this thesis is “The Morality Reflected in Characters Through Sidney Sheldon’s The Sa nds of Time.” The sa nds of time is a novel that tells about the adventures of four woman who are forced to leave their Spanish convent for the outside world of threat, violence and passions; and two men who are against each other in a fight to the death. Faith, selfishness, care and murder are the main aspects of morality in this novel that sometimes happen in real life of society. Morality is concern with the rightness or wrongness of rules based on moral standard which has varied that depends on their environmental.

In this thesis, the morality is analyzed by using the intrinsic and extrinsic

approach by Warren and Wellek, and also by applying the Kant’s theory that is Categorical Imperative. According to Kant, moral value of the act is not determined by the consequencess but the motive, the motive is governed by the reason and not may mere by desire.

After analizing the novel, the writer found that Courage and care of Jaime Mario are good conduct. Selfishness and murder of Lucia Chermine are bad conduct.








ABSTRAK ... ix



CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study ... 1

1.2. Problem of the Study ... 6

1.3. Objective of the Study ... 6

1.4. Scope of the Study ... 6

1.5. Significance of the Study ... 6

CHAPTER II:REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Human Being and Character in Fiction... 7

2.2 Character Traits ... 11

2.2.1. The Main Character... 11

2.2.2. The Minor Character ... 11

2.2.3. The Way Character Disclosed in Novel ... 12

2.3 Review of Related Literature ... 13

2.4 The Description of Morality... 15 CHAPTER III: METHOD OF ANALYSIS


3.1 Research Design ... 21

3.2 Data Collection ... 23

3.3 Data Analysis ... 24

CHAPTER IV:ANALYSIS AND FINDING 4.1 Jaime Mario’s Goodness ... 25

4.1.1. Bravery ... 25

4.1.2. Care ... 29

4.2 Lucia’s Badness ... 32

4.2.1. Murder... 32

4.2.2. Selfishness... 35


5.2 Suggestion ... 38


APPENDIX 1: Summary of The Sands of time APPENDIX II: Biography of Sidney Sheldon



Skripsi ini berjudul “The Morality Reflected in Characters Through Sidney

Sheldon’s The Sa nds of Time.” The sa nds of time adalah sebuah novel yang bercerita tentang kisah empat orang wanita yang terpaksa meninggalkan biara di Spanyol karena ancaman, kekerasan dan hasrat; dan dua pria yang bertikai satu sama lain sampai menimbulkan kematian. sikap kesetiaan, mementingkan diri sendiri, kepedulian dan pembunuhan merupakan aspek moralitas yang terdapat didalam novel ini yang sering terjadi di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Moralitas berhubungan dengan tingkah laku yang baik dan buruk berdasarkan standar moral, standar tersebut diukur tergantung dari lingkungan tempat tinggal seseorang.

Moralitas pada thesis ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan instrinsik dan ekstrinsik oleh Warren and Wallek dan juga menerapkan theori Kant yaitu Categorical Imperative. Menurut Kant, nilai moral dari tindakan bukan di tentukan dari akibat melainkan dari motif perbuatan tersbut. Motif diatur oleh alasan dan bukan hasrat belaka.

Setelelah menganalisis novel tersebut, penulis menemukan bahwa keberanian dan sikap peduli yang terdapat pada tokoh Jaime Mario adalah tingkah laku yang baik; Pembunuhan dan mementingkan diri sendiri yang terdapat pada tokoh Lucia Chermine adalah sikap yang tidak baik.



The title of this thesis is “The Morality Reflected in Characters Through Sidney Sheldon’s The Sa nds of Time.” The sa nds of time is a novel that tells about the adventures of four woman who are forced to leave their Spanish convent for the outside world of threat, violence and passions; and two men who are against each other in a fight to the death. Faith, selfishness, care and murder are the main aspects of morality in this novel that sometimes happen in real life of society. Morality is concern with the rightness or wrongness of rules based on moral standard which has varied that depends on their environmental.

In this thesis, the morality is analyzed by using the intrinsic and extrinsic

approach by Warren and Wellek, and also by applying the Kant’s theory that is Categorical Imperative. According to Kant, moral value of the act is not determined by the consequencess but the motive, the motive is governed by the reason and not may mere by desire.

After analizing the novel, the writer found that Courage and care of Jaime Mario are good conduct. Selfishness and murder of Lucia Chermine are bad conduct.



INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study

Literature is a term used to describe a spoken or writen material. This term used to describe a spoken or written material. This term is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific work. It includes work of poetry, drama, fiction and non fiction. Literature is also an expression of emotion, passion, feeling of the writer towards the life, society, experience, and politic. In this case literature represents a language, people, culture, tradition,and historical.

Most of people always ask why people like to read literature. Then now we are going to see the advantage of reading literature. There are so many advantages we get by reading literature. The first is to apreciate the contributions literature has to made history, the second is to see the tragedy, then to explore other cultures and beliefs, to appreciate why individuals are the way they are, to help us see ourselves as others do, to learn better ways to behave, and the last is to further our mastery language.

Edgar V. Roberts in literature : An Introduction to Reading or Writing. Fourth Edition (1995:1), “Literature helps us grow, both personally and intellectually. It provides an objective base for knowledge and understanding. It links us with broader cultural, philosophic, and religious world of which we are a part. It enables us to recognize human dreams and struggles in different places and times that we would never otherwise know. it helps us develop mature sensibility and compassion for the condition of all living things human, animal, and vegetable. It


gives us the knowledge and perception to appreciate the beauty of order and arrangement, just a well structured song or a beautifully painted canvas. It provides the comparative basis from which we can see worthiness in the aims of all people, and it therefore helps us see beauty in the world around us. It exercises our emotions through interest, concern, tension, excitement, laughter, and sympathy. Through our cumulative experience in reading, literature shapes our goals and values by clarifying our own identities both positively, through acceptance of the admirable in human beings, and negatively, through rejection of the sinister. It encourages us to assist creative, talented people who need recognition and support. It is one of the shaping

influences of life. Literature makes us human.” In writing literary work the writer

always has something to tell such as telling about society and their morality of life which has great values to be taken. Taylor (1981:1) said that literature like other arts,

is essentially an imaginative act, that is, an actor the writer’s imagination selection in

selecting, ordering and interpreting life experience. In other words, literary work tends to be the representative of the activity of human real life, that concern on many things especially about morality of life. Literature can be divided into three genres, such as: (1) novel (a work of prose fiction wrriten in the narrative, usually in the form of stories), (2) drama (literature designed to be performed by actors who played works of art orally among the players or dialogue, (3) poetry (expresses a conversation or interchange that is grounded in the most deeply felt experiences of human beings).

Novel is one of literary works which is include as narrative, that describes fictional character and event. Since novel is a narrative fiction, it deals with imagination of human experience in a society. Novel often describes the life of


3 certain people at certain time which makes it challenging and interesting to read. It gives not only amusement to enjoy but also reflection of life to be understood. Tylor (1981, p.46) states that novel is a prose work of quite some length and complexity, which attempts to reflect and express something about the quality of values of human experience or conduct. It is subject matter may be taken from patterns of life as we know it or set in an exotic and imaginative time and place. It means that novel is designed to portray human life which often contins of about the goodness and badness of behavior.

The Sa nds of Time is one of famous novel written by Sidney Sheldon, which was published in 1988. The Sands of Time is the tale of four nuns that are Lucia Chermine, Megan, Greacilia, and sister Teresha. they are abruptly forced to flee the secure environment of their Spanish convent and face a hostile world they long ago abandoned. Suddenly these four women find themselves pawns in a violent struggle between the outlawed Basque underground movement, led by the charismatic Jaime Miro, and the Spanish army, under the command of the vengeful Colonel Ramon Acoca, who is bent on destroying all of them. The Sands of Time is an unforgettable adventure, told against the backdrop of the fascinating countryside of Spain. In combines history, romance and suspense with the unexpected.

The writer chooses The Sands of Time to be analyzed from the point of view of morality because there are two bad attitudes which are selfishness and murder portrayed by Lucia chermine. These kind of attitudes can defect social system and

caused human social’s degradation. But there are also good attitude showed by Jaime

Mario with the Brievery and care, which can inspire the reader to be a good person. Besides morality is one of interesting subjects to discuss because it is related to

Comment [M1]: Comment [M2]:


human behaviour which can affect other people. Behavior is also able to create a problem in the society. It is even possible that the problem causes decrease of the morality of people. Talking about morality, of course it brings us to clarify what the morality is like. Cobuild (1987 : 189) defines morality as an idea that denotes forms of behaviour which is good or bad, either in your opinion or in the opinion of society. On the other hand it means that morality is the generalization of judging good or bad

conduct in every man’s idea.

It is true that the sense of morality reflects the goodness or badness of man’s conduct. The association of this conduct is idea meant to imply the rules that organize individual or social living interaction. The interaction suggest nation that human lives in a society and there is no society lives without having relation or interaction to one another.

Titus (1959 : 377) states “Throughout the history of human society, moral

standards have varied. From the primitive costoms followed by the partly conscious early man to the carefully reasoned theories of life of the mature modern man. Moral practices and standards depend on the stage of social development, on the general

level of intelligence, and on the knowledge avalible at the time”. What the care of

this statement is, morality grows out from the costoms and traditions of the group and the habits of the individual.

In this thesis, The morality analyzed by using the instrinsic and extrinsic

approach by Warren and Wellek, and also by applying the Kant’s theory that is

Categorial Imperative. He is one of philosopher from Jerman. According to Kant, human beings occupy a special place in creation, and morality can be summed up in


5 an imperative, or ultimate commandment of reason, denotes an absolute, unconditional requirement that must be obeyed in all circumstances and is justified as an end in itself.

So, discussing about morality may develop our awareness to make life is better. By understanding these moral, people can know and more understand the moral. Therefore people can be more respectful and care to others. The writer is interested to choose this novel as the subject matter of the discussion because there will be found many aspects of morality that sometimes happen in real life of society, such as faith, selfishness, care and murder. Finally, this thesis focuses on the morality that reflected through characters found in the novel entitled The Sands of time by Sidney Sheldon.

1.2. Problem of the Study

In order to describe Sidney Sheldon’s The Sands of Time, the problem which

are going to analyzed are:

 How are the values of morality reflected in characters through Sidney

Sheldon’s The Sa nds of Time?

 What had happen to characters’ life by maintaining the good moral until the


1.3. Objective of the Study

In regard to the problems of the study , specifically, the objective of this study are,

 To explain the values of morality reflected in character through Sidney

Sheldon’s The Sa nds of Time.

 To describe the life of characters who maintain the good moral until the end of struggle in The Sands of Time.

1.4.Scope of the Study

In doing an analysis, we need to limit the fields which are going to analyzed. It is to makes sure that the analysis is not out of context. In this thesis the scope of the analysis is limited to Jaime Mario’s rightness in terms of faith and care and Lucia’s wrongness in terms of murder and selfishness.

1.5.Significance of the Study

Teoritically, this thesis can help all the readers to enrich knowledge about morality reflected in characters through Sidney Sheldon’s The Sands of time. Practically this thesis can be used as the reference for students of literature for further study, and can be added to the library collection.




2.1 Human Being and Character in Fiction

A human being lives in a material and spiritual world. He is connected with nature and the events of social life by innumerable material and spiritual threads. In this constant interaction between the individual and the world, there is a meaning which is denoted by the comprehensive term "life". The social effect of the individual's activity is determined to a great extent by his position in the structure of the social whole. The individual world forms around the things, institutions and relationships created by human beings, and around other people and their activity. Human activity· is motivated by needs which are the objectively determined forms of a person's dependence on the external world, his subjective expectations of that world, his lack of certain objects and conditions that are necessary for his normal activity, self-fulfilment and development.

A person's life is not simply vegetation in the world, but a purposeful, historically shaped form of creative social activity. A person achieves maximum growth when he expresses this active essence to the fullest extent. Action is the clearest and most expressive revelation of the personality, the revelation of a person's state of mind and his goal. Activity is behaviour regulated by the mind, by consciousness, a process of interaction of living beings as integral systems with the environment.


People's characters are different, All the time we are in a state of expectation. From one person we expect help, kindness, sympathy, humour, from another stubbornness, ambition, from another, silent thoughtfulness or vigorous action. Sometimes, however, the response may not be quite what we expected. Conflicts may also often arise in the social life. A person thinks one thing but acts differently, or holds one view but expresses another. In one situation a person may say one thing, in another the opposite.

Character and characterization are closely related but essentially different concepts. Character refers to one of the persons in the story, the end result of the

author’s effort to create a fictional personality. Characterization on the other hand, refers to the means by which the writer creates the sum of traits, thoghts, and actions which, taken together, constitute a character. As quoted from Bonazza (1982 : 3)

says, “character and characterization are closely related but essentialy different concepts. Character refers to one of the person in the story_the end resullt of the

author’s effort to create a fictional personality. Characterization, on the other hand,

refers to the means by which the writer creates the sun of traits, thought, and action

which, taken together, constitute a character.” It can be concluded that character and

characterization have relation closely. Like Lee says in his book Teaching Literature: A Collection of Essa y on Theory a nd Pra ctice that character is a person presenteds in a dramatic narrative work, and characterization is the process by which a writer makes that character seems real to the reader. The procces includes showing the

character’s appearance, displaying the character’s action, revealing the character’s



Chartacter and Literature are two things that can’t be separated. It is very

impossible that a literature does not have a characterization. Characterization is very important. It serves functions in a story. In a literature character guides readers through their stories, helps them to understood plots and ponder themes. Prose is one of the genre of literatur, along with poetry, and drama. Prose is the ordinary form of spoken and written language whose unit is the sentence. The language in the prose does not have regular rhytmic pattern that is almost found in tradition poetry. Novel, essay, romance and short stories are example of prose.

Novel is kind of prose chosen by the writer to be analyzed. Peck (1988 : 102)

states, “The late arrival of the novel on the literary scene tells us something important

about the genre: it is, above all else, a form of literature which looks at people in society. Writers have, of course, always been interested in the world around them, but the development of the novel reflects a move away from an essentially religious view of life towards a new interest in the complexcities of everybody experience. Most novels are concerned with ordinary pople and their problems in the societies in

which they find themselves.” It means that Novel has often portray the real human situations. In the novel human called as character that portray the personalities of human beings. Kennedy ( 1983: 131) says, “ in novel, a character may be defined as a verbal representation of human being. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters who are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even

hate.” and Quoted from Peck (1988 : 105) says, “. The people in a novel are referred to as characters. We asses them on the basis of what the author tells us about them and on the basis of what they do and say. This is important: we must avoid loose


conjecture about character and establish everything from evidence of the text. Another point to remember is that the characters are part of a broader pattern : they are members of society, and the author’s distinctive view of how people relate to society will be reflected in the persentation of every chapter. From these quotations can be conclude that characters are extremely important because they are the medium through which a reader interacts with a piece of literature.

Every character has his or her own personality, which a creative author uses to assist in forming the plot of astory or creating a mood. The different attitudes, mannerisms, and even appearances of characters can greatly influences the other major elements in literary work, such as theme, setting, and tone. The character is one of the most important tools available to the author. Authors take an indirect approach by indicating how their characters look and act, what they think and say, how they live and how other characters regard them.

Gill (1985:79) says. “An author can use letters, can rely on the conversation of characters, can write about characters’ thought, can concentrate on the expression

on characters, faces, can employ a number of characters who tell the story from theur point of view, and can invite the reader to have doubts about the reliability of the ine

who is telling the story”. It means that, in fiction, a character may be defined as a verbal representation of a human being. The glossary of term defines a character as a person presented in a dramatic or narrative work and characterization is the process by which a writer makes that character seems real to the reader through action, speech, description, and commentary.


11 2.2. Character Traits

According to Roberts and Jacobs (1993:132), a trait is a quality of mind or habitual mode of behaviour, such as always thinking one self, the center of attention. Sometimes, of course, the traits we encounter are minor and therefore negligible. But often a trait may be a person’s primary characteristic. Thus, characters may be selfish, unselfish, caring, carefree, impartial or biased, cruel, quite or noisy, generous, intelligent, inventive, honest, friendly, faith, hardworking, wild, messy, loveable, shy, patriotic, helphful, responsible and so on.

2.2.1. The Main Character

In reading the novel, usually the author will present several characters for the reader that will appear in the novel when the reader reads the entire story of the novel. However, all the characters that the author of the novel present to the reader has different function and role to each character that the author created in the story. Occasionaly, there are some characters that may dominate the entire story, and the others characters may not. The character whose appearance is the most frequently appear in the story usually hold the most important part of the story in the novel, and their traits as the center of the action and the theme of the story. These characters are called as the main characters.

2.2.2. The Minor Character

The minor character can be defined as the supporting characters of the major characters that their function is to illuminate the major characters. The appearance of the minor characters is usually infrequently, it is so much different from the


appearance of the main characters in the story who always dominate for the entire

story. The minor characters’ role are also seems not important as the main characters’ role.

2.2.3. The way character disclosed in novel

According to Robert (1993:20) characters are the persons presented in dramatics of narrative work, who are interpreted by reader as being endowed with the moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say and what they do in action. There are so many ways to learn and understand a character. Roberts and Jacobs states that there are five ways how the writer present the character and this five ways will help the reader to recognize the character.

1. Actions

Action may also signal qualities such as weakness, deceit, strong, inner conflicts and scheming of personality. Action of character is the best way to understand knowing who they are or recognize the character.

2. Descriptions both personal and environmental.

Besides reveal much about a character’s social and economic status,

appearance and environment also tells the readers more about the character trait. 3. Dramatic statements and thoughts.

Character uses speech to hide their motives. The function of speeches to the characters is essential to keep the story moving along, then provide the material from which the reader can draw conclusion.


13 4. Statements by other characters.

The characters usually say something about each others. It can be the goodness, badness, selfishness, foolishness about the others. It makes the reader understand the character and the reader can enhance our understanding of the character being discussed.

5. Statements by the author speaking as story teller or observer.

What the author says about a character is usually accurate because the author is the one who creates the character. For this reason, authors frequently avoid interpretations and devote their skill to arrange events and speeches so that readers may draw their own conclusions.

In analyzing the Right and wrong of human behavior, character also became one of the objects of analysis in this thesis, the view from this book may be really useful for the writer to recognize and understand more about character.

2.3. Review of related studies

Consulting and using the information from some thesis also needed in finishing this thesis. The first thesis is An Analysis of Morality and Its Effect Through Henrik Ibsen’s Play Ghost. by Tutwury Handayani. S. In the thesis, Tutwury talks

about morality on the characters, she says that morality is the mirror of human’s

conduct that has function as guide every action of human being. In this thesis, the writer does not explain more about theory of philosopher, so the reader does not know how she distinguishes the value of moral.

The second thesis is Moral Analysis of the Characters in Sandra Brown’s “Mirror Image” (2011), a thesis written by Riski Ananda. In her thesis, the writer


discusses about moral. In this thesis found so many explanations about moral that concern about the judgment of the goodness and badness of human behavior,

pertaining to the discernment of good and evil. Riski’s thesis can help the writer in

finishing this thesis especially because the eight of moral principle also used in this

thesis. From Riski’s thesis, the writer knows how to apply the eight of moral

principle in analyzing human behavior.

The third is The Importance of Human Life in Paulo Coelho in 2000 “The Devil and Miss Prym” by Padma Sari (2003). In this thesis, the writer discusses about the importance of human focus on the major character by using moral approach. In her thesis, Sari also talks about morality but not specific. The point of

morality in her thesis is only about how someone’s life more important than ten gold bars without mention what kind of goodness and badness has been done by the characters found in the novel.

Sari (2006: vi) writes “because good or bad morality is not

instantly gotten, it is gotten by process and affected by situation and people arround. The morality affect people and it can be seen from the behavior. People should choose and decide something based on their thought and not always following others. Nothing is eternal in this world, thus people should experience may things and learn from those experience.”

The statement above is right. Someone’s conduct can be influenced by people around and the situation, but people know what is right and what is wrong. They are free to make and choose a decision of being good or evil and the experiences of being good or evil will lead them to get better life in future.

As a manual third data, there are the differentiation between Sari’s thesis with



about the wrongness but also the rightness, not only about someone’s life is more

important than ten gold bars but also the kinds of morality that found in the novel such as selfishness, murder, care and courage.

2.4. The Description of Morality

In performing any activity, a person always proceeds from a certain need and out of something, by means of something and for the sake of something or creates something. In social life, a person's activity depends on the character of his relations with the groups in which he is a member. The group itself acts as a special kind of subject of activity, with collective goals and motivations. In group behaviour, one observes such unique phenomena as imitation, emotional "infection", empathy, the subordination of individual activity to group standards and role requirements, and the appearance of a leader, a person exerting the most influence over the group.

Every man has an effect on others and linked into a large relation and all have interconnected on the earth. They are expressing judgment about their conduct. Some of the conducts are called goodness and badness of actions. The actions considered as proceding from intention, deliberation and choice.

The word morality is closely to the word “ethics” the former derives form “moral”. a latin word, where as the latter from “ethos”, a Greek word. Ethics is used to identify “moral philosophy”. Thus, the etymology of the word “ethics” is similar

to etymology of the word “moral”, because both of them are derived from a word, which means custom and tradition. Generally moral suggest in the meaning (teaching of) goodness and evil, which are received by people.


When we are talking about morality, it means we are talking about values of moral. Every one, man or woman, has sense of values. Concern to values, values may be defined as the rate of things as better or worse. Many philosopher argued about the real meaning of values and it becomes the greatest topic which has differences of opinion. As explain in Titus (1959 : 333) ;

“There is no agreement, as we shall see, as to how

values are to be defined. in general. we can say that value judgments apprise the worth of objects. The term value has been variously defined as “that which

satisfies a human need” or a human desire, and as the quality of things” which evokes some appreciative response.”

From the quotation above, it shows that the meaning of value seems abstract. We can not explain the nature of value to a person who does not know it, for

example the word of “love”, we can not explain what exactly the meaning of love or

the nature of love is, because there are many definitions about love. It depends on their experiences, some one says that love is pain and another says that love is happiness.

Titus (1959 : 376) says, “Today there is a tendency to use the terms moral

and morality to refer to the conduct, and ethic and ethical for the study of moral conduct or the system or code which is followed.” From this statement, we can see that morality terms refers to conduct and ethics is the study of moral conduct.

Morality is concerned with the rightness or wrongness of rules. Morality is guidance, which is possesed by individual or society concerning to what is wrong and right according to moral standard. Moral standard is a standard, which interrelated to a case that has serious consequence, based on good reasoning not


17 power authority, more than own interest, impartial and its breaches is associated with feelings of guilt, shame, regret, etc. In other words moral value is standards to decide whether human conduct is right or wrong. Moral are devided into two parts; they are personal moral and social moral. There is fundamental difference between personal moral and social moral. personal moral defines how personally respond to life from or with our integrity, and within our personal values. Social moral defines how one respond to environment, immediate community and the world comunity.

There are a lot of different opinions about the meaning of good and bad or right and wrong as well as value, moral standard has varied. It depends on their environmental. As explain in Titus (1959 : 377) ;

“Throughout the history of human society, moral standard have varied. From the primitive customs followed by the partly conscious early man to the carefully reasoned theories of life of the more mature man. Moral practices and the standards depend on the stage of social development, on the general level of intelligence, and on the knowledge available of the time.

Morality is synonymous with ethics. Ethics is the systematic philosophical study of the moral domain. Ethics and morality cannot be separated for they are closely connected, according to The World Book Enclopedia (1983:292).

“the terms ethics and moral are often used interchangebly.

Yet the philosophers find it convenient to distinguish between the two. Ethics refers to the systematic general science of right and wrong conduct. Moral or morality refers to actual pattern of conduct and the direct rules of moral action. Ethics would be an empty formal abstraction, because philosopher based rthics upon a

reflective analysis of formal experience.”

Titus (1959 : 376) says, “Ethics is the normative study of the principle


that ethics is the sience of the moral. So the differences between moral and ethic are: moral is rules of human conduct, but ethics is a science which studying about good or bad of the conduct or it can be said that ethics refers to the systematically general science of right and wrong conduct. While moral or morality refers to the actual patterns of conduct. Both morality and ethics refer to people’s conduct or people’s behaviour. So morality is concerned with behaviour or conduct, which is interested in moral judgment and ideas about right and wrong.

The writer divided the right and wrong action based on the moral law or categorical imperative as the standart by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) in Titus

(1959:380). Kant’s moral philosophy is sometimes called formalism because he was

looking for moral principle which are inherently right or wrong apart from any particular circumstances. These moral principal or laws are recognized immadiately or directly as true and binding. According to Kant, moral philosophy is concerned

not with what is, but with what ought to be. In man there is a sense of duty, the “I ought,” or the moral law, which prior to experience and which springs from man’s

inner nature. The moral law is the will governed by reason. The moral law brings man into contact with the very order of the universe itself, since the laws of nature and the laws of reason are essentially one. Kant emphasized the good motive or the good will as central. Intelligence and courage good but they may be used to promote evil. Happinness may be gained in ignoble ways. A man may contribute to charity because he wants publicity or lacks the courage to refuse requests. The good will is the dutiful will, which act solely out of respect for the principle of duty. If a man acts from a good motive, the act is good regardless of the consequences. Kant does not say that consequensess are not to be considered or that they are unimportant. He does


19 say that the moral quality of the act is not determined by the consequencess. If the motive is governed by reason and not may mere desire, it is absolute and unconditional admitting no exceptions.

Kant formulates the Categorical Imperative in three different ways:

 The first (Universal Law formulation): "Act only on that maxim (principal on action) through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."

For example : Everyone must act for the same reason that I will act on.

Everyone will eat food when they’re hungry and breaking their promises to friends when they would rather keep their money.

 The second (Humanity or End in Itself formulation): "Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end."

For example : Could everyone eat food when they’re hungry? Yes. Could

everyone refuse to pay their debts when they’d rather keep their money? No, because that would undermine the whole point of having debts to be paid. No one would loan money out in that world. At this point we can already rule out

the maxim of refusing to pay our debts out of convenience, so it’s an

irrational and impermissible maxim and we have a duty not to act from that motive.


 The third (Kingdom of Ends formulation) combines the two: "All maxims as proceeding from our own [hypothetical] making of law ought to harmonise with a possible kingdom of ends."

For example : could we rationally do the maxim to be followed by everyone in our circumstances? Perhaps I can do that people eat when they are hungry,

but not necessarily in every circumstance, such as when there’s limited food

that needs to be shared with others who are also hungry.

Kant adds that we have a “perfect duty” to refrain from doing something that

violates the third step in the sense that there are no exceptions. Whenever we are in the relevant situation, we must refrain from doing the act as much as possible. Since

refusing to pay one’s debts when we prefer to keep our money doesn’t pass the third

step. We have a perfect duty not to refuse to pay our debts for that reason. Kant also thinks we have a prefect duty not to commit suicide when we want to avoid suffering.

If we have a maxim that doesn’t pass the fourth step, then it’s an imperfect

duty to refrain from doing it, which means we must refrain from doing it at least

some of the time. Kant thinks we can’t always refrain from helping others, so we

have a duty to help others at least some of the time.

So, in order to know if an action is morally acceptable based on the

categorical imperative we must ask, “Is the action rationally appropriate for everyone else in the same situation?” If the answer is, Yes, then the action is morally acceptable.




3.1 Research Design

In this thesis, descriptive qualitative research is used. Qualitative method is a method concludes the data and the results by words Bogdan and Taylor (1975:5) explain that qualitative method is a research procedure that descriptive data such as written word or verbal expression from the people and their behavior that have been observed. Neuman (1997:331) classified six characteristics of a qualitative research:

1. The importance of context. Qualitative researchers emphasize the importance of social context for understanding the social world. They hold that the meaning of a social action or statement depends, in an important way, on the context in which it appears. When a researcher removes an event, social action, answer to a question, or conversation from the social context in which it appears, or ignore the context, social meaning and significance are distorted.

2. The case study method. The researchers might gather a large amount of information on one or a few cases, go into greater depth, and get more details on the cases being examined.

3. The researcher’s integrity. The researchers ensure that their research


4. Grounded theory. A qualitative researcher begins with a research question and little else. Theory develops during the data collection process. This more inductive method means that the theory is built from data or grounded in the data.

5. Process. Qualitative researchers look at the sequence of events and pay attention to what happens first, second, and so on. Because qualitative researchers examine the same case over time, they can see an issue involve, a conflict emerge, or a social relationship develop. The researcher can detect process and casual relations.

6. Interpretations. The data are in the form of word, including quotes or descriptions of particular events. The researcher interprets data by giving them meaning, translating them, or making them understandable.

In research method, library research is used in this thesis. Some books which are related to the topic of this thesis are used. The primary source of the data acquired from the novel entitled The Sands of Time. First, the writer read the novel as the source of data of the moral base on the main characters. The secondary data is drawn from other books as references which are concerned about the moral in the literary work especially novel. Then the writer used some books as references which are concerned about the moral to understand the moral. And some data that found from the internet are also used as the supporting references in finishing this thesis. Data will be collected and selected before it is analyzed. And finally, the conclusion of the data will be made to support the ideas of the researcher.


23 3.2 Data Collection

In this thesis, library research is applied by searching and collecting reference that support the topic which is discussed in this thesis. In collecting data, there are several steps that are used in making this thesis. First, reading the novel to get deep understanding about the novel and what the story tells about. Then identifying


Source of the Data:

The sands of time


Character and quotations from the text of novel

The Sa nds of time


Method: Qualitative Descriptive

Data Selected – Interpreted - Analysis


morality which is found from some characters then underlining the moral. After underlined and collecting the data, this thesis has to selecting the data. In selecting the data, the writer selects the important which is needed to support analysis of morality.

Secondary data are gathered from several books that related to the topic of this thesis. The related books that concern to the subject matter being analyzed are used as the source of the idea to support the analysis of this thesis and also to give additional information and statement that can be drawn for this thesis. Some data from the internet are also used as the supporting references that related to moral as the subject matter of this thesis. All the data and information that related to the topic of this thesis are collected then the data will be selected and used in the process of finishing this thesis.

3.3 Data Analysis

The data analysis was applied when all primary important data from the novel The sa nds of time had collected and selected. Several steps in analyzing the data are implemented. Firstly, data is identified from dialogues or statements which lead to the moral of the character. Then, get some moral through some quotations of novel The Sa nds of Time. Secondly, those quotations will be analyzed to give interpretation about the moral through some characters of the novel. The interpretation will be supported by quotations from some other books about the moral and some information from the internet. Finally, conclusion will be inferred from the analysis.




4.1. Jaime Mario’s Goodness

Jaime Mario is one of the characters in the novel “The Sands of Time.” He is a Daring Basque “freedom fighter” who proposes to rescue Basque from detention

by Spanish Authorities. In the story, he is Famous with Bravery and care Characterization. Even, the characters give adorable effect for many people are around him.

4.1.1. Bravery

Bravery is the same as courage. Courage or fortitude is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. Based on Kant’s theory, the categorical imperative, courage is rationally necessary for us to be willing to do the right thing when the right thing is done at personal risk to oneself. Emotions must be disregarded if they conflict with the demands of moral reason.

Based on the story in ‘The Sands of Time’, Jaime Miro was the man of great courage. His courage never changed. He still kept his courage to regain the

autonomy. He was fighting to resign Basques’ autonomy. Even though the

government would not give the autonomy to him or the Basques, he had spirit and courage to keep fighting for it. He had brave plan and he took his plan into careful consideration.


“No. Not for us it isn’t. The government will still not permit us to fly

the Basque flag or celebrate our national holidays or speak our own

language. No, Sister. We’re still being oppressed. We’ll keep on

fighting until we gain our independence. There are half a million Basques in Spain and a hundred fifty thousand more in France. We want our independence.” (Sidney Sheldon : 464)

The quotation above shows that Jaime Mario fights for their human rights. Jaime wanted the government to give freedom for Basque people. They wanted to shake off the yoke, that is the oppression that done by the government which actually

should protect them. “We’ll keep on fighting until we gain our independence.” This sentence shows that Jaime has fervent belief in grabbing the independence. To against the government is the hard thing because the government has the strong civil defense, such as police and army that are supplied many weapons. As apart of society, Jaime certainly knew this thing, nevertheless he still had strong belief and willing to fight. He was also all ready to take the risk.

“What will they do to you if the soldiers catch you?”

Megan asked.

“Execute me.” He said it so matter-of-factly that for a moment Megan thought she had misunderstood.

“Aren’t you afraid?”

“Of course I’m afraid. We’re all afraid. None of us wants to die, Sister. We’ll meet your God soon enough. We don’t want to rush it.”

(Sidney Sheldon : 465)

The quotation above shows that the execution or death is the risk that will be occured to Jaime Mario. People who are willing to accept the risk are people who have the courage and firmness. In the discussion above, Jaime said those words with

any fearless “Execute me. " He said it so matter of factly that for a moment Megan thought she had misunderstood." These words show Jaime’s personality that he does not care about his interests but rather the interests of other people whom he loved.


27 Those words also show how Jaime faces the fear. "Of course I'm afraid. We're all afraid. None of us wants to die, Sister. We'll meet soon enough your God. We do not want to rush it. "From this quote, Jaime is not only courageus to accept the risk, but also ready to fight for what he has planned. He is brave to die but he does not want to accelerate the death, on the other words Jaime will fight until death. Jaime Mario is one of the amazing man, because he wants sacrifice himself for Basque people.

“His life is in danger. And she thought of how terrible it must be for Jaime to be living under that shadow, running from the police and the army. And all because he believed in an ideal so much that he

was willing to die for it.” (Sidney Sheldon : 471)

Jaime Mario’s struggle is so remarkable. It could be seen from strong belief of Jaime Mario who fights for the human rights of Basque. He against the government, so that police and army wanted to caught him, but he still survived for the happiness of others or Basque without thinking about the risk of the conduct. He was not afraid though the danger always followed him.

The procession made its way down the corridor. From outside, in the street, they could hear the chant of the crowd:


Jaime Jaime

” It was a swelling, bursting from a thousand throats, growing louder and louder.

“They’re calling for you,” Pedros Arrange said. “No. They’re calling for themselves.

They’re calling for freedom. Tomorrow they’ll have another name. I may die— but

there will always be another name.”(Sidney Sheldon : 574)

Jaime Mario is having an effect on others. It can see from the words of “From outside, in the street, they could hear the chant of the crowd: “Jaime, Jaime, Jaime”

Fron the quatation can concludes that Jaime Mario is a precious one to Basque people. Generally when someone do good action the one will get the good respect


from others or get the reward. like Jaime mario condition, he get support from a lot of people, even the voice which comes from thousands of throats call his name. It i s

very amazing. Jaime mario’s actions able to rise the Basque people’ spirit to against Spain for their right. Jaime’s bravery influence others and jaime become inspiration

to Basque.

Jaime Miró’s body was smuggled out through a back door of the prison. The body

bag was thrown into the back of an unmarked van. But the moment the vehicle pulled out of the prison grounds, the crowd in the street pressed forward, as though drawn to it by some mystic magnet.

“Jaime Jaime”

But the cries were softer now. Men and women wept, and their children looked on in wonder, not understanding what was happening. The van made its way through the

crowd and finally turned onto a highway. “Jesus,” the driver said. “That was spooky. The guy must have had something.”

“Yeah. And thousands of people knew it, too!” (Sidney Sheldon : 576)

When Jaime Mario punish with death penalty, Basque people call his name loudly. it seems that they do not want Jaime Mario die. It shows that jaime Mario is

important one to their life. The words of “Men and women wept, and their children

looked on in wonder, not understanding what was happening.” It is shows that jaime

mario is the good one, because every one man or woman fell sad and cry because Jime mario will go forever.

Jaime phunished because he bravery againts Spain for Basque right and freedom. Jaime Bravery because he love and care to Basque people. Jaime action gives great effect to others, even to out of Basque people. It can see from one of statement the one of driver, “Jesus,” the driversaid. “That was spooky. The guy must

have had something.”

The giant holding the garrote moved behind Jaime. Warden Gomez de la




The warden looked at the giant and nodded. The giant lifted the garrote in his hand and reached forward. The guards outside the door could hear the chanting of the mob

in the street. “You know something?” one of the guards grumbled. “I wish I was out there with them.” (Sidney Sheldon : 576)

Jime mario still shows his strugle until rest of his life, he does not afraid face

death ““Do you want a cloth over your face? “No.” jaime mario is a hero for Basque

and he is able sacrifice his life for basque right. He never afraid against spain even spain have a great powerful. Jaime Mario action gives great effect to the Basque.

4.1.2 Care.

Care is letting things matter to us, including other people. It means valuing their well being and acting with attention to their needs. It is the first step toward and motivating factor behind our actions. When we care about someone or something, we hold a consciousness of what can harm them and what is needed for them to flourish. Our caring can comfort another person even when neither of us has the power to change a difficult situation. Based on the story in The Sands of Time, Jaime Miro is a social person who cares about other people. He cares about his friend, and his people.

“He is not an easy man to know. But he is a man of great honor and

great bravery. He is a very caring man. There is no one like him. Did

I tell you how he saved my life, Sister?” (Sidney Sheldon : 470)

In general, when someone gets help from others, the one automatically wants to share the goodness to someone who is nearby. As well as the quotation, it is the

conversation between Jaime Mario’s friend and a nun. Mario’s friend talked about


Jaime has extraordinary sense of care, which can be seen from the word

“great” and “very” , great means an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above

the normal or average. The word ‘very’ means something in a high degree. So, it

shows that Jaime Mario is full of caring to others. It is can be proved from the sentence of the quatation“Did I tell you how he saved my life, Sister?.” When one can helps the others it means that the person has a sense of care, then the sense is expressed through an action.

“They were driving through the rolling hills that heralded the

approach to Burgos. Jaime was quiet behind the wheel. When he finally spoke, he said, “Felix, when we get to San Sebastian, I want to make arrangements to get Rubio away from the police.” (447)

Caring is an important quality in order to be a friend. Caring does not only mean that one concerns about oneself but also knows what a friend needs when he is in trouble. Jaime Mario is a good friend, he cares about his friend sicerely.When his friend was in the prison,he always thought of how to liberate his friend. Eventhough at that time he was driving the rolling hills. He ignored the precipitous road that it might endanger their soul. They had been passsing. The quatation states that as long as the journey Jaime Mario was silent, when he finally spoke, he spoke about how to make Rubio away from the police. The situation was proved that Jaime Mario

thought about Rubio’s problem as long the journey.

The Quotation shows that Jaime Mario has deep sense of caring to his friend. He made arrangement to save Rubio from the police. This action is the conduct which is full of risk because Jaime hasto face or against the police. But because of



“I had seen my mother and father and sisters shot down, and friends murdered, and I couldn’t face what was happening here on this

bloody earth. The stars were an escape. They were millions of light years away, and I used to dream of going to them one day and

getting away from this awful planet.”

She was watching him, silent.

“But there is no escape, is there? In the end, we all have to face up to our responsibilities. So I came back down to earth.” (Sidney Sheldon : 472)

The words of “bloody earth” brings our mindset to think that there is no

peace between one and another who are living on the earth.The writer said like that because the color of blood is red, generally red color is used as warning symbol of trouble. Blood can run out from our body because there is a part of our body hurts or

blood vessel is broken.“The stars were an escape”means at the time Jaime Mario was

not able to face the situation, he needed place to escape.

From those quotation above, Jaime Mario’s struggle is not without reason. He watched everything that had been done by the government to Basque. Jaime wanted a peaceful life, but the reality was not what he wanted. Therefore, Jaime got up and decided to devote himself to the Basque society in defense of truth and their rights. He fought confidently despite the danger was threatening him. He never retreated at all.This text proves that Jaime does have a caring nature, not just his friends, but also on society Basque. If he does not have a caring nature then he will not fight to the death to defend the rights of people who are nearby, even though death threatens him.


4.2 Lucia’s badness

Lucia Carmine is the other character beside of Jaime Mario in the novel

of “The Sands of time”. Lucia is the daughter of a Mafia boss in Italy, she lost everything when her father’s business crumbled. However, she managed to take revenge to the two of his father's betrayers - the bribed judge and Carmine's personal bodyguard - through assassination. She was put in the wanted-list of the police since then, as the main suspect whose motives were too obvious to the public. Lucia attempts to flee the country, deciding to go to Switzerland, where a hidden bank account contains millions of dollars promised to her by her father. However, while going through Spain, she decides to hide out at the convent so the police won’t find her. At the convent she is become a nuns, but her characters are contrast to be a nun. Murder and selfishness are the badness conduct owned by Lucia Cermine

4.2.1. Murder

Based on Kant’s theory, the categorical imperative, Killing people is wrong whenever it would be inappropriate for someone to kill us, and we need to consider the motivational reason for killing someone. It would be wrong for people to kill us out of greed just to take our money, so it is wrong for everyone to kill out of

green to take other people’s money. However, it would be right for someone to kill

us if necessary to defend themselves from attack out of self-respect, so it is right for everyone else as well.

Lucia is a girl that was born from a wealthy family. She has bad characteristic. She does not care about other people at all. Lucia had already killed

Comment [T5]: Lebih baik disambung ke kalimat baru.


33 two men. She thought those men deserved to die because they had plunged her father and brothers into prison. It can be seen in the following quote:

“Busceta never finished his toast. He was seized by a sudden spasm, and he felt a red-hot poker stabbing at his

heart. He grabbed his chest. “oh, my God! call a doctor”

Lucia sat there, calmly sipping her tea, watching the judge stumble to his feet and fall to the floor. He lay there, his body twitching, and then he was still.” (Sidney Sheldon : 137)

The quotationis evidence that Lucia had killed someone. She killed the victim by giving poison to the water that would be drunk by the victim. It can be said that Lucia had arranged a plan to kill the man. “Busceta never finished his toast. He was seized by a sudden spasm, and he felt a red-hot poker stabbing at his heart.” These sentences prove that there is a plan in the murder. The first is Lucia had prepared the poison.The second is Lucia’s actions were not suspected by the victim while they were to get her at the time. How could he did not see Lucia’s action when she put the poison into the drink. So it can be said that the homicide was planned by Lucia because something that had been planned and trained. Therefore, it can not be known by others.

Lucia was able to kill that person without fear at all. In fact,she was able to watch the process of the death of her partner calmly, althoughat the time the victim begged to Lucia to call a doctor. “..he felt a red-hot poker stabbing at his heart. He grabbed his chest. oh, my God! call a doctor” Lucia sat there, calmly sipping her tea, watching the judge stumble to his feet and fall to the floor.” This quotation proves that Lucia wanted the victim's death. Lucia is a woman who was able tokilled. She did not have any fear as if she was a reliable murderer,"Lucia sat there, calmly


sipping her tea, .." this quotation clearly show the sensation or expression of Lucia at the time, she enjoyed the incident greatly , the incident that made the victim suffer, the incident that was never desired by the victim.

“Lucia carmine had murdered respected judge and had then

committed a second murder within the very walls of a prison. In their eyes, equal to her crimes was the fact that she had made fools of them. The news paper were having a

wonderful time at their expense.”

“I want her neck,” the police commisioner roared to his deputy. “ and I want it today.” (Sidney Sheldon : 141).

In the quotation,there are words “Lucia carmine had murdered respected

judge..” In the quotation there are the words"Murdered Lucia carmine had respected judge.." It means Lucia was able to kill a highly respected person. The man is a judge, a person who should be able to predict the movement of Lucia at that time, who had the intention to kill him.

Lucia’s action made the police feel resentful because they could not catch Lucia,a woman who killed two people alone. It shows shrewdness and intelligence of Lucia to kill someone , even she was capable to kill someone in the area of police or prison.“...had then committed a second murder within the very walls of a prison.” From this quotation certainly Lucia had done criminal action that is murder. The murder that had been filling her mind, she felt satisfied for what she had done.

Lucia’s action was able to make police become angry and impatient to catch Lucia as

soon as possible. “I want her neck,” the police commisioner roared to his deputy.

“ and I want it today.” The police wanted Lucia's head, he spoke it loudly. It shows


35 4.2.2. Selfishnes

Selfishness is person’s attitude that caring to much for himself and too little

for others. A selfish person puts his own interest first and shows care solely or chiefly for one self. Selfishness denotes an excessive or exclusive concern with oneself, and as such it exceeds mere self interest or self concern. It also harms other people which commonly lead to the action of revenge and other similar immoral actions. Based on the story in The Sands of Time, Lucia jus cares about her interest and does not considers others.

“They passed fields with sheep and goats. By sunrise they

has covered several miles and found themselves in a

wooded area outside the small village of Villacastin.” “ I’ll

leave them here, Lucia decided. Their God can take care of them now. He sure took great care of me, she thought bitterly. Switzerland is farther away than ever. I have no money and no passport, and I dressed like an undertaker. By

now those man know we’ve escaped. They’ll keep looking

until they find us. The sooner I get away by myself, the

better.” (Sidney Sheldon : 63).

From quotes above, we can see that Lucia have selfish character,. She prefer to save herself first and leave her friends. “..The sooner I get away by myself, the

better.” Lucia

She could do that eventhough thaey have been together and escape from monastery. .

“They passed fields with sheep and goats. By sunrise they has covered several miles

and found themselves in a wooded area outside the small village of Villacastin.”

From the quote we can see that they have been pass a long and far miles journey even until the sunset they keep still have trip in many obstacles. It is irrational because how come someone who has been together with her friends for a


long time even just save herself and leave her friends behind. But this is Lucia’s character that has selfishness and never think about others.

Quotes bellow is also one of proves that bad character of Lucia is selfishness.

“Lucia had no idea how the cross had gotten there, nor did she care. She finally had it in her hands. All she had to do now was to slip away from the others.

She creep out of the sleeping bad and looked over to where sister Teresa had slept. She was gone. Lucia looked around in the darkness, and she could barely make out the figure of Thomas Sanjuro at the edge of the clearing, facing away from her, She

was not sure where Robio was. It doesn’t matter.” (Sidney Sheldon : 307).

Lucia felt that she has had what she wanted, that she gets a gold cross. When she gets the cross, the first thing she want to do is escape far away and leave her friend without thinks about the impact of her action.".. She finally had it in her hands. All she had to do now was to slip away from the others. " This is one proof





After reading and making the study on the morality in Sidney Sheldon’s The Sa nds of time, the writer comes to the conclusions that the novel maintain the

remaining piece of appreciating morality as guiding block of people’s deed. Whether or not, morality is the persons or characters’s way of living to rise the good values

inherents in norms.

The wright and wrong conduct in those main characters is certain of some rules in an individual as social living. The people judge their attitude through their interaction to one another and the reason of the characters do the conduct.

Based on the Theory of Kant, the categorical imperative, James mario rightness is courage and care. The courage is right conduct because Jaime Mario keep fighting to help his people, He had spirit to keep fighting their right as human

and giving peaces to the Basque’s life. The second rightness of Jaime Mario is care,

it is right because Jaime mario loves his friends and the Basque’s without hopes the

feedback. He just wants his friends live in peace and minimize the problems when his friends in trouble. Besides of Jaime Mario, the other character is Lucia Chermine, Lucia has bad character, that is Selfishness and murder. The selfish character is wrong because she always think herself without considers others, she does not care about the effect of her conduct but only her interest. The next is murder, it is wrong conduct because she kill another becauseof she wants the victim suffer, she arranges


some way to killing and satisfying herself. The end of struggle in The Sands of time shows that the care and bravery are not only the good moral but also brings the positive effect for life. By maintaining these moral, Jaime Mario becomes the inspiration for others especially for Basque people. He brings courage for Basque to fight their right.


This thesis talks about right and wrong of human behavior found in the novel The sa nds of time by sidney sheldon. The writer realizes that there may be some missing points in the process of analyzing this thesis and some of them are analyzed unclearly.

The sa nds of time is a good novel and very good to read because it talks about both right and wrong of human behavior. Courage, care, selfishness and murder are the most dominat of human behavior found in this novel. This novel is also a good novel to be analyzed because it contains the insight about human behavior.


arrested. The Reverend Mother gives Sister Teresa a gold cross to take with her to another convent.

The four escapees are Sister Teresa, Sister Graciela, Sister Lucia and Sister Megan. The nuns have to adjust to the ordinary world and this is daunting for three of the nuns. Sister Lucia who only joined the order recently is the one who finds it easiest to adapt. Colonel Accoa believing the nuns are hiding Jaime Miro, has his men raid the convent, arresting and raping the nuns. Lucia leads the nuns through the countryside to a safe convent, planning to steal the gold cross, pawn it, and get money and a fake passport to go to Switzerland and get her money.

While the nuns are in danger trying to escape the Colonel. The story also shifts setting. The story not only tells about their adventure but also tells about the background each of the four nuns and As the nuns and Jamie Miro flee the story is impossible to put down. With the nuns being exposed to the outside world tensions and romances begin. The first is Lucia, Sister Lucia, as Lucia Carmine, she comes to the convent to hide from the police. Lucia Carmine is the daughter of a Mafia boss in Italy, lost everything when her father’s business crumbled. However, she has desired to killing the two of his father's betrayers - the bribed judge and Carmine's personal bodyguard through assassination. She was put in the wanted list of the police since then, as the main suspect whose motives were too obvious to the public. Lucia attempts to flee the country, deciding to go to Switzerland, where a hidden bank account contains millions of dollars promised to her by her father. However, while going through Spain, she decides to hide out at the convent so the police won’t find her. The second is Teresa, Sister Teresa is around 60, having been at the convent for


30 years. Growing up, she was always overshadowed by her stunningly beautiful younger sister Monique. However the rather plain Teresa had a lovely voice, and sang on the radio. A famous theatre director came to see her, but Monique got to him first, and he decided that compared to her sister, Teresa was too ugly to be in his show. This started a rivalry between the two sisters. Teresa fell in love with a young man named Raoul, but he eloped with her sister shortly before the wedding. Heartbroken, Teresa attempted suicide then suffered depression throughout her life. When Raoul sent her a letter stating that Monique left him with their baby and that it was Teresa he wanted all along, she decided to go into the convent because she could not face him. The third is Gracielia, Sister Graciela is the daughter of a woman whose fiancé left when he found out she was pregnant. Graciela’s mother, also gorgeous, became a whore, resenting her daughter and sleeping with many different men. When Graciela was 14, she was attracted to her mother’s current boyfriend, who was a “Moor.”They were caught having sex by Graciela’s mother, who threw an iron ashtray at Graciela’s head, injuring her. Convinced that she could not go back home, Graciela chose to join the convent and the last is Megan, Sister Megan is a tomboy who was abandoned at a farm as a baby, but then brought to an orphanage because the farmers had no money to take care of her. She developed a love of reading and learned several languages there, daydreaming about who her parents could be. When she reached the age of 15, she decided to join the convent because she loved going to church. She was known as Patricia before the airplane that they are riding crash. Her parents died, but Milo and Ellen together with Patricia, luckily survived. At the moment, Ellen see an opportunity in owning the Scott Industries so they left Patricia at the front door of a farmer in Avila. Later they found out that in


the Will of milo's brother, Bryan, (owner or scott industry, father of Patricia)leaving the whole company to his brother and only part of the income goes to Patricia.


Biography of Sidney Sheldon

Sidney Sheldon (February 11, 1917 – January 30, 2007) was an American writer. His TV works spanned a 20-year period during which he created The Patty Duke Show (1963–66), I Dream of Jeannie (1965–70) and Hart to Hart (1979–84), but he became most famous after he turned 50 and began writing best -selling novels, such as Master of the Game (1982), The Other Side of Midnight (1973) and Rage of Angels (1980). He is the seventh best selling fiction writer of all time. Sheldon was born Sidney Schechtel in Chicago, Illinois. His parents, of Russian Jewish ancestry, were Ascher “Otto” Schechtel (1894–1967), manager of a jewelry store, and Natalie Marcus. At 10, Sidney made his first sale, US$5 for a poem. During the Depression, he worked at a variety of jobs, and after graduating from East High School (Denver), he attended Northwestern University and contributed short plays to drama groups.

In 1937, Sheldon moved to Hollywood, California, where he reviewed scripts and collaborated on a number of B movies. Sheldon enlisted in the military during World War II as a pilot in the War Training Service, a branch of the Army Air Corps, His unit was disbanded before he saw any action. Returning to civilian life, he moved to New York City where he began writing musicals for the Broadway stage while continuing to write screenplays for both MGM Studios and Paramount Pictures. He earned a reputation as a prolific writer; for example, at one time he had


three musicals on Broadway: a rewritten The Merr y Widow, Ja ckpot, and Dream with Music. His success on Broadway brought him back to Hollywood where his first assignment was The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, which earned him the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay of 1947. He was one of the writers on the screenplay for the 1948 musical film Easter Parade and sole writer for the 1950 musical film Annie Get Your Gun, both of which featured the songs of Irving Berlin.

When television became the new popular medium, he decided to try his hand in it. "I suppose I needed money," he remembered. "I met Patty Duke one day at lunch. So I produced The Patty Duke Show, and I did something nobody else in TV ever did. For seven years, I wrote almost every single episode of the series."

Sheldon created, produced and wrote I Dream of Jeannie in his co-production capacity with Screen Gems. He wrote all but two dozen scripts in five years, sometimes using three pseudonyms (Mark Rowane, Allan Devon, Christopher Golato) while simultaneously writing scripts for The Patty Duke Show. He also used the same pseudonyms in writing all seventeen episodes of Nancy. He later admitted that he did this because he felt his name was appearing too often in the credits as creator, producer, copyright owner and writer of these series. He also created and wrote for the series Hart to Hart.

Production for I Dream of Jeannie ended in 1970 after five seasons. It was "During the last year of I Dr eam of Jeannie, I decided to try a novel," he said in 1982. "Each morning from 9 until noon, I had a secretary at the studio take all calls. I mean every single call. I wrote each morning — or rather, dictated — and then I faced the TV business."


In 1969, Sheldon wrote his first novel, The Naked Face, which earned him a nomination for the Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America in the category of Best First Novel. His next novel, The Other Side of Midnight, climbed to 1 on The New Yor k Times Best Seller list as did several ensuing novels, a number of which were also made into motion pictures or TV miniseries. His novels often featured determined women who persevere in a tough world run by hostile men.Most of his readers were women. Asked why this was the case he said: "I like to write about women who are talented and capable, but most important, retain their femininity. Women have tremendous power — their femininity, because men can't do without it."Books were Sheldon's favorite medium. "I love writing books," he commented. "Movies are a collaborative medium, and everyone is second-guessing you. When you do a novel you're on your own. It's a freedom that doesn't exist in any other medium." He is the author of 18 novels which have sold over 300 million copies.

Three years before his death, The Los Angeles Times called Sheldon "Mr. Blockbuster" and "prince of potboilers."

Personal Life

Sheldon was first married to Jane Kaufman Harding (1945-1948). Later he wrote "Regretfully, in less than a month, Jane and I realized we had made a mistake. We spent the next nine months trying in vain to make the marriage work."

He was married for 30 years to Jorja Curtright, a stage and film actress who later became an interior designer. She appeared in a Season One episode of I Dream


of Jea nnie. She died of a heart attack in 1985. Their daughter, Mary Sheldon, became a novelist as well.

He married Alexandra Joyce Kostoff, a former child actress and an advertising executive of Macedonian origin, Ohrid, in Las Vegas in 1989. He struggled with bipolar disorder for years; he contemplated suicide at 17 (talked out of it by his father, who discovered him), as detailed in his autobiography published in 2005, The Other Side of Me.


Sheldon won an Academy Award for Writing Original Screenplay (1947) for The Ba chelor a nd the Bobby-Soxer, a Tony Award (1959) for his musical Redhead, and was nominated for an Emmy Award for his work on I Dr eam of Jeannie, an NBC sitcom. Sheldon had a Golden Palm Star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars dedicated to him in 1994.