The Writer’s Role on the Study Research Design

Figure 3.1 Model of Action Research 4

F. The CAR Procedures

Based on the research design above, there are four steps in each cycle: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. After, the writer, the teacher, and the students accomplish cycle I, and then there might be found a new problem. Hence, it is essential to continued to the next or the second cycle with the same model of the first cycle. Based on the result and practiced in the previous cycle, the writer and the teacher will follow the same phases. These are the following of the explanation in every phase in CAR:

1. Planning Phase

In planning phase, after the writer and the teacher have been shared the information, she identifies and diagnoses students’ reading problem occurred 4 Suharsimi Arikunto, dkk, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara, 2008, p.16 PLANNING ACTING PLANNING ACTING OBSERVING OBSERVING REFLECTING REFLECTING CYLCE 1 CYCLE II ? in the class proven by observing and interviewing. Afterward, the writer analyzes the data that have been identified through observation and interview and she makes conclusion. After that, the writer made lesson plan based on the recent used syllabus. The writer describes the project or activity that she has been designed for her students by preparing lesson plan and applying lesson plan in VII-2 grade class at SMPIT Darul Muttaqien Parung Bogor. Including an explanation about syllabus based on the curriculum, and all the things that are need to complete the plan. The writer’s preparation includes a general timeline for this work for example how much time did she spend during the planning phase and during the implementation phase including both the pre-activities and data collection phases, any instructions concerning measures of teaching, media, resources, and assessment. The writer arranges the schedule of planning action research as follows: Table 3.1 Schedule of the Research No Action Planning Time Date July August September October 1. Preparation Arrange Planning Concept 26 th Agreeing Schedule and Task 26 th Arrange Instruments 28 th Concepts of Planning 28 th 2. Action Prepare Class and media 28 th Cycle I 19 th , 25 th Cycle II 22 nd , 23 rd Cycle III 29 th , 30 th 3. Arrange Result or report of the CAR 1 th