The Correlation between Students’ Attitude towards Watching English Talk Show videos on YouTube and their Listening Ability at EED of UMY Batch 2015

The Correlation between Students’ Attitude towards Watching English Talk Show videos
on YouTube and their Listening Ability at EED of UMY
Batch 2015

A Skripsi
Submitted to Faculty of Language Education as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

M. Fadhil Angda Pamungkas

Department of English Education
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The Correlation between Students’ Attitude towards Watching English Talk
Show videos on YouTube and their Listening Ability at EED of UMY Batch

Statement of Authenticity
I am a student with the following identity

: M. Fadhil Angda Pamungkas


: 20120540130

Program Study

: English Education Department


: Faculty of Language Education


: Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

I certify that mini thesis with the title ‘The Correlation between Students’
Attitude towards watching English Talk Show videos on YouTube and their
Listening Ability at EED of UMY Batch 2015’ is definitely my own work. I am
completely responsible for the content of this paper. Others opinions and findings
included in this mini thesis are quoted in accordance with ethnical standards.
Yogyakarta, August 8th 2016

M. Fadhil Angda Pamungkas

First of all, All praises be to ALLAH Subhanahu Wata’ala who give me
mercy and blessing, strength and love in accomplishing my skripsi writing.
I wish to express my sincere thanks to my beloved parents, Papa, Mama,
who are always supporting and loving me in my study and my life. I dedicate this
skripsi to you, Pap, Ma. I love you so much. I greatly thank to my beloved sisters
and brother, Sylvia Ayu Angda Raeni, Ryanne Dwi Angda Sari and Adythia Tri

Angda Ranov who are always advising and supporting me. You guys have a
graduated little brother now.
Special gratitude belongs to my beloved supervisor, Mrs. Sri Rejeki, S.Pd.,
M.Ed., Ph.D. for supporting, guiding and helping me in finishing this skripsi
writing. I also thank to my examiners, Ms. Puput and Ms. Ika for all suggestions
and valuable comments to improve my skripsi writing. I also place my thanks to
all the Lecturers of English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta, for teaching and guiding me during studying in this department. I
take this opportunity to record our sincere thanks to the entire faculty member for
their helps during my study and during my preparation of the graduation.
I present this skripsi for my beloved Abil, Dhanita May, Shautika Kholda,
Cintya Iswara, Wisnu Dwiyantoro, Latri Mardi, Anggun Selfiani, Helda Firliana
and my house mates who always support my daily needs, Sandy Listyo, Ghandi
Pandu and Dr. Sindhu thank you for your unstoppable support, this friendship and
togetherness. Thanks too for all of my beloved friends at EED academic year
2012. I also thanks to the respondents of this research. My friends in EED batch
2015. Thank you for providing me the time and valuable information.
I also place on record, my sense of gratitude to one and all who, directly
and indirectly have helped me, supported me in this venture. I am genuinely
grateful to have you all.

Yogyakarta, August 2016

M. Fadhil Angda Pamungkas

Table of Content

Cover ......................................................................................................................... i
Approval Sheet .........................................................................................................ii
Statement of Authenticity ........................................................................................ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................... iv
Table of Content ...................................................................................................... v
List of Table ......................................................................................................... viii
List of Appendices ................................................................................................... x
Abstract .................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter One ............................................................................................................. 2
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 2
Background of the Research ................................................................................2
Statement of the Problem .....................................................................................4

Limitation of the Research ...................................................................................5
Research Question ................................................................................................5
Purpose of the Research .......................................................................................6
Significance of the Research ................................................................................6
Chapter Two............................................................................................................. 8
Literature Review..................................................................................................... 8
Definition of Students’ Attitude ...........................................................................8
YouTube ...............................................................................................................9
English Talk Show Videos in YouTube .............................................................10
Characteristics of English Talk Show videos .....................................................11
Host .................................................................................................................11
Guests .............................................................................................................11
Audiences ....................................................................................................... 11

Personal experience ........................................................................................11
Listening Ability ................................................................................................13
Types of Listening Practice ................................................................................14
Interactive listening ........................................................................................14
Intensive listening ...........................................................................................15
Extensive listening..........................................................................................15

The Correlation between English talk show videos on YouTube
and Listening Ability..........................................................................................15
Conceptual Framework ......................................................................................17
Hypothesis ..........................................................................................................18
Chapter Three......................................................................................................... 19
Methodology .......................................................................................................... 19
Research Design .................................................................................................19
Data Collection Method .....................................................................................20
Population and Sample .......................................................................................21
Research Instrument ...........................................................................................22
Reliability of the instrument ...........................................................................23
Validity of the instrument ...............................................................................24
Data Analysis .....................................................................................................25
Chapter Four .......................................................................................................... 29
Findings and Discussion ........................................................................................ 29
The Students’ Attitude towards Watching English Talk Show
Videos on YouTube ...........................................................................................29
The Students’ Listening Ability at EED UMY Batch 2015 ...............................40
The Correlation between Students’ Attitude towards Watching
English Talk Show videos on YouTube and their Listening

Discussion .............................................................................................................. 42
The Students’ Attitude towards Watching English talk show
videos on YouTube ............................................................................................42
The Students’ Listening Ability in EED UMY Batch 2015...............................44

The Correlation between Students’ Attitude towards Watching
English Talk Show videos on YouTube and their Listening
Ability in EED UMY Batch 2015 ...................................................................... 44
Chapter Five ........................................................................................................... 46
Conclusion and Recommendation ......................................................................... 46
Recommendations ..............................................................................................47
References .............................................................................................................. 48
APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... 51

List of Table
Table 1. Item Scoring ............................................................................................. 23
Table 2. The Criteria of Reliability (Alpha) .......................................................... 24
Table 3. Reliability Statistics ................................................................................. 24

Table 4. The Correlation Criteria Value ................................................................ 26
Table 5. Mean Categories ...................................................................................... 27
Table 6. Listening Comprehension Level .............................................................. 27
Table 7. Statement 1 .............................................................................................. 29
Table 8. Statement 2 .............................................................................................. 30
Table 9. Statement 3 .............................................................................................. 31
Table 10. Statement 4. ........................................................................................... 31
Table 11. Statement 5. ........................................................................................... 32
Table 12. Statement 6 ............................................................................................ 32
Table 13. Statement 7 ............................................................................................ 33
Table 14. Statement 8 ............................................................................................ 34
Table 15. Statement 9 ............................................................................................ 34
Table 16. Statement 10 .......................................................................................... 35
Table 17. Statement 11 .......................................................................................... 36
Table 18. Statement 12 .......................................................................................... 36
Table 19. Statement 13 .......................................................................................... 37
Table 20. Statement 14. ......................................................................................... 38
Table 21. Statement 15 .......................................................................................... 38
Table 22. Average of Students’ Attitude towards Watching English talk show
videos on YouTube ................................................................................................ 39

Table 23. Statistics ................................................................................................. 39

Table 24. Listening Ability Result ......................................................................... 39
Table 25. Average Listening Ability ..................................................................... 40
Table 26. The Correlation between Students’ Attitude and Listening Ability of
EED UMY Batch 2015. ......................................................................................... 42

List of Appendices

Appendix 1. Expert Judgments .............................................................................. 52
Appendix 2. Table of Statements ........................................................................... 54
Appendix 3. Reliability of the Statement ............................................................... 57
Appendix 4. The Correlation between Students Attitude and Students’ Listening
Ability .................................................................................................................... 57
Appendix 5. The Data of Students’ Attitude and Listening Ability ...................... 57

YouTube is one of video online sites that famous in these days. Digital native students are
familiar with this site. There are many video categories in YouTube such as English talk show
videos. This research aims to find the students’ attitude towards watching English talk show

videos on YouTube, students’ listening ability and the correlation between students’ attitude
towards watching English talk show videos on YouTube and their listening ability. Data were
collected from 51 students from two classes of Listening and Speaking for Academic Purpose in
EED UMY. The researcher used 15 statements questionnaire to find students’ attitude towards
watching English talk show videos on YouTube. The researcher also used listening score to
measure students’ listening ability. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis processed
in SPSS version 22. Result shows that students’ attitude was in the good level (3.13) and
students’ listening ability was in the very good level (score of 83). The p-value is 0.157 and the
correlation between students’ attitude and listening ability is r=0.201 (sig 2-tailed) meaning that
this research produce null hypothesis or Ha was rejected. To sum up, there is no correlation
between students’ attitude towards watching English talk show videos on YouTube and their
listening ability at EED of UMY batch 2015.
Keywords: YouTube, students’ attitude, listening ability

Chapter One
This chapter discusses several parts. The first part talks about the background of the
research. Then, it is followed by the research question, limitation of the research and purpose of
the research. This chapter is ended by an elaboration of significance of the research.
Background of the Research

Students these days have various behaviors. They are free to spill out their feeling about
anything in various different ways. Students are sometimes reckless and having so much
attitudes in devote on social media or in their school. Al Samadani and Ibnian (2015) stated that
attitudes are divided into positive and negative attitude. In this research, the researcher need to
find out what are the students’ attitude when receiving a new media in learning such as English
talk show videos on YouTube. Students’ attitudes in watching English talk show videos on
YouTube may play an important role for their listening ability.
Many researchers like Bozorgian and Pillay (2013) mention that listening is one of the
most difficult skills to learn. Bozorgian and Pillay (2013) also stated that listening is a basic skill
for first language acquisition which is crucial for second or foreign language (ESL/EFL)
learning. Griggs (2009) added that listening is one of the most loving things that could be done
for another human being. Based on the researcher’s observation, students often said that listening
is hard to learn and they usually being passive when doing a listening test. This kind of attitude is
raising a question to the researcher, if their attitudes are correlated with the media that the
students use in learning listening and what are their attitudes if use YouTube to increasing
students’ English listening skill.

YouTube is a media that equip million videos in any genre such as music, film, and
education. Prensky (2001) defined a term named “digital native”. Digital native is the one who
already familiar with technology and the researcher believes that every digital native knows
about YouTube. Million people upload and watch video on YouTube everyday (Terantino,
2010). Beside for entertainment, YouTube could be used for educational purpose. Alwehaibi and
Abdulrahman (2013) stated that “YouTube is arguably even more useful than in other
educational contexts” (p.936).
The digital native students will be more interest in learning English by using YouTube.
They can download then learn the English video from YouTube in any genre for students’
importance in learning English. For example they can download video that shows the host
interviewing students’ favorite actor or actress on a talk show. Nejati (2010) concluded that talk
show videos on YouTube give students many advantages in learning English such as knowing
formal and informal languages, also introducing students to a daily vocabulary. Teacher can
consider this to attract students’ attention in increasing listening skill as well.
In English Education Department (EED) of UMY, it is a necessary for the students to
master listening skill. Since Bozorgian and Pillay (2013) mentioned that listening skill is hard to
learn and some students having negative perception about listening skill, the researcher need to
find out the students’ attitude towards watching English talk show videos on YouTube. By
watching these videos, the students may pay attention to pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar
and the content in the interview. By paying attention to those components, the students listening
skill may improve. After that, the students’ negative attitude about listening skill could be

In EED of UMY, there are no previous studies about the correlation of watching English
talk show videos on YouTube and listening ability. Then no fact has been revealed that YouTube
have such relations in the process of learning English at EED of UMY. Therefore the resercher
would like to have study entitled “The Correlation between Students’ Attitude towards watching
English Talk Show Videos in YouTube and Listening Ability of Students at EED of UMY Batch
2015 to enrich the students and the lecturers’ knowledge about the use of English talk show
videos for learning listening.
Statement of the Problem
Terantino (2011) stated that “YouTube is used for varying purposes, the majority of
which are not educationally relevant. For example, many people use YouTube simply as a form
of entertainment” (p.10). It is clearly seen as one of the problem when trying to use YouTube for
the educational tools. In fact, most people who browse YouTube videos is only for the
entertainment form like music, film, comedy and any other entertainment videos. Furthermore, it
is rare to see that YouTube video is used by the teachers to teach listening skill.
There is another problem which was found by the researcher in listening skill. The
teachers never use English talk show videos on YouTube as the media to teach listening skill in
the class. Besides that, students do not care about listening skill. Nunan (1997) as cited in
Bagheri and Karami (2014) found “listening is a Cinderella skill which has been ignored by
another skill such as speaking, reading and writing” (p.1387). This can be evidence that listening
skill is like unimportant skill since it is rejected by other skills. There is still a small number of
people who use YouTube as the media for improving listening skill.

Limitation of the Research
The scopes of the study are limited to the subject and object investigated. The subject of
this study is limited only on English talk show videos on YouTube such as The Ellen Show, The
Late Late Show with James Corden and Oprah Winfrey Show. The Indonesian talk show videos
like Sarah Sechan or Kick Andy are not counted as a subject in this research.
The skill that being a measurement is limited only on receptive skill like listening skill so
that the other skill such as speaking, reading and writing skill is not included as the
abilitymeasurement. The object of this study is limited only the students at EED of UMY batch
2015 from all classes. The place of this study is only on Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
major of English Education Department (EED).
Research Question
Based on the background of research above, the question of the research is as follows:
1. What are the attitudes of the EED UMY Batch 2015 students’ towards watching
English talk show videos on YouTube?
2. How is the EED UMY Batch 2015 students’ listening ability?
3. Is there any correlation between students’ attitude towards watching English talk
show videos on YouTube and their listening ability at EED UMY Batch 2015?
Purpose of the Research
Based on the research question, this particular research aimed at finding out:
1. The students’ attitude towards watching English talk show videos on YouTube at
EED UMY in academic year 2015/2016.
2. The students’ listening ability at EED UMY in academic year 2015/2016.
3. If there any correlation between students’ attitude towards watching English talk show

videos on YouTube and their listening ability at EED UMY Batch 2015.
Significance of the Research
The result of the study is expected to be used both pedagogical and theoretical
implication. In pedagogical implication, the result of this research is expected for the lecturers to
be able to expand the knowledge of lecturers in using YouTube talk show videos in order to
improve student’s listening skill. It also could give students more knowledge that YouTube
videos could also be the media for learning listening.
In theoretical implication, this study is expected to enlighten the other researchers who
want to study the YouTube videos more deeply for the importance related to teach listening. For
the researcher, could be more aware that English talk show videos on YouTube could be a media
for learning listening skill.

Chapter Two
Literature Review
Firstly, this chapter will discuss the detailed information of students’ attitude. The second
and third are the explanation about YouTube and the English talk show videos in YouTube.
Then, the next section will talk further about another variable there is listening, which talks about
the listening ability and the types of listening practice. In the last, this chapter will also elaborate
the conceptual framework and hypothesis.
Definition of Students’ Attitude
According to Chaiklin (2011) attitudes were define in two majors, there are psychological
and sociological definitions. A psychological definition refers to a verbal expression of
behavior. In sociological scope, it looks as a verbal expression as an intention to act. Chaiklin
(2011) also mentioned that people who see an attitude as a sociological form is usually view an
attitude is a “mental position with regard to a fact or state or a feeling or emotion toward a fact or
state” (Merriam Webster’s Dictionary). Beside from those majors, attitude also connected with
educational thing, Akey (2006) stated that students’ attitude play an important role in the
academic competence, which means that good atmosphere in academic, depends on the students’
attitude. Al Samadani and Ibnian (2015) also found “educators have been interested in attitudes
because of their possible impact on learning; they have long been considered an important
component of positive educational outcomes” (p.93). It means that students’ attitude and
educational form was connected.
Attitudes are usually comes from our beliefs and often based on our experiences. It is
support by the statement of Rani (2000) who noted that students’ experience in problem solving
and proposing problems in their learning atmosphere might improve their attitudes in learning.

Thus, the researcher interests to make the students’ attitude as a parameter to measure the
importance of students’ attitude towards watching English talk show videos for their listening
Many people in this recent day are already familiar with technology around them. Using
computers, laptop, smartphone and tablet to supporting their daily activities are some examples
to shown that human is getting used to technology. One of the sites that people often browse
when they use their technology is YouTube. YouTube is officially created in February 2005,
three men behind YouTube are Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. Terantino (2011)
stated that at the first, YouTube was created as a forum for people to create and share short video
clips online. One year later Google purchased YouTube for $1.65 billion. Then YouTube became
popular like now.
“YouTube offers fast and fun access to language and culture-based videos and instruction
from all over the globe” (Terantino, 2011, p.11). Terantino (2011) also mentioned that in a week
there is 51% of YouTube viewers browse YouTube, and 73% of these teens use social
networking web sites like YouTube (YouTube Fact Sheet, 2010).
Although YouTube is often used for the purpose of entertainment which is not necessarily
relevant for educational purpose but Alwehaibi and Abdulrahman (2013) argued that YouTube is
also even more useful than any other educational contexts. “YouTube can improve the process of
learning English” (Alwehaibi & Abdulrahman 2013, p.936).
YouTube could also play a major role in enhancing the process of learning when is used
by teachers to point the world of online language learning and also by structuring their lessons in
a more meaningful interactive manner (Alwehaibi & Abdulrahman, 2013). Terantino (2011)

stated that YouTube videos also provide students with an opportunity to engage meaningfully in
the target language. Students could be a part of the acquisition of the language when students
watching it.
Watching continuously also could enhance students’ capability, “Students should enjoy
their YouTube language learning videos in order to keep watching them” (Alhamami, 2013, p.7).
Alimemaj (2010) also added that learning English with YouTube could be applied in or out
English Talk Show Videos in YouTube
According to Burke (1993) as cited in Ilie (2006), in 16th century a discussion group in
one academy had been existed in Italy with the fixed membership and fixed days to hold a
meeting, the meeting means a group discussion in a television entertainment. These days we
called it as a talk show. Talk show videos also exist on YouTube. It is a good example for a
student who wants to sharpen their listening skill because talk show video is showing two or
more people who make a direct communication in a chat. Nejati (2010) added that in talk show
videos, people could find formal and informal languages, a lot of vocabulary which could be
useful for introducing students various things in English language.
Characteristics of English Talk Show videos
Ilie (2006) mentioned the characteristics features of talk show;
Host. A talk show must have a host to lead and monitor the discussion by guided and
facilitating the participants whose take a contribution in the discussion section by exchanging
information and entertaining the participants or the guest.

Guests. It is certain that a talk show also need a guest, beside the host must entertain the
audiences. Guest is a general subject for being an interviewee. The guests’ must be the one who
has a magnetic story to tell in an interview on talk show.
Audiences. Audience also plays an important role in a talk show, they stimulated the
studio atmosphere by their laughter or they contribution as a volunteer if the host asked to.
Without audience, a host must be lost without interlocutor if the guests haven’t showed up yet.
Personal experience. To turn on the conversation between the host and the guest, the
host sometimes needs to correlate the guests’ event with the host’s actual personal experience. It
is important to build a good conversation between the host and the guest.
Talk show video is one of an entertainment video. Based on the evident from Millward
Brown Digital USA (2015) it is shows that most people watch on YouTube is music video in
26%, the second is entertainment video which in 13%. Subscribers are also being a measurement
on how famous talk show video on YouTube, subscribers and viewers are two different things.
Viewers are the one who only view in some videos, while subscribers are not only view but
follow any new information, new video upload notifications from that channel, so it’s bigger
than just a viewers.
The Ellen show has the highest talk show video channel subscribers, it is 14,892,542 in
total subscribers. The late late show with James Corden is in 3,840,547 and Oprah Winfrey show
has 697,843 subscribers. The total viewers of these talk show channel is mostly more than a
million viewers. It means that talk show video is famous in a cyber society. Famous among
people does not the point of using English talk show videos as a learning media. But, the various
easy ways in learning through talk show videos could be help the students.

There are many ways to make watching English talk show videos easier, one of the
examples is using subtitles. “Using subtitles or notes during the YouTube language learning
videos will help the students to acquire the language” (Alhamami, 2013, p.8). Then random talk
show could be select in YouTube, such as the Ellen show, Oprah and many more. In a talk show,
usually the presenter invites some actors or actress for being their guest. Many of teenagers
found their favorite celebrities as the guest in talk show. It could be a weapon for attracting the
digital native student for makes a listening test more interesting to learn. They could easily
download the example of a talk show video with a guest star that they adore.
Listening Ability
As the statement from The Department for Education and Skills of the United Kingdom
(2007), it said that listening skills are important wherever you are, does not matter count in an
informal place, as a language, or numeracy. Listening is one of a basic skill in first language
acquisition. Graham (2006) who does a research in Iran’s institute, found that in Iran, the process
of the skill of listening is not emphasized although there is a wide access to listening materials
which supported with technology in the classroom such as CDs, DVD or video. Graham (2006)
also observes that continuing difficulty in developing listening skills only makes the passive
sense and less motivation bigger than ever. Based on those discoveries, it is evident that learning
listening skill is truly a crucial skill to learn. Beside that, learning listening skill need a lot of
materials to supported the activities.
“Listening comprehension has often been seen as a passive activity, because of the
contrary, an active process in which the listener must discriminate among sounds, understands
words and grammar, interpret intonation, and retain information gather long enough to interpret
it in the context or setting in which the exchange takes place” (Martinez, 2010, p.9).

In short, listening is a very intricate activity which needs a tenacious exertion. Martinez
(2010) also added that in a normal course of the day, listening is used almost four to five times as
much as reading and writing, and approximate to twice as much as speaking skill a day. It could
be imagined how complex the listening skill is.
In this research, the researcher use students’ listening achievement score in listening and
speaking for academic purposes’ class in the second semester of academic year 2015/2016. This
listening achievement score is used for correlating to the students’ attitude in watching English
talk show videos on YouTube.
Types of Listening Practice
According to Rost (2013), there are 3 types of listening practice, consists of interactive
listening, intensive listening and extensive listening. In this explanation, the researcher focuses
more on interactive listening because it is connected with this research. Here are the explanations
to elaborate.
Interactive listening. Interactive listening refers to listening in a collaborative
conversation. Collaborative conversation, in which learners interact with each other or with
native speakers, is now well established as a vital means of language development and as a
benchmark of listening performance. Its potential benefits seem to be both in forcing
comprehensible output, that is, compelling the learner to formulate ideas in the target language,
and in forcing negotiation, that is leading the learner t come to understand language that is
initially not understood.
Learners acquire new linguistic forms (syntactic structures, words, and lexical phrases) as
a product of attending to them in the communicative contexts that collaborative discourse
provides. Because learners frequently experience difficulty in producing accurate forms,

collaborative discourse provides an ideal opportunity to attend to and query target forms that are
necessary to arrive at meaning.
Intensive listening. Intensive listening refers to listening closely for precise sounds,
words, phrases, grammatical units and pragmatic units. In addition to its value in increasing
listening proficiency, intensive listening offers an avenue to language-focused learning, which is
an essential aspect of permanent language acquisition (Nation & Newton, 2009).
Extensive listening. Extensive listening refers to listening for an extended period of time,
while focusing on meaning. Extensive listening could include academic listening, also known as
listening for academic purposes and sheltered language instruction. It could also include
extended periods of listening in the target language outside of classroom settings, paralleling
what in reading instruction is referred to as ‘reading for pleasure’.
Based on these types of listening practices, the most prominent type which is correlated
with watching YouTube videos for learning English language is the intensive and extensive
listening. Intensive and extensive listening are activities which pay attention to a conversation in
hearing precise sounds, grammar and listen to an extended period of time. YouTube facilitate
many kinds of video which could be used for intensive and extensive listening activity, one of
the example is an English talk show videos. Students could pay attention to a conversation in a
talk show and may have a better understanding by watching it.
The Correlation between English talk show videos on YouTube and Listening Ability
Research findings have indicated that YouTube video could be motivates students in
learning listening and could be an effective teaching media. First research is from Martinez
(2010) who found that using videos such as YouTube could be used for motivating students in
learning listening comprehension. In this research, Martinez use feature films and assessing the

students with captioned and non-captioned films. By using films, students are interested and be
more motivated when do a listening assessment based on the film that the students have watch
Second research is from Kusumarasdyati (2004) who studied listening, viewing and
imagination movies in EFL classes. The result of the study concluded that movies or videos are
an effective teaching media to develop students’ EFL listening skill and their simultaneous
imagination. Students are enthusiastic when learning through videos, Kusumarasdyati (2004)
also suggests that videos could be utilized in teaching EFL because of their pedagogical merits.
In this research, the researcher has sharpened the variable more specific into English talk show
videos on YouTube.
Ilie (2006) explained that in English talk show videos exists the guest as a general object
for being an interviewee. In English talk show videos, guest could make students interest to
watch. Guest could be the most central magnet for students to watch English talk show videos. If
the guests who appear on the video are their favorite actor or actress, it may be more interested to
watch for the students.
Except from the video category and the guest in a talk show, a frequency in watching
English talk show videos could be count as an influence in improving students’ listening skill.
Watching English talk show videos frequently, students could often to see a different topic in
conversation. In English talk show videos, the speakers are usually using a daily conversation
which is informal and usual grammar like in chat. By watching it and try to understand the
English talk show video, it may increase students’ ability in listen to a grammar and new
vocabulary in a talk show conversation. Big frequency in watching English talk show videos
may give students a better skill in listening.

Conceptual Framework
The digital native students have already familiar with technology. They need to use
technology around them wisely and more useful. One of the examples that the digital natives
could make their browsing more useful is YouTube. Maybe logically in a day, their frequency of
browsing YouTube is bigger than just reading a book. YouTube is more attractive to them.
Consider that there are million of videos available on YouTube.
Many of those digital native students also has a fan of some celebrities, they usually
found their favorite celebrity in a talk show like Ellen show or Oprah. This talk show is usually
interviewing the guest, the conversation between the presenter and the guest could also be a good
material for students to sharpen their listening skill. Beside that, students could also saw their
favorite actor or actress there. These beneficial could be useful also for the teachers’ media to
This teaching media is useful in English language learning, one of the skills that need to
use YouTube to give a real explanation through video is listening skill. From the discovery of
several researchers, they concluded that listening is the most complex and crucial skill to learn.
There is not a simple way to transform what we heard into a work in short in length. There are a
lot of components that we need to concern when do a listening test, they are phonology,
pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary, grammar structure.
Students found the difficulty when they only listen to an audio. If they have a good
attitude about a new media like YouTube maybe it will be a good influence also for them. But if
they have negative attitude in their mind, it will be also a negative result on their income for
accepting new things. Imagining the real situation of the dialogue is one of the hardest parts too.

Based on the conversation, students who do a listening test also need to consider about the
atmosphere to understand the meaning of the conversation.
Based on the problems above, the hypothesis of the study stated as follows:
Ha: There is a correlation between students’ attitude towards watching English
talk show videos on YouTube and listening ability at EED UMY Batch 2015.
Ho: There is no correlation between students’ attitude towards watching English
talk show videos on YouTube and listening ability at EED UMY Batch 2015.

Chapter Three
This chapter discussed the methodology that the researcher used in this research. Firstly,
the research design is explained. Then, the population and sample elaborated, which mentioned
the participants of this research. In the last, this chapter elaborated the data collection and data
Research Design
The design of this research is quantitative research. Quantitative research is usually
familiar with numbers, statistics, and something apprehensive. This research is also having aims
to find the statistical number and analyzing the average of students’ attitude towards watching
English talk show videos on YouTube and students’ listening score average number. It is in line
with Muijs (2010) who defined that “quantitative research explained phenomena by collecting
numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based methods (in particular statistics)”
The research design technique used correlational research. This research purpose is to
find the correlation between students’ attitude towards watching English talk show videos on
YouTube and their listening ability, therefore correlational design technique is necessary in this
research. Based on Suryabrata (2009), “a correlation research is a discovering of the correlation
between one variable and others based on the non-manipulated variables” (p.82). The only
purpose of the correlational research is to figure out which variable that are connected each
other. Correlational research is always finding whether the variable interact each other or not.

Data Collection Method
To investigate the students’ attitude towards watching English talk show videos on
YouTube, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to students of class A & B in Speaking and
Listening for Academic Purpose’s class batch 2015 in order to get the students’ answer. The
language that is used by researcher was Indonesian for the questionnaire. The way the researcher
got participants’ answer by coming to the classes of Speaking and Listening for Academic
Purpose, and then the researcher gave the questionnaire to the respondents. The researcher gave
instruction about how to fill their identities including name, gender, student number, and how to
choose the options that available in the questionnaire before they answered the questionnaire.
After that, the respondents filled the questionnaire independently without any coercion from the
researcher or the other parts. After questionnaire had been answered by respondents, the
researcher asked them to collect the questionnaire.
The listening ability score got from 26 students from class A and 25 students from class
B batch 2015 in Speaking and Listening for Academic Purpose’s class. Then, the researcher
input the questionnaire and listening score of respondents into SPSS and Microsoft Excel. The
correlation data between students’ attitude towards watching English talk show videos on
YouTube and students’ listening ability was correlated by using SPSS version 22 and elaborated
with descriptive analysis technique.
Population and Sample
Population. The population of this research was all the second semester students of the
English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta on academic year
2015/2016. The total numbers of this population were 140 students. According to Arikunto
(2010), “population is all research objects. The research is a population research. When there are

someone wants to make research all elements in the research area, the study or research is also
being the population study or census study” (p. 173).
The researcher took population from students at EED UMY Batch 2015 because they are
digital native students. They are newly fresh students who still in the period to improve their skill
in listening. As the researcher’s observation, the 2015 students got listening and speaking for
academic purposes’ subject in the second semester. It is important to find out students’ listening
ability achievement and correlate to their attitude in watching English talk show videos on
Sample. The researcher used the method of population research, if the research subject
less than 100 is better to take all of it. Arikunto (2006) described that “sample is a part of the
population which is investigated” (p.131). Thus, it is regarded as a population research. If the
research subject is more than 100, the researcher could takes 10-15% or 20-25% from the
population (Arikunto, 2006). In this Research case, the total numbers of 2015 students are 140
which more than 100. So, the researcher only took 36% from total population as the supervisor’s
suggestion. In the end, the samples took for this research was 51 students of EED UMY batch
The sampling technique which is used by researcher is cluster random sampling.
Margono (2004) stated that this technique is used when the population was not composed of
individuals, but rather consists of individual groups or clusters. This technique is in line with this
research, because the researcher used random sampling but only picked two out of five classes in
one cluster area. These two classes were suitable for this research because class A & B have the
same lecturer in Speaking and Listening for Academic Purpose’s subject. It could be easier for
the researcher to correlate students’ attitude and their listening ability in one course.

Research Instrument
This research used questionnaire and students’ listening achievement as an instrument for
measurement. In this research, the researcher gave the question about watching English talk
show videos on YouTube interest and their frequency, to get the data and information about the
students’ attitude towards watching English talk show videos on YouTube
Questionnaire is a familiar way for the researcher to collect data. According to Arikunto
(2006), “questionnaire is the number of written questions that used to acquire information from
respondents” (p.151). Questionnaire in this research was statement about student’s watching
YouTube interest that given to the students to figure out information about how far they use
technology for their learning activity. The questionnaire consisted of 15 items of statements with
Indonesian language. The researcher decided to use Indonesian language for the statement
because it could be easier to do by the respondent.
The researcher chose columns of 1-4 scale as an indication for strongly agree, agree,
disagree and strongly disagree. The reason why the researcher only used 1-4 scale without
neutral is to avert the neutral answer from the respondent. Azwar (2009) said that neutral-middle
answer is an alternative answer to choose by the respondent, therefore the researcher wants the
respondent not to choose the alternative answer because the students’ real attitude is necessary in
this research.
Table 1. Item Scoring
Strongly Disagree/ Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS)


Disagree/ Tidak Setuju (TS)


Agree/ Setuju (S)


Strongly Agree/ Sangat Setuju (SS)


The second variable is listening ability. This variable was measured by the students’
listening score in listening and speaking for academic purposes’ subject. This subject fit with the
researchers’ data collection because the lecturer of this subject is also use a talk show video to
test the student’s listening skill. This subject was started from the second semester of the
students’ batch 2015.
Reliability of the instrument. Reliability usually refers to the firmness of the
measurement on the research data collection. The phase of the instrument measured in the same
way every time it is used and also in the same condition and subjects. It means that the result
score from research instruments are stable and persistent (Creswell, 2014). The Student Affairs
Assessment USA (2010) defined that the measurement is considered reliable if a person's score
on the same test given twice is similar. It is important to remember that reliability is not
measured, it is estimated. In short, it is repeatable of the measurement.
In this research, the reliability performed used Cronbach’s Alpha formula techniques in
SPSS version 22 for Windows. Sekaran (2000) divided the reliability indicator into three levels:

Table 2. The Criteria of Reliability (Alpha)
1. 0.8 – 1.0

0.6 – 0.799



< 0.6

Not Good

There were 15 items of questionnaire which was distributed to 51 students of EED UMY
batch 2015. The reliability of 15 items was reported in the table below.

Table 3. Reliability Statistics

N of Items

The reliability of the questionnaire is 0.870 which means it is good to be used.
Validity of the instrument. A measure may be reliable but not valid, but it could not be
valid without being reliable, it must be equal both ways. In this research, the researcher tested the
validity of the instrument by using the agreement of expert judgment. Expert judgment helped
the researcher to know whether the research instrument (questionnaire) was accepted as

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