THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Organization of the Study

the text is often more important than what on finds in it. 4 It is important to comprehend the text to get sense and purpose. From some explanation above, the writer concludes that reading is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas. By reading, we can get some specific and detailed information. Reading is not a passive activity, because when people read, their eyes move to look for what the point of the reading text. Based on the Ellen C “Reading is thinking the meaning while your eyes see the words. Your eyes can see the words as rapidly as you can think the meaning” 5 However, Reading is an active skill; it constantly involves guessing, predicting, checking, and asking oneself questions. 6 Moreover, the readers should master vocabulary semantic and grammar syntactic, they also should have “knowledge of the world.” Therefore, reading is a complex activity dependent upon the thinking and language skills of the readers. 7 It makes the teachers have challenge in teaching reading. Furthermore, Reading cannot be separated from comprehension. According to Francoise Grellet. “understanding a written text means extracting the required information from it as efficienntly as possible. A competent reader will quickly reject the irrelevant information and find what he is looking for. It is not enough to understand the gist of the text; more comprehension that is detailed is necessary.” 8 The writer concludes reading is not only looking for words, but also understanding the writer idea. 4 Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skills, Cambridge: Cambridge Universit Press, 1986, p.7 5 Ellen C Herdes and Twila L. Henderson, Learning to Read and Write New York: Holt and Winstothen Inc, p.6 6 Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skills, Cambridge: Cambridge Universit Press, 1986, p.8 7 Donald L Bouchard, Virginia D, and Janice M, Reading English As A Foreign Language , Washington: English Teaching Division Educational and Cultural Affairs International Communication Agency US, 1979, p.1 8 Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skills, Cambridge: Cambridge Universit Press, 1986, p.3