Its all a joke in the good old USA All we need is more factories pumping filth into the sky God save the USA - blame the president and say your prayers

66 the President is lost for the problem that cannot be solved by neither CIA nor NRA in the previous line under his authority.

d. Its all a joke in the good old USA

The word joke in this line is not in accordance with what is later uttered in 9 th -11 th lines: {1} All we need is more factories pumping filth into the sky. 2 Corporate greed and perverted priests, its the story of our lives. 3 And apathys the national disease and there is no end in sight. Thus, it means the opposite; it is something serious concerning state affairs. As it has been discussed before the speaker has been insulted by the action of CIA in suspecting Iraq to have dreadful weapon, which was resulted a war.

e. All we need is more factories pumping filth into the sky

Satire occurs in this line implied the madness and disappointed feeling of the speaker to American head of state. What actually the speaker means that he does not appreciate of what is done by the president, which make more factories waste more pollutions to the air. It is a way in telling the opposite of the surface means ‘filth is needed’. An ironic and satirical way to say “stop” for the action of making the air filled with filth with the factory. 67

f. God save the USA - blame the president and say your prayers

tonight. Kinds of irony contained here is satire. By saying blame the president, the speaker would like to make the listeners to have a negative opinion about Bush as a sitting president who is the main person who got the responsibility of the impact of his policies. The president makes his country got bad image for his every policy. A country he lead which is well known as a democratic country and very often to speak about democracy everywhere now betrays its own ideology when the president decide to invade an independent country such as Iraq with a suggestion of possessing a destructing weapon which is later is not proven. The speaker then speak to the listener that it is all because of Bush, making this country seems so ironic since freedom is not a big deal for policy of Bush as a president is just like a decision of a king which is unbreakable. Negara besar seperti Amerika yang menyebut dirinya yang paling demokratis di dunia, nyatanya tidak berbeda dengan negara lainnya yang juga mempertimbangkan segala sesuatunya berdasarkan kepentinggannya sendiri dan mengabaikan fakta-fakta yang merugikan mereka. Negara yang dianggap memiliki toleransi dan kebebasan yang tinggi itu nyatanya tidak pernah beranjak dari paradigma lamanya dalam menghadapi musuh-musuhnya. Negara yang begitu mengagungkan hak asasi manusia itu nyatanya begitu bangga membantai ribuan manusia tak berdosa, baik di Afganistan maupun Irak sekarang. Negara dengan teknologi yang sangat canggih itu pun masih merasa perlu untuk menuduh pihak-pihak lain atas berbagai kesalahan dan kegagalan yang dilakukannya dalam perang Irak. Rusia, Iran, Suriah secara bergantian dituduh membantu Irak. Negara, seperti Amerika dan Inggris ini, nyata-nyata bangga dengan predikat imperialis yang 68 disandangnya. Sungguh suatu ironi yang amat menyedihkan di abad yang dianggap maju dan beradab ini 111 .

g. The irony of liberty is no one here is truly free