3.5 Anxiety

There is condition in which human has to choose, in this condition there is one choice which want to choose but he chooses the other choice, to make clear the differentiation anxiety. The researcher analyze the major characters in Deception Point novel, Rachel begins anxiety, when should do the research and have take a risk of her life. Rachel Sexton is the estranged daughter of a Senator who is running for the Presidency. She works for the NSA and is called to the White House by the President to help be an unbiased observer to a secret prior to its release. The secret turns out to be something that could catapult NASA into the next century. But, when she and the other impartial observers discover something that is out of the ordinary they are suddenly hunted down. There is a Special Ops team that is out to kill them. On the other hand she doesn’t want break her father reputation with decision, but she needs work with NRO. It is the way Rachel to choose her life. In this Situation she becomes anxiety. In his mind there are two choices: Rachel wants her job in NRO. Another choice is Rachel doesn’t want give bad impact to her father. It is a difficult choice to decide. Finally decides to stay in her job. Those indicate the anxiety of major character. The choice will be appear with responsibility and consequences, that is anxiety when the people has chosen choice in their life

3.6 Transcendence of Ego

Transcendence of ego is the condition human does something which out of his ego, the analysis of transcendence of ego will analyze the major character that has achieved the transcendence of ego, the explanation of transcendence of ego will explain according to this analysis Transcendence of ego of the Deception Point novel comes Rachel followed President Herney out onto the glistening gangway of Air Force One. She meets the President. She work for President. Although Rachel has a relationship with Senator Sexton as the President Candidate, Rachel is Sexton’s daugter. She knows that it will give bad impact to her father in campaign. As a reseacher she decides to take a job in NRO. In this phenomenon Rachel becomes helpful because he takes his existence to take and continue her job in NRO. Rachel must ignore her relationship as Senator Sexton’s daughter . It is the out ego of Rachel who wants helps president than keeping he father name in campaign. Those show the level of out ego by Rachel. Rachel followed President Herney out onto the glistening gangway of Air Force One. As theydescended the stairs, Rachel felt the bleak March air clearing her mind. Unfortunately, clarity only made the President’s claims seem more outlandish than before. He does soomething that is needed by other people. He feels that he is a part of society and have tendency to do the best for their society as well as hero.

3.7 Nothingness

Human in nothingness is he does not begin to existence, he has no aware to choose, and to define himself. In this case human is in the nothingness condition, because he can not define himself. At this case nothing is such kind condition which people can make his existence, can make his being, Nothingness in Deception Point novel begins in the existence of Rachel, He is awoman who lives in US.she works in NRO as common person like sombedyelse. As an employe Rachel parked and crossed the manicured grounds to the main entrance, where a carved granite sign announced. She works for the NSA and is called to the White House by the President to help be an unbiased observer to a secret prior to its release. She is not involved in case anything. She is everything unsual not yet occured. She just not yet decide something important. So she is in the nothingness. Rachel hasn’t been any sense of existence to do something, in his thinking just how to get diamond and being rich. But he doesn’t act anything. So it can be concluded that he is in nothingness because he hasn’t shown his existence.

3.8 Nothingness Pathos Passion

The human self desires that which is beyond reason. Desire itself appears to be a desire for the infinite. Even the desire to propagate, according to Plato, is a kind of desire for immortality that is, we wish to live on in time through our children and their children. Erotic love itself appears as an