Enter useRuleDictTaskFlow in the Project Name field and ensure that ADF

Using Declarative Components and Task Flows 25-47 public void setDocumentString string { URL url = null; try { url = new URLRULES_FILE1; } catch MalformedURLException e { System.err.printlne; return; } Writer writer = null; try { os = new FileWriterurl.getPath; writer = new OutputStreamWriternew FileOutputStreamurl.getPath, UTF-8; } catch FileNotFoundException e { System.err.printlne; return; } catch IOException e { System.err.printlne; return; } try { writer.writestring; } catch IOException e { System.err.printlne; } finally { if writer = null { try { writer.close; } catch IOException ioe { System.err.printlnioe; } } } } private String readFileURL dictURL { InputStream is; try { is = dictURL.openStream; } catch IOException e { System.err.printlne; return ; } BufferedReader reader; try { reader = new BufferedReadernew InputStreamReaderis, UTF-8; } catch UnsupportedEncodingException e { System.err.printlne; return ; } String line = null; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder; String ls = System.getPropertyline.separator; try { while line = reader.readLine = null { stringBuilder.appendline; stringBuilder.appendls; } 25-48 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developers Guide for Oracle SOA Suite } catch IOException e { System.err.printlne; return ; } finally { try { reader.close; } catch IOException e { System.err.printlne; } } return stringBuilder.toString; } public String getRelatedDocumentRelatedMetadataPath relatedMetadataPath { String currPath = RULES_FILE1.substring0, RULES_FILE1.indexOforaclerules; String relatedDoc = currPath + oraclerules + relatedMetadataPath.getValue; URL url = null; try { url = new URLrelatedDoc; return readFileurl; } catch IOException e { System.err.printlne; } return ; } } 8. Create a Java class called MyNLSPreferences that implements the oracle.integration.console.metadata.model.share.NLSPreference s interface, which is defined in soaComposerTemplates.jar. For more information about the NLS Preferences interface, see Section I.2, The NLSPreferences Interface. The following is a sample of MyNLSPreferences.java that implements the NLSPreferences interface: package useruledicttaskflow; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import oracle.integration.console.metadata.model.share.NLSPreferences; public class MyNLSPreferences implements NLSPreferences { private static final String DATE_STYLE = yyyy-MM-dd; private static final String TIME_STYLE = HH-mm-ss; public MyNLSPreferences { super; } public Locale getLocale { return Locale.getDefault; } public TimeZone getTimeZone { return TimeZone.getTimeZoneAmericaLos_Angeles;