5 example of this desire for something beyond the purely finite. It is a taste of what could be, if only it could continue beyond the boundaries of time and space. As the analogy implies, humans seek something beyond the here and now. The desire to live, and to live in the right way, for the right reasons, and with the right desires, is a holy and sacred force. Rachel leaves her father’s way as politian, she becomes a reseacher. He has passions to be a good researcher and useful for her country. Rachel desires to live in the right way. It is not thought that gets through life. It is action and what motivates and sustains action is passion, the desire to overcome hardships, pain, and suffering. Rachel is influenced by his past. He has lost her mother. Rachel previously is careless about nothing; she begins to realize that science, knowledge and research can change human life.

3.9 Discussion

The analysis of the major character in Deception Point novel by Dan Brown shows the meaning of life which is meaningful in life. The major characters shows the important part of construction the meaning of life which is in this novel based on the Sartre’s existentialism. Through Deception Point novel, Dan Brown shows the major character Rachel. In this novel he gives a good motivation to human that the life has to meaningful, each life has to goal, the goal of life has to reach whatever the goal which is impossible to reach but human should try to reach it. Human is the master who is created by the good in perfect condition more then another creatures. Rachel can reach his goal to find his meaning of life as a responsible man in the end of the novel. He has awareness to change himself in everything. It can be seen in this novel by helping Solomon. This is the motivation for us to keep doing the best for our activity in reaching our goal or finding meaning of life like Rachel action to save his friends and society. Although in the beginning of the novel Rachel is shown as less responsible man, but by the journey and his action to help other, finally Rachel can aware and become a good man. Through Deception Point novel, Dan Brown shows the existence of human is different based on their choice, act, being, which decide the existence of people, to exist human have to choose the goal of his life, that starts on his being which has sign an action that show his goal in life. Those have requirement to define his existence that is consciousness, human need consciousness to reach his goal, if he does not conscious it means that he has no existence which defines him. It implies at the major characters which has his own existence in which reach the changing. All of the activity based on what is the goal in this life. He conscious on that reach and defines himself as in his goal, Rachel is in full conscious when he gets in his existence he has to freedom to choose, That is indicate that every human have a being and also existence. He makes his own existence by his freedom to choose in his life which indicates that the people has free to choose, no one influence him to choose, and also he has to aware in choosing. Through Deception Point novel. Dan Brown shows the existence of human always gives the choice in his life everything what the choice is based on his goal at his life, the requirement of the choice must be freedom to choose, no one who influences his choice, to choose human must be aware and also has consciousness, before human choose he will face such several choice which occurs, but he must take one choice in that condition, because the choice does not think before. This phenomenon is always occurs in human existence, human will face the condition which he has to choose one of the choice directly this phenomena is called anxiety. Through Deception Point novel, Dan Brown shows the existence of human sometimes out of his ego, he can stress his ego to do something which useful for human else or society level, that is called transcendence of ego, every people has an ego, sometimes people can improve his ego in the high level when he has mind to help others, the transcendence of ego for every human has differential level, for example in Deception Point novel as the major character Rachel, can reach society level transcendence of ego by doing everything which makes them can save the condition and the existence of the society. Through Deception Point novel, Dan Brown shows the existence of human will be finished when they die human becomes essence, human starts his existence when he has reached full consciousness for existence, if he is not in consciousness it called he is in the nothingness condition for example children which does know their existence, he is not able to choose, he is in imagination old, it becomes nothingness so the existence of human start with nothingness at the first time.