B ing ajh

Fondation 2013
The foundation is a construction that determines the structure of a building. The foundation
serves as the support burden that was on it and determine the strength of a building.
Understanding more clearly by
Definition Foundation
The foundation is a very important element of the building, as a part of the construction of the
building that serves as the foundation of the buildings on it. and according Sonny Yoedono
Benedictus (Sonny Yoedono Benedictus blogspot) And ensure solid footing to put buildings
and building expenses continue to be distributed from top to bottom soil structure foundation
strong enough. The foundation therefore should not experience any change in position or
move, in the sense of moving horizontally or upright. The strength and robustness of the
construction of the building depends on the foundation construction. To plan a foundation
must meet the following requirements:
 The construction should be strong and sturdy to support the building above it.
 The material used for the construction of the foundation must be durable and not easily
destroyed, so hopefully when the damage occurred not because the foundation is not
 The foundation must be located on the basis of hard ground, so that the position of the
foundation is not easy to move either sideways, or rolled down.

Characteristics Foundation
To select the type of foundation that needs to be considered is whether the foundation is
suitable for a variety of conditions in the field and whether the foundation is allowed to be
settled in accordance with the schedule of work economically?
Here are the things to consider in selecting the type of foundation:

The state of foundation soil

Time and cost of work

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Fondation 2013

Sturdy, rigid and strong.

In general, the basic foundation soils have different characteristics, different parameters
affecting soil characteristics such as the influence of groundwater that would result in severe
soil volume submerged in contrast to the ground is not waterlogged soils same though. The
type of soil physical and mechanical characteristics of each give strong support different land.
Thu. A foundation must be well planned, because if the foundation is not properly planned
will be part of a larger decline than the surrounding areas (Cornellia Rimba).
There are three criteria that must be met in the design of a foundation, namely:

The foundation must be placed precisely, so it does not collapse due to outside

Pondasi should be safe from kelongsoran carrying capacity.

The foundation must be safe from excessive decline.

Types of foundation
A. Shallow Foundations
Shallow foundations are usually made near the soil
surface, the depth of the foundation established
generally less 1/3 of the width of the foundation to a
depth of less from 3 m. Shallow depth of the foundation
is not the standard rules, but it is a guideline. Basically,
the surface loading or other surface conditions will
affect the bearing capacity of shallow foundation.
Shallow foundation is usually used when the soil surface
is quite strong and rigid to support the loads imposed
where it supports the type of structure is not too heavy
and not too high, shallow foundations are generally not suitable in a weak or compressible
soil is very poor, such as soil density urug poor, shallow foundations are also not suitable for
the type of peat soil, subsoil young alluvial deposits and soil types, etc..
Types of Shallow Foundations
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Fondation 2013

Tread foundation

The foundation line or elongated foundation

Mat Foundations

B. Foundations In
The foundation is a foundation established in
the ground with a certain into which the basic
foundation bearing capacity is influenced by

structural loads and ground conditions, the
foundation is usually installed at a depth of
more than 3 m below ground surface
elevation. The foundation can be found in the
form of a pile foundation, walls or foundation
piles and caissons compensation. The foundation can be used to transfer the load to deeper
layers to achieve certain to get into the soil that supports the building so that the load power
strutur unsuitable soils near the surface of the ground can be avoided (Hendra triyatmoko).
Types of foundation:
 Pile foundation
 Foundation Piers (diaphragm walls
 Foundations Caissons (Drill Pile)
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the determin the construction in the
foundation is the strength of a building. Characteristics of the foundation that must meet the
standards of the state of the land and its location. While other types of shallow foundation
and the foundation of which the foundation.

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