Double-click the Decision component for example the OracleRules1 business

Getting Started with Oracle Business Rules 24-23

24.7 Using Business Rules with Oracle ADF Business Components Fact Types

You can use Oracle ADF Business Components Fact Types and ActionTypes from the Business Rules Service Engine. Typically, a Decision component can be used within a SOA composite and wired to a BPEL component and the Oracle Business Rules rules act on XML types. The Business Rules Service Engine is called as a web service with a payload containing instances of the XML schema types, and the service engine returns a response similarly. It is also possible to use Oracle ADF Business Components Fact Types from a Decision component. Instead of loading the Oracle ADF Business Components Fact Type instances and passing them to the Business Rules Service Engine, you call the Business Rules Service Engine with configuration information describing how the Oracle ADF Business Components view object rows can be loaded. Special Oracle Business Rules decision functions in the DecisionPointDictionary and classes in the Oracle Business Rules SDK Decision Point API then load the rows and assert Oracle ADF Business Components fact type instances. When working with Oracle ADF Business Components Fact Types, you write rules that use user-defined Java classes which inherit from ActionType to affect action, such as modifying the Oracle ADF Business Components fact type instances such that they update their underlying database rows. A Decision component requires an XML document as input. The Oracle Business Rules Decision Point dictionary provides an XML Fact Type called SimpleDecisionPointInput that serves as this input. The primary keys of Oracle ADF Business Components are passed to the business rule service component. The business rule service component invokes a user-defined decision function which it invokes to load the Oracle ADF Business Components view object instances, asserts them in the rules engine, and then marshals the results in the following order: 1. DecisionPointDictionary.DecisionPoint_Preprocessing_Webservice Ruleset: The preprocessing ruleset reads the business component from the database and asserts them as facts. 2. User-defined rulesets: The user ruleset matches these facts and should assert facts that extend ActionType to update the business component. 3. DecisionPointDictionary.DecisionPoint_Postprocessing_Webservice Ruleset: The actual updating is performed by the postprocessing ruleset. Use of ActionTypes is optional. For specific instructions on how to use Oracle ADF Business Components Fact Types and ActionTypes from the Business Rules Service Engine, see the source code for Oracle Business Rules-specific samples and SOA samples available online at