Drafting Revising The Strategies of Descriptive Text

C. Data and Data Source

In this research, the writer took the second grade students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat, which consists of four classes, VIII-1, VIII-2, VIII-3 and VIII-4. There are 33 students for VIII-1 and VIII-2, and 34 students for VIII-3 and VIII-4, so the total is 134 pupils. The writer took the data source from VIII-4 that consist 34 students. But when the data collecting is done in the class, there were 9 students who did not come to the school, four students were sick and five of them were absent. And then the sample that the writer used is 25 students.

D. The Instrument of the Research

1. To get the data, the writer used the test and test booklet as instrument of the research. They type of the test is guided by 13 question that cover descriptive text as describing the zoo. The test purposes to find what types of error that students make, which is categorized into four; omission, addition, formation, ordering. The question made is to help the students to organize their ideas. This test was used to find the source of errors that students made and to know the reason why the students made error in using adjective in descriptive text writing. 2. To get data, the writer also took the interview at 25 students by doing took the interview in focus group interview, where there are 5 groups in the interview, and each group consisted of 5 students. There are 9 questions for students. The interview purposes to find what source of the reason why the students made error in using adjective in descriptive text writing. The test is made by the writer. The material of the test was taken from the books and relate to the describing the zoo. .

E. Technique of Data Analysis

In doing study, it needs to analyze data after the data were collected. The writer made analyzing of the error of the students from the test which is given into tables. Each table contains one type of errors made by the student. After the tables is completed, the writer described what errors made by the students. The writer also used the data from interview to analyze causes of students’ error in using adjectives in writing descriptive text. Then the writer made conclusion based on the data that are already being analyzed. The writer used the descriptive analysis technique percentage to analyze the data. She used formula as follows: P = P: Percentage F: Frequency of error made N: Number of sample which is observedcases 45 45 Prof. Drs. Anas Sujiono, Pengantar Ilmu Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008, p. 43


A. Findings

1. Data Description

After collecting the data from the test which have been done by the second grade students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat, the writer found some errors that made by the students who encountered errors in using adjectives in their writing descriptive paragraph. Here are the data of students’ errors which are using in writing descriptive paragraph. Table 4.1 The Identification of the Errors of students 1 Paragra ph of test Identification of Error Descriptio n Error Classifica tion Explanati on Correction Cause of Error 1 The condition of the zoo is also gromed and fairly . Omission ‘Gromed’ should be replaced by ‘Groomed ’ The condition of the zoo is also groomed and fairly clean. Careless ness 1 The condition of the zoo is also gromed and fairly . Omission ‘Fairly ’ should be replaced by ‘Fairly clean’ The condition of the zoo is also groomed and fairly clean. Careless ness 2 The geese are beuutiful animals. Omission ‘Beuutiful ’ should be replaced by ‘Beautiful’ The geese are beautiful animals. Careless ness